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不含有毒元素的β钛合金,具有较低的弹性模量和良好的生物相容性等特点,成为近年来研究的热点。采用电弧熔炼制备Ti-18Nb-10Zr-(2, 4, 6)Cr钛合金,均匀化处理后在室温冷轧,随后在800 ℃固溶1 h后淬火。采用光学显微组织(optical microstructure, OM)和X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffractometer, XRD)分析合金显微组织与物相组成,采用维氏硬度计测试合金硬度,采用万能材料试验机进行拉伸测试。结果表明:合金固溶后均显示为单一β相。随着Cr含量的增加,合金的抗拉强度从690 MPa增加到776 MPa,维氏硬度从186增加到235。Ti-18Nb-10Zr-4Cr合金具有较高的强度(699 MPa)、较低的弹性模量(74 GPa)、良好的塑性(19%)和耐磨性,具有良好的生物应用前景。  相似文献   

研究采用钨极电弧炉熔炼Ti-35Nb-2Ta-3Zr β钛合金,采用偏光显微镜、X射线衍射仪和透射电子显微镜等试验设备,分析不同拉伸变形率下合金的微观组织结构和相转变规律.运用双辊轧机制备不同冷变形率下的合金,并进行室温拉伸等力学试验.试验结果表明:随着拉伸变形率的增加,合金会发生β→α″相转变,且合金中α″马氏体逐渐增多,增多到一定程度后保持稳定,α″马氏体的微观形貌由针状转变为粗大的片体;经过冷变形加工后,合金表现出良好的强度和塑性.  相似文献   

向Mg-Li合金中添加微量元素Al,Mn,Ca和Si,研究了合金的显微组织与力学性能.室温下合金具有良好的加工性能,能够轧制成薄板.通过金相观察可知,添加元素能够细化组织中的α相,并生成颗粒状及细条状物质,通过SEM和EDX分析可知,其为不同添加元素之间形成的化合物.室温下拉伸测试结果表明,合金具有较高的强度和延伸率,随着不同元素的逐步添加,合金强度不断提高,最终σ0.2可以提高17.06%,σb可以提高13.16%,而延伸率有所降低,但仍具有较高值,这是添加元素强化的结果.  相似文献   

Mg-Zn-Al系合金组织和力学性能   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
通过调整Mg—Zn—Al系合金中Al和Zn的含量及比例,研究了其组织和力学性能变化规律.Mg—Zn—Al系合金组织由α-Mg基体和β相(Mg17Al12)、MgZn相、T相(Mg32(Al,Zn)49)组成.AZ51合金具有最高的常温抗拉强度,但屈服强度较低:AZ95和AZ55合金同时具有较好的常温抗拉强度和屈服强度.合金元素较少的合金高温强度低,合金元素多的合金强度高,AZ95合金具有良好的高温抗拉强度和屈服强度.常温和高温下,Mg—Al—Zn合金的塑性均随合金元素的增加而降低.  相似文献   

研究了22 mm厚SP700钛合金板轧制过程中的组织演变和力学性能。结果表明:SP700钛合金板的显微组织由不连续的晶界α相和晶内针状组织组成;经过热轧和冷轧后,显微组织不均匀,由等轴组织和变形组织组成,等轴组织由等轴α相和等轴β相组成,变形组织由条状α相和变形β相组成;冷轧并退火后,显微组织十分均匀,由等轴组织组成。室温拉伸试验结果表明:SP700钛合金板冷轧后,抗拉强度达1 100 MPa以上,纵横向强度差为64 MPa,伸长率为5.0%~6.5%,塑性差为0.17%。退火后,强度降低,塑性显著提高;纵横向强度差为69 MPa,塑性差为6.84%。  相似文献   

吴永兴  王延荣 《科技信息》2012,(33):534-535,548
运用光学金相(0M)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)结合电子拉伸实验研究了0~1.5wt%Si和0—1.5wt%Sb对AZ31合金的显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:Si能够细化AZ31合金组织,但生成的Mg2Si相极易呈现汉字状形貌,降低合金的力学性能11而Sb的加入,可以改善Mg2Si的形貌,同时细化合金显微组织,有助于合金室温力学性能的提高。当AZ31合金加入0.5wt%Si和1.0wt%Sb后,力学性能达到最佳,在保证合金延伸率不变的情况下,抗拉强度达到185MPa,比AZ31合金提高了23.5%.  相似文献   

利用金相显微镜、扫描电镜、能谱分析仪、电子万能试验机等手段研究不同Al质量分数(1%、3%、5%)对Mg-1%Cu合金显微组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明:随着Al质量分数的增加,合金晶粒尺寸呈不断减小的趋势,并由块状组织转变为枝晶组织;合金抗拉强度随着Al质量分数的增加而逐渐增加,当Al质量分数为5%时,抗拉强度为207MPa;合金延伸率随着Al质量分数的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,当Al质量分数为3%时,延伸率最大,为13.59%.  相似文献   

显微组织对Fe3Al基合金的室温和高温力学性能以及抗蠕变性能有较大影响。研究表明,减少横向晶并不是提高Fe3Al合金室温塑性的最有效途径。通过加大形变量,细化显微组织可以明显改善合金的室温力学性能,但会使其高温性能下降。  相似文献   

快速凝固Ni—Ti合金显微组织的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Mg-Zn-Al系变形镁合金的显微组织和力学性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了成分基于Mg-(3-5)Zn-(1-3)Al的5种ZA系镁合金,并研究了合金在铸态和热挤压态的显微组织和力学性能.在ZA系列的铸态镁合金中,将zn含量(质量分数)固定在3%,提高Al含量,则第2相由致密的共晶相ε(Mg51Zn20)变成呈典型的离异共晶形貌的T(Mg32(Al,Zn)49)相.在ZA31基础上增加Zn含量没有引起合金显微组织中组成相发生变化,但中间相ε的体积分数增加.在280 ℃温度下的热挤压过程中,合金发生了动态再结晶,组织显著细化,且铸态组织中出现的中间相大部分溶入α-Mg基体.ZA系合金铸锭热挤压后,合金的强度和塑性均得到大幅度改善,其中合金ZA51具有最好的强度和塑性的匹配.结果表明ZA系合金具有良好的热加工性能.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜和X线衍射仪等分析研究Y对Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr铸造镁合金组织和性能的影响,并测试其室温力学性能.研究结果表明:Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr-xY(x=0,0.6%,1.2%,1.8%,质量分数)合金铸态组织主要由α-Mg和Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相组成,Y元素主要固溶在α-Mg和Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相中;合金经530℃/14h固溶处理后组织由α-Mg、残余的少量Mg12(NdaZn1-a)相以及方块状Mg24RE5相组成;固溶态合金经200℃/12h时效处理后有大量尺寸为10nm左右的β'和β”析出相生成,能有效地强化基体;随Y质量分数增加,合金室温抗拉强度和屈服强度逐渐上升,最高分别达到271 MPa和161 MPa,较基础Mg-Nd-Zn-Zr合金有较大幅度提高.  相似文献   

The effects of Sn addition(0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 3 wt%) on microstructure of Mg-4Zn-1.5Al alloy in cast and extruded states were investigated, and the mechanical properties of as-extruded Mg-4Zn-1.5Al-xSn studied. The experimental results showed that the as-cast Mg-4Zn-1.5Al alloy was composed of two phases α-Mg and Mg_(32)(Al, Zn)_(49), while Sn-containing alloys consisted of α-Mg, Mg_(32)(Al, Zn)_(49) and Mg_2Sn phases, and Mg_(32)(Al, Zn)_(49) was not detected after extruding due to that the most of them dissolved into the matrix during the homogenized treatment. The addition of Sn refined the grains of as-cast and as-extruded Mg-Zn-Al alloys obviously. It was noted that the basal texture intensity reduced with increasing Sn content significantly in as-extruded Mg-Zn-Al alloys. The tensile tests results indicated that Sn addition improve the tensile strength of the extruded alloys,while it had a harmful effect on the ductility. When the addition of Sn was 2 wt%, the ultimate tensile strength(UTS), yield strength(YS) and elongation(ε_f) of the alloy were 280 MPa, 147 MPa and 17.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

通过真空感应熔炼、金属模铸造方法制备Mg-2Ca-xGd合金,利用光学显微镜(OM)、X-射线衍射分(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)和AG-10TA型微机控制电子式万能材料试验机,对铸态的合金进行显微组织、力学性能以及断口形貌分析.结果表明:Gd含量的添加,使得晶粒得到细化,在Gd质量分数为1.5%时,细化效果最为明显,之后随着Gd含量的增加,晶粒变化不大,析出相增多;Mg-2Ca-xGd合金的抗拉强度先增加后减少,硬度随着Gd含量的增加而增加.  相似文献   

采用水冷铜坩埚磁悬浮熔炼-铜模负压吸铸法制备了(Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8)98.5Y1.5(Y=Cu、Ag)、(Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8)97Cu1.5Ag1.5中熵合金. 通过建立均匀化动力学方程,研究了均匀化温度和时间对力学性能的影响.对(Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8)98.5Y1.5(Y=Cu、Ag)、(Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8)97Cu1.5Ag1.5中熵合金分别在873、973、1 073、1 173、1 273 K进行6 h均匀化处理,研究其组织结构和压缩性能的关系.结果表明:通过施加均匀化处理使合金元素均匀分布、偏析显著减少,1 173 K均匀化处理后合金具有好的相稳定性,仍为fcc结构.在1 173 K时,(Fe63.3Mn14Si9.1Cr9.8C3.8)97Cu1.5Ag1.5中熵合金的压缩力学性能最优,其抗压强度及塑性应变分别为3 992.4 MPa和35.75%,且实验结果与均匀化扩散动力学方程计算预测相符.  相似文献   

The effect of Cr content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cr_xFeNiCu high entropy alloys(HEAs) was firstly studied by first-principles calculations.The calculated results show that the hardness of the alloys increased with the expense of its plasticity decrease,if the content of Cr in the alloy increased.In order to verify the calculated results,Cr_xFeNiCu(x=0.8,1,1.5 and 2) high entropy alloys were synthesized by vacuum induction melting in the present study.The results show that as the value of x increased from 0.8 to 2,the crystal structure changed from single phase face centered cubic(FCC) phase to a mixture of FCC and body centered cubic(BCC) phases.For the single phase FCC(x=0.8) structure,both the tensile strength and hardness values were low,which were 491.6 MPa and 322.2 HV respectively,however,the plasticity was high,reaching 33.2%.With the formation and growth of BCC phase(x=2) the tensile strength and hardness of the alloy were significantly improved,which were 872.6 MPa and 808 HV,respectively.  相似文献   

针对钨合金作为预制破片战斗部穿甲后的易碎性,研究了添加不同粒径Al2O3对95W合金微观组织与性能的影响.结果表明,随着添加的Al2O3粒径的减小,钨合金中钨颗粒的平均直径尺寸减小 获得的新型95W合金的静态抗拉强度和延伸率均低于传统95W合金,并且新型95W合金的强度和延伸率随着添加Al2O3初始粉末粒径的降低而增加 添加Al2O3初始粉末粒径的减小增大了新型95W合金的抗压强度 新型钨合金由于Al2O3的存在引发了大量初始裂纹并在承受冲击载荷时导致应力集中,微裂纹迅速连结并扩展后形成裂纹.  相似文献   

AZ31镁合金表面纳米陶瓷涂层的组织与力学性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为改善镁合金表面的耐磨性能,采用磁控溅射工艺在AZ31镁合金表面制备了纳米Al203陶瓷涂层。用XRD、SEM EDS等分析了涂层的结构和形貌,用正交试验讨论了温度、功率、时间对涂层表面硬度的影响规律。结果表明,影响纳米Al2O3膜硬度和耐磨性的因素是溅射功率和溅射时间,最佳的工艺为80 ℃,200 W,3 h。采用本工艺技术,材料表面主要为2~10 um厚、30 nm左右的粒状δ Al2O3致密层,表层硬度从基体767 MPa提高为1 360 MPa,提高了77.31%。  相似文献   

Microstructure,texture and mechanical properties of Mg-5 Zn-0.3 Y-0.2 Ce alloys with the addition of trace xCa(x=0,0.3,0.6 wt%) were systematically investigated in this work.The results revealed that more secondary eutectic phases and smaller grain size of as-cast microstructure could be found with increasing Ca content.After hot extrusion,the Ca-free alloy showed a uniformly recrystallized grain structure,while the Ca-containing alloys possessed a bimodal grain structure composed of fine dynamic recrystallized(DRXed) grains with a size of several microns and un-recrystallized coarse grains.EBSD analysis showed that the three extruded alloys had a fiber texture of(0001) basal plane aligned with the extrusion direction.Texture intensity of the DRXed region was weaker than the deformed region.The extruded alloy with the addition of 0.6 wt% Ca exhibited the highest yield strength of 321 MPa due to the smallest DRXed grain size,the deformed region with strong basal texture and dense nanosized precipitates.  相似文献   

The effect of rolling geometry on mechanical properties, microstructure, and recrystallization texture of Al-Mg-Si alloys was studied by means of tensile tests, microstructural observations, and electron backscatter diffraction measurements. The results reveal that the elongation and the average plasticity strain ratio (r) values of the T4P (pre-aging plus natural aging)-treated alloy sheet with a rolling geometry value between 1 and 3 are somewhat higher than those of the T4P-treated sheet with a rolling geometry value between 3 and 6. The deformation and recrystallization microstructures of the sheet with a rolling geometry value between 1 and 3 are more uniform than those of the sheet with a rolling geometry value between 3 and 6. The former also possesses somewhat higher surface quality. H {001}〈110〉 and Goss {110}〈001〉 orientations are the main recrystallization texture components for the former case, whereas the latter case only includes H{001}〈110〉 orientation. Texture gradients are present in the two alloy sheets. Shear texture component F on the surface of the sheet with a rolling geometry value between 3 and 6 and its higher texture gradients have revealed that non-uniform deformation occurred during cold rolling. The effects of texture on the yield strength and r value were also discussed.  相似文献   

Open cell steel foams were successfully fabricated through the powder metallurgy route using urea granules as the water leachable space holder in the present study. The influence of different amounts of phosphorus (0, 0.5wt%, 1wt%, 2wt%, and 4wt%) was investigated on the cell morphology, porosity, microstructure of cell walls, and mechanical properties of steel foams. The cell morphology and microstructure of the cell walls were evaluated using an optical microscope equipped with image processing software and a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. In addition, the compression tests were conducted on the steel foams using a universal testing machine. Based on microscopic images, the porous structure consists of spherical cells and irregularly shaped pores that are distributed in the cell walls. The results indicated that by increasing the phosphorus content, the porosity increases from 71.9% to 83.2%. The partially distributed ferrite and fine pearlite was observed in the microstructure of the cell walls, and α-Fe and Fe3P eutectic extended between the boundaries of agglomerated iron particles. Furthermore, elastic and long saw-toothed plateau regions were observed before fracture in the compressional stress–strain curves. According to the results, by increasing the phosphorus content from 0 to 4wt%, the plateau region of the stress–strain curves shifts to the right and upward. Therefore, increasing phosphorus content causes improvement in the mechanical properties of steel foams.  相似文献   

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