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This study aims to understand scientific inference for the evolutionary procedure of Continental Drift based on abductive inference, which is important for creative inference and scientific discovery during problem solving. We present the following two research problems: (1) we suggest a scientific inference procedure as well as various strategies and a criterion for choosing hypotheses over other competing or previous hypotheses; aspects of this procedure include puzzling observation, abduction, retroduction, updating, deduction, induction, and recycle; and (2) we analyze the “theory of continental drift” discovery, called the Earth science revolution, using our multistage inference procedure. Wegener’s Continental Drift hypothesis had an impact comparable to the revolution caused by Darwin’s theory of evolution in biology. Finally, the suggested inquiry inference model can provide us with a more consistent view of science and promote a deeper understanding of scientific concepts.  相似文献   

科技名词规范化工作具有深厚的历史基础和现实需要,是支撑科技创新和经济社会发展的一项基础性系统工程。当前,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我们要深刻领会“新时代”的丰富内涵,深化认识科技名词规范化工作的特殊意义,创新开展各项工作,更好肩负起新时代赋予的历史使命。  相似文献   

萨顿新人文主义科学教育观   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张劼 《自然辩证法研究》2005,21(1):97-100,104
萨顿认为,科学史的研究和学习,有助于公民科学素养的养成.可以帮助人们建构新人文主义,使科学得以理性的发展;可以培养人们对科学的信仰和科学批判精神;会告诉我们对成长中的青年应当宽容;有助于对科学知识的理解.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue against the traditional viewthat in discovery processes there is no place forrational decisions. First I argue that some historicalprocesses in which an empirical law was developed,were rational. Second, I identify some of themethodological rules that we can follow in order to berational when constructing an empirical law. Finally,I argue that people who deny that scientific discoverycan be rational do not understand the nature ofmethodological rules.  相似文献   

通常认为,模型在科学知识的组织和获得过程中起中心作用,大多数模型以某种方式表达了它们的目标系统。本文试图探讨的问题是关于模型如何表达它的目标系统。首先本文将引入模型的表达理论必须面对的两个基本问题,接下来将试图评述理论的语义观的解决方案所面临的问题及其原因,最后本文将对在何种方向上寻求模型的表达理论提出意见。  相似文献   

论可持续发展科技支撑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续发展意味着人与自然要实现动态协调,对此,现代科学和市场经济都在某种程度上形成了障碍,存在着必须要克服的局限.可持续发展科技支撑对新的激励机制和新的科学提出了本质性的要求,必须建立新的信仰体系,塑造绿色经济体,完整把握能够动态适应环境变化的新文明.  相似文献   

The remarkable transition from helpless infant to sophisticatedfive-year-old has long captured the attention of scholars interested inthe discovery of knowledge. To explain these achievements, developmentalpsychologists often compare children's discovery procedures to those ofprofessional scientists. For the child to be qualified as a ``littlescientist', however, intellectual development must be shown to derivefrom rational hypothesis selection in the face of evidence. In thepresent paper we focus on one dimension of rational theory-choice,namely, the relation between hypothesis confirmation and evidencediversity. Psychological research suggests cultural variability inappreciating evidence diversity and lack of such appreciation by youngchildren. Before reaching conclusions about the ``little scientist'thesis, however, it is essential to normatively analyze the diversityissue. We undertake such an analysis within a Bayesianperspective.  相似文献   

以敦煌文献中书籍名称的分类为基础,强调译前解读书名文化内涵的重要性,探讨译中遵循的原则及采用的策略,以及译后检验译名质量高低的标准。书籍名称翻译时应遵循“三从”原则,“从众”和“从他”针对已有译名,是对前人研究结果的尊重和认可;“从己”则针对未检索到的译名进行创译。根据书籍的类别,翻译时以音译、直译为主,辅以各种补偿手段,如回译、概译、融合译等。译后以“准确性”“可读性”和“可辨性”为译名质量检验标准,兼顾“系统性”和“统一性”。通过书名翻译,助力敦煌文献翻译,传播敦煌文化,推动敦煌学的国际对话与互动。  相似文献   

军事术语作为军事领域通用的规范化的标准用语,是军队组织开展各项军事活动的基础语言,是各级指战员深入了解和掌握军事事物、实现认知统一和密切协同的基本保证。建设信息化军队,打赢信息化战争,率先实现军事术语管理信息化是明智之举。  相似文献   

特殊性与普遍性,是哲学讨论中的基本范畴。然而不论是亚里士多德逻辑,还是西方中世纪形成的传统逻辑,都未能对"普遍性"做出清晰的逻辑刻画。现代逻辑奠基人弗雷格的研究表明,在自然语言中关于普遍性的表达是没有个体词的,而要揭示普遍性的深层逻辑结构,必须诉诸对个体词的分析,普遍性需要借助个体词来表达。只有认清个体词的逻辑性质,才能认清普遍性的性质,也才能更深刻地表达普遍性。  相似文献   

人类对物理世界中基本物质及其相互作用力的探索,正如派斯(A.Pais)教授所述,至少可以上溯到古希腊的恩培多克勒。与早期希腊自然哲学家相比,恩培多克勒对世界本原问题的解答引进了两种新的概念:比例构成的概念和作用力的概念,他的理论支配了随后两千多年西方人的物质观。下一个重大的转折发生在18世纪末至19世纪,这就是化学元素概念的确立和原子-分子学说的诞生。但派斯教授在这部著作中没有追溯得这么久远,他所讲述的,是从1895年伦琴发现X射线到1983年欧洲核子中心发现W和Z  相似文献   

牛顿在<自然哲学的数学原理>中提出的"哲学中的推理规则",不仅浓缩了牛顿时代有关科学方法论的许多内容,而且还蕴涵着在此之后有关"科学发现的逻辑"问题的历史变化的思想根源,甚至这一规则也可以作为今天"复活发现逻辑"的一个典型的科学史范例.  相似文献   

Detectives and scientists are in the business of reasoning from observations to explanations. This they often do by raising cunning questionsduring their inquiries. But to substantiate this claim we need to know how questions arise and how they are nurtured into more specific hypotheses. I shall discuss what the problem is, and then introduce the so-called interrogative model of inquiry which makes use of an explicit logic of questions. On this view, a discovery processes can be represented as a model-based game in which an inquirer subjects a source of information to a series of strategically organized questions. Strategic principles and why-questions are especially important in heuristical reasoning. Why-questions have their own peculiar nature among questions. They indicate that the inquirer's expectations are somehow disappointed, and that is cognitively challenging. In a finished argument why-questions can be omitted, but in the search for more specific questions they are highly important. As a detetective example I shall analyze Sherlock Holmes reasoning in Silver Blace, the scientific one is A.R. Wallace's discovery of the principle of natural selection. In both of these examples the meaning of questions, especially of well-chosen why-questions, of strategic principles, and of highly structured background knowledge come to the fore. Good questions frequent those who have orderly expectations, based on experience and expertise (detectives!) or highly structured background theories (scientists!).  相似文献   

地球科学数据共享   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪,随着计算机技术和网络技术的高速发展,使得人们利用网络获得各种数据成为现实,也使得地球科学数据共享成为可能。地球科学数据共享是时代的需求,为了实现地球科学数据跨系统、跨平台在不同硬件、软件平台下共享在数据层面上,必须制订地球科学数据共享的相关法规、政策,建立健全地球科学数据的采集标准、共享标准以及进行数据和用户分级;在技术层面上,需要选择适合地球科学数据特点的网络环境,以及开发处理海量异构数据的技术和元数据库,并需要确保数据的安全。  相似文献   

北魏道武帝天兴五年(公元402年),当北魏在柴壁打败后秦部队时,太史令晁崇上奏“月晕左角”的天象,并预言带角的动物将暴死。稍后,竞如晁崇所料,发生大疫,部队的数百头牛只,同日皆死于路旁。根据推算,当时绝无发生月晕左角的可能,再就事件中的人物加以分析,竞发现牛疫的发生似乎带有强烈的人为因素,而天象是被当做影响军事决策的工具。此事件突显中国古代天文与军事的密切关系,因此该文希望藉此个案,讨论中国古代星占对战争的影响。  相似文献   

Chemical elements are the bricks with which Chemistry is build. Their names had a history, but part of it is forgotten or barely known. In this article the forgotten, no more used, never used, and alternatively used names and symbols of the elements are reviewed, bringing to us some surprises and deeper knowledge about the richness of Chemistry. It should be stressed that chemical elements are important not only for chemists but for all people dealing with science. As in any other aspect of our lives, we tend to better understand something by knowing his history. By knowing them we can have a deeply understanding of how science evolves and how it is influenced by our human aspects.  相似文献   

倪钢  陈凡 《自然辩证法研究》2005,21(4):41-44,108
意义问题历来是哲学研究的重大问题.进入信息社会以来,人们对信息技术的社会作用和文化功能讨论较多,但对于信息技术与意义的关系讨论较少.本文以海德格尔的学生,美国哲学家Albert Borgmann提出的"意义退隐"思想为问题指向,通过意义理论的分析和三分法的方法论的分析,提出如下论点:信息技术引起的"意义退引"问题应该精细地分析,意义在信息时代出现了分化和转型,因此发生嬗变.  相似文献   

托马斯.库恩的世界存在论题影响深远,对其先后形成两种理解模式:传统终结论与传统延续论。反观和思考这一历史进程,深层解读库恩关于可能世界的构想(包括四种可能世界的存在与关联),尤其是范式世界中理论实体的存在方式,将使我们发现库恩在本体论上的重要学术贡献。本文将尝试性地提出如何区分和跨越词汇系统异隔的理论,试图对库恩后期理论加以改进和补救,进一步拓展库恩的理论实体存在论,为支持库恩的实在论立场提供论据。  相似文献   

本文简单回顾了反物质的研究历史,集中介绍了该领域的最新研究进展:在相对论重离子对撞机上发现的第一个反物质超氚核事件及其物理意义,最后阐述了该发现潜在的广阔应用前景.  相似文献   

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