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Infrared spectra in the region of 3 000 to 4 000 cm−1 have been measured by an FTIR spectrometer on minerals in UHP eclogites from the Bixiling and Shuanghe areas, the Dabie Mountains. It is shown that omphacite is the most important hydrous mineral (100–200 μg/g) in UHP eclogites. Garnet and quartz contain virtually no H2O or OH. Accessory mineral rutile contains a significant amount of OH (>1 000 μg/g). Coesite gives no indication of the presence of OH but apparent H2O bands. The results have considerable implications for existing forms and contents of hydroxyl in the continental deep subduction zone, the eastern Dabie Mountains.  相似文献   

This is a report of carbon isotope anomaly in marbles associated with the UHP eclogites from the Dabie Mountains. The results place constraints on the degree of crust-mantle interaction during the UHP metamorphism.  相似文献   

Two types of quartzofeldspathic inclusions hosted by omphacite and garnet were identified in the Sulu UHP eclogites. The first consists of albite, quartz, and various amounts of K-feldspar. In contrast, the second consists predominantly of K-feldspar and quartz without any albite. The presence of quartzofeldspathic inclusions within the UHP mafic eclogites indicates that partial melting occurred in deeply subducted continental crust via mica dehydration melting reactions at an early stage of rapid exhumation. Such a melting event generated hydrous Na-K-Al-Si melts. These melts infiltrated into the mafic eclogite and were captured by recrystallizing garnet or omphacite, which together followed by dehydration and crystallization to form feldspar-bearing polyphase inclusions. Formation of silicate melts within the deeply subducted continental slab not only provides an excellent medium to transport both mobile (LILE) and immobile (HFSE) elements over a large distance, but also induces effective changes in the physical properties of the UHP slab. This process could be a major factor that enhances rapid exhumation of a deeply subducted continental slab.  相似文献   

TheNorthQilianMountainsattheboundarybe-tweenGansuandQinghaiProvincesareafamousCaledo-nianplatesuturezoneinthenorthwesternChina.Thissuturezoneis80to100kmwideandextendsintheNWdirectionparalleltotheNorthQaidamUHPbeltinthesouth[1,2].Itconsistspredominantlyofophiolite,island-arccomplexandhigh-presuremetamorphicrocks[38],andshowstypicalfeaturesofPacific-type[9](orB-type)sub-ductionzone.Spatially,thehigh-pressurerockscanbesubdividedintohigh-gradeblueschistbeltandlow-gradeblueschistbelt[5,6].Th…  相似文献   

Numerous eclogite-amphibolite blocks have been found along the Mayanling fault in the northern Dabie complex. Most of the eclogites are strongly retrograded and contain garnet, rutile and the amphibole-plagioclase symplectite. The occurrence of these eclogites may have something to do with the inverted movement of the Mayanling thrust fault.  相似文献   

Some eclogites and the related high-P metamorphic belt have been found for the first time from the Tongbai Mountains, Henan Province, where the eclogites and their probable retrogressive products ——garnet amphibolites——occur as lenses in mica-schists. The fresh eclogites comprise garnet, omphacite, quartz, rutile, phengite, barroisite, etc. The compositional features of garnet and available geothermobarometers indicated that the eclogites belong to the low-T type. The mica-schists contain phengite, quartz, garnet and rutile that are also attributed to high-P assemblage. The eclogites and related high-P belt probably belong to the Early Paleozoic in age, which is distinct from the Indosinian Dabie high- and ultrahigh-P metamorphic belt.  相似文献   

Garnets in ultrahigh pressure (UHP) eclogites from Bixiling in Dabieshan were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR). The results demonstrate that all garnets contain structural water which occurs as hydroxyl (OH), with contents ranging from 164 to 2034 ppm (H2O wt.) and mostly higher than 500 ppm. Like omphacite which is another major OH-rich mineral in eclogites, garnet is an important carrier that can recycle the surface water into deep mantles. Heterogeneity of water in garnets exists not only among different samples of the same outcrop (~150 m), but also among different crystals of the same sample (~1 cm). This indicates that the mobility of fluids during UHP metamorphism is very limited (possibly on centimeter scales), and that both subduction and exhumation processes of UHP rocks are very fast.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope compositions of eclogites in Rongcheng,Eastern China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Collected from the Rongcheng region,Shandong Province,the three types of eclogites suffering the UHP (i.e.ultra-high pressure )metamorphism have obviously different oxygen isotope compositions.The eclogites occurring in regional orthogneisses and ultramafic rocks have the oxygen isotope compositions of normal eclogites in the world,but the eclogites existing in marbles are extremely enriched in ^18 O.By applying oxygen isotope geothermometry ,for the all types of exlogites,the temperature estimates of quartz-garnet pair,in principle,indicate the formation temperatures of eclogites,so that the peak-metamorphic temperatures are estimated to be averagely little higher than 800℃ ,which are consistent with the estimates by using other geothermometers according to cation partitioning between coesisting phases ,The δ^18O values of eclogitic inclusions hosted in marbles from Yangguantun,Rongcheng region ,are far higher than the values of eclogites (including eclogitic inclusions in marbles ) from the Dabieshan and other places of the Sulu,The oxygen isotope compositions of various minerals indicate that the formation temperatures of eclogites from the Rongcheng region ,in genceral ,are higher than that from the Dabieshan and the southwestern part of the Sulu ,but the dispersive temperatures estimated by different mineral pairs probably refect that the UHP eclogites from the Rongcheng region generally suffered overprinted metamorphisms during the exhumation.  相似文献   

Coesite in eclogite from the North Qaidam Mountains and its implications   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
Zhang  JianXin  Meng  FanCong  Li  JinPing  Mattinson  C.G. 《科学通报(英文版)》2009,54(6):1105-1110
Coesite provides direct evidence for ultrahigh pressure metamorphism. Although coesite has been found as inclusions in zircon in paragneiss of the north Qaidam Mountains, it has never been identified in eclogite. In this contribution, based on petrographic observations and in situ Raman microprobe spectroscopy, coesite was identified as inclusions in garnet of eclogite from the Aercituoshan, Dulan UHP metamorphic unit, north Qaidam Mountains. Coesite is partly replaced by quartz, showing a pali-sade texture. This is the first report on coesite in eclogite from the north Qaidam Mountains, and is also supported by garnet-omphacite-phengite geothermobarometry (2.7―3.25 GPa, 670―730℃). Coesite and its pseudomorphs have not been found in eclogites and associated rocks of other units of the north Qaidam Mountains. Further studies are required to confirm if all metamorphic units in the north Qaidam Mountains underwent the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism.  相似文献   

The U-Pb isotope compositions of rutile, omphacite and garnet in the eclogite from the Jinheqiao area in the Southern Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone were analyzed. The consistent high precision U-Pb age (218 ± 1.2) Ma of rutile in eclogite from the Dabie Mountains was obtained by two ways of isochron and common Pb correction based on the composition of omphacite. This proves that the omphacite in eclogite has a U/Pb ratio (m = 2.8) low enough to be used for common Pb correction in the analyses of rutile. Under the rapid cooling condition (40℃/Ma) the closure temperature for U-Pb diffusion in rutile is about 470℃. Thus, this U-Pb age of rutile proves that 218 Ma should be the cooling age of eclogite at 470℃ instead of the peak metamorphic age.  相似文献   

The Dabie-Sulu UHP rocks belt: review and prospect   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The new results in the studies of the Dabie-Sulu UHP rocks belt during the past 5 years were summarized and discussed. The discussion included the following key points: ( i ) UHP eclogite has two kinds of country rocks, with one being UHP eclogite facies rocks and the other non-UHP granitic gneiss. ( ii ) The FeTiO3 in olivine indicated exsolution at depth of 300–400 km. However, the key point is to prove the peridotite in which the FeTlO3 in olivine was found once had been subducted down that depth. ( iii ) UHP hydrous phase evidenced that fluids had taken part in the UHP metamorphism, while the meter-scale inhomogeneous distribution of O-, C-isotope indicated no fluid activity in the deep subduction environment. ( IV ) No agreement has been arrived on many problems related to the tectonic background of the UHP rocks, such as “whether or not ophiolitic rocks there exist now?”, “when did UHP metamorphism proceed?”, “what is the subdution polarity?”, etc. ( V ) How did the UHP rocks exhume from mantle depth? The future studies will focus on the following three subjects: ( i ) thermal dynamics of the UHP metamorphism, ( ii ) relationship between UHP metamorphism and collision orogeny, as well as their geodynamics, and ( iii ) interactions between crust and mantle, and between continental lithosphere and asthenosphere during the collision orogenic process, as well as their constraints to the evolution of continental lithosphere.  相似文献   

Micro-diamonds were only found ten years ago in eclogite associated with marble at Xindian in the Dabie Mountains. This paper reports our new finding of micro-diamonds not only in eclogites at Maobei in the Sulu region and at Xindian and Laoyoufang in the south part of the Dabie Mountains (South Dabie), but also in eclogites at Baizhangya and Huangweihe in the northern part of the Dabie Mountains (North Dabie) that has usually been considered not to experience ultrahigh pressure metamorphism.Except the micro-diamond at Huangweihe that was found from the artificial heavy sands of zircons used for isotopic dating, the micro-diamonds from other localities were identified in thin sections of the eclogites. Besides a few interstitial grains, most of the micro-diamond grains in thin sections occur as inclusion in garnet. Three crystals of microdiamond at Maobei in the Sulu region are sized in 120, 60 and 30 lira, respectively. Crystal forms look like octahedron and the composite of octahedron and hexahedron. The largest micro-diamond crystal comes from Xindian, which is measured to be 180 lira in diameter with distinct zonal structure and inclusions. The zonal structure occurs as an inclined octahedron inside rounded by an incomplete hexagonal girdle. A smaller micro-diamond inclusion occurs inside the central octahedron, and a larger graphite inclusion is within the outer zone. The Laoyoufang micro-diamond is partially retrograded to graphite. Micro-diamond from the Baizhangya eclogite in the ultramafic rock belt of North Dabie is an aggregate of 70 lira X 90 lira in size. All the micro-diamonds are confirmed by the Raman spectrum analysis. The occurrence of the micro-diamonds from the eclogites in the ultramafic rock belt of North Dabie demonstrates that this region was also subjected to ultrahigh pressure metamorphism as well as the South Dabie did.  相似文献   

K-feldspar quartz polycrystalline aggregates were found as sub-millimeter-size inclusions with a pseudomorph after coesite (?) in omphacites from a number of Sulu eclogites. In these aggregates, round or subhedral barites occur as tiny inclusions in either K-feldspar or quartz. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analyses show that these barites have (1) 33.86%―41.12% SO3, 0%―34.65% SrO, and 24.12%―63.55% BaO, (2) seemingly negative linear correlations between SrO and BaO, indicating that they are ideal solid solutions of barite (BaSO4) and celestite (SrSO4), and (3) highly variable Sr/Ba molar ratios ranging from 0 to 2.1. Presence of barites in the Sulu eclogites not only indicates oxidation of the subducting continental crust, but also very limited and restricted fluids pre- sented during exhumation of the Sulu UHP eclogites.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370─364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

对北大别西南部"罗田穹隆"中超高压榴辉岩进行了变质岩石学研究,发现其中含有褐帘石和氟磷灰石.褐帘石主要以包体形式产出于石榴子石中,富含稀土元素,部分已退变为绿帘石;氟磷灰石主要以包体形式产出于石榴子石中或存在于基质中,产出于石榴子石中氟磷灰石具有较高的F含量(~3 wt%),而基质中氟磷灰石大多数具有磁黄铁矿针状出溶体及相对低的F含量(~1wt%).根据石榴子石中与褐帘石、氟磷灰石共生的包体矿物组合以及氟磷灰石中较高的F含量,证明它们形成于超高压条件下.由此提出了罗田榴辉岩曾发生超高压变质作用的新证据.  相似文献   

The U-Pb isotope compositions of rutile, omphacite and garnet in the eclogite from the Jinheqiao area in the Southern Dabie ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic zone were analyzed. The consistent high precision U-Pb age (218 ±(1.2) Ma of rutile in eclogite from the Dabie Mountains was obtained by two ways of isochron and common Pb correction based on the composition of omphacite. This proves that the omphacite in eclogite has a U/Pb ratio (μ = 2.8) low enough to be used for common Pb correction in the analyses of rutile. Under the rapid cooling condition (40℃/Ma) the closure temperature for U-Pb diffusion in rutile is about 470℃. Thus, this U-Pb age of rutile proves that 218 Ma should be the cooling age of eclogite at 470℃ instead of the peak metamorphic age.  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of3He and4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9 × 10−14–24.0 × 10−14 and 0.48 × 10−7–9.42 × 10−7cm13.g−1, respectively. Values of3He/4He have a range of (1.19–4.63) × 10−7. Helium In the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

Isotopic geochemical characteristics of helium in garnet and omphacite of eclogite in the Dabie Mountains are discussed. Concentrations of 3He and 4He in garnet and omphacite are 3.9×10 -14- 24.0×10 -14 and 0.48×10 -7-9.42×10 -7cm+3·g -1, respectively. Values of 3He/ 4He have a range of (1.19-4.63)×10 -7. Helium in the eclogite is derived from both mantle and crust. Isotopic geochemical data of helium indicate that eclogite in the Dabie Mountains might be formed in depleted mantle and the age of the cologite would be Indo-China epoch.  相似文献   

This note reports the SHRIMP U-Pb data of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, western Dabie Mountains. Zircons from the rock occur mainly in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries and exhibit textures growing under metamorphic conditions. Analyses of 7 grains give 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 335 to 424 Ma, showing a certain degree of radiogenic lead loss. This suggests a minimum age of (424±5) Ma for the metamorphic zircons, as well as the high-pressure metamorphic event. The outer peripheral zone of a zircon gives 206Pb/238U age of about 300 Ma. Combined with Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ages, the peak metamorphism of the Xiongdian eclogite is documented between 424—480 Ma.  相似文献   

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