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A Brief Review of Peter B. Checkland's Contribution to Systemic Thinking   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A brief review of Peter B. Checkland's contribution to systemic thinking is presented in five parts: (i) a thumbnail sketch of his life and works; (ii) to action research; (iii) to interpretive-based systemic theory; (iv) formulation of soft systems methodology; and (v) brief reflections.  相似文献   

This festschrift paper, written in honour of Russell Ackoff, hinges on three of his characteristic approaches: the use of fables, his acceptance of messes as distinct from well-formulated problems, and his concept of idealized planning. Current thoughts of the author, dealing respectively with recursive logic, the implementation of change, and the theory of democratic organization, are attached to these hinges and among them, express his own theme as to a relativity of systems.  相似文献   

Hybrid systems are dynamical systems with interacting discrete computation and continuous physical processes, which have become more common, more indispensable, and more complicated in our modern life. Particularly, many of them are safety-critical, and therefore are required to meet a critical safety standard. Invariant generation plays a central role in the verification and synthesis of hybrid systems. In the previous work, the fourth author and his coauthors gave a necessary and sufficient condition for a semi-algebraic set being an invariant of a polynomial autonomous dynamical system, which gave a confirmative answer to the open problem. In addition, based on which a complete algorithm for generating all semi-algebraic invariants of a given polynomial autonomous hybrid system with the given shape was proposed. This paper considers how to extend their work to non-autonomous dynamical and hybrid systems. Non-autonomous dynamical and hybrid systems are with inputs, which are very common in practice; in contrast, autonomous ones are without inputs. Furthermore, the authors present a sound and complete algorithm to verify semi-algebraic invariants for non-autonomous polynomial hybrid systems. Based on which, the authors propose a sound and complete algorithm to generate all invariants with a pre-defined template.  相似文献   

个人资产合理化的灰色层次关联评判模型及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以层次分析法和灰色关联分析理论为基础 ,提出灰色层次关联分析法 .用来研究人在各个不同的生命周期 ,在进行个人资产组合时 ,对安全性、流动性和收益性的要求程度及其优先次序的安排 .分析了人在不同的生命周期 ,其投资方式的选择和组合以及如何实现个人资产结构的合理化 .本文还建立了个人资产合理化的灰色层次关联评判模型 ,该模型实用性强 ,操作简便 ,可程序化 .  相似文献   

考察斯图亚特.考夫曼等人,运用他们开发出的一套计算机模拟模型——NK模型,探究生态系统和非集中化组织是如何自发地向有序方向进化的。他们根据对一般自组织进化研究的成果,得出了一般自组织进化的优化定理,这就是自组织系统自发优化,优化的结果是共同进化的系统趋向处于有序和混沌的过渡阶段,靠近有序的一边。斯图亚特.考夫曼等人得出的一般自组织进化的优化定理具有普遍意义。  相似文献   

我国著名科学家钱学森在探索系统科学的基础科学———系统学的过程中 ,与西方科学家几乎同时提出了复杂性科学的问题 ,构建了具有与西方复杂性研究径路不甚相同的中国复杂性研究纲领 ,提出了从定性到定量的综合集成方法和综合集成研讨厅体系 ,并带领其系统学研究班的成员对几类特殊的复杂巨系统———人脑系统、人体系统、社会系统、地理系统等做了详细的研究。以钱学森为代表的中国复杂性研究者对复杂性研究的方法论提出了独到的见解 ,但在学理上还不够深入 ,取得的具体成果还不多  相似文献   

1. Introduction As an important application field of the data clustering technologies (Jain and Murty et al. 1999), text clustering is unsupervised partitioning of a collection of textual documents into self-similar groups so that any item is more similar with another item in the same group thanwith an item outside the group. Such groups are called clusters, which are run-timely formed during the clustering process, instead of being pre-defined as in the case of text categorization, which comm…  相似文献   

In the era of e-businesses, the traditional business services are greatly challenged by the ever-increasing demands from customers with various backgrounds and personalities. Large numbers of new e-businesses are driven by the needs of customers. The existing dynamics inherent in the customer needs require the corresponding dynamic management of services. Attempting to respond to customers in a rapid and intelligent way, this paper proposes a situation calculus based approach for dynamically managing e-Business services in the ubiquitous environment. By employing the formalism of the situation calculus to enable intelligence and automation, the approach can implement. the functions of service automatic composition and model verification. These functions will improve the degree of customer-orientation and enable fast responsiveness in the emerging e-service systems.  相似文献   

"复制"是一种普遍存在的现象,其表现为重复、拷贝或再造某种事物、结构或关系。这种现象在生命系统中尤为明显。通过把系统表征为由点(属性)和线(关系)所组成的网络,网络思维可以作为考察各种系统的认知工具。这种思维除了可以进行诸如还原、切出、背景化和层级化等多种表层操作以外,还具有更深层的点和线的复制。以对部分与整体、系统和环境的辨析为引导,本文首先简要回顾了鲁曼系统理论中的系统观发展史,然后以现有系统观的生命系统模式作为框架,提出把复制性作为网络思维的图式(基于点线符号的网络)及其考察的对象(系统)的基本特性,从而为利用网络思维考察各种系统提供新的理论依据和分析视角。  相似文献   

In his numerous writings C. West Churchman has shown how the systems approach can be used to secure improvements in the human condition. Specifically one must think holistically. Two concepts—exploration of opportunity costs and consideration for future generations—underline whole systems thinking. The author argues based on his own experience that these tools of the human intellect are among the most lasting contributions Churchman has made to systems thinking.  相似文献   

复杂性科学中复杂性根源的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
复杂性科学是近年来系统科学中的一朵灿烂的奇葩 .然而 ,诸如什么是复杂性根源的问题等一些基本命题仍有待解决 .事实上这些问题也阻碍着复杂性科学研究的发展 .本文在一般系统研究的范畴内 ,在原有一系列研究成果的基础上 ,探讨什么是复杂性根源的问题 .研究结果表明 :复杂性是由系统基层次之上的关系环引起和支配的 ,即系统基层次之上的关系环是复杂性的根源 .另一方面 ,2 0世纪 90年代在复杂性科学研究中异军突起的复杂适应性系统 (CAS)的发展已经在物理、化学和生物系统建模方面取得丰硕成果 ,并开始突破经济学中的某些议题 .不过 CAS概念在组织和管理领域的应用仍处于起步阶段 .照理 ,系统理论、数学和计算机科学的每一步成就都应当毫无例外地为管理科学所利用 ,组织的演化或重组最后当集中于开发内嵌优异软件包的适应性企业或事务模型之中 .文中对此表达了作者们的希冀 ,也是为了怀念许国志先生和继承许老的遗愿.  相似文献   

Several streams of cybernetic thinking lead to the notion that there may exist systems of a higher logical order than that of manmade organisation. Such systems would be autopoietic and, in principle, beyond human control. Man and his institutions would be but components of such systems. The accelerated growth of institutions and the connections between them facilitated by the IT revolution makes the realization of such systems more probable at this time. The implications for systems practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The growing importance of the service economy during the last 40 years has raised the need for new tools for designing and managing services. As a result, several authors have developed service classification systems, in order to better understand the nature of service operations and provide methods and tools to improve service efficiency and quality. This paper exploits the work resulting from service classification systems and identifies the principal attributes to be considered in service management. The tool introduced for this purpose is the Service Attribute-Process Matrix (SAPM), which uses selected results from existing service classification schemes to investigate the importance of the significant service attributes to major processes of the service life cycle.  相似文献   

One of Bela H. Banathy's most significant contributions to the systems design and research community was his initiation of systems design conversations, together with his colleagues. The purposes of this paper are: (1) To identify and classify tacit knowing, including explicit knowledge, of design conversation; (2) To identify the target audience for dissemination of such tacit knowing; and (3) To discuss the potentials and tasks for the design conversation community for making significant contributions to human betterment by disseminating its tacit knowing.  相似文献   

以传统形而上学为基础的各种上帝存在的理论性证明,都势必陷入自相矛盾的困境之中,其根源在于传统形而上学的局限性。海德格尔将上帝存在的证明从理论转向实践,这一极端矛盾的命题所蕴涵的,正是海德格尔所要揭示的人的有限生存的矛盾,由此,可以认为在他的思想中,上帝的真实意义在于,此在生存实践中的有限性与无限性之间共属一体性的矛盾展现。  相似文献   

建构人文主义的科学--贝塔朗菲的永恒魅力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥地利生物学家贝塔朗菲认为,在现代科学(特别是生物学和生命科学)发展中出现的诸多新趋势面前,近代经典科学观和还原论方法论模式受到极大的挑战。从贝氏创立一般系统论入手,分析了他批判还原论、主张整体论的方法论原则,进而分析了他针对经典科学提出的新理论新观点,最后表明贝氏科学观的最终目标是,建立开放的系统、实现人文主义的科学。  相似文献   

重庆统筹城乡教育发展对促进统筹城乡综合发展有重要意义。本文利用乌杰系统辩证学中的系统观和系统分析法,对重庆统筹城乡教育发展中的问题进行了系统深入的分析,提出了合理化建议和意见。  相似文献   

4种天然气基汽车燃料的生命周期3E评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以天然气基汽车代用燃料系统为研究对象,运用生命周期评价方法,评估用天然气生产压缩天然气、甲醇、二甲醚、柴油四种代用燃料系统的生命周期指标,从能源、环境和经济(3E)三方面评价天然气基汽车代用燃料系统;为推广能耗少,对生态环境友好,经济上可接受的能源及能源政策的制定提供依据.  相似文献   

An examination of Piaget's conception of the source, nature, development, and use of knowledge reveals that his model for the genetic development of human knowledge is cybernetic and self-organizing. Moreover, Piaget presents a model of cognition which is a reflection and extension of autopoietic biological organization; both cognitive and organic systems are seen to exhibit organizational closure and structural plasticity. An action-based intervention method, modeling embedded learning structures as cybernetic, autopoietic systems, may provide insight toward clarifying some theoretical and methodological problems of critical systems thinking.  相似文献   

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