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Protein kinase inhibitors represent an important and still emerging class of targeted therapeutic agents. Drug discovery and development strategies have explored numerous approaches to target the inhibition of protein kinase signaling. This review will highlight some of the strategies that have led to the successful clinical development of therapeutic protein kinase inhibitors, particularly as anticancer drugs. Some notable advances have been made in the development of novel protein and oligonucleotide-based biologics that target growth factor or receptor tyrosine kinases. Also, advances have been made in the rational design of small-molecule inhibitors that target unique kinase conformational forms and binding sites, and have specific kinase selectivity profiles. A review will also be given of some of the potential clinical toxicities and adverse side-effects associated with these kinase-targeted drugs. Therapeutic protein kinase inhibitors have been highly beneficial to cancer patients and offer the promise of future therapies for other diseases as well. Received 02 September 2008; received after revision 13 October 2008; accepted 15 October 2008  相似文献   

Src-family kinases are modular signaling proteins involved in a diverse array of cellular processes. All members of the Src family share the same domain organization, with modular SH3, SH2 and kinase domains followed by a C-terminal negative regulatory tail. X-ray crystallographic analyses of several Src family members have revealed critical roles for the SH3 and SH2 domains in the down-regulation of the kinase domain. This review focuses on biological, biophysical, and computational studies that reveal conformationally distinct active states within this unique kinase family. Received 10 March 2008; received after revision 17 May 2008; accepted 21 May 2008  相似文献   

The Agouti-Related Protein (AgRP) is a powerful orexigenic peptide that increases food intake when ubiquitously overexpressed or when administered centrally. AgRP-deficiency, on the other hand, leads to increased metabolic rate and a longer lifespan when mice consume a high fat diet. In humans, AgRP polymorphisms have been consistently associated with resistance to fatness in Blacks and Whites and resistance to the development of type-2 diabetes in African Blacks. Systemically administered AgRP accumulates in the liver, the adrenal gland and fat tissue while recent findings suggest that AgRP may also have inverse agonist effects, both centrally and peripherally. AgRP could thus modulate energy balance via different actions. Its absence or reduced functionality may offer a benefit both in terms of bringing about negative energy balance in obesigenic environments, as well as leading to an increased lifespan.  相似文献   

Bile acids and bile alcohols in the form of their conjugates are amphipathic end products of cholesterol metabolism with multiple physiological functions. The great variety of bile acids and bile alcohols that are present in vertebrates are tabulated. Bile salts have an enterohepatic circulation resulting from efficient vectorial transport of bile salts through the hepatocyte and the ileal enterocyte; such transport leads to the accumulation of a pool of bile salts that cycles between the liver and intestine. Bile salt anions promote lipid absorption, enhance tryptic cleavage of dietary proteins, and have antimicrobial effects. Bile salts are signaling molecules, activating nuclear receptors in the hepatocyte and ileal enterocyte, as well as an increasing number of G-protein coupled receptors. Bile acids are used therapeutically to correct deficiency states, to decrease the cholesterol saturation of bile, or to decrease the cytotoxicity of retained bile acids in cholestatic liver disease.  相似文献   

Myosin I is a non-filamentous, single-headed, actin-binding motor protein and is present in a wide range of species from yeast to man. The role of these class I myosins have been studied extensively in simple eukaryotes, showing their role in diverse processes such as actin cytoskeleton organization, cell motility, and endocytosis. Recently, studies in metazoans have begun to reveal more specialized functions of myosin I. It will be a major challenge in the future to examine the physiological functions of each class I myosin in different cell types of metazoans.  相似文献   

The spliceosome is a dynamic macromolecular machine that catalyzes pre-mRNA splicing through a mechanism controlled by several accessory proteins, including the Dim proteins. The Dim protein family is composed of two classes, Dim1 and Dim2, which share a common thioredoxin-like fold. They were originally identified for their role in cell cycle progression and have been found to interact with Prp6, an essential component of the spliceosome, which forms the bridge of U4/U6.U5-tri-snRNP. In spite of their biological and structural similarities, Dim1 and Dim2 proteins differ in many aspects. Dim1 bears distinctive structural motifs responsible for its interaction with other spliceosome components. Dim2 forms homodimers and contains specific domains required for its interactions with partners. This originality suggests that although both proteins are involved in pre-mRNA splicing, they are likely to be involved in different biological pathways. In the present article we review the structure and function of the Dim proteins.  相似文献   

Ca2+/Calmodulin-dependent Protein Kinases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article the calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases are reviewed. The primary focus is on the structure and function of this diverse family of enzymes, and the elegant regulation of their activity. Structures are compared in order to highlight the conserved architecture of their catalytic domains with respect to each other as well as protein kinase A, a prototype for kinase structure. In addition to reviewing structure and function in these enzymes, the variety of biological processes for which they play a mediating role are also examined. Finally, how the enzymes become activated in the intracellular setting is considered by exploring the reciprocal interactions that exist between calcium binding to calmodulin when interacting with the CaM-kinases.  相似文献   

The physiological state of eukaryotic cells controls nuclear trafficking of numerous cargos. For example, stress results in the inhibition of classical protein import, which is characterized by the redistribution of several transport factors. As such, importin-alpha and cellular apoptosis susceptibility protein (CAS) accumulate in nuclei of heat-shocked cells; however, the mechanisms underlying this relocation are not fully understood. We now show that heat upregulates the initial docking of importin-alpha at the nuclear envelope and stimulates the translocation of CAS into the nuclear interior. Moreover, heat exposure compromises the exit of importin-alpha from nuclei and drastically increases its retention in the nucleoplasm, whereas CAS nuclear exit and retention are less affected. Taken together, our results support the idea that heat shock regulates importin-alpha and CAS nuclear accumulation at several levels. The combination of different stress-induced changes leads to the nuclear concentration of both transport factors in heat-stressed cells.  相似文献   

Studies of the last two decades have demonstrated that sphingolipids are important signalling molecules exerting key roles in the control of fundamental biological processes including proliferation, differentiation, motility and survival. Here we review the role of bioactive sphingolipids such as ceramide, sphingosine, sphingosine 1-phosphate, ganglioside GM3, in the regulation of skeletal muscle biology. The emerging picture is in favour of a complex role of these molecules, which appear implicated in the activation of muscle resident stem cells, their proliferation and differentiation, finalized at skeletal muscle regeneration. Moreover, they are involved in the regulation of contractile properties, tissue responsiveness to insulin and muscle fiber trophism. Hopefully, this article will provide a framework for future investigation into the field, aimed at establishing whether altered sphingolipid metabolism is implicated in the onset of skeletal muscle diseases and identifying new pharmacological targets for the therapy of multiple illnesses, including muscular dystrophies and diabetes. Received 30 April 2008; received after revision 19 June 2008; accepted 14 July 2008  相似文献   

Tautomerase superfamily members have an amino-terminal proline and a β–α–β fold, and include 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT), 5-(carboxymethyl)-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase (CHMI), trans- and cis-3-chloroacrylic acid dehalogenase (CaaD and cis-CaaD, respectively), malonate semialdehyde decarboxylase (MSAD), and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), which exhibits a phenylpyruvate tautomerase (PPT) activity. Pro-1 is a base (4-OT, CHMI, the PPT activity of MIF) or an acid (CaaD, cis-CaaD, MSAD). Components of the catalytic machinery have been identified and mechanistic hypotheses formulated. Characterization of new homologues shows that these mechanisms are incomplete. 4-OT, CaaD, cis-CaaD, and MSAD also have promiscuous activities with a hydratase activity in CaaD, cis-CaaD, and MSAD, PPT activity in CaaD and cis-CaaD, and CaaD and cis-CaaD activities in 4-OT. The shared promiscuous activities provide evidence for divergent evolution from a common ancestor, give hints about mechanistic relationships, and implicate catalytic promiscuity in the emergence of new enzymes. Received 22 May 2008; received after revision 20 June 2008; accepted 02 July 2008  相似文献   

Role of full-length osteoprotegerin in tumor cell biology   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Osteoprotegerin (OPG) is a soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor family member, which potently inhibits RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis. Numerous constructs have been created for therapeutic purposes in which the heparin-binding and death homology domains of OPG were removed and the remaining peptide (amino acids 22–194) was fused to the Fc domain of human IgG1 (OPG-Fc). The administration of OPG-Fc efficiently counteracted bone loss in a variety of preclinical models of cancers. However, several in vitro studies have shown that native or recombinant full-length OPG not only neuralizes RANKL, but also the death-inducing ligand TRAIL, suggesting that OPG might potentially counteract the anti-tumor activity of TRAIL. Additional evidence suggests that full-length OPG possesses RANKL- and TRAIL-independent biological properties, mainly related to the promotion of endothelial cell survival and angiogenesis. Finally, breast tumor cells overexpressing OPG have shown increased bone metastatic potential in vivo. The relevance of these apparently conflicting findings in tumor cell biology is highlighted. Received 2 September 2008; received after revision 29 September 2008; accepted 13 October 2008  相似文献   

Physiological arousal: a role for hypothalamic systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The lateral hypothalamus (LH) has long been known as a homeostasis center of the brain that modulates feeding behavior, arousal and reward. The hypocretins (Hcrts, also called orexins) and melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) are neuropeptides produced in two intermingled populations of a few thousand neurons in the LH. The Hcrts have a prominent role in regulating the stability of arousal, since Hcrt system deficiency leads to narcolepsy. MCH is an important modulator of energy balance, as MCH system deficiency in mice leads to leanness and increased metabolism. Recently, MCH has been proposed to modulate rapid eye movement sleep in rodents. In this review, we propose a working model of the cross-talk between Hcrt and MCH circuits that may provide an arousal balance system to regulate complex goal-oriented behaviors.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q is a lipid molecule required for respiration and antioxidant protection. Q biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires nine proteins (Coq1p–Coq9p). We demonstrate in this study that Q levels are modulated during growth by its conversion from demethoxy-Q (DMQ), a late intermediate. Similar conversion was produced when cells were subjected to oxidative stress conditions. Changes in Q6/DMQ6 ratio were accompanied by changes in COQ7 gene mRNA levels encoding the protein responsible for the DMQ hydroxylation, the penultimate step in Q biosynthesis pathway. Yeast coq null mutant failed to accumulate any Q late biosynthetic intermediate. However, in coq7 mutants the addition of exogenous Q produces the DMQ synthesis. Similar effect was produced by over-expressing ABC1/COQ8. These results support the existence of a biosynthetic complex that allows the DMQ6 accumulation and suggest that Coq7p is a control point for the Q biosynthesis regulation in yeast. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Received 04 September 2008; received after revision 22 October 2008; accepted 23 October 2008  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic translation is under sophisticated control but how cells adapt its rate to constitutive loss of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is unknown. Here we show that translation is repressed in cells with the pathogenic A3243G mtDNA mutation or in mtDNA-less ρ0 cells by at least two distinct pathways, one transiently targeting elongation factor eEF-2 and the other initiation factor eIF-2α constitutively. Under conditions of exponential cell growth and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) activation, eEF-2 becomes transiently phosphorylated by an AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)-dependent pathway, especially high in mutant cells. Independent of AMPK and mTOR, eIF-2α is constitutively phosphorylated in mutant cells, likely a signature of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress response induced by the loss of oxidative phosphorylation. While the AMPK/eEF-2K/eEF-2 pathway appears to function in adaptation to physiological fluctuations in ATP levels in the mutant cells, the ER stress signified by constitutive protein synthesis inhibition through eIF-2α-mediated repression of translation initiation may have pathobiochemical consequences. Received 29 October 2008; received after revision 11 December 2008; accepted 16 December 2008  相似文献   

Rhinoviruses, which cause common cold, belong to the Picornaviridae family, small non-enveloped viruses (diameter 15-30 nm) containing a single-stranded RNA genome (about 7 kb). Over 100 different rhinoviral serotypes have been identified thus far, establishing rhinoviruses as the most diverse group of Picornaviridae. Based on receptor binding properties, rhinoviruses are divided into two classes: the major group binding to intracellular adhesion molecule-1 and the minor group binding to the very low density lipoprotein receptors. Interactions between virus and the receptor molecules cause a conformational change in the capsid, which is a prerequisite for viral uptake. Rhinoviruses trigger a chemokine response upon infection that may lead to exacerbation of the symptoms of common cold, i.e. asthma and inflammation. The following review aims to summarize the knowledge about rhinoviral infections and discusses therapeutical approaches against this almost perfectly adapted pathogen.  相似文献   

Human thyroid carcinoma XTC.UC1 cells harbor a homoplasmic frameshift mutation in the MT-ND1 subunit of respiratory complex I. When forced to use exclusively oxidative phosphorylation for energy production by inhibiting glycolysis, these cells triggered a caspase-independent cell death pathway, which was associated to a significant imbalance in glutathione homeostasis and a cleavage of the actin cytoskeleton. Overexpression of the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein significantly increased the level of endogenous reduced glutathione, thus preventing its oxidation after the metabolic stress. Furthermore, Bcl-2 completely inhibited actin cleavage and increased cell adhesion, but was unable to improve cellular viability. Similar effects were obtained when XTC.UC1 cells were incubated with exogenous glutathione. We hence propose that Bcl-2 can safeguard cytoskeletal stability through an antioxidant function. Received 28 May 2008; received after revision 8 July 2008; accepted 29 July 2008  相似文献   

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