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Resumen Se especifican las condiciones óptimas para la preparation de paredes celulares de macroconidios deFusarium culmorum, utilizando el desintegrador de Mickle y se demuestra la pureza de las preparaciones mediante su examen al microscopio de fase y electrónico.  相似文献   

The sporulation program in Bacillus subtilis ends in the formation of a highly resistant endospore that can withstand extremes of heat, mechanical disruption, ultraviolet irradiation, lytic enzymes and chemical attack. These properties are attributed mainly to the unique structure of spore coat and cortex, as well as to the physical state of the spore cytoplasm. The outermost layer of the spore, called the coat, has two morphologically distinct sublayers: an electron-dense outer coat and an electron-translucent inner coat. The coat is composed of more than 2 dozen proteins of varying size. Many coat genes and coat proteins have been isolated and characterized in detail, and studies of these have identified proteins with important roles in coat assembly, resistance and spore germination. We describe here characteristics of the coat proteins and propose a model for coat assembly based on recent work.  相似文献   

Summary A new white-spored mutant of the imperfect fungusA. niger is described. Behind the heterokaryotic heads formed with non-allelic spore colour mutants, it shows as a result of crossfeeding a uniform change of colour of the conidial heads in a band up to 4–5 mm deep. This mutation with pleiotropic effects on colour and crossfeeding occurs relatively frequently inA. niger, although it has not been reported previously.Acknowledgment. Thanks are due to Dr A. J. Clutterbuck (Department of Genetics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow) for helpful comments on this work.  相似文献   

Summary Extracts of root, stem, leaf and inflorescence ofLantana camara Linn., (Verbenaceae) inhibited exine bursting, rhizoid initiation and protonemal initiation of spores of the fernCyclosorus dentatus (Forsk.) Ching. The leaf extract was found to be qualitatively and quantitatively most potent in its inhibitory effect. Attention is drawn to the fact that further spread ofLantana camara at Mt. Abu, Rajasthan, India may lead to the complete destruction, of the sizeable pteridophytic component in this locality, the richest vegetationally in Rajasthan.  相似文献   

Summary The cyclic AMP level in germinating spores ofStreptomyces hygroscopicus rises to a maximum at outgrowth of germ tubes. Exogenous cyclic AMP results in an inverse effect on germination speed and growth.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of volatile metabolites produced by 8 Aspergilli (i.e.,Aspergillus candidus, A. chevalieri, A. flavus, A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, A. niger, A. ochraceous andA. tamarii) on spore germination were tested againstAuxarthron conjugatum, Chrysosporium pannicola, Keratinomyces ajelloi andMicrosporum gypseum. The volatile metabolites inhibited the spore germination of all the test fungi.Acknowledgment. The authors thank Professor G.P. Mishra for the use of the facilities and S.K.D. acknowledges the fellowship award by I.C.M.R. New Delhi.  相似文献   

Like eukaryotes, bacteria possess complex developmental programs that drive environmental adaptation and morphological differentiation. In some species, these morphological changes are quite elaborate and result in major changes in cell appearance, including the formation of ornate appendages. The ease with which some bacteria can be manipulated makes them highly attractive model systems for developmental analysis. In this set of reviews, we tackle the best studied of these systems, spore formation in Bacillus subtilis. Construction of a spore initiates in response to starvation, takes each cell about 8 h and is directed by a tightly controlled genetic program. First, the cell creates an internal protoplast with its own copy of the chromosome. Over the next several hours, development continues as proteins synthesized within the protoplast as well as in the surrounding cell cytoplasm coalesce into the various complex structures that comprise the spore. The resulting cell is metabolically dormant and as close to indestructible as any cell found on earth. Nonetheless, the spore retains the ability to revive almost immediately when nutrient returns to the environment. Here, we review the genetic control of spore formation, the structure and assembly of several major spore components, the process of germination, and the environmental and disease implications of spores. As these reviews document, spore formation in B. subtilis has been among the most productive systems for understanding both the broad themes and the molecular basis of development. Not only does this system continue to add to our understanding of these questions, but it provides a particularly powerful means to address the cell biological dimension of development.  相似文献   

Résumé Examen au microscope électronique à balayage (scanning) du processus de digestion des macroconidies mûres deMicrosporum cookei par le suc intestinald'Helix pomatia.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding Gilts with mouldy Corn containing 3,61 mg/kg zearalenone were tested. Ingestion of this mycotoxin by puberous Gilts blocked the sexual cycles in more than half of the animals. Uterine horns were enlarged and corpora lutea didn't regress into corpora albicantia. The presence of zearalenone in the diet of pregnant Gilts had no effect on embryonic mortality at 80 days of pregnancy, but reduced foetal weight by 26%.  相似文献   

Riassunto È stata studiata la permeabilità delle spore bacteriche al piruvato. Il piruvato penetra nelle spore soltanto a pH basso, quando la molecola del chetoacido ed i gruppi polari della superficie delle spore sono largamente indissociati. Le modificazioni della superficie, che si verificano nel corso della esposizione a pH acido, non hanno alcuna importanza nel fenomeno. Questi risultati sono messi in relazione con il fatto che il piruvato induce germinazione delle spore soltanto a pH basso e contribuiscono all'ipotesi che un agente germinante, per essere attivo, deve penetrare nella spora ed attivare i sistemi enzimatici quiescenti.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Cystin verhindertin vitro in Gegenwart von FeIII-Ionen bei sensiblen, abgeschnittenen Baumwollschösslingen eine Vergiftung durch Kulturfiltrat vonFusarium vasinfectum. Die mögliche Beteiligung von Cystin am Mechanismus der Welkeresistenz von Baumwolle wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Eine einfache Methode zur Gewinnung eines Extraktes (Pulver) von starker Monoaminoxydase-Aktivität aus Hunde- oder Kaninchennieren wird beschrieben. Differentiales Zentrifugieren und rasches Einfrieren sind die wichtigsten Schritte dieser Methode. Die enzymatische Aktivität des Präparates bleibt über mehrere Monate erhalten.

This investigation was supported in part by the United States Public Health Service, Grant H 444 (C 9) and by United States Army Grant DA-49-007-MD-429.  相似文献   

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