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张玲 《泰山学院学报》2005,27(5):110-113
语文教学即是对话教学,语文教学过程即是对话过程。语文对话教学是主体性教学;语文对话教学是民主性教学;语文对话教学是理解性教学;语文对话教学是最优化教学;对话教学不仅是一种教学方式,更是一种新的教学理念。  相似文献   

语文教学规律以客观性、稳定性、普遍性为特征,语文教学艺术则以主观性、个体性、独创性见长;语文教学规律是创造语文教学艺术的基础和依据,语文教学艺术则是把语文教学规律的潜在价值转化为现实价值的桥梁;完整意义的语文教学活动,是语文教学规律与语文教学艺术巧妙结合、辩证统一的产物。  相似文献   

生活是学生学习的源泉,让语文"回归生活",是"大语文教学观"的需要,也是新课程改革的要求.让语文教学返璞归真,语文教学须回归生活,在语文教学中联系和渗透学生的生活.文章就语文教学生活化方式提出了几点实践意见.  相似文献   

刘珺 《科技咨询导报》2014,(15):139-139
语言是人际交往的重要工具,语文课堂教学离不开语言,语言是语文教师传授知识,传递信息的主要载体之一。语文教学语言艺术与语文课堂教学效果有密切的关系,而所谓语文教学语言艺术,就是语文教师在教学过程中遵循语文教学规律和审美性原则,正确处理教学中的各种关系,把语文知识和信息正确有效地传递给学生的语言技能活动。  相似文献   

文章阐述了语文教学走进生活,学生生活进入语文的价值。结合笔者语文教学实践,从两方面对语文教学生活化、学生生活语文化进行了思考:生活中学真,生活中获能力,生活中体验情趣;日常生活习语文,班级生活习语文,社会生活习语文。语文教学行动应该向生活致敬。  相似文献   

王瑞霞 《科技资讯》2008,(1):124-124
语文在生活中应用广泛,要让学生学好语文,对语文学习产生兴趣,关键的是激发他们学习语文的兴趣。在语文教学过程中,要让学生成为学习的主体,教学要贴近学生的生活,要让他们参与到语文教学中,切实感受到语文的魅力。  相似文献   

随着高中语文教学的改革和优化,对于教学目标也有着更全面的要求.学生通过语文学习不仅应当能够掌握教学内容,还应当提高语文学习能力,从而为长远学习打下良好基础.教师是语文教学中占据主导地位,应当以更加先进长远的眼光看待语文教学,深入研究教材,促进语文教学的优化,推动学生的语文学习进步.一文多读意味着语文教学的高效率和高质量,要求教师以更严谨的态度对待语文备课和教学,引导学生全面的理解教学内容.  相似文献   

在探讨对话理论对语文教学的具体作用之前,必须对对话理论引入语文教学的适切性作深入的研究.从对话理论的来源、基本内涵和中心议题看,将其引入语文教学是可能的;从语文教学的对话性质和当前语文教学研究的现状看,其引进对话理论是必要的.除此之外,由于语文教学的特殊性,对话理论在引入过程中需要作一个理论调整,即它在语文教学中的运用是有限度的.  相似文献   

以往的语文教学只注重知识的传授,技能的训练,是在教语文课本,很少站在学生生活的高度来审视教学活动,致使语文教学成了学生生活的一种负担。因此,在语文教学中渗透学生的生活,走语文教学生活化的道路,让语文教学回归生活,应该是语文教学的返朴归真。  相似文献   

新课标要求“教师要善于激发学生的学习兴趣,创造性地开展多种形式的教学活动,努力形成教学个性”。然而初中语文教学长期采用传统教学模式,尤其是农村初中语文教学,学生更是被长期束缚在“课堂+作业”的旧教学框架中,忽视了学生创新精神和实践能力的培养,极大地压抑了学生学习语文的热情,因而学生表现出厌学的情绪。针对初中语文教学现状,必须致力于语文趣味教学研究。语文教育研究和教学实践证明:语文趣味教学可以有效的激发学生学习语文的积极性和主动性,拓展学生的创新思维,增强学生的实践能力,培养和提高学生语文素养。本论文结合初中语文教学实践,阐明了初中语文趣味教学的意义和价值,总结了关于初中语文趣味教学的一些方法和策略。通过多种途径优化语文教学,激发学生学习语文的热情,培养创新精神,全面提高学生的语文素养,形成语文实践能力。  相似文献   

Dispersed Pd nanoparticles (Pdn) have been synthesized by reducing H2PdCI4 with ethanol, and stabilized using poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP). The Pdn is applied to the glassy carbon substrate to form a thin film, and then the potential cyclic scanning at 50 mV.s^-1 from -0.25 to 1.25 V was carried out for about 30 min to form the aggregations of Pdn (Pdn^ag). FTIR spectroscopy of both transmission and reflection modes was employed to study CO adsorption on Pdn and Pdn^ag in both solidlliquid and solidlgas interfaces. It has been revealed that CO adsorption on Pdn film yields two IRbands near 1964 and 1906 cm-1, which are assigned to IR absorption of CO bonded on asymmetric and symmetric bridge sites, respectively. In contrast to the IR properties of CO adsorbed on Pdn, only species of CO bonded on asymmetric bridge sites was determined on Pdn^ag, and the direction of the IR band near 1963 cm^-1 is completely inverted. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the COB^as band near 1964 cm^-1 is measured to be 14 cm^-1 on Pdn film, while it is 24 cm^-1 on Pdn^ag film. The results of the present study demonstrated that the inverting of the IR band direction is a general phenomenon that is closely related to the interaction between nanoparticles in aggregation of Pdn.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 and temperature are altering ecosystem carbon cycling. Grasslands play an important role in regional climate change and global carbon cycle. Below-ground processes play a key role in the grassland carbon cycle because they regulate …  相似文献   

The present study aims at investigating the potential impacts of the nC60 complex with atrazine on the development of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos and chronic toxicity to D. magna. Although exposure to nC60 below 8 mg/L had no effects on the hatching rate of medaka embryos, it increased the deformity of hatched larvae. Moreover, the presence of nC60 significantly increased the hatching time of the embryos exposed to atrazine. 14-day exposure of D. magna to nC60 significantly reduced offspring production even at a concentration as low as 0.5 mg/L. This indicates that nC60 is able to reduce the ability of D. magna to produce offspring, and therefore would have an impact on population. For atrazine, no significant difference in offspring production was observed. The nC60 complex with atrazine was also found to significantly decrease the reproduction of D. magna, which was similar to the result of exposure to nC60. These results suggest that nC60 would have potential risks to aquatic organisms. Therefore, much attention should be paid to their associations with other contaminants for fullerene’s risk assessment.  相似文献   

为了探讨显微组织与形变织构的相关性,对纯铜线材运用精确的线材织构测定方法进行织构测定,采用取向分布函数法(ODF)分析了织构沿纯铜线材径向的分布.研究表明:单晶铜线材表面织构组分由〈100〉,〈112〉与〈110〉组成.由表及里〈100〉呈现增加趋势,并在中心层成为主要织构组分;〈112〉先增加后减少;〈110〉呈现减少趋势.多晶铜线材表面织构组分有〈100〉,〈111〉,〈112〉.由表及里〈100〉呈现先增加后减少;〈111〉呈现增加趋势,并在中心层与〈100〉成为主要织构组分;〈112〉先减少后增加.  相似文献   

Plants are exposed to many potentially pathogenic microbes in the environment, but each species is only susceptible to a limited number of pathogens. The broad resistance is referred to as nonhost resistance. To date, little is known about the underlying mechanism of nonhost resistance and the signaling transduction process. Here we describe a simple method for isolating Arabidopsis nonhost resistance mutants against a nonadapted bacterial pathogen. A RAP2.6 promoter-driven LUC reporter system was developed to replace the tedious bacterial growth assay during the primary screening. The RAP2.6-LUC reporter gene is normally induced by the virulent bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato but not the nonadapted bacterium P. syringae pv phaseolicola. By using this method we iso- lated 4 mutants displaying strong reporter activity in response to P. syringae pv phaseolicola, which were characterized in some details, ebsl, ebs2, ebs3, and ebs4 (enhanced bacterial susceptibility) were compromised in resistance against P. syringae pv phaseolicola and/or P. syringae pv tomato. In addition, ebs4 showed enhanced hypersensitive response to the incompatible bacterium P. syringae pv tomato (avrB). These results demonstrated that the method is suited for large scale screening for nonhost resistance mutants.  相似文献   

与产品相关的谣言影响个体对于产品的判断及购买欲望,进而波及整个供应链中产品的市场需求.考虑个体的情绪和个体对谣言的判断,将经典谣言传播模型中的免疫者R细分成为蒙蔽者R_a和清醒者R_d,两种状态的个体都知道但不传播谣言,不同的是R_a受谣言蒙蔽相信谣言不购买产品,R_d作为清醒者不相信谣言,且继续购买产品.基于系统动力学构建CISR_aR_d谣言传播模型,对模型进行稳定性证明,探讨谣言攻击对产品需求的遏制情况,并在此基础上进行了数值模拟.研究表明,与产品相关的谣言严重制约产品的市场需求,商家在应对谣言攻击时所作出的正面宣传对于产品需求的恢复有其积极意义.  相似文献   

Among entomopathogenic fungi the Entomophthor- ales plays an important role in natural control of insect pests through induction of epizootics in insect popula-tions[1—3]. Since most species of the fungal group are 4 - characteristic with their special capability of actively dis-charging conidia to favor infection and dissemination in host populations, they are ideal targets for epizootiologi-cal study, being considered as important microbial control agents. Currently, 66 species …  相似文献   

Polyoxometalate (POM) has promising antiviral activities. It shows broad-spectrum inhibiting ability, high efficiency, and low tox-icity. Experimental assays show that titanium containing polyoxotungstates have anti-influenza-virus activity. In this paper, the bind-ing mechanisms of five isomers of di-Ti-substituted polyoxotungstate, [α-1,2-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,2), [α-1,6-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,6), [α-1,5-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,5), [α-1,4-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,4) and [α-1,11-PTi2W10O40]7– (α-1,11), to five subtypes of influenza virus A neuraminidase (FluV-A NA) were investigated in the context of aqueous solution by using molecular docking and molecular dynamics studies. The results show that the isomer α-1,2 is superior to other isomers as a potential inhibitor to neuraminidase. The positively charged arginine residues around the active site of NA could be induced by negatively charged POM to adapt themselves and could form salt bridge interactions and hydrogen bond interactions with POM. The binding free energies of POM/NA complexes range from –5.36 to –8.31 kcal mol–1. The electrostatic interactions are found to be the driving force during the binding process of POM to NA. The conformational analysis shows that POM tends to bind primarily with N1 and N8 at the edge of the active pocket, which causes the conformational change of the pincers structure comprising residue 347 and loop 150. Whereas, the active pockets of N2, N9 and N4 are found to be more spacious, which allows POM to enter into the active pockets directly and anchor there firmly. This study shows that negatively charged ligand as POM could induce the reorganization of the active site of NA and highlights POM as a promising inhibitor to NA despite the ever increasing mutants of NA.  相似文献   

The ATP in roots and xylem sap of two woody plant species, Platycladus orientalis and Acacia auriculiformis, subjected to rapid and slow soil drying has been determined employing firefly luciferase ATP assay method (sensitivity is at 10-12 mol ATP L-1). The ATP levels in the two species were 1.6 nmol·gDW-1 and 0.6 nmol·gDW-1 in roots, and 5.6 μmol·m-3 and 8 μmol ·m-3 in xylem sap, respectively. When plants of P. orientalis and A. auriculiformis were subjected to rapid soil drying, respectively, as soil water content (SWC) decreased from the normal level ( 0. 25 g ·gDW-1) to 0. 02 and 0. 06 g ·gDW-1, separately, plant water potential ( ) dropped to -4 and -3.2 MPa, differently, the ATP in roots decreased 99.7% and 42%, respectively . When the rapidly dried soil was watered for up to 6 d, SWC and were found to recover to their normal levels, but ATP content in roots of P. orientalis and A. auriculiformis recovered by 10% and 23%, respectively. When plants of P. orientalis and A. auriculiformis were subjected to slow soil drying, respectively, as SWC was found to decrease from the normal level to 0.1 and 0.13 g·gDW-1, separately, dropped to - 2.5 and - 2 MPa, differently, the ATP content in roots decreased 98% and 38%, respectively. When the slowly dried soil was watered for up to 8 d, ATP levels in roots of P. orientalis and A, auriculiformis recovered by 30% and 24%, respectively. However, ATP concentrations in xylem sap were not directly influenced by either SWC or . The plot dots of xylem sap ATP concentration versus root ATP content were found to be distributed diagonally. It is concluded that ATP in roots is more sensitive in response to SWC changes than that to and root-sourced ATP is a source of that in xylem sap. When plants are subjected to slow soil drying, the ATP levels in both root and xylem sap are higher than that to rapid soil drying.  相似文献   

It is essential for validation and improvement of a dust production model to perform field observations on dust emissions. The dust production model (DPM model) consists of two physically explicit sub-models, namely saltation model [1, 2] (eq. (1)) and sandblasting model [3] (eqs. (2) and (3)). Fh is saltation flux, E is fraction of erodible surface, C is a dimensional constant, ρa is air density, g is gravitational acceleration, U* is the wind friction velocity, Ut*(Dp) is threshold frict…  相似文献   

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