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终于放假啦!在这个漫长的假期中,可别让自己总闷在家里。出去旅游怎么样?这次咱就去非洲,在刚果国家公园和杀人狂鳄一起潜水,在马赛马拉的帐篷营地里跟猛兽同眠……你也许觉得这样的旅行很疯狂,没错,它会让你感到前所未有的兴奋!为了给你这一辈子中最伟大的旅行提供帮助,你大奇决定带上那个大学还没毕业的阿亮勇闯非洲,为大家奉上最最精彩的旅行指南!!迎接我们的会是什么呢?  相似文献   

在科幻影片里,如果出现这样的情节一定不会让你感到陌生:一座城市神秘地消失了,或者一座岛屿离奇地不见了。今天,我们则要去看一个神秘消失了的湖泊。不过,这可不是在看电影,它就发生在  相似文献   

正一只蜘蛛住在笛子里。有一件事让它感到很奇怪:经常有一阵一阵的凉风吹过来,把它的网吹破了一次又一次。每次,伴着那阵凉风都会有一阵悠扬的乐曲响起来。蜘蛛决定把这事儿弄明白,它小心地把头从笛子里探出来。墙壁上的一只壁虎看见了它,羡慕地说:"蜘蛛啊,你真幸运!""我有什么幸运的?"蜘蛛没好气地说。地上有一只蟋蟀也说:"你住在笛子里就是幸运啊,你每天都可以欣赏  相似文献   

日立哲学:和、诚、开拓 世界名牌企业日立制作所的经营哲学就是“和、诚、开拓”三位一体的日立精神。所谓“和之精神”,指在自由坦率讨论的基础上,全体员工向着同一目标迈进。一位日本学者曾风趣地说:“你想知道日立是怎么获得成功的吗?那么去看看他们的会议桌吧”。日立会议桌的确深藏奥秘——它是圆形的。这就使参会者人人平等,无论你坐在哪儿,都不会感到低  相似文献   

冬日 《青年科学》2008,(11):51-51
不少幼犬在刚到新家的第一天夜里,经常会不停地吠叫。有人逗它玩或守在旁边时还好,可一旦让它独自呆着,或主人关灯睡觉时,它就开始吠叫起来,主人一走过去,它就会停止吠叫。反反复复,吵得你整夜无法入睡,还惊扰了邻居。幼犬吠叫的原因主要是刚到一个陌生的环境而产生恐惧感,或者是感到寂寞孤独。  相似文献   

正一个古老而神奇的国度,不论你是醉心在天竺的佛国传奇,还是沉迷于泰姬的爱情故事,这里都能让你感到一份别样的南亚风情。  相似文献   

s你看过印度宝莱坞浪漫影片吗?妖艳妩媚的印度少女,身着沙丽,在青山碧海之间与情郎追逐嬉戏。那沙丽时而伴着欢歌笑语,随风飘荡出万种风情;时而被海浪浸透,让少女的曲线暴露无遗;时而又穿花拂柳,与大自然的色彩争奇斗艳。令我感到特别惊奇的是,一段简简单单的彩绸,不缝不缀,在身上盘来绕去,竟能变幻出万般花样,成为千年时尚,常盛不衰。在我看来,它的迷人之处在于它看似复杂刻意,其实却简单随意。不论你是高、是矮,是胖、是瘦,沙丽都适合你。它既能帮你掩饰缺憾,又能助你凸显优点;它既能从头到脚包裹全身,又能充分显露出体现女性美的身体部位…  相似文献   

冬日,当黎明来到大地的时候,你信步走到野外,百鸟欢歌一定会让你感到精神振奋.大多数的鸟类在清晨有一个鸣叫高峰,虽然鸣叫声调很不一样,但大意都是唤醒同类.灌丛中有这样一种声音:"咄咄咄咄"咄咄咄咄"……这是数十只鸟儿共同的呼唤,这声音时起时落,听起来十分有趣.如果你走进灌丛,你会看到一群小巧玲珑的鸟儿,全身红棕色,在灌丛中上下跳跃.它的名字叫  相似文献   

想让你的力气大得令你的朋友们赞叹吗?快请来你的朋友,让他们提起一袋装满石头的沉重口袋,他们会感到很困难,但你却能轻易地提起来了,惊讶吧.这只需借助水的帮助。[第一段]  相似文献   

成熟的皮肤,对肌肤保养有着特殊的需要,松弛、细纹、没有光泽……现在,美容专家告诉你,如何运用卓有成效的改善之道,各个击破,让你——也许你40岁才会感到岁月不饶人,其实你不知道,身体的细胞从25岁就开始衰老了,并随着年龄的增长,这一衰老过程会加速,其中也包括皮肤。皮肤是一个活的器官,拥有自我保护再生机制,但年龄、环境、生活方式、气候变化、压力、吸烟、疲劳……都会影响它,它的功能会下降,并出现老化痕迹。  相似文献   

The type of pinion and rack vertical shiplifts has been developed in recent a couple of years in the construction of dams. But the design methods and methodologies have rarely been discussed in literature. The Xiangjiaba shiplift is the second shiplift of this type following the Three Gorges shiplift. Being aimed at the technological rationality of the design in synthetically considering security, economy and applicability, this paper presents the research results of some vital issues relating the design of the Xiangjiaba shiplift, including the determination of design water depth of ship chamber based on fluid numeral computation and physical model test, the optimum design of general layout of main equipments and the civil structure of the Xiangjiaba shiplift, the finite element method (FEM) analysis of stress, vibration modes and the buckling of ship chamber, antiseismic research and the design of structures and mechanisms of the shiplift and the optimum design of driving mechanisms. This research provides the theoretical basis for the design of the Xiangjiaba shiplift. The design principles and research methods are valuable for the design of the same type of shiplifts.  相似文献   

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is performing direct searches for top-quark anomalous flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. However, these processes may be correlated closely with the low-energy rare B and K meson decays. In this paper, we review the anomalous top-quark coupling effects in these low-energy flavor transitions, summarize the flavor constraints and discuss their implications for direct detection of top-FCNC processes at the Large Hadron Collider.  相似文献   

Terahertz(THz) frequency region, defined from0.1 to 10 THz, is an important frequency band for radio astronomy and atmospheric science. As NbN Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor(SIS) mixers used for terahertz detection, which are studied by the Purple Mountain Observatory(PMO), Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), work at 8–10 K, and require condition of micro vibrations, its astronomical observation in aerospace is limited by suitable refrigeration method. 4 K high frequency pulse tube cryocooler developed by Key Laboratory of Space Energy Conversion Technologies(SECT), Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry(TIPC), CAS, offers an opportunity for the application of SIS mixers. This article introduces the progress of the two-stage high frequency pulse tube cryocooler researched by TIPC. The cryocooler has reached a no load temperature of 4.5 K which is the lowest temperature for this kind of cryocooler reported so far. The successful coupling between the THz component and the high frequency pulse tube cryocooler lays a solid foundation for space detection in the terahertz band.  相似文献   

Strong disturbances associated with auroral substorms originate from the ionosphere-magnetosphere owing to the effects of the solar wind, and the wind field in the ionosphere is related to such substorm activity. Here, we describe the analysis of four auroral substorm events, for which we employed an all-sky Fabry-Perot interferometer to observe the two-dimensional horizontal wind field and combined the results with data from an all-sky charge-coupled device imager, a fluxgate magnetometer installed at Yellow River Station, and the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network. The results demonstrate that, during auroral substorms, the vector wind field is related closely to variations in the ion drift and geomagnetic field. Moreover, we observed a changing wind field of approximately 300 rn/s in response to variations in the electric and magnetic fields (likely caused by ion drag) and a disturbance of about 200 m/s that we attribute to the interaction of Joule heating and ion drag.  相似文献   

To evaluate gambiered Guangdong silk's ecology properties, the raw materials ecology, production ecology and use ecology are analyzed; and the safety to human is tested according to GB/T18885 - 2002. Gambiered Guangdong silk is a kind of natural product. All its raw materials are reproducible and degradable natural resources, and it can decompose completely when being discarded. R is comfortable to wear, and easy to clean and dry. It is mainly manufactured by dip-dyeing in dye yam solution, and insolating under the burning sun. The production energy is solar, a kind of clean and reproducible energy. The production process is clean and environmental friendly. There is neither the utilization of synthetic dyestuff and chemical auxiliary, nor the discharge of environment pollutant, and even the dreg of dye yam is used as fuel. The safety test results show that pH value of water extract, heavy metal content (except for Pb content), color fastness and odor meet the requirements of GB/T18885 - 2002 and Okeo-tex standard 100.  相似文献   

The key technologies of precision blasting were put forward based on the characteristics of urban via- duct blasting demolition in complicated surroundings. Initial bending instability mechanics model of reinforcing steel bar frame of blasting fragmented pier and sequenced collapsed dynamic model were established for quanti- tative blasting design. Technologies of water pressure blasting were applied in multi-cell box girder fragmenta- tion. The detonating network of non-electric duplication crossover was adopted for the safety and reliability of ultra-long delay. The rationality of blasting scheme and parameters were validated by physical model test. Harm- ful effects were forecasted and controlled by integrated protective technologies. Specialization, cooperation, pre- cision, execution (SCPE) project management method was put forward for precision management. The key tech- nologies of precision demolition blasting can provide reference for similar proiects.  相似文献   

Lotus-type porous copper was fabricated by unidirectional solidification, and compressive experiments were subsequently conducted in the strain rate range of 10-3–2400 s-1 with the compressive direction parallel to the pores. A GLEEBLE-1500 thermal-mechanical simulation system and a split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) were used to investigate the effect of strain rate on the compressive deformation behaviors of lotus-type porous copper. The influence mechanism of strain rate was also analyzed by the strain-controlling method and by high-speed photography. The results indicated that the stress-strain curves of lotus-typed porous copper consist of a linear elastic stage, a plateau stage, and a densification stage at various strain rates. At low strain rate (< 1.0 s-1), the strain rate had little influence on the stress-strain curves; but when the strain rate exceeded 1.0 s-1, it was observed to strongly affect the plateau stage, showing obvious strain-rate-hardening characteristics. Strain rate also influenced the densification initial strain. The densification initial strain at high strain rate was less than that at low strain rate. No visible inhomogeneous deformation caused by shockwaves was observed in lotus-type porous copper during high-strain-rate deformation. However, at high strain rate, the bending deformation characteristics of the pore walls obviously differed from those at low strain rate, which was the main mechanism by which the plateau stress exhibited strain-rate sensitivity when the strain rate exceeded a certain value and exhibited less densification initial strain at high strain rate.  相似文献   

An 18-year long (1993-2011) comprehensive dataset of snow and meteorological variables from Col de Porte, France is used to analyze the variation of shortwave broadband albedo with elapsed time after snowfalls (snow aging) during each snow season. The effects of air temperature, snow surface temperature and snow depth on snow albedo are investigated. An index based on the accumulation of air temperature over several consecutive days with daily mean higher than 2.5 ℃ is proposed to divide each snow-covered period into a dry and the following wet snow season when this index reaches 18 ℃. The results indicate that snow surface albedo decreases exponentially with time in both dry and wet snow seasons. Snow albedo reduction with snow aging is small at low surface temperature and the reduction rate increases with the rise of surface temperature. However, the reduction rate is widely scattered within the observed range of temperature, implying a loose relationship between snow albedo and snow surface temperature. Snow albedo in wet snow season is generally smaller and decreases faster than in dry snow season. For Col de Porte site, snow depths to effectively mask the underlying surface are 21 and 33 cm in dry and wet snow season respectively.  相似文献   

孙宝凤 《科技信息》2009,(19):150-151
In the process of social linguistic communication, due to the different circumstances and conditions, people can not express certain things clearly in a direct way when they come across something painful, unpleasant, disgusted and even embarrassing. Instead, they have to use some vague, implicit, mild and euphemistic expressions, so as to achieve the purpose of expressing feelings and exchanging ideas and thoughts in an appropriate and light atmosphere. This paper tries to deal with the application of euphemisms in various fields, thereby reveal some main functions of euphemism, i.e. avoidance function, politeness function, gloss-over function and disguise function.  相似文献   

The Luobusa Ophiolite,Southern Tibet,lies in the eastern portion of Indus–Yarlung Zangbo suture zone that separates Eurasia from the Indian continent.An aeromagnetic reconnaissance survey has revealed an EWtrending Yarlung Zangbo River aeromagnetic anomaly zone,and it is considered to be caused mainly by the Indus–Yarlung Zangbo Ophiolite.The Luobusa Ophiolite reflects the eastern portion of the Yarlung Zangbo River aeromagnetic anomaly zone.Conventionally,the ultramafic rock in the Luobusa Ophiolite is considered as the origin of the high magnetic anomalies.However,results from the surface magnetic survey and the magnetic susceptibility measurements from drill cores indicate that the high magnetic anomalies are distributed inhomogeneously in the Luobusa Ophiolite.In some cases,the susceptibility exhibits more than 30 times difference between two sides of the same sample.A fact emerged that the susceptibility of dunite with serpentinization is higher than that of fresh dunite,harzburgite and chromite when we analyzed the measurement results.In order to understand the origin of the high magnetic anomalies,we measured the density and susceptibility of 17 samples,microscopic and electron probe analyses have been performed as well.The result indicates the presence of dunite with serpentinization containing an abundant of micro-fissures filled with magnetite.Olivine has a susceptibility of about 2.7–351(910-5SI),pyroxene about 16–320,and chromite about200–800.All these units feature relatively low susceptibility in ultramafic rock,and only the magnetite is characterized by a high susceptibility of about 200,000(910-5SI).Based on these observations,we conclude that the precipitation of magnetite in the process of serpentinization of the olivine caused by the geological process in the Luobusa Ophiolite is the origin of high magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

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