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Thomas PC  Robinson MS 《Nature》2005,436(7049):366-369
Impact cratering creates a wide range of topography on small satellites and asteroids. The population of visible craters evolves with impacts, and because there are no competing endogenic processes to modify the surface, determining the various ways younger craters add to or subtract from the population is a fundamental aspect of small-body geology. Asteroid 433 Eros, the most closely studied small body, has regions of substantially different crater densities that remain unexplained. Here we show that the formation of a relatively young crater (7.6 km in diameter) resulted in the removal of other craters as large as 0.5 km over nearly 40 percent of the asteroid. Burial by ejecta cannot explain the observed pattern of crater removal. The limitation of reduced crater density to a zone within a particular straight-line distance through the asteroid from the centre of the large crater suggests degradation of the topography by seismic energy released during the impact. Our observations indicate that the interior of Eros is sufficiently cohesive to transmit seismic energy over many kilometres, and the outer several tens of metres of the asteroid must be composed of relatively non-cohesive material.  相似文献   

Meteorites provide a sample of Solar System bodies and so constrain the types of objects that have collided with Earth over time. Meteorites analysed to date, however, are unlikely to be representative of the entire population and it is also possible that changes in their nature have occurred with time. Large objects are widely believed to be completely melted or vaporized during high-angle impact with the Earth. Consequently, identification of large impactors relies on indirect chemical tracers, notably the platinum-group elements. Here we report the discovery of a large (25-cm), unaltered, fossil meteorite, and several smaller fragments within the impact melt of the giant (> 70 km diameter), 145-Myr-old Morokweng crater, South Africa. The large fragment (clast) resembles an LL6 chondrite breccia, but contains anomalously iron-rich silicates, Fe-Ni sulphides, and no troilite or metal. It has chondritic chromium isotope ratios and identical platinum-group element ratios to the bulk impact melt. These features allow the unambiguous characterization of an impactor at a large crater. Furthermore, the unusual composition of the meteorite suggests that the Morokweng asteroid incorporated part of the LL chondrite parent body not represented by objects at present reaching the Earth.  相似文献   

扬子地台寒武系下统存在富含V、Ni、Mo和铂族元素(platinum group element, PGE)等的黑色页岩,局部地区有U或者Ba、Hg、As等的富集,研究这些元素富集机理有利于寻找相关矿产或者探究地质事件。6 500万年前的小行星撞击地球产生了高PGE含量的地层或者化石,依据这一事实和陨石的特征及其他地质地球化学证据,推断下寒武统黑色页岩中Ni-Mo-PGE富集是陨石撞击结果,PGE中的Ir、Os富集最明显是因为二者最抗淋滤。U在康滇地轴东侧黑色页岩中最高可达480×10-6,因康滇地轴本身就存在混合型铀矿,推测黑色页岩中U来自它的风化。据V和Ba-Hg-As等的地化特性,认为V富集是受生物活动影响,但因V易于在热泉水中富集,故寒武纪早期泛非运动的构造-热事件可导致V富集成矿,Ba、Hg、As也因该事件产生构造裂隙后,它们优先随热液沿裂隙上升富集,并在海底局部成矿。此外,5.65亿年前的埃迪卡拉动物群发生地基本上就是5.8亿年前小行星撞击地点,提出此次行星撞击可能与埃迪卡拉生物群出现存在因果关系。由于在中国存在寒武纪澄江生物群大爆发事件,推测该次生物...  相似文献   

在大规模多输入多输出(multiple input multiple output,MIMO)系统信道估计过程中,基站向用户端发送导频信号.由于导频数量与基站发射天线的数量成正比,传统信道估计过程会产生巨大的导频开销,尤其是对于采用频分双工通信方式的(frequency-division duplexing,FDD)大规模MIMO系统.为了解决这一问题,通过利用无线MIMO信道的空间公共稀疏性和时间相关性,提出一种基于压缩感知(compressed sensing,CS)技术的导频开销减小算法,其中,空时相关性用来提高信道估计精度.该算法能够在未知大规模MIMO系统信道稀疏度的情况下,自适应地获取精确的信道状态信息.分析和仿真结果表明提出的算法在减少导频开销方面优于局部公共支撑算法,同时能够维持良好的信道估计性能.  相似文献   

In 1995, an expedition on board the research vessel FS Polarstern explored the impact site of the Eltanin asteroid in the Southern Ocean, the only known asteroid impact into a deep ocean basin. Analyses of the geological record of the impact region place the event in the late Pliocene (approximately 2.15 Myr) and constrain the size of the asteroid to be >1 km. The explosive force inferred for this event places it at the threshold of impacts believed to have global consequences, and its study should therefore provide a baseline for the reconstruction and modelling of similar events, which are common on geological timescales.  相似文献   

概述安全措施,详细介绍混合模型.在分析混合模型优缺点的基础上,讨论在该模型中建立保护措施面临的挑战.  相似文献   

Love SG  Ahrens TJ 《Nature》1997,386(6621):154-156
The rotation rates of asteroids, which are deduced from periodic fluctuations in their brightnesses, are controlled by mutual collisions. The link between asteroid spin and collision history is usually made with reference to impact experiments on centimetre-scale targets, where material strength governs the impact response. Recent work, however, indicates that for objects of the size of most observed asteroids (> or = 1 km in diameter), gravity rather than intrinsic strength controls the dynamic response to collisions. Here we explore this idea by modelling the effect of impacts on large gravitating bodies. We find that the fraction of a projectile's angular momentum that is retained by a target asteroid is both lower and more variable than expected from laboratory experiments, with spin evolution being dominated by 'catastrophic' collisions that eject approximately 50 per cent of the target's mass. The remnant of an initially non-rotating silicate asteroid that suffers such a collision rotates at a rate of approximately 2.9 per day, which is close to the observed mean asteroid rotation rate of approximately 2.5 d-1. Moreover, our calculations suggest that the observed trend in the mean spin frequency for different classes of asteroids (2.2 d-1 for C-type asteroids, 2.5 d-1 for S-type, and 4.0 d-1 for M-type) is due to increasing mean density, rather than increasing material strength.  相似文献   

Heck PR  Schmitz B  Baur H  Halliday AN  Wieler R 《Nature》2004,430(6997):323-325
Very large collisions in the asteroid belt could lead temporarily to a substantial increase in the rate of impacts of meteorites on Earth. Orbital simulations predict that fragments from such events may arrive considerably faster than the typical transit times of meteorites falling today, because in some large impacts part of the debris is transferred directly into a resonant orbit with Jupiter. Such an efficient meteorite delivery track, however, has not been verified. Here we report high-sensitivity measurements of noble gases produced by cosmic rays in chromite grains from a unique suite of fossil meteorites preserved in approximately 480 million year old sediments. The transfer times deduced from the noble gases are as short as approximately 10(5) years, and they increase with stratigraphic height in agreement with the estimated duration of sedimentation. These data provide powerful evidence that this unusual meteorite occurrence was the result of a long-lasting rain of meteorites following the destruction of an asteroid, and show that at least one strong resonance in the main asteroid belt can deliver material into the inner Solar System within the short timescales suggested by dynamical models.  相似文献   

为得到小行星"北师大星8050"的相关性质,使用中国科学院国家天文台兴隆观测站85 cm和云南天文台稻城选址点50 cm望远镜的观测数据,利用基于蒙特卡洛-马尔科夫链算法的盘积分Lommel-Seeliger椭球模型,对北师大星的相关参数进行了反演,得到北师大星的椭球半径长度分别为(5.140±0.010)、(1.698±0.004)、(1.077±0.004) km,自转周期为(5.397±0.003)h,几何反照率pv=0.195±0.001;在H-G1-G2星等系统下的相位因子G1=0.259±0.002、G2=0.373 ±0.001,自转轴指向的黄道坐标为(104.68.,±80.06.)或(284.68.,±80.06.).  相似文献   

The barrage of comets and asteroids that produced many young lunar basins (craters over 300 kilometres in diameter) has frequently been called the Late Heavy Bombardment (LHB). Many assume the LHB ended about 3.7 to 3.8 billion years (Gyr) ago with the formation of Orientale basin. Evidence for LHB-sized blasts on Earth, however, extend into the Archaean and early Proterozoic eons, in the form of impact spherule beds: globally distributed ejecta layers created by Chicxulub-sized or larger cratering events4. At least seven spherule beds have been found that formed between 3.23 and 3.47?Gyr ago, four between 2.49 and 2.63?Gyr ago, and one between 1.7 and 2.1?Gyr ago. Here we report that the LHB lasted much longer than previously thought, with most late impactors coming from the E belt, an extended and now largely extinct portion of the asteroid belt between 1.7 and 2.1 astronomical units from Earth. This region was destabilized by late giant planet migration. E-belt survivors now make up the high-inclination Hungaria asteroids. Scaling from the observed Hungaria asteroids, we find that E-belt projectiles made about ten lunar basins between 3.7 and 4.1?Gyr ago. They also produced about 15 terrestrial basins between 2.5 and 3.7?Gyr ago, as well as around 70 and four Chicxulub-sized or larger craters on the Earth and Moon, respectively, between 1.7 and 3.7?Gyr ago. These rates reproduce impact spherule bed and lunar crater constraints.  相似文献   

刘学哲  平学成 《科学技术与工程》2022,22(24):10557-10565
冲击刀具破碎机在工作时会产生较大激振。为研究破碎机振动和固有频率之间的关系,避免共振现象的产生,以某冲击刀具破碎机为研究对象,运用有限元软件建模分析其计算模态,通过力锤敲击激励实验测试其实验模态,并将计算模态与实验模态进行对比。结果表明冲击刀具破碎机的前8阶固有频率集中在133.28Hz到272.18Hz之间,且主要变形部件集中在入料口、轴承座、储料箱后壁、主轴、反击板 5 个部件。对主轴进行动态分析以及外壳结构进行优化之后,破碎机的工作频率很好的避开了共振频率范围,为冲击刀具破碎机的减振改进设计提供了数值依据,也为破碎产品的减振优化提供了一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

There is a general consensus that planets form within disks of dust and gas around newly born stars. Details of their formation process, however, are still a matter of ongoing debate. The timescale of planet formation remains unclear, so the detection of planets around young stars with protoplanetary disks is potentially of great interest. Hitherto, no such planet has been found. Here we report the detection of a planet of mass (9.8+/-3.3)M(Jupiter) around TW Hydrae (TW Hya), a nearby young star with an age of only 8-10 Myr that is surrounded by a well-studied circumstellar disk. It orbits the star with a period of 3.56 days at 0.04 au, inside the inner rim of the disk. This demonstrates that planets can form within 10 Myr, before the disk has been dissipated by stellar winds and radiation.  相似文献   

Solomon P  Vanden Bout P  Carilli C  Guelin M 《Nature》2003,426(6967):636-638
Observations of carbon monoxide emission in high-redshift (zeta > 2) galaxies indicate the presence of large amounts of molecular gas. Many of these galaxies contain an active galactic nucleus powered by accretion of gas onto a supermassive black hole, and a key question is whether their extremely high infrared luminosities result from the active galactic nucleus, from bursts of massive star formation (associated with the molecular gas), or both. In the Milky Way, high-mass stars form in the dense cores of interstellar molecular clouds, where gas densities are n(H2) > 10(5) cm(-3) (refs 1, 2). Recent surveys show that virtually all galactic sites of high-mass star formation have similarly high densities. The bulk of the cloud material traced by CO observations, however, is at a much lower density. For galaxies in the local Universe, the HCN molecule is an effective tracer of high-density molecular gas. Here we report observations of HCN emission from the infrared-luminous 'Cloverleaf' quasar (at a redshift zeta = 2.5579). The HCN line luminosity indicates the presence of 10 billion solar masses of very dense gas, an essential feature of an immense starburst, which contributes, together with the active galactic nucleus it harbours, to its high infrared luminosity.  相似文献   

介绍SHEL模式,分析发生在江苏某水域的海事事故,以避免类似海事事故的发生或减少事故损失.应用SHEL模式,在海事事故中发现存在的问题,以改进船舶管理,达到无事故的要求.  相似文献   

在自主创新模式下通过对相关理论文献的总结和研究,构建了知识产权风险对自主创新绩效影响作用的模型,并基于模型提出3条关系假设,利用251个有效样本数据对假设进行验证以及分析.实证研究了企业自主创新中知识产权风险对创新绩效的影响作用,得出知识产权风险对自主创新绩效具有较大的负面影响.  相似文献   

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