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Today,new products or services must be designed to satisfy ever changing consumer demand by companies to remain competitive. Mass customization,personalized services,and integration of information and decision processes are needed to produce an increasingly diverse range of products and services.At the same time efficiency as well as flexibility of design and production processes need to be improved.Successful companies align and coordinate efforts with suppliers and clients across the value chain to achieve and sustain  相似文献   

Modern product development becomes increasingly collaborative and integrated, which raises the need for effectively and efficiently sharing and re-using design knowledge in a distributed and collaborative environment. To address this need, a framework is developed in this research to support design knowledge representation, retrieval, reasoning and fusion, which takes account of structural, functional and behavioral data, various design attributes and knowledge reasoning cases. Specifically, a multi-level knowledge representation based on the Base Object Model (BOM) is proposed to enable knowledge sharing using Web services technologies. On this basis, a multi-level knowledge reuse method is developed to support the retrieval, matching and assembly of knowledge records. Due to the tree structure of BOM, both depth-first and breadth-first searching strategies are employed in the retrieval algorithm while a novel measure is proposed to evaluate similarity. Moreover, a method based on the D-S evidence theory is developed to enable knowledge fusion and thus support effective decision-making. The framework has been implemented and integrated into an HLA-based simulation platform on which the development of a missile simulation example is conducted. It is demonstrated in the case study that the proposed framework and methods are useful and effective for design knowledge representation and reuse.  相似文献   

综合集成与复杂系统专辑序   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统科学和系统工程近几年来的一个重要进展就是研究复杂系统以及随之而来解决复杂系统的新理论和新方法 .综合集成方法无疑是解决复杂系统的一个非常重要的方法 .综合集成就是将数据各种信息、模型和专家的经验与计算机有机结合起来 .钱学森教授提出的综合集成研讨厅更是将机器体系、专家体系和知识体系有机结合起来而构成的一个高度智能化的人机结合系统 .在国家自然科学基金会的支持下我们开展了“支持宏观经济决策的人机结合综合集成体系研究”( 79990 580 )的重大项目的研究 ,以戴汝为院士为首的课题组成员从 1 999年夏立题以来 ,已经…  相似文献   

战争设计工程中对抗决策网络与黑板机制相结合的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战争设计工程是一种面向战争复杂性的分析与设计战争的方法。分析战争设计工程中异质专家研讨的需要,提出基于对抗决策网络与黑板机制有机结合的研讨方法。首先借鉴了黑板机制灵活集成异质专家智慧定性推理的能力,然后将作战效果与对抗性引入到动态贝叶斯网络中,提出对抗决策网络支持对抗策略的定量推理,根据对抗决策网络与黑板机制相关要素的相容性将二者有机结合,提出对抗决策网络黑板机制,并进一步分析对抗决策网络黑板的体系结构。最后以一个简例说明异质专家能够基于对抗决策网络黑板机制展开研讨,对战争系统进行分析与设计。  相似文献   

Sixty years have passed since numerical control of machine tools was first demonstrated at MIT. Since then, rapid developments in advanced manufacturing technology have posed new challenges and requirements, among them faster machining (high-speed machining), higher feed-rates, more accurate parts and better surface finish. Not only are sophisticated computer- enabling technologies needed to cope with these challenges, but also significantly improved and more sophisticated mathematical tools. These emerging challenges and requirements under- score the growing importance of mathematical methods and algorithms. On the other hand, new challenges, optimization functions and constraints, arising in the field of advanced man- ufacturing have also stimulated the development of new branches of industrial and applied mathematics. Mathematics and Algorithms for Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Engineering and Numerical Control (MAMENC) is an annual workshop organized by the National Cen- ter for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences of China (NCMIS). The workshop's topics focus on how mathematical methods and algorithms interact with computer-aided manufac- turing, computer-aided engineering and computer numerical control. MAMENC 2012 is the second workshop in the series. The first was held in Beijing in 2011, and the proceedings were published in the September 2012 issue (number 3) of the Mathematics in Computer Science journal under the title Special Focus on Mathematics and Algorithms for CAM and CNC.  相似文献   

This paper considers a firm that sells a durable product with a given market potential. The purpose of the firm is to maximize its profit by determining how much capacity to install before the sales horizon, how many products to produce in accordance with the capacity, and how many products to sell by pricing. Appealing to Pontryagin maximum principle in control theory, the authors obtain the closed-forms of all optimal decisions the firm should make. Furthermore, the optimal production rate and optimal sales rate are both equal to the demand rate, which is caused by the optimal pricing policy during the whole horizon, and the optimal pricing path is increasing with the cost of installing a unit of capacity. Furthermore, numerical analysis reveals the visual impression of the relationship of the parameters.  相似文献   

<正> This special issue presents some new progress in mathematical methods for informatics, engineeringand management that is expected to trigger thought and deepen further research. Forthis purpose, 14 papers were selected mainly from the invited talks at the CAS-Kyoto UniversityJoint Workshop on Mathematical Methods for Informatics, Engineering and Management,  相似文献   

针对由多台设备通过串、并混联构成的多阶段生产系统,对其生产批量、质量控制以及预知维护进行了联合建模与优化.系统中的各台设备随时间逐渐发生劣化,可靠性及产品加工质量随之降低.在每个生产批量结束时,对各设备进行状态检测并评估其在下个生产期内的可靠性.预知维护同时以设备的可靠性、结构重要度以及产能比为决策依据,以合理分配维护资源.在每个阶段设置质检台以实时检测各设备加工产品的质量,并根据质量反馈信息,对次品率超过控制阈值的设备进行预防性更换以改善性能提高产品质量.以批量生产周期、质量控制阈值以及预知维护参数为三维联合决策变量,建立了有限时域内的平均费用率模型.基于蒙特卡罗仿真和响应曲面法设计了优化算法,实现了对模型的快速近似求解.最后通过一个实例演示了本模型,并对结果作了相关统计学分析.  相似文献   

基于产品设计的再制造激励以及政府干预的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考虑由一个原始制造商和一个独立再制造商构成的两阶段模型,原始制造商在第一阶段决策产品设计的可再制造性水平,再制造商在第二阶段进入产品市场并和原始制造商进行价格竞争.原始制造商可以通过改变产品设计的可再制造性水平来控制可再制造旧产品的供应数量.相对较高可再制造性水平的产品能够直接降低再制造商的生产成本,增加原始制造商的固定成本和新产品单位生产成本,降低政府征收的生产税.利用博弈论模型,我们得出了再制造不受回收数量约束和受回收数量约束两种情况下原始制造商和再制造商的均衡决策,得到了激励原始制造商选择生产高可再制造性新产品时政府生产税应该满足的条件,探讨了原始制造商和再制造商对于政府生产税变化的反应趋势,分析了均衡决策结果的敏感性,考虑了再制造产品均衡产量、再制造商均衡利润、原始制造商均衡利润关于参数变化百分比的反应趋势.  相似文献   

针对模糊系统的特点,根据输入-输出数据,应用递阶遗传算法设计.现有的模糊系统设计方法大多只能训练系统的模糊集的中心参数、高斯隶属度函数的系数、中心参数和扩展参数,系统的模糊规则得预先用某种方法确定.利用很好设计的递阶遗传算法能够把模糊系统的模糊规则数目和参数同时通过训练确定.利用该方法在非线性经济系统进行仿真,并与BP神经网络的预测结果进行比较,证明该模型的预测精确度是令人满意的,文中提出的方法是可行的.  相似文献   

A parametric method for the gain-scheduled controller design of a linear time-varying system is given. According to the proposed scheduling method, the performance between adjacent characteristic points is preserved by the invariant eigenvalues and the gradually varying eigenvectors. A sufficient stability criterion is given by constructing a series of Lyapunov functions based on the selected discrete characteristic points. An important contribution is that it provides a simple and feasible approach for the design of gain-scheduled controllers for linear time-varying systems, which can guarantee both the global stability and the desired closed-loop performance of the resulted system. The method is applied to the design of a BTT missile autopilot and the simulation results show that the method is superior to the traditional one in sense of either global stability or system performance.  相似文献   

作物生产系统氮磷养分平衡的定量模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1季作物生产为基本单元,在单养分限制模型基础上,根据限制-稀释假定,建立了多养分综合作用下的作物氮磷钾吸收-供应关系模型。用有效化指数将施用的磷钾肥换算为土壤有效养分作为养分供应能力的指标。提出养分综合利用效率的概念与计算方法。  相似文献   

河湖水系连通工程方案多属性多目标综合评价是河湖水系连通决策和管理迫切需要解决的基础性问题.为克服传统模糊集不能体现信息介于肯定与否定之间踌躇性的弊端,通过利用Vague集评分函数方法,建立了基于多种评分函数组合的河湖水系连通工程优选及排序的综合评价模型,并提出了基于云模型的河湖水系连通评判指标和指标权重灵敏度分析方法.以浙北引水工程为例,探讨了不同评分函数对工程方案排序的影响,对比分析了单一指标值变化和多个权重变化下不同评分函数对决策结果的鲁棒性情况.研究结果为河湖水系连通工程方案的决策和效果的合理性评估提供了一条新的研究路径.  相似文献   

提出了政府制定公共项目管制价格应以受管制企业的成本及服务质量为依据,设计了社会福利最大并满足私人企业参与约束和相容约束的激励机制模型,以诱导私人公司显示成本与质量的真实信息.利用模型得出在价格规制下收费标准会降低, 需求增加, 消费者剩余增大.尽管价格规制下服务质量会有所下降, 为了提高社会福利,政府应选择价格管制. 当私人公司自主定价时可以获得较高的收费价格,只有当需求的价格弹性较小时私人公司的利润才高于政府管制时的利润.因而,公私双方谁有合法的权力来决定价格对项目的社会福利和服务质量有重要影响.文章通过实例验证了不同信息和管制条件下价格、服务质量、消费者剩余及私人公司利润等方面的变化.  相似文献   

B2C物流配送网络双目标模糊选址模型与算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于B2C"配送-退换同时"的物流模式及配送业务特点,集成设施选址-分配和路线优化,研究模糊需求下的B2C物流设施选址问题.针对选址-分配的模糊性和静态性、配送的确定性和动态性特征,以物流总费用为主目标函数,以配送中心流通费用、车辆派遣费用、配送费用总和为子目标函数,建立了有配送中心容量静态约束和车辆动态负载量约束的双目标模糊选址模型,设计了嵌入随机算法和禁忌搜索算法的遗传算法求解.选取合适的测试算例验证了算法的有效性,探讨了客户需求模糊区间宽度和商品退换率对物流选址结果和各项费用值的影响.实验结果表明,所设计的算法对解决这类复杂问题合理有效.客户需求模糊区间宽度与车辆利用率和车辆路线总长的波动区间、平均车辆路线总长度、配送费用正相关,且宽度较窄时,选址结果、车辆派遣费用和配送中心流通费用不变,超过一定范围,选址结果、车辆派遣费用和配送中心流通费用改变.商品退换率与流通费用和物流总费用正相关,但不会影响选址结果和其他费用.  相似文献   

北方农牧过渡带典型地区农牧业生产系统分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在对北方农牧过渡带典型地区(内蒙古赤峰市)农牧业生产系统的资源特点,生产效率和能量物质输出输入状况分析研究的基础上,指出了该地区农牧业生产系统存在的主要问题和关键性限制因素,进而提出了农牧业生产系统改良建议和促进农牧业生产进一步发展的主要措施。表6,参2。  相似文献   

大型复杂人机系统是人类组织与人工系统构成的开放、动态、复杂的有机整体.本文分析了大型复杂人机系统研究的背景及意义,从结构、过程和组织三个视角总结了相关领域的研究进展,对未来大型复杂人机系统结构、过程建模与组织设计方法的主要研究方向及关键科学问题进行了展望.  相似文献   

针对现有高度估计算法缺乏对实际多雷达组网系统信息处理流程的考虑致使算法难以在实际系统中运用的问题,在岸海空协同预警体系下,从信息处理流程和信息处理方法两个方面,在探测单元信息缺维情况下,研究目标高度补偿问题。仿真结果表明,本文给出的算法可实现目标状态的无偏、稳定、精确估计,最终得到的目标海拔高度补偿估计结果可满足目标属性判别和威胁判断的需要。另外仿真验证表明,本文算法对目标巡航高度具有很强的适应性,可用于解决处于岸海空探测单元共视范围内任意高度飞行目标的高度补偿问题。  相似文献   

1. Introduction Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have occurred in a number of areas includinginformation quality (Chutimaskul and Wangpipatwong 2004), strategy (Sha, Hung and Lin 2004) organization (Crowne 2004), technological change (Mitchell 2004), and utility1. Introduction Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have occurred in a number of areas includinginformation quality (Chutimaskul and Wangpipatwong 2004), strateg…  相似文献   

黑龙江省草莓生产现状、存在问题及发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了草莓的营养和医疗保健价值,以及黑龙江省草莓的生现状,针对生产上存在的问题担子同发展建议。  相似文献   

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