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The effect of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CAex) on stable carbon isotope fractionation in algae is still unclear. The stable carbon isotope composition and algal growth in the presence and absence of the membrane-impermeable CA inhibitor acetazolamide were compared in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Chlorella vulgaris. The CAex of both algal species contributed about 9‰ of the stable carbon isotope fractionation and exhibited a dosage effect. Therefore, evidence in vivo that CAex leads to a larger carbon isotope fractionation of algae is presented.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of pCO2 in the tropic ocean is one of the most important issues to understand global climatic changes.In this study,the high-resolution stratigraphic analysis of core 17962 was conducted,which is Iocated in the southern South China Sea(SCS).The contents of sedimentary organic matter,the stable carbon isotopic composition of sedimentary organic matter,and the δ^13C values of black carbon and terrigenons n-alkanes were determined.And the δ^13Cwc value of carbon derived from aquatic was calculated.On the basis of δ^13Corg-pCO2equation proposed by Popp et al.(1989),we estimated the pCO2 in the Nansha area,SCS,since the last glaciation using δ^13Cwc instead of δ^13Corg.The results show that the average pCO2 was estimated at 240 ppm V during the last glaciation,and at 320ppm V in the Holocene.A comparison of surface sea pCO2 with the atmosphere CO2 recorded in the Vostok ice core,indicates that CO2 in surface water of the southern SCS could emit into atmosphere during the last 30ka.  相似文献   

In this study, Cry ⅠA(b) gene was successfully transferred into the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma harzianum with an efficiency of 60-180 transformants per 10^6 spores by using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Putative transformants were analyzed to test the presence of Cry ⅠA(b) gene by Southern blot. Most transformants contained a single T-DNA copy. RT-PCR analysis showed that the Cry ⅠA(b) gene was transcribed. Antifungal activities and insecticidal activities of the transformants were examined. There was no obvious difference in antifungal activities between the transformants and their wild strains. The modified mortalities of the transformants T1 and T2 were 69.57% and 91.30%, respectively. The tranformation system mediated by A. tumefaciens proved to be a powerful tool for the filamentous fungi transformation and functional genomic study with its high transformation frequency, simplicity of T-DNA integration, and genetic stability of transformants.  相似文献   

The calcifying phytoplankton species,coccolithophores,have their calcified coccoliths around the cells,however,their physio-logical roles are still unknown.Here,we hypothesized that the coccoliths may play a certain role in reducing solar UV radiation(UVR,280-400 nm) and protect the cells from being harmed.Cells of Emiliania huxleyi with different thicknesses of the cocco-liths were obtained by culturing them at different levels of dissolved inorganic carbon and their photophysiological responses to UVR wer...  相似文献   

The exploration of new genes controlling rice leaf shape is an important foundation for rice functional genomics and plant archi-tecture improvement. In the present study, we identified a rolling leaf mutant from indica variety Yuefeng B, named rl11(t), which exhibited reduced plant height, rolling and narrow leaves. Leaves in rl11(t) mutant showed abnormal number and morphology of veins compared with those in wild type plants. In addition, rl11(t) mutant was less sensitive to the inhibitory effect of auxin than the wild type. Genetic analysis suggested that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive gene. Gene Rl11(t) was initially mapped between SSR markers RM6089 and RM124 on chromosome 4. Thirty-two new STS markers around the Rl11(t) region were developed for fine mapping. A physical map encompassing the Rl11(t) locus was constructed and the target gene was finally delimited to a 31.6 kb window between STS4-25 and STS4-26 on BAC AL606645. This provides useful information for cloning of Rl11(t) gene.  相似文献   

In this paper,the reverse forms of the L p-Busemann-Petty centroid inequality are shown. As the applications of the reverse forms,we obtain the reverse forms of the L p-centroid-affine inequality and an upper bound of the isotropic constant for convex bodies.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in regulating adverse physiological processes, including stomatal closure, seed development and germination, and mediating many environmental stress responses, such as drought, salinity and extreme temperatures[1,2]. In re-sponse to various stress stimuli, ABA synthesis is in-creased in plant cells, which triggers a series of physio-logical responses to adapt the stress conditions[1—3]. For example, under water deficit, ABA acts directly on…  相似文献   

In collisionless reconnection,the magnetic field near the separatrix is stronger than that around the X-line,so an electron-beam can be formed and flows toward the X-line,which leads to a decrease of the electron density near the separatrix.Having been accelerated around the X-line,the electrons flow out along the magnetic field lines in the inner side of the separatrix.A quadruple structure of the Hall magnetic field By is formed by such a current system.A 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation code is used ...  相似文献   

Echo canceller generally needs a double-talk detector which is used to keep the adaptive filter from diverging in the appearance of near-end speech. In this paper we adopt a new double-talk detection algorithm based on ι2 norm to detect the existence of near-end speech in an acoustic echo canceller. We analyze this algorithm from the point of view of functional analysis and point out that the proposed double-talk detection algorithm has the same performance as the classic one in a finite Banach space. The remarkable feature of this algorithm is its higher accuracy and better computation complexity. The fine properties of this algorithm are confirmed by computer simulation and the application in a multimedia communication system.  相似文献   

This paper considers linearized BCL system with viscosity which is firstly derived by J. L. Bona, T. Colin and D. Lannes for the study of motion of water waves. L 2 decay estimate is got by means of Fourier analysis and frequency decomposition. This result plays key role in studying the global well-posedness of corresponding nonlinear system.  相似文献   

Silicon is essential for optimal growth of rice (Oryza sativa L.). This study was conducted to fine map qHUS6.1, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for rice hull silicon content previously located in the interval RM510–RM19417 on the short arm of chromosome 6, and to analyze the effect of this QTL on the silicon content in different organs of rice. Selfed progenies of a residual heterozygous line of rice were detected using 13 microsatellite markers in the vicinity of qHUS6.1. Three plants with overlapping heterozygous segments were selected. Three sets of near isogenic lines (NILs) were developed from the selfed progenies of the 3 plants. They were grown in a paddy field and the silicon contents of the hull, flag leaf, and stem were measured at maturity. Based on analyses of the phenotypic distribution and variance among different genotypic groups in the same NIL set, a significant genotypic effect was shown in the NIL set that was heterogenous in the interval RM19410–RM5815, whereas a significant effect was not found in the remaining 2 NIL sets that were heterogenous in either of the intervals RM4923–RM19410 or RM19417–RM204. On comparison among the physical positions of the 3 heterogenous segments, qHUS6.1 was delimited to a 64.2-kb region flanked by RM19410 and RM19417 that contains nine annotated genes according to the genome sequence of Nipponbare. This QTL showed strong effects on all of the three traits tested, and the enhancing alleles were always derived from the paternal line Milyang 46. The present study will facilitate the cloning of qHUS6.1 and the exploration of new genetic resources for QTL fine mapping.  相似文献   

Fine mapping of a semidwarf gene sd-g in indica rice(Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The semidwarf gene sd-g which has been usedin indiea rice breeding in southern China is a new one, non-allelic to sd-1. To map sd-g, an F2 population derived fromthe cross between Xinguiaishuangai and 02428 was con-structed. The sd-g was roughly mapped between two mi-crosatellite markers RM440 and RM163, with genetic dis-tances of 0.5 and 2.5 cM, respectively. Then nine new poly-morphic microsatellite markers were developed in this region.The sd-g was further mapped between two microsatellitemarkers SSR5-1 and SSR5-51, with genetic distances of 0.1and 0.3 cM, respectively, while cosegregated with SSR418. ABAC contig was found to span the sd-g locus, the region be-ing delimited to 85 kb. This result was very useful for cloningof the sd-g gene.  相似文献   

Previously, we isolated a vernalization-related gene, VER2, from winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and its expression was restricted in the immature leaves of vernalized wheat seedlings. To further investigate the regulation of VER2 expression and the function of its promoter, we isolated a 41.7 kb genomic clone containing VER2 gene from atransformation-competent artificial chromosome (TAC) library of wheat (Triticum aestivum-Haynaldia villosa). The sequence analysis showed that there were eleven predicted genes in the TAC. The exons of gene 3 corresponded to the cDNA sequence of VER2 gene. Analysis of VER2 promoter structure showed that there were three small repeat sequences divided by two large repeat sequences. The putative response elements, such as abscisic acid response elements (ABRE), MeJA-response elements (Me-JARE), low-temperature response elements (LTR), endosperm expression elements, MYB binding sites and similar elements to GA response elements (GARE), were involved in the VER2 promoter region. Construct containing the VER2 promoter (-5895 to 73) driving GFP reporter gene was bombarded into vernalized or non-verualized immature leaves in wheat. The vernalized immature leaves showed bright green fluorescence after incubation for 24 h, however, the green fluorescence was not observed in the non-vernalization leaves under the same condition. These results suggested that vernalization was essential for the function of VER2 promoter in the immature leaves of winter wheat.  相似文献   

Lepus yarkandensis, an endemic hare species in the Tarim Basin of China, has been suffering from habitat fragmentation due to desert expansion. To evaluate the effect of habitat fragmentation on its genetic diversity, the genetic diversity based on male-specific SRY gene marker is examined. A relatively low level of SRY genetic diversity is found compared to previous studies with mtDNA data, possibly due to the low SRY mutation rate and positive selection. Furthermore, one haplotype exists in eight populations along the Tarim River but not in many other relatively isolated populations, suggesting that habitat fragmentation may affect population divergence. Despite this, our pairwise Fst analysis shows no significant differentiation among populations, and this may be mainly caused by positive selection on the SRY gene in that 88 percent of individuals share the same haplotype. Finally, the phylogenetic analysis shows deep differentiation between L. yarkandensis and other two hare species (L. capensis and L. europaeus).  相似文献   

With supercritical CO2 fluid extraction(SCFE), essential oil was extracted from three cultivars of Xianning osmanthus. The fresh osmanthus flower was processed with a petroleum ether digestion method to produce the extractum. The yields of essential oil and extractum were 0.19 % and 0.13 % (m/m) respectively. The essential oil and fragrance composition and content extracted were analyzed with gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The result showed that essential oil contained 36.99%(area/total area) of ionone, ionol and 13.11% of linalool; ionone and ionol contained in extractum were as high as up to 33.33%, while linalool up to 21.92%. Whether essential oil or extractum contains only about 40% fat acid and other ester matters. None of environmental estrogen (phthalic ester) was found in fragrance ingredients. The result also showed that the quality of O. fragrans Albus group fragrance in Xianning is better than that produced in Hangzhou and Anhui districts.  相似文献   

Tiller angle of rice is an important agronomic trait that contributes to breed new varieties with ideal architecture. In this study, we report mapping and characterization of a rice mutant defective in tiller angle. At the seedling stage, the newly developed tillers of the mutant plants grow with a large angle that leads to a “lazy“ phenotype at the mature stage. Genetic analysis indicates that this tillerspreading phenotype is controlled by one recessive gene that is allelic to a reported mutant la. Therefore, the mutant was named la-2 and la renamed la-1. To map and clone LA, we constructed a large mapping population. Genetic linkage analysis showed that the LA gene is located between 2 SSR markers RM202 and RM229. By using the 6 newly-developed molecular markers, the LA gene was placed within a 0.4 cM interval on chromosome 11, allowing us to clone LA and study the mechanism that controls rice tiller angle at the molecular level.  相似文献   

Removal of NOx(DeNOx, NOx is the total of NO and NO2) from flue gas by radical injection has been investigated .the discharge characteristics were examined and the steady streamer corona was acquired hy adjusting the nozzle gases properly. It was Found that an increase in the voltage resulted in a decrease in the NO concentration and the concentration of the NO2 increased at tow voltages but decreased as the voltage rose to a certain level. The DeNOx efficiency increased as the applied voltage rose and reached a maximum of 70% when the voltage approached the breakdown voltage. The hypothetical mechanism of NOx removal suggested that the radicals formed in the discharge process converted the NO and NO2 into acidic species. The Monte Carlo method was used to calculate the rate coefficients and the productivity of the radicals, and then the concentrations of both NO and NO2 and the DeNOx effielencies were calculated with chemical kinetics. The calculated DeNOx efficiencies were coalparable with the experimental DeNOx efficiencies at low voltages, but were lower at high voltages.  相似文献   

Maize intact C4-pepc gene was amplified through LA-PCR and successfully sub-cloned into modified vector pGreen0029 to form a stable expression construct named as pBAC214 (12 kb), which contains CaMV 35S promoter driven bar gene as selection marker. Comparing the cloned DNA sequences (6.7 kb) with published maize C4-pepc gene (GenBank accession E17154) sequences, the identity of DNA sequence alignment is 98.96%. There are only 49 differences between these two intact DNA sequences, of which 13 occur in the region of promoter, 18 in introns, and 18 in exons. The homology of mRNA sequence alignment is 99.38%, and the putative amino acids sequence identity is 99.38%. There are only 15 differences between these two mRNA, and these differences bring 4 sites mutant on the putative amino acids of PEPC protein. Through biolistic bombardment of PDS1000/He system, expression vector pBAC214 has been transformed into winter wheat. Southern blotting results show that the intact C4-pepc gene has been integrated into genome of winter wheat. SDS-PAGE analysis of leaf soluble protein in transgenic wheat showed that the intact C4opepc gene was well transcribed, spliced and translated as in maize. The enzyme activity of leaf PEPC in transgenic wheat has been detected. The activities of leaf PEPC increased over 3-5 times in some transgenic plants. The data of photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate of transgenic wheat flag leaves showed that the C4-pepc gene can increase the photosynthesis rate and transpiration rate of transgenic wheat.  相似文献   

One of the frontiers in ecological study is the inter-action between plant and insect mediated by secondary metabolites[1]. Recent studies on the chemical interactions in the food chain of crop-pest-natural enemy showed that insects have olfactory response to the volatile al-lelochemicals released from plants[2,3]. Insects could in-teract with plants through their vision, olfaction and taste, and taste could be the most direct response mechanism of their herbivory. Some beetles (Acalymma, Aul…  相似文献   

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