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Summary The 2n=10+XX/XY complement ofC. capitata includes3 pairs of metacentric and 2 pairs of submetacentric autosomes; theX andY chromosomes are acrocentrics. The sex chromosomes do not pair somatically during mitotic prophase, and, using the C-banding technique, band more extensively than the autosomes. Male meiosis may be achiasmate; there is no leptotene, zygotene or diplotene.Material kindly supplied by Dr.D. A. Lindquist, I.A.E.A./FAO Vienna, Austria.  相似文献   

Summary Ceratitis capitata pupae, 2–3 days before adult emergence, were treated with gamma irradiation from a60Co source. The female fruit flies were extracted and analyzed for free amino acids.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of low atmospheric pressures and low oxygen concentrations on 0-24-h-oldEphestia cautella (Wlk.) pupae at 26°C was determined. Effects on respiration, insect mortality and loss in weight obtained, were due to low oxygen tension only, at both normal and low atmospheric pressure.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Israel, No. 137-E, 1978 series.  相似文献   

Summary The linkage relationship between a morphological and a biochemical locus was studied. Results suggest that recombination does not occur in the male of the Mediterrannean fruit fly although its meiosis is typically chiasmatic.Publicacion técnica gen. No. 603.Acknowledgments. I would like to thank Ing. Ewald A. Favret for his critical reading of this paper and Mr and Mrs Ernesto Lifschitz for their encouragement and provision of facilities.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es werden zwei Zuchtgruppen vonSarcophaga ruficornis-Larven hinsichtlich ihres Aminosäuregchaltes des Blutes untersucht. Den auf Fleisch gezüchteten Tieren fehlt Lysin, Glutamin und Taurin, während diese Aminosäuren bei den auf Hundebisquit aufgezogen Larven vorhanden sind, ihnen dagegen Threonin fehlt. Der Aminosäuregehalt im Blut der Puppen beider Zuchtgruppen ist gleich.  相似文献   

The venom gland epithelium of the Asilidae is apparently made up of two types of cells which are differentiated by the structure of some components. The two types of cells exhibit an extensive protein synthesis and the secretory process seems to be apocrine. The significance of these two types of cell is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ecdysone titer in the haemolymph of pupae of Pieris brassicae shows a sharp peak (1.90 g/ml) on days 5 and 6 of the pupal stage. Isolated abdomens were able to form adult abdomens at 72 h, this being 2 or 3 days before maximum ecdysone levels and at a time when the concentration of hormone in the abdominal haemolymph was only 0.23 g/ml.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Der Gehalt an freien Aminosäuren von auf Rizinus-, Zizyphus- und Holzapfelblättern ernährten Larven und deren Puppen vonEuproctis fraterna wurde vergleichend untersucht. Zwischen den beiden Stadien werden massgebende Unterschiede festgestellt. Während die Gesamtmenge der Aminosäuren im Larven- und Puppenstadium der mit Rizinus ernährten Insekten ähnlich war, wurden in den Puppen anders ernährter Tiere bedeutend mehr Aminosäuren beobachtet als in Larven. -Aminobuttersäure kam nur im Larvenstadium vor.  相似文献   

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