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The aim of the paper is to demonstratethat Special Relativity and the Early Quantum Theory were created within the same programme of statisticalmechanics, thermodynamics and maxwellianelectrodynamics reconciliation. I shall try to explainwhy classical mechanics and classicalelectrodynamics were ``refuted' almost simultaneouslyor, in more suitable terms for the present congress,why did the quantum revolution and the relativisticone both took place at the beginning of the 20-thcentury. I shall argue that the quantum andrelativistic revolutions were simultaneous since theyhad a common origin -- the clash between thefundamental theories of the second half of the 19-thcentury that constituted the ``body' of ClassicalPhysics. The revolution's most dramatic pointwas Einstein's 1905 photon paper that laid thefoundations of both Special Relativity and OldQuantum Theory. Hence the dialectic of the oldtheories is crucial for theory change. Modern physicsbegan with Einstein's reconciliation ofelectrodynamics, mechanics and thermodynamics in 1905and his unification of Special Relativity andNewtonian Theory of Gravity. Or, in a more generalsocial context: progressive scientific change can bedescribed not in Weberian terms of zweckrationalaction forcing out all the other forms of action onlybut in terms of Habermas's communicative rationalityencouraging the establishment of mutual understandingbetween the various scientific communities also.Einstein's programme constituted a progressive stepwith respect to its rivals not because it couldexplain more ``facts' or was more ``mathematical'. Itwas better than its rivals because it constituted abasis of communication and interpenetration betweenthree main paradigms of 19-th century physics. Ofcourse in the long run it resulted in empiricalsuccesses.  相似文献   

Attemts to explain causal paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics (QM) have tried to solve the problems within the framework of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). We will show, that this is impossible. The original theory of QED by Dirac (Proc Roy Soc A117:610, 1928) formulated in its preamble four preliminary requirements that the new theory should meet. The first of these requirements was that the theory must be causal. Causality is not to be derived as a consequence of the theory since it was a precondition for the formulation of the theory; it has been constructed so that it be causal. Therefore, causal paradoxes logically cannot be explained within the framework of QED. To transcend this problem we should consider the following points: Dirac himself stated in his original paper (1928) that his theory was only an approximation. When he returned to improve the theory later (Proc Roy Soc A209, 1951), he noted that the new theory “involves only the ratio e/m, not e and m separately”. This is a sign that although the electromagnetic effects (whose source is e) are magnitudes stronger than the gravitational effects (whose source is m), the two are coupled. Already in 1919, Einstein noted that “the elementary formations which go to make up the atom” are influenced by gravitational forces. Although in that form the statement proved not to be exactly correct, the effects of gravitation on QM phenomena have been established. The conclusion is that we should seek a resolution for the causal paradoxes in the framework of the General Theory of Relativity (GTR)—in contrast to QED, which involves only the Special Theory of Relativity (STR). We show that causality is necessarily violated in GTR. This follows from the curvature of the space-time. Although those effects are very small, one cannot ignore their influence in the case of the so-called “paradox phenomena”.  相似文献   

计算复杂性、量子计算及其哲学意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
量子计算机具有超越经典计算机的能力。量子计算具有并行性和整体性,某些量子算法具有加速性。量子计算揭示了:数学与物理学之间的紧密关系,量子力学的波函数具有实在性。量子计算具有克服计算复杂性的能力。  相似文献   

量子密钥分发和量子隐形传态不断取得的新突破,使量子通信实用化问题日益成为关注的焦点。本文简析了量子通信研究的发展历程,并对量子通信的实用化现状进行了概括:实用化量子密钥分发技术已近在眼前,但量子隐形传态的实用化仍尚需时日。针对认识和理解量子通信时的典型误区,本文做了简要澄清。根据量子通信实用化发展态势,为我国量子通信的发展提出了4点对策和建议  相似文献   

We argue that the distinction between framework and interaction theories should be taken carefully into consideration when dealing with the philosophical implications of fundamental theories in physics. In particular, conclusions concerning the nature of reality can only be consistently derived from assessing the ontological and epistemic purport of both types of theories. We put forward an epistemic form of realism regarding framework theories, such as Quantum Field Theory. The latter, indeed, informs us about the general properties of quantum fields, laying the groundwork for interaction theories. Yet, concerning interaction theories, we recommend a robust form of ontological realism regarding the entities whose existence is assumed by these theories. As an application, we refer to the case of the Standard Model, so long as it has proved to successfully inform us about the nature of various sorts of fundamental particles making up reality. In short, although we acknowledge that both framework and interaction theories partake in shaping our science-based view of reality, and that neither would do by itself the work we expect them to accomplish together, our proposal for a coherent ontology of fundamental entities advances a compromise between two forms of realism about theories in each case.  相似文献   

量子纠缠及其哲学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,兴起了量子信息论,量子纠缠从理论走向实践.量子纠缠是量子信息与量子隐形传态的关键.量子纠缠是一个特殊的超空间、非定域的量子关联.它涉及非定域性、内部时空、个体性、纠缠资源、相互作用、对称性、同一性等一系列重大的哲学问题,拓展出新的哲学意义.  相似文献   

本文从几个方面考察了日常生活中的读心能力实现的主要进路之一模拟说,交待了模拟说作为理论说的对立方出现的背景,复制策略、最小努力原则和离线机制三种模拟形式,几组支持模拟说的有力的实验证据,以及模拟说在遭到质疑时的各种辩护,说明了读心过程和读物过程存在巨大差异,模拟说对于读心研究而言的确存在诸多理论说所不可比拟的解释优势,但读心始终是一个不可将理论因素完全排除在外的过程,它容纳模拟与理论甚至更多进路的结合。  相似文献   

论心智逻辑理论与心智模型理论融合的可能途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文献表明,到目前为止,还没有一个全面的、精确的和统一的研究人类推理心理学理论,而心智逻辑理论和心智模型理论是近20年来发展最快的两个主流理论。心智逻辑理论认为人类运用推理图式进行推理;心智模型理论则认为人类通过构造心智模型实现推理。本文讨论了两个理论各自的适用范围和局限性,并提出未来两理论融合的可能方向。  相似文献   

镜像神经元的经验发现,被部分发现者和模拟论者解读为基于模拟的心理阅读的神经基础,即亚个人水平的隐模拟过程或映像过程,支撑着个人水平的、有意识内省的显心理模拟。本文分析考察这种哲学解读,认为镜像神经元的相关功能表明了它应该是人们对他人心理阅读能力的神经基础,但还不足以判定其到底支持ST还是TT的心理阅读方式。  相似文献   

可持续发展理论的多重内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可持续发展具有多重维度的科学内涵。本文分别对可持续发展理论的生态环境伦理内涵、经济学内涵展开考察和阐述。  相似文献   

"物象化论"是日本学者广松涉对中晚期马克思思想理论的一个特定的称谓。所谓"物象化论"简言之,就是把"关系"看成"物",并对这样的物象化批判加以揭露的一连串的逻辑构造。在"物象化"视域下,消费社会与消费主义都是资本主义发展到特定阶段的特殊产物;人们之所以把消费看成是消费社会中具有决定性意义的内容,关键在于对消费社会中"人"的规定的物象化谬误。在消费社会中,"人"是一种物象化的存在,因而,在物象化视域下看待消费正义问题,要求我们必须立足于"人"的物象化规定,透过"物象"的樊篱去关注消费背后的意义更深更远的关系意蕴,如此才能真正理解和解决消费正义问题。  相似文献   

邓析的“两可说”历来被视为是诡辩。如果我们用博弈论为工具来分析“两可说”的最为著名的一个事例“赎尸博弈”,可以说明,“两可说”的建议完全符合博弈论理论要求,决非诡辩。  相似文献   

During the refereeing procedure of Anthropomorphic Quantum Darwinism by Thomas Durt, it became apparent in the dialogue between him and me that the definition of information in Physics is something about which not all authors agreed. This text aims at describing the concepts associated to information that are accepted as the standard in the Physics world community.  相似文献   

该文研究了80年代宇宙学的理论进展,提出了80年代是宇宙学理论研究的转折时期。在80年代,宇宙学的理论研究从以天体物理学和核物理学的结合为主过渡到以天体物理学和基本粒子物理学结合为主、从经典研究过渡到量子研究。  相似文献   

TAC(IEEE Trans.On Automatic Control)和Automatica是控制理论领域国际著名期刊。"控制理论与方法"(F0301)是国家自然科学基金二级申请代码,内含21个三级申请代码,基本涵盖了控制理论的各个研究方向。本文基于1986—2009年期间,中国大陆学者在TAC和Automatica上发表的论文数、标注自然科学基金资助的论文数以及同期科学基金在"控制理论与方法"领域资助的项目数和经费数,采用相关性、因果性等分析方法进行综合分析。结果表明,科学基金对推动我国控制理论与控制工程学科的发展起到了越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

康德的空间学说是整个理论哲学批判的奠基石。一般经验的可能性、综合先天命题学说的确立、知识构成的二分、现象和物自体的划界等,确切地表明了空间学说在康德理论哲学中的奠基作用。维也纳学派的领袖和理论奠基人莫里茨.石里克分别在"空间的观念性、嵌入和心理-物理问题"(1916)、"当代物理学中的空间与时间"(1917)两篇论文以及《自然哲学》、《普通认识论》、《论哲学的问题及其相互关联》等著作中,对康德的空间学说展开猛烈的批评,批评性的文字散布在从1910至1936年间的论文和著作中。石里克的这些批判性和建构性的论证,不仅瓦解了康德对空间-欧式几何、知识-直观的旧有教条,也提供了科学与哲学关系的新见解,是二十世纪知识理论研究和心灵哲学中值得重视的一个环节。  相似文献   

自在实体是未经观察的自然客体;现象实体是自在实体与人加观察信号作用的综合产物。自在实体、现象实体、现象及科学理论结构的形成离不开相互作用。相互作用是科学理论结构形成的动因,相互作用实在论从动因角度讨论科学理论结构的实在性,是结构实在论中的一员。量子力学曲率解释中的量子曲率构成曲率波场,曲率波场描述了一个新的物质波动存在形态,科学理论的结构与物质存在形态有了内在的统一性,科学理论的结构是实在的。  相似文献   

达尔文生物进化论之所以能够在近代中日两国的哲学和社会科学领域被广泛传播并产生了巨大影响,其原因在于:两国的历史传统、当时的民族危机感和政治论争、传播者的主观意识以及进化论的双重属性和特征等。汤因比的“文化放射”理论未必完全适于说明进化论的传播问题,值得对其进行深入研究。  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics is usually presented as a challenge to scientific realism, but I will argue that the details of quantum mechanics actually support realism. I will first present some basic quantum mechanical concepts and results, including the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiment and Bell's theorem, and do it in a way that everyone can understand. I will then use the physics to inform the philosophy, showing that quantum mechanics provides evidence to support epistemological realism.  相似文献   

因果关系通常被视为一种传递关系。近年来,哲学家们提出了两类典型的反例来挑战因果传递性原则。当前有代表性的三种解决方案,即相称性方案、面向性方案、对比主义方案,均能够恰当应对第一类反例,但却难以应对第二类反例。通过区分事件系统演化的缺省状态与偏离状态,可以构造一种新的解决方案。在此方案下,因果陈述中所隐含的对系统演化状态的索引化指称得以明晰化,从而可以看到,在两类反例中要么事实上存在因果传递性,要么表面的传递性失败其实源于对案例的不恰当表征。继而因果传递性原则得以捍卫。  相似文献   

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