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Networks of investigators have begun sharing best practices, tools and methods for analysis of associations between genetic variation and common diseases. A Network of Investigator Networks has been set up to drive the process, sponsored by the Human Genome Epidemiology Network. A workshop is planned to develop consensus guidelines for reporting results of genetic association studies. Published literature databases will be integrated, and unpublished data, including 'negative' studies, will be captured by online journals and through investigator networks. Systematic reviews will be expanded to include more meta-analyses of individual-level data and prospective meta-analyses. Field synopses will offer regularly updated overviews.  相似文献   

《Nature genetics》2011,43(3):173
The substantial $10 million purse of the Archon Genomics X PRI ZE (AGXP) is being offered for the generation of rapid, accurate and complete human DNA sequences. Because so many genomics researchers have a stake, we offer to help with a process of community consultation to help evolve fair and efficient methods to validate contestant data for the competition.  相似文献   

We determined the complete genome sequence of Clostridium difficile strain 630, a virulent and multidrug-resistant strain. Our analysis indicates that a large proportion (11%) of the genome consists of mobile genetic elements, mainly in the form of conjugative transposons. These mobile elements are putatively responsible for the acquisition by C. difficile of an extensive array of genes involved in antimicrobial resistance, virulence, host interaction and the production of surface structures. The metabolic capabilities encoded in the genome show multiple adaptations for survival and growth within the gut environment. The extreme genome variability was confirmed by whole-genome microarray analysis; it may reflect the organism's niche in the gut and should provide information on the evolution of virulence in this organism.  相似文献   

Plague is a pandemic human invasive disease caused by the bacterial agent Yersinia pestis. We here report a comparison of 17 whole genomes of Y. pestis isolates from global sources. We also screened a global collection of 286 Y. pestis isolates for 933 SNPs using Sequenom MassArray SNP typing. We conducted phylogenetic analyses on this sequence variation dataset, assigned isolates to populations based on maximum parsimony and, from these results, made inferences regarding historical transmission routes. Our phylogenetic analysis suggests that Y. pestis evolved in or near China and spread through multiple radiations to Europe, South America, Africa and Southeast Asia, leading to country-specific lineages that can be traced by lineage-specific SNPs. All 626 current isolates from the United States reflect one radiation, and 82 isolates from Madagascar represent a second radiation. Subsequent local microevolution of Y. pestis is marked by sequential, geographically specific SNPs.  相似文献   

High-resolution haplotype structure in the human genome   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis is traditionally based on individual genetic markers and often yields an erratic, non-monotonic picture, because the power to detect allelic associations depends on specific properties of each marker, such as frequency and population history. Ideally, LD analysis should be based directly on the underlying haplotype structure of the human genome, but this structure has remained poorly understood. Here we report a high-resolution analysis of the haplotype structure across 500 kilobases on chromosome 5q31 using 103 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a European-derived population. The results show a picture of discrete haplotype blocks (of tens to hundreds of kilobases), each with limited diversity punctuated by apparent sites of recombination. In addition, we develop an analytical model for LD mapping based on such haplotype blocks. If our observed structure is general (and published data suggest that it may be), it offers a coherent framework for creating a haplotype map of the human genome.  相似文献   

The locations and properties of common deletion variants in the human genome are largely unknown. We describe a systematic method for using dense SNP genotype data to discover deletions and its application to data from the International HapMap Consortium to characterize and catalogue segregating deletion variants across the human genome. We identified 541 deletion variants (94% novel) ranging from 1 kb to 745 kb in size; 278 of these variants were observed in multiple, unrelated individuals, 120 in the homozygous state. The coding exons of ten expressed genes were found to be commonly deleted, including multiple genes with roles in sex steroid metabolism, olfaction and drug response. These common deletion polymorphisms typically represent ancestral mutations that are in linkage disequilibrium with nearby SNPs, meaning that their association to disease can often be evaluated in the course of SNP-based whole-genome association studies.  相似文献   

Inversions, deletions and insertions are important mediators of disease and disease susceptibility. We systematically compared the human genome reference sequence with a second genome (represented by fosmid paired-end sequences) to detect intermediate-sized structural variants >8 kb in length. We identified 297 sites of structural variation: 139 insertions, 102 deletions and 56 inversion breakpoints. Using combined literature, sequence and experimental analyses, we validated 112 of the structural variants, including several that are of biomedical relevance. These data provide a fine-scale structural variation map of the human genome and the requisite sequence precision for subsequent genetic studies of human disease.  相似文献   

Shigella are human-adapted Escherichia coli that have gained the ability to invade the human gut mucosa and cause dysentery, spreading efficiently via low-dose fecal-oral transmission. Historically, S. sonnei has been predominantly responsible for dysentery in developed countries but is now emerging as a problem in the developing world, seeming to replace the more diverse Shigella flexneri in areas undergoing economic development and improvements in water quality. Classical approaches have shown that S. sonnei is genetically conserved and clonal. We report here whole-genome sequencing of 132 globally distributed isolates. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that the current S. sonnei population descends from a common ancestor that existed less than 500 years ago and that diversified into several distinct lineages with unique characteristics. Our analysis suggests that the majority of this diversification occurred in Europe and was followed by more recent establishment of local pathogen populations on other continents, predominantly due to the pandemic spread of a single, rapidly evolving, multidrug-resistant lineage.  相似文献   

Characterizing fine-scale variation in human recombination rates is important, both to deepen understanding of the recombination process and to aid the design of disease association studies. Current genetic maps show that rates vary on a megabase scale, but studying finer-scale variation using pedigrees is difficult. Sperm-typing experiments have characterized regions where crossovers cluster into 1-2-kb hot spots, but technical difficulties limit the number of studies. An alternative is to use population variation to infer fine-scale characteristics of the recombination process. Several surveys reported 'block-like' patterns of diversity, which may reflect fine-scale recombination rate variation, but limitations of available methods made this impossible to assess. Here, we applied a new statistical method, which overcomes these limitations, to infer patterns of fine-scale recombination rate variation in 74 genes. We found extensive rate variation both within and among genes. In particular, recombination hot spots are a common feature of the human genome: 47% (35 of 74) of genes showed substantive evidence for a hot spot, and many more showed evidence for some rate variation. No primary sequence characteristics are consistently associated with precise hot-spot location, although G+C content and nucleotide diversity are correlated with local recombination rate.  相似文献   

The completed draft version of the human genome, comprised of multiple short contigs encompassing 85% or more of euchromatin, was announced in June of 2000 (ref. 1). The detailed findings of the sequencing consortium were reported several months later. The draft sequence has provided insight into global characteristics, such as the total number of genes and a more accurate definition of gene families. Also of importance are genome positional details such as local genome architecture, regional gene density and the location of transcribed units that are critical for disease gene identification. We carried out a series of mapping and computational experiments using a nonredundant collection of 925 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and sections of the public draft genome sequence that were available at different timepoints between April 2000 and April 2001. We found discrepancies in both the reported coverage of the human genome and the accuracy of mapping of genomic clones, suggesting some limitations of the draft genome sequence in providing accurate positional information and detailed characterization of chromosomal subregions.  相似文献   

Detection of large-scale variation in the human genome   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
We identified 255 loci across the human genome that contain genomic imbalances among unrelated individuals. Twenty-four variants are present in > 10% of the individuals that we examined. Half of these regions overlap with genes, and many coincide with segmental duplications or gaps in the human genome assembly. This previously unappreciated heterogeneity may underlie certain human phenotypic variation and susceptibility to disease and argues for a more dynamic human genome structure.  相似文献   

Determination of recombination rates across the human genome has been constrained by the limited resolution and accuracy of existing genetic maps and the draft genome sequence. We have genotyped 5,136 microsatellite markers for 146 families, with a total of 1,257 meiotic events, to build a high-resolution genetic map meant to: (i) improve the genetic order of polymorphic markers; (ii) improve the precision of estimates of genetic distances; (iii) correct portions of the sequence assembly and SNP map of the human genome; and (iv) build a map of recombination rates. Recombination rates are significantly correlated with both cytogenetic structures (staining intensity of G bands) and sequence (GC content, CpG motifs and poly(A)/poly(T) stretches). Maternal and paternal chromosomes show many differences in locations of recombination maxima. We detected systematic differences in recombination rates between mothers and between gametes from the same mother, suggesting that there is some underlying component determined by both genetic and environmental factors that affects maternal recombination rates.  相似文献   

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