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为提高双斜率积分ADC中模拟输入信号转换成数字信号的准确性,设计了一种高性能开关电容积分器以替代传统的RC有源积分器。该开关电容积分器的运算放大器由折叠共源共栅输入级和Class AB输出级组成,开关部分选用CMOS开关,以抑制电荷注入和时钟馈通的影响。在中芯国际0.18μmCMOS工艺下,采用EDA仿真软件对相关模块进行仿真验证,得到运算放大器的直流增益为110.3 dB,单位增益带宽为5.64 MHz,相位裕度达到79°,输出摆幅为0.013 3~3 299 mV,转换速率为7.56 MV/s。结果表明,开关电容积分器完全满足双斜率积分ADC的实际应用。  相似文献   

分析了焦化厂的能耗现状。分别从降低焦炉耗热量、余热及废物等资源回收利用、增加节能新技术、提高焦炭质量几方面阐述了国内外焦化厂的节能措施 ,指出了焦化厂的节能方向  相似文献   

随着世界能源危机的加剧,生物质能源的开发利用已成为当今国际上的一大热点。本文通过对能源植物国内外研究进展及开发利用现状进行综述,简单介绍生物质能源的生产技术,分析存在的问题,并针对能源植物的特点及我国国情提出一些建议。  相似文献   

选煤厂节能可以降低吨煤用电量和选煤生产成本,提高企业经济效益,并具有良好的环境效益。本文分析了选煤企业的用能现状,提出了选煤企业运行过程中节约电能、减少能源浪费的主要途径。  相似文献   

活性氧与植物防卫反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:总结分析活性氧在植物防卫反应中的作用。方法:根据近10年内公开发表的20篇中英文文献对活性氧的种类、特性,以及在植物抗病过程中所起的作用进行较全面的总结。结果:介绍活性氧的种类、性质,着重讨论了活性氧的产生和消除机理;并对当前该领域今后的研究方向进行了展望。结论:活性氧在植物防卫反应过程中起双重作用,即高浓度时对植物起伤害作用,低浓度时起信号传递作用诱导植物抗性基因和防卫基因的表达。  相似文献   

You LR  Lin FJ  Lee CT  DeMayo FJ  Tsai MJ  Tsai SY 《Nature》2005,435(7038):98-104
Arteries and veins are anatomically, functionally and molecularly distinct. The current model of arterial-venous identity proposes that binding of vascular endothelial growth factor to its heterodimeric receptor--Flk1 and neuropilin 1 (NP-1; also called Nrp1)--activates the Notch signalling pathway in the endothelium, causing induction of ephrin B2 expression and suppression of ephrin receptor B4 expression to establish arterial identity. Little is known about vein identity except that it involves ephrin receptor B4 expression, because Notch signalling is not activated in veins; an unresolved question is how vein identity is regulated. Here, we show that COUP-TFII (also known as Nr2f2), a member of the orphan nuclear receptor superfamily, is specifically expressed in venous but not arterial endothelium. Ablation of COUP-TFII in endothelial cells enables veins to acquire arterial characteristics, including the expression of arterial markers NP-1 and Notch signalling molecules, and the generation of haematopoietic cell clusters. Furthermore, ectopic expression of COUP-TFII in endothelial cells results in the fusion of veins and arteries in transgenic mouse embryos. Thus, COUP-TFII has a critical role in repressing Notch signalling to maintain vein identity, which suggests that vein identity is under genetic control and is not derived by a default pathway.  相似文献   

Ammon CJ  Kanamori H  Lay T 《Nature》2008,451(7178):561-565
Temporal variations of the frictional resistance on subduction-zone plate boundary faults associated with the stick-slip cycle of large interplate earthquakes are thought to modulate the stress regime and earthquake activity within the subducting oceanic plate. Here we report on two great earthquakes that occurred near the Kuril islands, which shed light on this process and demonstrate the enhanced seismic hazard accompanying triggered faulting. On 15 November 2006, an event of moment magnitude 8.3 ruptured the shallow-dipping plate boundary along which the Pacific plate descends beneath the central Kuril arc. The thrust ruptured a seismic gap that previously had uncertain seismogenic potential, although the earlier occurrence of outer-rise compressional events had suggested the presence of frictional resistance. Within minutes of this large underthrusting event, intraplate extensional earthquakes commenced in the outer rise region seaward of the Kuril trench, and on 13 January 2007, an event of moment magnitude 8.1 ruptured a normal fault extending through the upper portion of the Pacific plate, producing one of the largest recorded shallow extensional earthquakes. This energetic earthquake sequence demonstrates the stress transfer process within the subducting lithosphere, and the distinct rupture characteristics of these great earthquakes illuminate differences in seismogenic properties and seismic hazard of such interplate and intraplate faults.  相似文献   

Chaudhuri O  Parekh SH  Fletcher DA 《Nature》2007,445(7125):295-298
The mechanical properties of cells play an essential role in numerous physiological processes. Organized networks of semiflexible actin filaments determine cell stiffness and transmit force during mechanotransduction, cytokinesis, cell motility and other cellular shape changes. Although numerous actin-binding proteins have been identified that organize networks, the mechanical properties of actin networks with physiological architectures and concentrations have been difficult to measure quantitatively. Studies of mechanical properties in vitro have found that crosslinked networks of actin filaments formed in solution exhibit stress stiffening arising from the entropic elasticity of individual filaments or crosslinkers resisting extension. Here we report reversible stress-softening behaviour in actin networks reconstituted in vitro that suggests a critical role for filaments resisting compression. Using a modified atomic force microscope to probe dendritic actin networks (like those formed in the lamellipodia of motile cells), we observe stress stiffening followed by a regime of reversible stress softening at higher loads. This softening behaviour can be explained by elastic buckling of individual filaments under compression that avoids catastrophic fracture of the network. The observation of both stress stiffening and softening suggests a complex interplay between entropic and enthalpic elasticity in determining the mechanical properties of actin networks.  相似文献   

在电子式电流互感器(ECT)的数据采集系统中,模拟积分器用于Rogowski线圈传感器与模数转换器之间,以防止高压电力开关误动作并抑制直流漂移.但由于高压ECT工作于户外环境,其工作环境的温度变化幅度较大(从-40%到+40%).这种温度变化会影响模拟积分器的相频特性和幅频特性,进而影响ECT输出信号的角差、比差精度,降低ECT的准确级.为了提高ECT的输出精度,保证ECT符合相关技术标准要求,必须解决环境温度变化影响模拟积分器的相位特性和幅频特性的问题、因此,分析了模拟积分器对ECT角差、比差的影响,提出了利用软件技术对其进行补偿的技术方法.在国家授权检测单位对采用此技术的ECT进行的检测结果证实,此方法可有效地解决上述问题.  相似文献   

无线传感器网络与人工免疫系统都是自治的分布式系统.利用人工免疫的免疫克隆算法求解传摩器网络节点的无碰撞最小能耗调度问题,把某一时刻的一次数据传输当做抗原,把可能的传输路径方案作为抗体,选择节点序列的总能耗作为亲和力,利用免疫稳定去掉失效的传感器节点,重构网络拓扑结构,通过建立疫苗库实现人工免疫的二次反应.仿真表明,该算...  相似文献   

基于协作传输中的最佳功率分配,提出一种修正的积累递增广播算法(MCIA),该算法允许多个节点同时传输信息到网络中的其它节点,减小广播信息所需的总发送功率.并且给出了分布式MCIA.分布式MCIA仅需要一跳范围内节点的信息,可以自适应决定协作传输节点的数目.仿真结果表明就总的发送功率而言,MCIA优于已有的广播算法.并且,分布式MCIA能够取得近似集中式MCIA的性能.  相似文献   

协作中继传输是无中心节点的无线网络中一种重要的传输方式,中继选择是中继传输中的一个重要问题。采用数字喷泉码的协作中继传输中的中继选择算法,给出了一种中继选择算法。该算法不仅考虑协作中继系统各条链路的信道状态信息,而且考虑中继当前的剩余能量信息。根据源节点到中继及中继到目的节点的信道信息选择出一组中继,再在这组中继中根据剩余能量的顺序,选择出所需要的中继节点。通过对源节点至目的节点总的传输时间和能量消耗的分析和仿真,以及不同门限值及中继节点数对系统性能影响的仿真。结果表明,与只考虑信道状态信息的中继选择算法相比,采用该算法可明显改善网络寿命。  相似文献   

针对无线能量传递过程中的“双重远近效应”问题,提出一种距离感知的成簇策略。由于传统无线能量传递方案没有考虑距离对网络性能的影响,也缺乏对高能效能量获取方法的挖掘和利用,通过对稳定能量获取来源的物联网进行分析,联合考虑能量与通信的协作,提出一种距离感知的成簇策略来平衡物联网节点获取和消耗能量的不均衡。策略根据簇首选择机制节点被划分为簇首节点和簇成员节点2类,簇首直接与基站通信,成员则将业务发送给所在簇的簇首,然后由簇首转发给基站。研究结果表明,在给定电网总能耗的约束条件下,基于距离感知的成簇策略能提高4倍以上的系统能效,降低至少50%的通信中断,进一步提高了网络覆盖效率,“双重远近效应”问题得到有效解决。  相似文献   

火电厂是生产电能、热能的企业,燃煤成本占火电企业生产成本的65%以上,煤炭价格上涨、煤炭质量下降等不利因素,对电厂带来巨大的经营压力.在长期燃用低热值燃煤的条件下,不但要确保设备的安全运行,还要抓住煤、电、水、油等能源消耗的管理细节,挖潜提效,节能降耗,才能使电厂缓解经营压力,提高经济运行质量.  相似文献   

随着能量获取传感器网络的快速发展,超级电容作为一种性能优越的储能元件而被广泛运用于传感器节点的能量存储和管理模块.然而,现有的关于超级电容在能量获取传感器网络系统中作用和地位的认识是比较粗略的.文章首先介绍超级电容的主要建模思路,在进行各模型性能综合分析的基础上,依据超级电容的内部结构及其工作原理,指出了现有模型不可避免的问题;接着提出一种新的建模思路,其能更精确地估计传感器网络获取的环境能量;最后针对未来超级电容建模,提出一些针对性的建议.  相似文献   

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