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正博士后[美国]Children’s National Medical Center Children’s National Medical Center,Cancer and ImmunologyCenter is seeking a postdoctoral research fellow who is highlycreative,motivated,and enjoys working independently as well asin a collaboratively setting.The candidate will perform research inbasic biology to study innate immunity,immunotherapy of cancerand/or autoimmune diseases,genetic pathway for development of  相似文献   

正博士后[日本]National Center of Neurology and PsychiatryNational Center of Neurology and Psychiatry seeks to hire anpostdoctoral Scientist-Department of Neurophysiology within theNational Institute of Neuroscience.The position is available in thelab of Kazuhiko SEKI,PhD.Their transgenic group is producing  相似文献   

正博士后[奥地利]University of InnsbruckUniversity of Innsbruck is soliciting applications for a postdoctoralresearch associate.Interested candidates with a mathematicsrelated Ph D and a strong background in one or more of thefollowing fields-sparsity,dictionary learning,compressed sensing,approximation theory,geometric functional analysis(concentrationof measure),optimisation,harmonic analysis,machine learning-areinvited to apply,by electronically submitting a motivation letter  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Maine Medical Center Research Institute Maine Medical Center Research Institute is seeking a Postdoctoral fellow to join a research team whose area of study is the role of thyroid hormone exposure in development.This team uses a number of genetic and epigenetic mouse models to understand how  相似文献   

正博士后[德国]Max Planck Institute Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization opens apostdoctoral position for a postdoctoral researcher.An idealcandidate is a theoretical physicist and has excellent skills inadvanced computational techniques,is familiar with foundations ofstatistical physics and nonlinear dynamics theory,likes to workclosely with data,works independently,and has some experiencein supervising research projects that are of cross-disciplinary  相似文献   

正博士后[德国]ABNOBA Gmb HABNOBA Gmb H seeks a post-doctoral researcher in Pharmaceutical Process Engineering for 24 months.Technological objectives:Production of API loaded DDS ready for pre-clinical testing;Establishment of production technologies ready for industrial scaleup.The production technologies of the DDS are developed in a team of experienced and early stage process engineers,while the quality and suitability of the DDS is characterized together with  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Florida State University Florida State University opens a position for postdoctoralresearcher of experimental biophysics.They performs researchfocusing on cellular signaling processes and crowded cell-likeenvironments.Their work combines experiment with theory andcomputation to address mechanistic,kinetic,and thermodynamicquestions on protein-protein association and protein-ligand  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Columbia University A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Peter Sims(http://www.columbia.edu/~pas2182)at Columbia University Medical Center in the Department of Systems Biology.Candidates must be highly motivated PhD-level scientists with expertise in next-generation sequencing.Experience with translational  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Boston Children's HospitalBoston Children’s Hospital is seeking a motivated individual to join their studies on the therapeutic potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Exosomes and the elucidation of the mechanism of their action.Ongoing studies involve the delivery of purified exosomes secreted by human or mouse bone marrow MSCs or human  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]University of California,San Francisco University of California,San Francisco is seeking a motivated post-doctoral fellow to conduct research in the fields of viral discovery in humans and animals using metagenomics in the laboratory of  相似文献   

正博士后[德国]Max Planck InstituteMax Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Gttingen(Germany)invites applications for positions as Postdoc orPh D student(Code-Number 22-14).You should have a strongbackground in physics,chemistry,computer science and/ormathematics and hold a Ph D or a Masters degree(or equivalent)in any of these or a related field,be highly interactive and willingto collaborate efficiently with experts from all natural sciences.  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Johns Hopkins UniversityA Postdoctoral Fellowship in Vascular Immuno-biology focused oninflammation in lung vascular remodeling,inflammation and fibrosisis available.Experience in vascular cell biology and immunologywith strong cell and molecular biology skills is essential.Applicantsfor the position should include a curriculum vitae and names/contactinformation for three references to Roger Johns,MD PhD c/o AprilRoger AprilMaith(amaith2@jhmi.edu).(源于Science[2014-04-28])  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]The George Washington UniversityThe George Washington University is looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic post-doctoral fellow interested in using a combination of human genetics and animal models to study the mechanisms of neurodevelopmental disorders.Their works stems from human mutations severely affecting brain development and cognitive function,and this position focuses on signaling and protein trafficking through the endosome in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disability.Please visit their website www.manzinilab.org for more details.Please provide  相似文献   

正博士后[德国]Leibniz Institute for Age ResearchLeibniz Institute for Age Research offer a postdoc position for the Network Regener Aging onaging induced impairments in regeneration and stem cell functionalityacross different organs and model organisms.They intend to boost interdisciplinary  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Yale University The Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale University(earth.yale.edu)announces the 2014 competition for the Richard FosterFlint Postdoctoral Fellowship.They welcome applicants withresearch interests in climatic processes as well as Cenozoic climatichistory.Specific research areas include,but are not limited to,glaciology;climatology;atmospheric and oceanic circulations;low-temperature geochemistry;coupling between tectonics,climate andsurface processes;and the biologic record of climate change.  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality The Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality,one of threnational poverty centers,is seeking a postdoctoral scholar for one-year term beginning either in January 2015 or August 2015The scholar will collaborate with PIs David B.Grusky and MichaeMacy on a National Science Foundation project examining whetheclass barriers to interaction are less prominent in social medithan in face-to-face networks.The analyses will draw on profil  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Catholic University of AmericaPostdoctoral position available at Catholic University of America,Washington,DC,to work on the design of single dose vaccines(biodefense and HIV),using a novel bacteriophage T4 vaccinedelivery platform(http://faculty.cua.edu/rao).Involves basic as wellas translational research on phage DNA packaging,recombinantDNA construction,protein expression in mammalian cells and E.coli,protein purification,and mutagenesis.Candidate will havePhD in Biological Sciences and strong background in molecular  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]Massachusetts General HospitalPostdoctoral research opportunities are available in the area ofbiomedical optics at the Massachusetts General Hospital in theWellman Center for Photomedicine.Candidates with strongbackgrounds in Engineering,Optics,Physics and other relevantdisciplines are sought to join leading efforts in the development  相似文献   

正博士后[美国]University of Texas at Austin University of Texas at Austin opens a full-time postdoctoral position in the Dr.Dawit Kidane Laboratory with the College of Pharmacy,Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology.Research in the laboratory focuses on DNA damage response and genomic  相似文献   

博士后岗位[德国]Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt München (LMU) The Division of Neurobiology at the LMU Bio-center in Munich invites applications for several postdoctoral positions (Auditory Processing) in experimental neurobiology and computational  相似文献   

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