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Coqueugniot H  Hublin JJ  Veillon F  Houët F  Jacob T 《Nature》2004,431(7006):299-302
Humans differ from other primates in their significantly lengthened growth period. The persistence of a fetal pattern of brain growth after birth is another important feature of human development. Here we present the results of an analysis of the 1.8-million-year-old Mojokerto child (Perning 1, Java), the only well preserved skull of a Homo erectus infant, by computed tomography. Comparison with a large series of extant humans and chimpanzees indicates that this individual was about 1 yr (0-1.5 yr) old at death and had an endocranial capacity at 72-84% of an average adult H. erectus. This pattern of relative brain growth resembles that of living apes, but differs from that seen in extant humans. It implies that major differences in the development of cognitive capabilities existed between H. erectus and anatomically modern humans.  相似文献   

与传统拌和方式相比,振动搅拌技术运用在水泥稳定碎石拌和中,大大提高了水泥稳定碎石的拌和均匀性,使水泥稳定碎石的强度有很大的提高。本研究主要对水泥稳定碎石的振动搅拌技术与性能进行试验研究,研究内容包括:传统与振动搅拌技术的原理分析,振动搅拌的水泥稳定碎石最大干密度和最佳含水量确定;振动搅拌的水泥稳定碎石无侧限抗压强度和劈裂强度试验。研究结果表明,振动搅拌水泥稳定碎石的无侧限抗压强度和劈裂强度均满足规范要求。振动搅拌技术的应用可以取得较好的经济效益与社会效益。  相似文献   

Continent China is composed of several blocks of variable sizes during different geological times, inwhich South China Block is composed of three tectonic units: Yangtze Block, Jiangnan Fold Belt and Southeast China Coastal Fold Belt (Fig. 1(a)), the last…  相似文献   

组织公民行为及其对管理人员的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织公民行为是员工自愿表现出来的超越正式职务要求的行为。章在分析论述组织公民行为的基本概念和基本维度的基础上,讨论了组织公民行为产生的动机.指出了组织公民行为对管理人员的启示。  相似文献   

The Nujiang region along the China-Burma border in the western Yunnan has received a great deal of attention and has been considered to be the important channel of southeastward escape of the Tibetan Plateau[1-4]. This channel is bordered by the Red River-Ailao Mountain left-literal strick-slip fault in the east and Gaoligong- Sagaing right-literal strick-slip fault in the west[5-7]. Within this channel, it is still not clear to which tectonic  相似文献   

为了解决如何使得麦饭石中微量元素溶出量达到最佳这一问题,采用室内分析方法,研究了麦饭石溶出性能的影响因素,研究发现麦饭石母岩经过风化作用后,原生的铝硅酸盐矿物变成白色细鳞片状绢云母。Na^+、Mg^2+、Ca^2+等离子从硅铝酸盐矿物中析出,K^+、CO3^2-等离子进入矿物内部,这就是麦饭石能溶出大量的常量元素的原因。随着矿物颗粒减小、溶出时间延长以及水溶液浓度的增加等,麦饭石矿物中元素的溶出能力将会得到提高。该研究对麦饭石矿产资源的进一步开发利用具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。  相似文献   

麦饭石的溶出性能及其影响因素(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决如何使得麦饭石中微量元素溶出量达到最佳这一问题,采用室内分析方法,研究了麦饭石溶出性能的影响因素,研究发现麦饭石母岩经过风化作用后,原生的铝硅酸盐矿物变成白色细鳞片状绢云母.Na 、Mg2 、Ca2 等离子从硅铝酸盐矿物中析出,K 、CO32-等离子进入矿物内部,这就是麦饭石能溶出大量的常量元素的原因.随着浸泡温度的提高以及对麦饭石进行活化处理等,麦饭石矿物中元素的溶出能力将会得到提高.该研究对麦饭石矿产资源的进一步开发利用具有一定的参考价值和指导意义.  相似文献   

The appearance of anatomically modern humans in Europe and the nature of the transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic are matters of intense debate. Most researchers accept that before the arrival of anatomically modern humans, Neanderthals had adopted several 'transitional' technocomplexes. Two of these, the Uluzzian of southern Europe and the Chatelperronian of western Europe, are key to current interpretations regarding the timing of arrival of anatomically modern humans in the region and their potential interaction with Neanderthal populations. They are also central to current debates regarding the cognitive abilities of Neanderthals and the reasons behind their extinction. However, the actual fossil evidence associated with these assemblages is scant and fragmentary, and recent work has questioned the attribution of the Chatelperronian to Neanderthals on the basis of taphonomic mixing and lithic analysis. Here we reanalyse the deciduous molars from the Grotta del Cavallo (southern Italy), associated with the Uluzzian and originally classified as Neanderthal. Using two independent morphometric methods based on microtomographic data, we show that the Cavallo specimens can be attributed to anatomically modern humans. The secure context of the teeth provides crucial evidence that the makers of the Uluzzian technocomplex were therefore not Neanderthals. In addition, new chronometric data for the Uluzzian layers of Grotta del Cavallo obtained from associated shell beads and included within a Bayesian age model show that the teeth must date to ~45,000-43,000 calendar years before present. The Cavallo human remains are therefore the oldest known European anatomically modern humans, confirming a rapid dispersal of modern humans across the continent before the Aurignacian and the disappearance of Neanderthals.  相似文献   

介绍丙烯酸石头漆涂料的结构、特点、施工工艺及其常见质量通病的处理方法.  相似文献   

Dinosaur egg clutches represent remarkable specimens in being both body fossils (the anatomical remains of an ancient animal) as well as a trace fossil (the dir...  相似文献   

世界电子政务的发展进程对中国的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章阐述了世界电子政务在现阶段的定义与发展阶段模式。通过对在该领域领先的美国及新加坡电子政务发展特点及最新趋势,总结我国电子政务发展存在的问题,并提出推动我国电子政务发展的政策和建议。  相似文献   

Ponce de León MS  Zollikofer CP 《Nature》2001,412(6846):534-538
Homo neanderthalensis has a unique combination of craniofacial features that are distinct from fossil and extant 'anatomically modern' Homo sapiens (modern humans). Morphological evidence, direct isotopic dates and fossil mitochondrial DNA from three Neanderthals indicate that the Neanderthals were a separate evolutionary lineage for at least 500,000 yr. However, it is unknown when and how Neanderthal craniofacial autapomorphies (unique, derived characters) emerged during ontogeny. Here we use computerized fossil reconstruction and geometric morphometrics to show that characteristic differences in cranial and mandibular shape between Neanderthals and modern humans arose very early during development, possibly prenatally, and were maintained throughout postnatal ontogeny. Postnatal differences in cranial ontogeny between the two taxa are characterized primarily by heterochronic modifications of a common spatial pattern of development. Evidence for early ontogenetic divergence together with evolutionary stasis of taxon-specific patterns of ontogeny is consistent with separation of Neanderthals and modern humans at the species level.  相似文献   

数字非线性编辑技术已在电视节目制作中得到了广泛应用。本文对由数字视频压缩技术发展所形成的非线性编辑技术及其在视频节目中的应用进行了介绍,并对常用的视频非线性编辑软件的使用进行了简要阐述。  相似文献   

介绍了基于脚本语言JavaScript的Dynamic hyper text markup language(DHTML)的技术进行了分析,讨论了其特点及在未来的页面上的应用,阐述了活用这些页面技术来实现一些页面效果设置,并以创建新窗口为例模拟Windows系统的部分实现.  相似文献   

介绍了基于脚本语言JavaScript的Dynamic hyper text markup language(DHTML)的技术进行了分析,讨论了其特点及在未来的页面上的应用,阐述了活用这些页面技术来实现一些页面效果设置,并以创建新窗口为例模拟Windows系统的部分实现.  相似文献   

针对国内油田薄油层井、小间隙井和侧钻井固井后射孔及后续增产措施造成的水泥环脆裂(即二次窜流)问题,为了降低水泥石的脆性,正确评价不同材料对水泥石韧性或弹性的影响,对掺有胶乳、橡胶粉和PVA纤维水泥石的抗折强度、抗压强度、抗冲击功和弹性模量等力学性能进行了研究,并对3种材料的作用机理进行了剖析.研究结果表明,与净浆水泥石相比,掺有胶乳和橡胶粉水泥石的弹性模量分别降低了69%~76%和49%~60%,掺有PVA纤维水泥石的抗冲击功和抗折强度分别提高了9%~89%和16%~37%.胶乳、橡胶粉与水泥水化产物的有效铰接和桥联作用显著提高了水泥石的弹性,PVA纤维的有效阻裂作用显著提高了水泥石的韧性.  相似文献   

油井水泥石脆性降低的途径及其作用机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内油田薄油层井、小间隙井和侧钻井固井后射孔及后续增产措施造成的水泥环脆裂(即二次窜流)问题,为了降低水泥石的脆性,正确评价不同材料对水泥石韧性或弹性的影响,对掺有胶乳、橡胶粉和PVA纤维水泥石的抗折强度、抗压强度、抗冲击功和弹性模量等力学性能进行了研究,并对3种材料的作用机理进行了剖析。研究结果表明,与净浆水泥石相比,掺有胶乳和橡胶粉水泥石的弹性模量分别降低了69%-76%和49%-60%,掺有PVA纤维水泥石的抗冲击功和抗折强度分别提高了9%-89%和16%-37%。胶乳、橡胶粉与水泥水化产物的有效铰接和桥联作用显著提高了水泥石的弹性,PVA纤维的有效阻裂作用显著提高了水泥石的韧性。  相似文献   

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