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In this paper, two new interpolation algorithms lot CNC machining along curve~l tom pathes are proposed: a time-optimal interpolation algorithm under chord error, feedrate, and tangential acceleration bounds, and a greedy interpolation algorithm under the chord error and tangential jerk bounds. The key idea is to reduce the chord error bound to a centripetal acceleration bound which leads to a velocity limit curve, called the chord error velocity limit curve. Then, the velocity planning is to find the proper velocity curve governed by the acceleration or jerk bounds '~under" the chord error velocity limit curve. For two types of simple tool pathes, explicit formulas for the velocity curve are given and the methods are implemented in commercial CNC controllers.  相似文献   

阐述了现代战机导引系统的功能、结构与工作方式。对追踪导引建模之后,假设目标机动轨迹可知,应用最优控制理论,通过巧妙的数学推导和数值计算,研究了追踪时间最优的导引律。针对具体工程实现时理论设计求解中数值计算误差的客观存在,又应用预测控制分段计算、滚动优化的思想,对最优导引律作了进一步改进,获得了更为可行实用的优化导引律。仿真研究表明,所设计的优化导引律较各种比例导引律性能更优,捕获目标的时间更短,消耗的能量更少,并能成功应用于载机导引,为新一代战机导引系统的研制与引进飞机的国产化提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

针对轮式移动机器人(Wheeled Mobile Robot-WMR)自身欠驱动的特点,并考虑到实际工作时的各种约束和限制,提出了一种基于模型预测控制(Model Predictive Control -MPC)的多约束轨迹规划方法。可以对车体自身的运动学约束、物理约束以及避障等约束进行集中有效的处理,可以生成符合车体自身模型特点并满足各种约束的可行轨迹,充分保证了轮式移动机器人自主行驶的可行性,安全性,高效性。仿真结果充分验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

资源的有限性以及活动的并发执行导致协同任务中极易发生资源冲突,需施加时间约束以限定活动执行时间从而避免冲突的出现。在分析多机协同任务的基础上,将任务过程转化为带有多容量资源的任务调度模型,根据模型时间特性给出资源冲突定义及其判断准则。提出基于最小冲突集的资源冲突检测算法,其中利用时间交叠关系的特点,将资源冲突的检测与消解问题转化为连通图中闭团的检查与消除问题。进而从约束满足的角度研究了基于最小承诺策略的消解算法。实验结果表明方法的有效性。  相似文献   

从多机器人队形控制的角度出发,并以组群机器人系统结构为基础,分析设计了一类多机器人协作搬运方法--时间最优搬运方法,主要解决了在被搬运物体形状未知的情况下如何寻找最优搬运点以及各机器人时问最短到达最优搬运点的路径规划问题,并证明了稳定时间最优路径规划算法(STOPP)满足队形变换时间最优且保证队形转换过程中系统内部避碰.  相似文献   

针对狭小平行泊车位的路径规划和泊车轨迹曲率不连续等问题,同时考虑避撞约束,提出了一种最优化多段式泊车路径规划方法.建立了车辆方向盘转速恒定时的车辆后轴中心运动轨迹方程;其次为保证车辆安全停车,建立了避障约束函数;设置泊车路径后轴中心为控制点,以泊车空间最小、最终泊车姿态角最小等泊车指标求取路径最优解.通过Simulin...  相似文献   

基于相遇误差的飞机导引方法建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于雷  李言俊  周焘 《系统仿真学报》2007,19(3):478-481,485
为提高飞机导引精度,使飞机在进入空战区域时占据有利条件,推导了一种基于制导武器与目标的相遇误差的飞机导引方法,并对其进行了仿真。首先,给出相遇误差的确定方法,分析了在具有发射和相遇条件限制的情况下该导引方法的原理及数学模型,根据时间最优准则确定飞机飞行的最优基准轨迹。然后,对导引第一阶段导引方程组解的情况进行了仿真分析,应用MATLAB对该导引方法的基准轨迹的建立进行了仿真验证。仿真结果表明:该导引方法在保证所导引飞机处于有利的攻击位置的条件下能够很好地完成飞机的导引。  相似文献   

针对存在异质用户的固定需求交通路网,当用户的时间价值呈离散分布,且出行费用与出行时间表现为非线性函数关系时,分别建立了基于时间和费用两种计量准则下的系统最优和多用户均衡路径选择模型.证明了在非线性时间价值函数条件下,存在非负匿名路段收费方案,使得基于费用计量的多用户均衡解与系统最优解一致,但在时间计量单位下,使得系统最优解与多用户均衡解一致的匿名路段收费方案不存在.  相似文献   

动态系统最优的疏散路线与出发时间综合优化模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
疏散是应急管理的重要内容.区域性疏散涉及到大批车辆的集体性出行,为保证疏散的安全、有序,有必要在疏散规划中合理规定源点车辆的分批次出发时间和路线安排.以往大量研究将疏散路线和出发时间的优化描述为动态网络流优化问题.但在这些模型中,交通流的一个重要特征却没有得到合理反映,即路段走行时间等路网特征的变化不但与时间有关,还依赖于路段或路网的交通负荷.本文提出了一个动态系统最优的疏散路线与出发时间综合优化模型,其中采用基于加载仿真的非解析式子表示流量传播约束,通过其反映路段走行时间随道路负荷变化的实际.设计了基于加载仿真的启发式算法,并给出了一个数值算例.  相似文献   

圆形阵列由于可实现全空间无模糊的波束扫描而得到广泛应用。给出了基于最小均方误差准则下有向阵元均匀圆阵的最佳方向图综合方法。在无约束和带零点约束两种情况下,分别给出了相应最优权值的求解公式。由于圆形阵列具有较高的近轴旁瓣电平,通过对主波束附近的旁瓣增加零点约束条件来达到降低近轴旁瓣电平的目的。研究表明,不同零点约束会对旁瓣电平有明显的影响,合适的零点位置能明显改善方向图的近轴性能。该方法简单易行,适合在圆形相控阵天线中使用。仿真给出了对近轴旁瓣电平改善最明显的零点位置。  相似文献   

In this paper, a method of reducing the tracking error in CNC machining is proposed. The structured neural network is used to approximate the discontinuous friction in CNC machining, which has jump points and uncertainties. With the estimated nonlinear friction function, the reshaped trajectory can be computed from the desired one by solving a second order ODE such that when the reshaped trajectory is fed into the CNC controller, the output is the desired trajectory and the tracking error is eliminated in certain sense. The proposed reshape method is also shown to be robust with respect to certain parameters of the dynamic system.  相似文献   

The extended optima straints of miss distance and Schwartz inequality. To reduce guidance law with terminal conmpact angle is derived by the terminal acceleration and eliminate gravity disturbance absolutely, the object function, which designs the weight of control command to be the power function of time-to-go's reciprocal, is given. And the gravity is considered when building the state equation. Based on the parsing express of the guidance command change with varying time and adjoint system analysis method, the command characteristics and the non-dimensional miss distance of the guidance law are analyzed, a design principle of guidance order coefficients is discussed. Finally, based on the requirement of engineering, the method to calculate the guidance condition and maximal required acceleration of the guidance law is given. The simulation demonstrates that not only the guidance law can satisfy the terminal position and impact angle constraints, but also the terminal acceleration can be converged toward zero, which will support a good situation for the terminal angle of attacking control.  相似文献   

For the geometry characteristics of open free-form surfaces, it is hard to consider global interference during the planning of feasible domains. Therefore, the optimal kinematic orientation of tool axis will no longer be confined to the boundary of feasible domains. In this paper, according to the principle demanding that the tool should be fitted to a surface as close as possible and relevant processing parameters, a feasible domain of tool orientation for each cutter contact is planned in the local feed coordinates system. Then, these feasible domains of the tool orientation are transformed into the same coordinates system of the machine tool by the inverse kinematics transformation. The linear equations based feasible domain method and Rosen gradient projection algorithm are used to improve the optimization process in precision and efficiency of the algorithm. It constructs the variation of tool orientation optimization model and ensures the smoothness of tool orientation globally. Simulation and analysis of examples show that the proposed method has good kinematics performance and greatly improves the efficiency.  相似文献   

A novel approach is proposed for correcting command points and compressing discrete axis commands into a C2 continuous curve. The relationship between values of rotation angles and tool posture errors is firstly analyzed. A segmentation method based on values of rotation angles and lengths of adjacent points is then used to subdivide these command points into accuracy regions and smoothness regions. Since tool center points generated by CAD~CAM system are usually lying in the space that is apart from the desired curve within a tolerance distance, and the corresponding tool orientation vector may change a lot while the trajectory length of the tool center point is quite small, directly machining with such points will lead to problems of coarse working shape and long machining time. A correction method for command points is implemented so that good processing effectiveness can be achieved. Also, the quintic spline is used for compressing discrete command points into a C2 continuous smooth curve. The machining experiment is finally conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

基于3DSAS的多约束多航迹协同规划与搜索方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为解决多航迹规划中的避撞与协同问题,提出一种三维环境下的基于稀疏A*的多航迹协同规划方法。该方法设计了一种规划框架,分别在航迹搜索前与搜索过程中考虑多航迹的协同问题。在航迹搜索过程中,不但结合单条航迹原有的约束条件,同时还进行了航迹间的碰撞检测,并且通过航迹的协同违背量等因素来进行启发式搜索。该方法可以有效处理各类约束条件,简化启发因子,从而获得更好的规划性能。  相似文献   

Variable feedrate interpolation algorithms for five-axis parametric toolpath are very promis- ing but still rather limited currently. In this paper, an off-line feedrate scheduling method of dual NURBS curve is presented with geometric and kinematical constraints. For a given dual parametric curve, the feedrates of sampling points are first scheduled sequent with confined feedrate of cutter tip and machine pivot, chord error, normal acceleration and angular feedrate. Then, the feedrate profiles of angular feed acceleration sensitive regions of the path are adjusted using a bi-directional scanning algorithm. After that, a linear programming method is used to adjust the feedrate profiles of linear feed acceleration sensitive regions and control the linear feed acceleration of both cutter tip and machine pivot within preset values. Further, a NURBS curve is used to fit the feedrates of sampling points. Finally, illustrative examples are carried out to validate the feasibility of the proposed feedrate schedul- ing method. The results show that the proposed method has the ability of effectively controlling the angular feed characters of cutter axis as well as the chord error and linear feed characters of cutter tip and machine pivot, and it has potential to be used in high accuracy and high quality five-axis machining.  相似文献   

A heuristic approach is developed for supply chain planning modeled as multi-item multi-levelcapacitated lot sizing problems. The heuristic combines Lagrangian relaxation(LR) with local search.Different from existing LR approaches that relax capacity constraints and/or inventory balanceconstraints, our approach only relaxes the technical constraints that each 0-1 setup variable must takevalue 1 if its corresponding continuous variable is positive. The relaxed problem is approximatelysolved by using the simplex algorithm for linear programming, while Lagrange multipliers are updatedby using a surrogate subgradient method that ensures the convergence of the dual problem in case ofthe approximate resolution of the relaxed problem. At each iteration, a feasible solution of the originalproblem is constructed from the solution of the relaxed problem. The feasible solution is furtherimproved by a local search that changes the values of two setup variables at each time. By taking theadvantages of a special stru  相似文献   

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