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AcrB is a principal multidrug efflux transporter in Escherichia coli that cooperates with an outer-membrane channel, TolC, and a membrane-fusion protein, AcrA. Here we describe crystal structures of AcrB with and without substrates. The AcrB-drug complex consists of three protomers, each of which has a different conformation corresponding to one of the three functional states of the transport cycle. Bound substrate was found in the periplasmic domain of one of the three protomers. The voluminous binding pocket is aromatic and allows multi-site binding. The structures indicate that drugs are exported by a three-step functionally rotating mechanism in which substrates undergo ordered binding change.  相似文献   

Malinina L  Malakhova ML  Teplov A  Brown RE  Patel DJ 《Nature》2004,430(7003):1048-1053
Lipid transfer proteins are important in membrane vesicle biogenesis and trafficking, signal transduction and immunological presentation processes. The conserved and ubiquitous mammalian glycolipid transfer proteins (GLTPs) serve as potential regulators of cell processes mediated by glycosphingolipids, ranging from differentiation and proliferation to invasive adhesion, neurodegeneration and apoptosis. Here we report crystal structures of apo-GLTP (1.65 A resolution) and lactosylceramide-bound (1.95 A) GLTP, in which the bound glycosphingolipid is sandwiched, after adaptive recognition, within a previously unknown two-layer all-alpha-helical topology. Glycosphingolipid binding specificity is achieved through recognition and anchoring of the sugar-amide headgroup to the GLTP recognition centre by hydrogen bond networks and hydrophobic contacts, and encapsulation of both lipid chains, in a precisely oriented manner within a 'moulded-to-fit' hydrophobic tunnel. A cleft-like conformational gating mechanism, involving two interhelical loops and one alpha-helix of GLTP, could enable the glycolipid chains to enter and leave the tunnel in the membrane-associated state. Mutation and functional analyses of residues in the glycolipid recognition centre and within the hydrophobic tunnel support a framework for understanding how GLTPs acquire and release glycosphingolipids during lipid intermembrane transfer and presentation processes.  相似文献   

Obmolova G  Ban C  Hsieh P  Yang W 《Nature》2000,407(6805):703-710
DNA mismatch repair is critical for increasing replication fidelity in organisms ranging from bacteria to humans. MutS protein, a member of the ABC ATPase superfamily, recognizes mispaired and unpaired bases in duplex DNA and initiates mismatch repair. Mutations in human MutS genes cause a predisposition to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer as well as sporadic tumours. Here we report the crystal structures of a MutS protein and a complex of MutS with a heteroduplex DNA containing an unpaired base. The structures reveal the general architecture of members of the MutS family, an induced-fit mechanism of recognition between four domains of a MutS dimer and a heteroduplex kinked at the mismatch, a composite ATPase active site composed of residues from both MutS subunits, and a transmitter region connecting the mismatch-binding and ATPase domains. The crystal structures also provide a molecular framework for understanding hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer mutations and for postulating testable roles of MutS.  相似文献   

组蛋白去甲基化酶LSD1的结构和功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组蛋白去甲基化酶LSD1的发现是表观遗传学领域的重要进展,揭示了组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化和其他化学修饰如乙酰化、磷酸化、泛素化等一样是一个动态调节的过程.结构和功能研究显示 LSD1调控着基因转录的激活和抑制以及p53的活性,在癌症的发生和发展中起着重要的作用,是一个潜在的抗癌药物开发靶蛋白.  相似文献   

The Dscam gene gives rise to thousands of diverse cell surface receptors thought to provide homophilic and heterophilic recognition specificity for neuronal wiring and immune responses. Mutually exclusive splicing allows for the generation of sequence variability in three immunoglobulin ecto-domains, D2, D3 and D7. We report X-ray structures of the amino-terminal four immunoglobulin domains (D1-D4) of two distinct Dscam isoforms. The structures reveal a horseshoe configuration, with variable residues of D2 and D3 constituting two independent surface epitopes on either side of the receptor. Both isoforms engage in homo-dimerization coupling variable domain D2 with D2, and D3 with D3. These interactions involve symmetric, antiparallel pairing of identical peptide segments from epitope I that are unique to each isoform. Structure-guided mutagenesis and swapping of peptide segments confirm that epitope I, but not epitope II, confers homophilic binding specificity of full-length Dscam receptors. Phylogenetic analysis shows strong selection of matching peptide sequences only for epitope I. We propose that peptide complementarity of variable residues in epitope I of Dscam is essential for homophilic binding specificity.  相似文献   

Zagotta WN  Olivier NB  Black KD  Young EC  Olson R  Gouaux E 《Nature》2003,425(6954):200-205
The family of hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-modulated (HCN) channels are crucial for a range of electrical signalling, including cardiac and neuronal pacemaker activity, setting resting membrane electrical properties and dendritic integration. These nonselective cation channels, underlying the I(f), I(h) and I(q) currents of heart and nerve cells, are activated by membrane hyperpolarization and modulated by the binding of cyclic nucleotides such as cAMP and cGMP. The cAMP-mediated enhancement of channel activity is largely responsible for the increase in heart rate caused by beta-adrenergic agonists. Here we have investigated the mechanism underlying this modulation by studying a carboxy-terminal fragment of HCN2 containing the cyclic nucleotide-binding domain (CNBD) and the C-linker region that connects the CNBD to the pore. X-ray crystallographic structures of this C-terminal fragment bound to cAMP or cGMP, together with equilibrium sedimentation analysis, identify a tetramerization domain and the mechanism for cyclic nucleotide specificity, and suggest a model for ligand-dependent channel modulation. On the basis of amino acid sequence similarity to HCN channels, the cyclic nucleotide-gated, and eag- and KAT1-related families of channels are probably related to HCN channels in structure and mechanism.  相似文献   

A role for Saccharomyces cerevisiae histone H2A in DNA repair   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Downs JA  Lowndes NF  Jackson SP 《Nature》2000,408(6815):1001-1004

A mammalian protein with specific demethylase activity for mCpG DNA   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Bhattacharya SK  Ramchandani S  Cervoni N  Szyf M 《Nature》1999,397(6720):579-583
DNA-methylation patterns are important for regulating genome functions, and are determined by the enzymatic processes of methylation and demethylation. The demethylating enzyme has now been identified: a mammalian complementary DNA encodes a methyl-CpG-binding domain, bears a demethylase activity that transforms methylated cytosine bases to cytosine, and demethylates a plasmid when the cDNA is translated or transiently transfected into human embryonal kidney cells in vitro. The discovery of this DNA demethylase should provide a basis for the molecular and developmental analysis of the role of DNA methylation and demethylation.  相似文献   

Okada Y  Scott G  Ray MK  Mishina Y  Zhang Y 《Nature》2007,450(7166):119-123
Recent studies indicate that, similar to other covalent modifications, histone lysine methylation is subject to enzyme-catalysed reversion. So far, LSD1 (also known as AOF2) and the jumonji C (JmjC)-domain-containing proteins have been shown to possess histone demethylase activity. LSD1 catalyses removal of H3K4me2/H3K4me1 through a flavin-adenine-dinucleotide-dependent oxidation reaction. In contrast, JmjC-domain-containing proteins remove methyl groups from histones through a hydroxylation reaction that requires alpha-ketoglutarate and Fe(II) as cofactors. Although an increasing number of histone demethylases have been identified and biochemically characterized, their biological functions, particularly in the context of an animal model, are poorly characterized. Here we use a loss-of-function approach to demonstrate that the mouse H3K9me2/1-specific demethylase JHDM2A (JmjC-domain-containing histone demethylase 2A, also known as JMJD1A) is essential for spermatogenesis. We show that Jhdm2a-deficient mice exhibit post-meiotic chromatin condensation defects, and that JHDM2A directly binds to and controls the expression of transition nuclear protein 1 (Tnp1) and protamine 1 (Prm1) genes, the products of which are required for packaging and condensation of sperm chromatin. Thus, our work uncovers a role for JHDM2A in spermatogenesis and reveals transition nuclear protein and protamine genes as direct targets of JHDM2A.  相似文献   

Shen Y  Joachimiak A  Rosner MR  Tang WJ 《Nature》2006,443(7113):870-874
Insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE), a Zn2+-metalloprotease, is involved in the clearance of insulin and amyloid-beta (refs 1-3). Loss-of-function mutations of IDE in rodents cause glucose intolerance and cerebral accumulation of amyloid-beta, whereas enhanced IDE activity effectively reduces brain amyloid-beta (refs 4-7). Here we report structures of human IDE in complex with four substrates (insulin B chain, amyloid-beta peptide (1-40), amylin and glucagon). The amino- and carboxy-terminal domains of IDE (IDE-N and IDE-C, respectively) form an enclosed cage just large enough to encapsulate insulin. Extensive contacts between IDE-N and IDE-C keep the degradation chamber of IDE inaccessible to substrates. Repositioning of the IDE domains enables substrate access to the catalytic cavity. IDE uses size and charge distribution of the substrate-binding cavity selectively to entrap structurally diverse polypeptides. The enclosed substrate undergoes conformational changes to form beta-sheets with two discrete regions of IDE for its degradation. Consistent with this model, mutations disrupting the contacts between IDE-N and IDE-C increase IDE catalytic activity 40-fold. The molecular basis for substrate recognition and allosteric regulation of IDE could aid in designing IDE-based therapies to control cerebral amyloid-beta and blood sugar concentrations.  相似文献   

Krasilnikov AS  Yang X  Pan T  Mondragón A 《Nature》2003,421(6924):760-764
RNase P is the only endonuclease responsible for processing the 5' end of transfer RNA by cleaving a precursor and leading to tRNA maturation. It contains an RNA component and a protein component and has been identified in all organisms. It was one of the first catalytic RNAs identified and the first that acts as a multiple-turnover enzyme in vivo. RNase P and the ribosome are so far the only two ribozymes known to be conserved in all kingdoms of life. The RNA component of bacterial RNase P can catalyse pre-tRNA cleavage in the absence of the RNase P protein in vitro and consists of two domains: a specificity domain and a catalytic domain. Here we report a 3.15-A resolution crystal structure of the 154-nucleotide specificity domain of Bacillus subtilis RNase P. The structure reveals the architecture of this domain, the interactions that maintain the overall fold of the molecule, a large non-helical but well-structured module that is conserved in all RNase P RNA, and the regions that are involved in interactions with the substrate.  相似文献   

Rapid and controlled clot formation is achieved through sequential activation of circulating serine proteinase precursors on phosphatidylserine-rich procoagulant membranes of activated platelets and endothelial cells. The homologous complexes Xase and prothrombinase, each consisting of an active proteinase and a non-enzymatic cofactor, perform critical steps within this coagulation cascade. The activated cofactors VIIIa and Va, highly specific for their cognate proteinases, are each derived from precursors with the same A1-A2-B-A3-C1-C2 architecture. Membrane binding is mediated by the C2 domains of both cofactors. Here we report two crystal structures of the C2 domain of human factor Va. The conserved beta-barrel framework provides a scaffold for three protruding loops, one of which adopts markedly different conformations in the two crystal forms. We propose a mechanism of calcium-independent, stereospecific binding of factors Va and VIIIa to phospholipid membranes, on the basis of (1) immersion of hydrophobic residues at the apices of these loops in the apolar membrane core; (2) specific interactions with phosphatidylserine head groups in the groove enclosed by these loops; and (3) favourable electrostatic contacts of basic side chains with negatively charged membrane phosphate groups.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 consists of two catalytic subunits (CK2α) and two regulatory subunits (CK2β). Here, we report the crystal structures of rat CK2α mutant (rCK2α-△C, 1—335) and CK2β (rCK2β). The overall topology of rCK2α-△C and rCK2β are very similar to the human enzyme, although large structural differences could be observed in the N-terminal domain of rCK2α-△C. Our reported structure of rCK2α-△C is in the close conformation state while the counterpart hCK2α is in the open conformation state, indi- cating ...  相似文献   

Atomic structures of amyloid cross-beta spines reveal varied steric zippers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amyloid fibrils formed from different proteins, each associated with a particular disease, contain a common cross-beta spine. The atomic architecture of a spine, from the fibril-forming segment GNNQQNY of the yeast prion protein Sup35, was recently revealed by X-ray microcrystallography. It is a pair of beta-sheets, with the facing side chains of the two sheets interdigitated in a dry 'steric zipper'. Here we report some 30 other segments from fibril-forming proteins that form amyloid-like fibrils, microcrystals, or usually both. These include segments from the Alzheimer's amyloid-beta and tau proteins, the PrP prion protein, insulin, islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP), lysozyme, myoglobin, alpha-synuclein and beta(2)-microglobulin, suggesting that common structural features are shared by amyloid diseases at the molecular level. Structures of 13 of these microcrystals all reveal steric zippers, but with variations that expand the range of atomic architectures for amyloid-like fibrils and offer an atomic-level hypothesis for the basis of prion strains.  相似文献   

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