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Summary -alanine has always been found in peptide hydrolysates of various higher plants, but never in protein hydrolysates. An assumption that the-alanine so found is a constituent of coenzyme A has been suggested.  相似文献   

Summary The thymonucleic acid of the cell nucleus and the ribonucleic acid of the cytoplasmic granules are both included in very similar complexes. Treated by a 0.6 M solution of KCl these complexes separate in two fractions, one comprising thymo or ribonucleoproteid, the other characterized by its insolubility and its high content in alcaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

Summary Several compounds belonging to the group ofpara-substituted N-arylglycines have been found to exhibit pronounced tuberculostatic activityin vitro, but are too toxic for practical application. The relationship between chemical structure and activity is similar to that observed in the group of thiocarbanilides.  相似文献   

Summary Prealbumin is prepared by a new method. Its homogeneity is demonstrated and its electrophoretic behaviour is discussed. Some new physico-chemical characteristics are determined.  相似文献   

Summary We noticed the formation of a precipitate on adding salmine to dilute aqueous protein solution at pH 6–7. Human and bovine serum albumin, human -globulin, and the perchloro- and sulfosalicylosoluble mucoides do not precipitate in this condition. - and -lipoproteins prepared by floatation and by Sandor's technique gave S-shaped nephelometric titration curves, as did haptoglobin, a mixture of the types Hp II-Hp II and Hp II-Hp I. In sera incubated 24 h at 37°C with protamin, the dextran sulphate test and the cetavlon test show a diminished value for -lipo- and -glucoprotein. Lipoprotein degradation is probably enzymatic in nature.  相似文献   

Summary 3318 CT [bis(piperidinométhylcoumaranyl-5) cetone diméthiodide] a compound recently synthesized byA. Funke andK. von Däniken, is shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor, bothin vitro andin vivo, of the blood acetyl-cholinesterase (AcChE) of the dog. It produces acetylcholinomimetic symptoms in the animal and sensitizes different responses to acetylcholine and to stimulation of cholinergic nerves without inhibiting the blood non-specific cholinesterase (XChE). However, the action of 3318 CT appears to be limited, both in nature and in intensity, when compared to that of prostigmine, although the latter substance is a less potent inhibitor of AcChEin vitro than is 3318 CT. This difference is probably related to many factors, one of which may be the fact that prostigmine inhibits not only AcChE but also XChE; and it is not yet ascertained that XChE plays no role at all in the limitation of the effect of the stimulations of cholinergic nerves.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomes of the fowl were studied with the aid ofMakino's andNishimura's water pretreatment squash technique, modified byMatthey, in embryonic spleen and gonads of both sexes. The number of chromosomes was found to be about 78; the numerical variations are to be ascribed to technical difficulties, caused by the extremely small size of the microchromosomes, rather than to an unchromosomelike behaviour of the latter, as was supposed byNewcomer andBrant. As to the exact number of chromosomes, we consider its determination beyond the possibilities of cytology. The 5th largest pair of the male, represented by a single element in the female, could be identified as the sex chromosome pair, in accordance with the findings ofYamashina. The digamety might be of theZ-O orZ-W type.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosomal sets of five species ofPerlodidæ (Plecoptera) are given in the present paper. The sexual chromosomes belong to three distinct types:X-O,X 1-X 2,X 1-X 2-X 3. The author shows that these three types are likely derived from the most primitive patternX-Y, by translocation and inversion.  相似文献   

Summary A series of derivatives of triphenylethylene have been tested and some of them found to possess interesting oestrogenic properties; the relations between chemical constitution and oestrogenic activity have been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In contradiction to some Japanese authors (Oguma, Makino, Nakamura), we are unable to find any difference in the chromosome sets of the male and female ofLacerta vivipara (2N = 36). In a saurian, where the analysis is very easy (Chamaeleon bitaeniatus), there are, without the smallest doubt, 24 chromosomes in both sexes (20M + 4m). The evidence of a female heterogamety in turtles is by no means satisfying.  相似文献   

Summary When electrophoretic studies are made on protein solutions of high viscosity, the beam of light used in the « Schieren » scanning method is partially reflected by the very sharp boundaries which leads to very asymmetric pictures taken by theTiselius-Longsworth method.  相似文献   

Summary In order to obtain further knowledge on the action of radiation on living cells we studied the nuclear transformations ofE. coli after exposure to X-rays. Three different phenomena could be observed; One is producting the polychromosomal form of nucleoids, and is reversible. The second, which is probably a rapid lethal effect, expresses himself by the vesicular form of the nucleoids. The third is only concerned with very high doses. The hypothesis, that the fragmentation of nucleoids may be directly related to induction of lysogenic cells is postulated.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das zerebrale Serotonin unterliegt im Verlaufe eines emotionellen Stress bedeutenden quantitativen Veränderungen. Bei Wildhasen, welche 14 Tage lang Schreckzeichen ausgesetzt waren, vermehrte sich die Menge des Serotonins und erreichte ihr Maximum am 7. Tag. Nachher sinkt die Menge unter den Normalwert, um am Ende der zweiten Woche wieder anzusteigen, wobei sie unter dem Normalwert bleibt.  相似文献   

Summary In this preliminary work, the possibility of dating crystalline rocks by pleochroic haloes has been studied.Halo-microphotometry has been combined with measurement of the alpha-activity of the inclusions by the photographic method.Standard thin sections of well dated granites have been used for calibration purposes. The reciprocity law is shown to be valid within the limit of error. The resolving power of this method depends essentially on the age ratio. Tertiary and primary rocks are easily separated.  相似文献   

Summary In certain cases, the production of bacterial nodules on legumes can be influenced by aneurin. The preliminary trials should be continued in order to establish the most favourable conditions of aneurin action.  相似文献   

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