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李岩 《世界知识》2021,(2):68-70
非洲的语言分布极不均衡。非洲各国在官方语言的选择上一般呈现三种类型:第一,正式认可殖民语言强势地位(通常形成单语制政体)的国家,例如佛得角、科特迪瓦、塞内加尔、马里、布基纳法索、贝宁、加蓬、几内亚、几内亚比绍、冈比亚、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、加纳、多哥、尼日尔、尼日利亚、南苏丹、莫桑比克、纳米比亚、安哥拉、赞比亚、马拉维、博茨瓦纳、圣多美和普林西比等。  相似文献   

正1《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》是由贵州大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,主要刊载数学、物理、化学、生物、地理、天文、电子学、计算机科学技术、建筑科学、采矿、冶金、机械、电力、化工、轻工等学科的研究成果,发表有关基础理论研究、新技术、新方法研究,新材料、新设备研制等方面的论文、研究报告、研究简报(简讯)及新兴学科、边缘学科的发展动态,对国内外有一定影响的学术论文、著作的介绍和评论,主要反  相似文献   

1《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》是由贵州大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,主要刊载数学、物理、化学、生物、地理、天文、电子学、计算机科学技术、建筑科学、采矿、冶金、机械、电力、化工、轻工等学科的研究成果,发表有关基础理论研究、新技术、新方法研究,新材料、新设备研制等方面的论文、研究报告、研究简报(简讯)及新兴学科、边缘学科的发展动态,对国内外有一定影响的学术论文、著作的介绍和评论,  相似文献   

一、起重机械的选择与安装 特种设备的安全管理包括设备的选型论证、安装调试、特检机构的检验、安全管理制度的制定、维护保养、操作运行、改造、大修、报废等.  相似文献   

1《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》是由贵州大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,主要刊载数学、物理、化学、生物、地理、天文、电子学、计算机科学技术、建筑科学、采矿、冶金、机械、电力、化工、轻工等学科的研究成果,发表有关基础理论研究、新技术、新方法研究,新材料、新设备研制等方面的论文、研究报告、  相似文献   

纳米技术是20世纪后期发展起来的一项新技术。它涵盖物理、化学、应用数学、材料科学、计算机模拟/设计科学、电子学、工程学、生物技术、遗传学、蛋白质工程学、生物化学和生物科学。纳米材料由于其独特的表面效应、体积效应以及量子尺寸效应,使得材料的电学、力学、磁学、光学、等性能产生了惊人的变化。经过过去几十年的发展,纳米材料及技术成功的应用于环保、陶瓷、纺织、润滑油、电子信息、化工、生物工程和制药、涂料、能源、汽车航空航天等领域。从而成为目前科学研究的热点之一,被称为21世纪的又一次产业革命。  相似文献   

《福州大学学报(自然科学版)》是由福州大学主管、主办的自然科学综合性学术期刊,主要刊载数学、计算机科学、物理、电子、电气、信息科学、自动控制、机械、材料、土木建筑、化学、化工、生物、轻工、资源、环保等方面的最新研究成果。为保证刊物质量,根据国家有关出版物的法规、标准和有关学术期刊出版规范  相似文献   

正尊敬的蒲文彬、严奇岩、罗竖元、李宇晴、查春学、阳黔花、谢廷秋、冷江山、罗长青、刘瑾、罗筱霖、陈英葵、刘刚、杨芳、刘莲芬、李金和、古洪能、刘向阳、蓝琪、张全晓、彭春艳、吴夏平、高晓波先生(女士):我刊自2005年开辟"国家社科基金项目专栏"以来,反响良好,得到众多专家学者的热情支持,我们深感欣慰。近来,获悉您已获得2014年国家社科基金项目。如果您愿意将自己主持的国家社科基金项目的  相似文献   

人工浮岛栽培蔬菜及花卉对水质的净化作用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用泡沫塑料作为浮岛载体,进行7种蔬菜、6种花卉的单物种单池室内试验,通过跟踪水体TN、TP、COD、BOD5,研究不同蔬菜和花卉对栽培污水水体的净化作用.结果显示,13种植物对TN、TP、COD、BOD5的平均去除率分别为:82.31%(60 d生长期)、69.30%(60 d生长期)、73.23%(45 d生长期)、85.94%(45 d生长期);单位生长量的去磷效果最好的是茄子,其次依次为:吊兰、叶用莴苣、石竹、辣椒、苋菜、空心菜、一串红、番茄、芹菜、万寿菊、矮牵牛、美人蕉.综合各因素,认为美人蕉和苋菜作为浮岛花卉和蔬菜类植物较为适合.  相似文献   

1《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》是由贵州大学主办的综合性学术理论刊物,主要刊载数学、物理、化学、生物、地理、天文、电子学、计算机科学技术、建筑科学、采矿、冶金、机械、电力、化工、轻工等学科的研究成果,发表有关基础理论研究、新技术、新方法研究,新材料、新设备研制等方面的论文、研究报告、研究简报(简讯)及新兴学科、边缘学科的发展动态,对国内外有一定影响的学术论文、著作的介绍和评论,在教学科研上有一得之见的札记、短评和综述等,主要反映我校理工科各单位的科研、教学成果。本刊为双月刊,双月出版,国内外公开发行。读者对象是国内外科学技术工作者、高等院校师生等。  相似文献   

K-type breakdown process of intracloud discharge in Chinese   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some special features of lightning discharges in the eastern area of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau have been investigated through multi-station measurements of wide-band slow antenna systems synchronized by Global Positioning System (GPS) with a time resolution of 1 jis. The K-type breakdown processes during one intracloud (1C) discharge were analyzed using the time differences of radiation pulses arriving at different stations. It was found that K-type breakdown processes during IC discharge started from a negative charge region and propagated downward to the lower positive charge region with an average speed of 1.5 x 10 m/s. The altitude of negative charge region was between 5.0 and 6.0 km above ground, while that of positive charge region was between 2 .5 and 3 .5 km above ground.  相似文献   

以1 km×1 km栅格为基本单元,选取交通路网指数、水域指数、学校指数、居住影响力指数与地被指数等影响因子,运用GIS技术建立大滁城人居环境指数模型,定量研究大滁城规划区人居环境的适宜程度及其空间规律性。结果表明:大滁城人居环境指数呈现由中心区域向周边地区递减的趋势;人居环境指数与人口密度有较好的相关性,二者的一次拟合度R2=0.836 1。一般适宜以上的地区132 km2,接近大滁城面积的2.96%,相应的人口占大滁城8.75%,其中3.3%的人口聚集在0.78%人居环境高度适宜和比较适宜地区;临界适宜地区698 km2,占大滁城面积的15.69%,人口39.33万;适宜性相对较差的地区3 619 km2,人口108.91万,占大滁城总面积的81.35%。  相似文献   

剖检猪 1 213只,平均感染率 23.6%。鱼类检查 19种,本虫第三期幼虫阳性者 7种。两栖类检查 4种,阳性 2种,其中虎纹蛙 Rana tigrina rugulosa 是转续宿主新纪录,感染率高达 50%。家猪每月定点调查结果表明全年均可受本病侵袭,春夏季感染率高于秋冬季;湖区感染率明显高于非湖区。对终宿主和中间宿主体内寄生的2种易混淆的颚口线虫鉴别特征作了简述。扼要讨论了防治措施。  相似文献   

2008年3月至2009年2月,采用固定样带法对浙江清凉峰旅游区的鸟类进行了调查研究。共记录到鸟类1 983只,隶属10目31科82种。其中,国家一级保护物种1种,国家二级保护物种4种,"三有"保护物种49种,省重点保护物种7种;古北界有28种,占鸟类物种的34.15%,东洋界48种(占58.54%),广布种6种(占7.32%)。鸟类群落结构较稳定,表现为留鸟居多,达54种(占65.85%),旅鸟最少,仅2种(占2.44%)。由于该区森林覆盖率较高,故其林鸟居多(占91.46%),水鸟很少(占8.54%)。夏季鸟类的丰富度和多样性指数最高,秋季的优势度指数最高,冬季的均匀性指数最高。鸟类群落组成随季节有一定的周期性波动,密度最高的是夏季,达到16.88只/km2;最低时为冬季,仅有10.62只/km2。该旅游区鸟类多样性有明显降低的趋势,需加强保护和管理。  相似文献   

The river corridor areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Tarim River are dominated by the traditional green corridors along the river section from the Qara Reservoir in Yuli County to the Taitema Lake in Ruoqiang County, which plays an important role in the social and economic development in the Tarim River Watershed with a extremely significant ecological functions. The buffer zones perpendicular to the watercourse were defined along both riversides at a 5-km interval beginning from the watercourse (10 km wider) using the method of the buffer zone analysis. The landscape pattern indexes of each buffer zone were calculated, and the indexes of the main landscape patterns were analyzed so as to reveal the radiative effect and the characteristics of the river corridors on landscape and patch levels. The results show that the radiative width is generally 30 km in the study area, and can be up to 50-70 km in sub- region FG1 because the study area is located in two drainage basins, with an ecological interstitial zone between them. The landscapes of woodlands and wetlands are generally distributed within the 10 km buffer zone (it means that the buffer zone is 5 km away from the watercourse; the same hereafter) along both riversides. Moreover, the closer the buffer zone is to the watercourse, the higher the patch density and the largest patch index are. In the ecological and environmental regeneration for the study area, the extent of ecological effect of the river corridors must be fully considered, and the projects must be scientifically and rationally planned and designed.  相似文献   

目前,新疆已建成各类自然保护区26个,保护面积20.42万平方公里,约占新疆国土面积的12.3%。由于经费短缺等问题使自然保护区的管理受到严重的影响[1]。同时,生态旅游业以其高利润,低开发度的特点顺应现代人“回归自然”的潮流,成为自然保护区迅速发展的一项新产业。文章以喀纳斯自然保护区为例,提出自然保护区生态旅游开发对策。  相似文献   

MariusHills火山高原位于月球正面风暴洋区域,具有丰富的火山建造遗迹,包括火山穹窿,火山锥和月溪等.该区域保留了月海火山作用的典型特征,为研究月海热演化历史提供了有利的窗口.受以往观测数据类型的限制,大多数研究都是针对该区域的表面形貌和物质成分特性的分析,缺乏对月海火山次表层和内部结构等重要火山特征的研究.本文利用月球正面高分辨率地形和重力数据,结合附加表面和内部载荷的弹性薄壳均衡模型,对该火山区域的平均月壳密度,岩石圈弹性厚度和表面内部载荷比等参数进行定量约束.结果显示该区域月壳密度较高,为3040kg m^-3,具有典型的月海玄武质的密度特征;地下可能存在侵位较浅的岩浆房或岩床状侵入体或是岩浆充填了壳层松散的区域:该区域的岩石圈弹性厚度较小,约为4km,反映该区域在形成过程中富集了大量的热,该结果与通过光谱矿物分析得到的风暴洋区域富集产热元素(如钍)的结果一致.  相似文献   

Ulysses has been the first spacecraft to explore the high latitudinal regions of the heliosphere till now. During its first rapid pole-to-pole transit from September 1994 to June 1995, Ulysses observed a fast speed flow with magnitude reaching 700—800 km/s at high latitudinal region except 20°area near the ecliptic plane where the velocity is 300—400 km/s. The observations also showed a sudden jump of the velocity across the two regions. In this note, based on the characteristic and representative observations of the solar magnetic field and K-coronal polarized brightness, the large-scale solar wind structure mentioned above is reproduced by using a three-dimensional MHD model. The numerical results are basically consistent with those of Ulysses observations. Our results also show that the distributions of magnetic field and plasma number density on the solar source surface play an important role in governing this structure. Furthermore, the three-dimensional MHD model used here has a robust ability to simulate this kind of large-scale wind structure.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional temporal and spatial characteristics of VHF radiation events produced by lightning discharges in three supercell thunderstorms have been analyzed based on the data measured by the lightning mapping array system with high time and space resolution. The results indicate that lightning hole (lighting free region) with about 5-6km in diameter or lighting ring (annular lighting free region) is associated with the strong updraft in thunderstorm.The lasting time of lightning holes is either short or long, being about 20min in a tornado-producing thunderstorm. The lightning holes appear before the occurrence of tornado.The lightning hole is the most obvious during the occurrence of tornado and some self-existent lighting radiation events appear at a height of 15-16km. The lightning channels of inter-cloud (IC) lightning discharge exhibit clockwise rotary structures and do not have clear bilevel structures in the vicinity of the tornado.The lightning holes are corresponding to the strong updraft region.The temporal and spatial distribution of lightning radiation events reveals the structure of strong updraft in supercell thunderstorms.Positive cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges dominate in these thunderstorms and the peak of positive CG lightning flash rate appears, with the maximum of 6 per minute,after or before the occurrence of tornado.  相似文献   

Seismic images of the mantle beneath the active Changbai intraplate volcano in Northeast China determined by teleseismic travel time tomography are presented. The data are measured at a new seismic network consisting of 19 portable stations and 3 permanent stations. The results show a columnar low-velocity (-3%) anomaly extending to 400 km depth under the Changbai volcano. High velocity anomalies are visible in the mantle transition zone, and deep earthquakes occur at depths of 500--600 km under the region,suggesting that the subducting Pacific slab is stagnant in the transition zone, as imaged clearly also by global tomography.These results suggest that the Changbai intraplate volcano is not a hotspot like Hawaii but a kind of back-arc volcano related to the upwelling of hot asthenospheric materials associated with the deep subduction and stagnancy of the Pacific slab under northeast Asia.  相似文献   

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