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0IntroductionStmoachnyas stiocp dhiifsftiecraetnetdia ld yenqauamtiicoanls s ycsatne mbse i uns epdh ytsoic adle s,cbriibo-elogical , medical andsocial sciences ,they have beenstudiedformore thanfifty years and developed very quicklly,in particu-lar ,Lyapunov’s second method has been developed to dealwith stochastic stability by many authcrs ,e.g.Ref .[1-3] in-troduced a class of neutral stochastic functional differentialequations .But sofar such equations have been discussed alit-tle unlike …  相似文献   

StabilityAnalysisUsingtheMinimumFunctionAnalysisApproach*LiChunwen(李春文),DuJihong(杜继宏),HuShiwen(胡世文),MiaoYuan(苗原)+Departmentof...  相似文献   

IntroductionConsiderthefollowingneutraldifferentialequationwithposi tiveandnegativecoefficientsandunboundeddelayddt[x(t) -P(t)x(h(t) ) ]+Q(t)x(q(t) ) -R(t)x(r(t) ) =0 ,t≥t0 . (1)Itisassumedthroughoutthispaperthat(a)P(t) ∈C([t0 ,∞ ) ,R) ,Q(t) ,R(t) ∈C([t0 ,∞ ) ,R+ ) .(b)h ,q ,r:[t0 ,∞ )→Rarecontin…  相似文献   

In this paper,we present a model of stochastic swarm system and prove the stability of this kind of systems. We establish the stable aggregating behavior for the group using a coordination control scheme. This individual-based control scheme is a combination of attractive and repulsive interactions among the individuals in the group,which ensures the cohesion of the group and collision avoidance among the individuals. The dynamics of each individual depends on the relative positions between the individuals and the influences of the random disturbances. Under the influences of the noises,this position-based control strategy still generates the stable aggregating behavior harmoniously for the group and the self-organized swarm pattern is formed.  相似文献   

Thermal-hydraulicStabilityAnalysisofNuclearHeatingReactorsLiJincai(李金才);GaoZuying(高祖瑛);ZhangZuoyi(张作义)(InstituteofNuclearEner...  相似文献   

BifurcationandChaosinaDynamicalSystemofRub┐impactRotor*GuLizhen(顾丽珍),ChuFulei(褚福磊)+,WangXujun(王旭军),TangYun(唐云)DepartmentofApp...  相似文献   

PeriodDoubling┐Chaos┐InversePeriodDoublingBifurcationinaRotor┐casingDynamicalSystem*WuXianfang(吴宪芳),WangDuo(王铎),ZhangXiaozhan...  相似文献   

In this paper, the global asymptotic stability analysis problem is considered for a class of stochastic high-order neural networks with tin.delays. Based on a Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and the stochastic stability analysis theory, several sufficient conditions are derived in order to guarantee the global asymptotic convergence of the equilibtium paint in the mean square. Investigation shows that the addressed stochastic highorder delayed neural networks are globally asymptotically stable in the mean square if there are solutions to some linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Hence, the global asymptotic stability of the studied stochastic high-order delayed neural networks can be easily checked by the Matlab LMI toolbox. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed global stability criteria.  相似文献   

Considering a linear system of delay integro-differential equations with a constant delay whose zero solution is asympototically stable, this paper discusses the stability of numerical methods for the system. The adaptation of Runge-Kutta methods with a Lagrange interpolation procedure was focused on inheriting the asymptotic stability of underlying linear systems. The results show that an A-stable Runge-Kutta method preserves the asympototic stability of underlying linear systems whenever an unconstrained grid is used.  相似文献   

The Taylor series numerical method (TSNM) is a time integration method for solving problems in structural dynamics. In this paper, a detailed analysis of the stability behavior and accuracy characteristics of this method is given. It is proven by a spectral decomposition method that TSNM is conditionally stable and belongs to the category of explicit time integration methods. By a similar analysis, the characteristic indicators of time integration methods, the percentage period elongation and the amplitude decay of TSNM, are derived in a closed form. The analysis plays an important role in implementing a procedure for automatic searching and finding convergence radii of TSNM. Finally, a linear single degree of freedom undamped system is analyzed to test the properties of the method.  相似文献   

利用Lyapunov泛函和去区间矩阵不等式方法,研究区间中立型Lurie控制系统的绝对稳定性,给出系统绝对稳定的充分条件,这些条件用区间矩阵不等式表示,可以很方便地应用MATLAB工具箱求解。  相似文献   

多非线性区间Lurie系统的鲁棒绝对稳定性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
考虑了关于模型变化的具有多非性的区间Lurie控制系统的鲁棒绝对稳定性。用Lyapunov函数方法和区间分析技术,得到了区间Lurie系统鲁棒绝对稳定的一些分条件。这些条件减少了绝对稳定鲁棒检测的保守性。这些鲁棒分析方法是基于区间矩阵的鲁棒控制分析。  相似文献   

指出了“区间动力系统的离散稳定性”一文的错误,给出了修正的结果.  相似文献   

用区间矩阵分析和Lyapunov函数族方法讨论了一般区间Lurie型直接控制系统的鲁棒绝对稳定性,得到了一些绝对稳定的充分条件,推广和改进了前人的一些结果。  相似文献   

本文通过对不确定结构作对角规范化处理,利用行列式的特殊性质,得到了新的鲁棒稳定判据.在对角化基础上,求取一个多维方体各顶点所对应的行列式值,由此构成一个凸多边形,从判别该凸多边形是否包含原点来判别区间矩阵的稳定性.这种方法的保守性可通过将多维方体逐步划分成小块而得到无限降低.  相似文献   

综述了区间力系统稳定性,广义区间动力系统正则、无脉冲膜、稳定性方面的近期结果,并对其中一些结论所使用的工具及方法进行了总结.  相似文献   

对一类三维非线性混沌金融系统进行了动力学特征分析,得到了模型方程的三个平衡点,并对其稳定性进行了讨论。通过数值仿真得到了系统的分岔图及Lyapunov指数图,进而分析了参数变化对系统稳定性及分岔的影响。该研究对理解各种金融政策的杠杆原理有参考意义。  相似文献   

关于区间矩阵的稳定度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
给区间矩阵 N[P,Q]和区间动力系统分别引进了稳定度及鲁棒稳定度的概念 ,并运用矩阵技术及新提出的引理 (判别准则 ) ,仅用界阵 P与 Q的元素 ,获得若干较简捷及实用的稳定度判据 ,从而使区间动力系统 X· ( t) =N[P,Q]X( t)的鲁棒稳定度 (含渐近稳定度 )问题得以解决。所得结果包含了黄廷祝教授定常线性系统的结果作为特例 ;并将廖晓昕教授、高为炳院士、李磊博士等人的点阵结果推广到了区间阵 ;将 XUDao- yi教授、施志诚、高为炳等人的稳定性扩展成为稳定度  相似文献   

对线性时滞系统研究区间矩阵的稳定性,所得结论推广了已有的一些结果  相似文献   

研究了区间时变时滞广义系统的稳定性问题.通过构造新的Lyapunov泛函,使用时滞分割和自由权矩阵方法,以严格线性矩阵不等式形式给出了使得系统正则、无脉冲且稳定的时滞相关型稳定性新判据.数值实例表明了结果的有效性和较小保守性.  相似文献   

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