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郑晖 《科技资讯》2010,(34):184-184
教育的理想是为了一切的人,无论是城市的还是乡村的,富贵的还是贫贱的,聪慧的还是笨拙的,教育的理想是为了人的一切,无论是品德的还是人格的,生理的还是心理的,智力的还是情感的。——摘自:朱永新《教育的理想与理想的教育》。  相似文献   

基于布尔格的次直积同构表示,引入布尔格的元的不可辨下标集的定义,给出布尔格的元的不可辨下标集的简单性质.应用布尔格的元的不可辨下标集给出布尔格的主同余的刻画,并给出有穷布尔格的主同余的基数与布尔格的元的不可辨下标集的基数的联系,从而得到布尔格的主同余的构造方法.  相似文献   

散打运动员的在比赛之前的心理状态和平时训练的时候的心理状态有着很大的差别,一般来说,随着比赛日期的不断的接近,散打运动员的心理状态也随着不断的变化。赛前的心理状态对于运动员的比赛成绩的好坏有着很大的影响,因此要重视运动员的赛前心理状态的调整。文章通过对散打运动员赛前的心理状态进行分析,找出不同心理状态的原因,并有针对性的提出解决的措施。  相似文献   

变电站的主接线的设计是依据变电站的最高电压以及变电站的性质决定的。通过地区的电网的运行的实际情况出发,对220kv的变电站的主接线的运行进行了详细分析,并对变电站的主接线的设置进行了比较与分析。  相似文献   

模糊相似矩阵的特征值与特征向量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了求模糊相似矩阵R的特征值及其所对应的特征向量的可行方法,揭示R的特征值与基于R的系统聚类的水平、基元与对应于R的完备赋权图的最大树的边长之间的等价关系,指出R的特征向量与基于R的系统聚类的类之间的一对一关系。  相似文献   

在近几年,我们国家的生活水平有了很大的提高,相应的人们对于日常生活的需求也越来越高,现阶段我们国家的道路施工的工程数量也有了很大的提高,所以,对工路工程的质量安全方面的要求也越发的高。公路试验检测的技术就是能够仔细的检查道路建设的质量安全是否能否到达相应的标准一种非常重要的方法,公路试验检测技术技术能够非常有效的检查出来道路修建实际的数据信息,并且按照这一数据来进行判断道路建设的质量是否已经达到国家相关的规定要求。想要能够对道路的质量提出更加精准的监测数据,就一定要科学的、合理的进行运用试验检测的相关技术,对于不同类型的工程进行相应的质量测试,确保公路的质量能够达到相应的标准。本篇文章就简单的介绍了公路试验检测的内容以及相关的技术,之后在进一步的分析了公路试验检测的技术在实际进行应用的过程,最后就深入的研究了公路试验检测的技术实际的应用情况所需要关系到的环节,希望能够给相关的工作人员提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

陈亮的历史哲学对于浙东学派以及中国古代历史哲学的发展均有重要的意义。但是,陈亮的历史观却包含着一些复杂的成分,它注重历史,但不同于通常意义上的史学,他对事功的强调也不等同于纯粹的功利主义。他的思想与历史上一些相反的思潮都有着联系,以至于无法被归入确定的范畴。这种理解上的困难是由于其思想在较弱的意义上包含着一种反智识主义的成分,并作为一种与朱熹的理智分析的对立面而出现的。陈亮的思想与19世纪初欧洲的浪漫主义的历史哲学有一定的相通之处,它们都消解了理性的二元论,将抽象普遍的道和具体的经验事物看成一个不可分离的变化的整体。  相似文献   

医院作为一个特殊的行业,它的发展受到了全社会的关注。我们为了医院发展的更好,就必须使医院的思想政治工作和医院的文化建设得更加完善。作为医院管理的内容,医院的思想政治工作是对我党思想政治工作的核心理念的体现,它的建立可以对广大的医护人员的工作行为起到规范的作用,并且可以促使医院的发展方向符合我国的基本国情的。而医院的文化建设是一种意识形式的具体化,它的形成是具有医院特有的特点的,它同时也是医护人员共同价值观念的体现,在这种观念的影响下,对于医院的发展有很大的帮助。医院的思想政策与文化息息相关,紧密相连。但是它们还存在着一些区别。只要我们可以将它们有机的结合起来,我们在医院的管理方面会得到更大的进步。  相似文献   

随着当前我国经济的快速发展和职业教育的进步,使得人们对于职业教育的质量投入了更大的关注,同时为了使得我国职业教育的质量得到提升,当前国家的相关教育部门也投入了较大的经历来进行职业教育事业的推广。该文主要根据笔者的实际经验以及相关的理论分析对当前的高职教育过程中的英语教育的发展之间存在的不适应的问题进行了一定的分析,并且根据当前职业教育的实际情况及时的提出了改进的方法,例如尽可能的使得其实际的教学方法更加符合学生的学习以及成长,着重对其课堂进行更大力度的建设。希望该文能够为后期的相关的研究者提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

人的自由全面发展是马克思主义的最高目标。人的发展源于人的需要的不断变化发展 ,而人的意识能力是人发展的基础 ,社会关系是人发展的条件。人的发展的实质是人的文化的发展。素质教育为人的发展奠定了坚实的基础  相似文献   

建立起一个由窄收缩区连接两个有限宽度电子库区组成的物理器件的突变模型.计算了通过收缩区的电导,由数字结果发现当收缩区的几何形状参数取适当值时,存在电导平台.  相似文献   

Measurement of the quantum of thermal conductance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schwab K  Henriksen EA  Worlock JM  Roukes ML 《Nature》2000,404(6781):974-977
The physics of mesoscopic electronic systems has been explored for more than 15 years. Mesoscopic phenomena in transport processes occur when the wavelength or the coherence length of the carriers becomes comparable to, or larger than, the sample dimensions. One striking result in this domain is the quantization of electrical conduction, observed in a quasi-one-dimensional constriction formed between reservoirs of two-dimensional electron gas. The conductance of this system is determined by the number of participating quantum states or 'channels' within the constriction; in the ideal case, each spin-degenerate channel contributes a quantized unit of 2e(2)/h to the electrical conductance. It has been speculated that similar behaviour should be observable for thermal transport in mesoscopic phonon systems. But experiments attempted in this regime have so far yielded inconclusive results. Here we report the observation of a quantized limiting value for the thermal conductance, Gth, in suspended insulating nanostructures at very low temperatures. The behaviour we observe is consistent with predictions for phonon transport in a ballistic, one-dimensional channel: at low temperatures, Gth approaches a maximum value of g0 = pi2kB2T/3h, the universal quantum of thermal conductance.  相似文献   

Rejec T  Meir Y 《Nature》2006,442(7105):900-903
A quantum point contact (QPC) is a narrow constriction between two wider electron reservoirs, and is the standard building block of sub-micrometre devices such as quantum dots and qubits (the proposed basic elements of quantum computers). The conductance through a QPC changes as a function of its width in integer steps of G(0) = 2e2/h (where e is the charge on an electron, and h is Planck's constant), signalling the quantization of its transverse modes. But measurements of these conductance steps also reveal an additional shoulder at a value around 0.7G(0) (refs 1-4), an observation that has remained a puzzle for more than a decade. It has recently been suggested that this phenomenon can be explained by the existence of a magnetic 'impurity' in the QPC at low electron densities. Here we present extensive numerical density-functional calculations that reveal the formation of an electronic state with a spin-1/2 magnetic moment in the channel under very general conditions. In addition, we show that such an impurity will also form at large magnetic fields, for a specific value of the field, and sometimes even at the opening of the second transverse mode in the QPC. Beyond explaining the source of the '0.7 anomaly', these results may have far-reaching implications for spin-filling of electronic states in quantum dots and for the dephasing of quantum information stored in semiconductor qubits.  相似文献   

比较荒漠植物柠条锦鸡儿不同部位茎段的水力结构特征.研究表明:随着茎木质部横截面面积增大,柠条锦鸡儿的胡伯尔值、比导率和叶比导率增加.柠条锦鸡儿存在着水分运输的限速区;限速区胡伯尔值高于非限速区,比导率和叶比导率低于非限速区.柠条锦鸡儿的水分运输主要受到分叉区(限速区)和枝条末端的细枝限制.  相似文献   

用辐射法制得的高吸水性淀粉接枝聚丙烯酸钠水凝胶,在一定离子强度的溶液中表现出的体积收缩现象,是一种新型的人工智能材料.在不同的离子强度、离子价态和凝胶体积状态下,这一材料所表现出来的不同体积收缩规律符合Donnan规律.收缩后的凝胶在一定条件下可以快速溶胀,表现出一定的伸缩可逆性.通过设计的简单传动装置,可大致得出水凝胶在伸缩过程中做功的大小.  相似文献   

对基于FPGA的神经网络硬件实现系统中的两个关键问题——约束和下栽配置进行了研究,以Xilinx公司生产的Virtex-Ⅱ系列FPGA器件作为目标器件,给出系统的约束设计方案及下栽配置硬件电路,经过静态时序分析,约束设计符合要求,下栽配置电路设计合理。  相似文献   

Semiconductor nanostructures based on two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) could form the basis of future devices for sensing, information processing and quantum computation. Although electron transport in 2DEG nanostructures has been well studied, and many remarkable phenomena have already been discovered (for example, weak localization, quantum chaos, universal conductance fluctuations), fundamental aspects of the electron flow through these structures have so far not been clarified. However, it has recently become possible to image current directly through 2DEG devices using scanning probe microscope techniques. Here, we use such a technique to observe electron flow through a narrow constriction in a 2DEG-a quantum point contact. The images show that the electron flow from the point contact forms narrow, branching strands instead of smoothly spreading fans. Our theoretical study of this flow indicates that this branching of current flux is due to focusing of the electron paths by ripples in the background potential. The strands are decorated by interference fringes separated by half the Fermi wavelength, indicating the persistence of quantum mechanical phase coherence in the electron flow. These findings may have important implications for a better understanding of electron transport in 2DEGs and for the design of future nanostructure devices.  相似文献   

钢筋混凝土梁裂缝原因及对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对泵送混凝土结构普遍出现裂缝的现象,调查分析了泵送混凝土浇筑梁的各种受力状况,依据构建的计算模型,对梁裂缝进行了分析计算。通过计算混凝土硬化时的体积收缩值,确定裂缝主要是由混凝土硬化时体积收缩所引起,据此提出了控制混凝土原材料和施工质量以及改进结构设计等措施。工程实践表明,该措施能有效提高混凝土抵抗收缩开裂的能力。  相似文献   

两种蛙科无尾类的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
腹斑倭蛙:2n=26(16M 1-SM),NF=52,除Nos,2,3,4,6,9等五对为SM外,其余诸对均为M,次缢痕位于8q,威宁蛙2n=26(18M 8SM),NF=52,除Mos,3,4,6,7 等四对为SM外,其余各对为M,次缢痕出现在1q和7q两处,前者频率较高,根据相对长度,臂比值和次缢痕的位置和数目讨论了蛙亚科的核型演化机制,推断可能是相互易位和臂间倒位为主。  相似文献   

Peppiatt CM  Howarth C  Mobbs P  Attwell D 《Nature》2006,443(7112):700-704
Neural activity increases local blood flow in the central nervous system (CNS), which is the basis of BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) and PET (positron emission tomography) functional imaging techniques. Blood flow is assumed to be regulated by precapillary arterioles, because capillaries lack smooth muscle. However, most (65%) noradrenergic innervation of CNS blood vessels terminates near capillaries rather than arterioles, and in muscle and brain a dilatory signal propagates from vessels near metabolically active cells to precapillary arterioles, suggesting that blood flow control is initiated in capillaries. Pericytes, which are apposed to CNS capillaries and contain contractile proteins, could initiate such signalling. Here we show that pericytes can control capillary diameter in whole retina and cerebellar slices. Electrical stimulation of retinal pericytes evoked a localized capillary constriction, which propagated at approximately 2 microm s(-1) to constrict distant pericytes. Superfused ATP in retina or noradrenaline in cerebellum resulted in constriction of capillaries by pericytes, and glutamate reversed the constriction produced by noradrenaline. Electrical stimulation or puffing GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid) receptor blockers in the inner retina also evoked pericyte constriction. In simulated ischaemia, some pericytes constricted capillaries. Pericytes are probably modulators of blood flow in response to changes in neural activity, which may contribute to functional imaging signals and to CNS vascular disease.  相似文献   

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