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Li Y  Balédent V  Yu G  Barišić N  Hradil K  Mole RA  Sidis Y  Steffens P  Zhao X  Bourges P  Greven M 《Nature》2010,468(7321):283-285
The elucidation of the pseudogap phenomenon of the high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxides-a set of anomalous physical properties below the characteristic temperature T* and above T(c)-has been a major challenge in condensed matter physics for the past two decades. Following initial indications of broken time-reversal symmetry in photoemission experiments, recent polarized neutron diffraction work demonstrated the universal existence of an unusual magnetic order below T* (refs 3, 4). These findings have the profound implication that the pseudogap regime constitutes a genuine new phase of matter rather than a mere crossover phenomenon. They are furthermore consistent with a particular type of order involving circulating orbital currents, and with the notion that the phase diagram is controlled by a quantum critical point. Here we report inelastic neutron scattering results for HgBa(2)CuO(4+δ) that reveal a fundamental collective magnetic mode associated with the unusual order, and which further support this picture. The mode's intensity rises below the same temperature T* and its dispersion is weak, as expected for an Ising-like order parameter. Its energy of 52-56?meV renders it a new candidate for the hitherto unexplained ubiquitous electron-boson coupling features observed in spectroscopic studies.  相似文献   

Parker CV  Aynajian P  da Silva Neto EH  Pushp A  Ono S  Wen J  Xu Z  Gu G  Yazdani A 《Nature》2010,468(7324):677-680
Doped Mott insulators have a strong propensity to form patterns of holes and spins often referred to as stripes. In copper oxides, doping also gives rise to the pseudogap state, which can be transformed into a high-temperature superconducting state with sufficient doping or by reducing the temperature. A long-standing issue has been the interplay between the pseudogap, which is generic to all hole-doped copper oxide superconductors, and stripes, whose static form occurs in only one family of copper oxides over a narrow range of the phase diagram. Here we report observations of the spatial reorganization of electronic states with the onset of the pseudogap state in the high-temperature superconductor Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)O(8+x), using spectroscopic mapping with a scanning tunnelling microscope. We find that the onset of the pseudogap phase coincides with the appearance of electronic patterns that have the predicted characteristics of fluctuating stripes. As expected, the stripe patterns are strongest when the hole concentration in the CuO(2) planes is close to 1/8 (per copper atom). Although they demonstrate that the fluctuating stripes emerge with the onset of the pseudogap state and occur over a large part of the phase diagram, our experiments indicate that the stripes are a consequence of pseudogap behaviour rather than its cause.  相似文献   

Large-scale applications of high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors, such as their use in superconducting cables, are impeded by the fact that polycrystalline materials (the only practical option) support significantly lower current densities than single crystals. The superconducting critical current density (J(c)) across a grain boundary drops exponentially if the misorientation angle exceeds 2 degrees -7 degrees. Grain texturing reduces the average misorientation angle, but problems persist. Adding impurities (such as Ca in YBa2Cu3O7-delta; YBCO) leads to increased J(c) (refs 9, 10), which is generally attributed to excess holes introduced by Ca2+ substituting for Y3+ (ref. 11). However, a comprehensive physical model for the role of grain boundaries and Ca doping has remained elusive. Here we report calculations, imaging and spectroscopy at the atomic scale that demonstrate that in poly-crystalline YBCO, highly strained grain-boundary regions contain excess O vacancies, which reduce the local hole concentration. The Ca impurities indeed substitute for Y, but in grain-boundary regions under compression and tension they also replace Ba and Cu, relieving strain and suppressing O-vacancy formation. Our results demonstrate that the ionic radii are more important than their electronic valences for enhancing J(c).  相似文献   

Kagawa F  Miyagawa K  Kanoda K 《Nature》2005,436(7050):534-537
Changing the interactions between particles in an ensemble--by varying the temperature or pressure, for example--can lead to phase transitions whose critical behaviour depends on the collective nature of the many-body system. Despite the diversity of ingredients, which include atoms, molecules, electrons and their spins, the collective behaviour can be grouped into several families (called 'universality classes') represented by canonical spin models. One kind of transition, the Mott transition, occurs when the repulsive Coulomb interaction between electrons is increased, causing wave-like electrons to behave as particles. In two dimensions, the attractive behaviour responsible for the superconductivity in high-transition temperature copper oxide and organic compounds appears near the Mott transition, but the universality class to which two-dimensional, repulsive electronic systems belongs remains unknown. Here we present an observation of the critical phenomena at the pressure-induced Mott transition in a quasi-two-dimensional organic conductor using conductance measurements as a probe. We find that the Mott transition in two dimensions is not consistent with known universality classes, as the observed collective behaviour has previously not been seen. This peculiarity must be involved in any emergent behaviour near the Mott transition in two dimensions.  相似文献   

基于Anderson-Kim临界态模型,考虑涡旋玻璃态模型和集体磁通蠕动理论以及考虑磁通线反跳的热激活模型等目前几种关于高温超导体中磁弛豫现象的理论模型,推导出弛豫率和约化弛豫率的理论计算公式并在此基础上分析各个理论模型下弛豫率和约化弛豫率的理论计算结果和实验数据之间的关系,对各个理论模型的适用范围进行分析和比较.  相似文献   

Despite twenty years of research, the phase diagram of high-transition-temperature superconductors remains enigmatic. A central issue is the origin of the differences in the physical properties of these copper oxides doped to opposite sides of the superconducting region. In the overdoped regime, the material behaves as a reasonably conventional metal, with a large Fermi surface. The underdoped regime, however, is highly anomalous and appears to have no coherent Fermi surface, but only disconnected 'Fermi arcs'. The fundamental question, then, is whether underdoped copper oxides have a Fermi surface, and if so, whether it is topologically different from that seen in the overdoped regime. Here we report the observation of quantum oscillations in the electrical resistance of the oxygen-ordered copper oxide YBa2Cu3O6.5, establishing the existence of a well-defined Fermi surface in the ground state of underdoped copper oxides, once superconductivity is suppressed by a magnetic field. The low oscillation frequency reveals a Fermi surface made of small pockets, in contrast to the large cylinder characteristic of the overdoped regime. Two possible interpretations are discussed: either a small pocket is part of the band structure specific to YBa2Cu3O6.5 or small pockets arise from a topological change at a critical point in the phase diagram. Our understanding of high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors will depend critically on which of these two interpretations proves to be correct.  相似文献   

该文给出了素c-半环与半素c-半环的刻画定理.  相似文献   

借助于优超理论,在适当的假设下建立了如下的Jensen-Pe(c)ari(c)-Svrtan型不等式f(A(x))/f(A(φx))=fn,n(x)/fn,n(φx)≤(≥)...≤(≥)fk+1,n(x)/fk+1,n(φx)≤(≥)fk,n(x)/fk,n(φx)≤(≥)...≤(≥)f1,n(x)/f1,n(φx)=A(f(x))/A(f(φx)),这里,A(·)表示算术平均,φ:[a,b]→R, f:[a,maxt∈[a,b]{φ(t)}]→R, fk,n(x):=1/(nk)∑1≤i1<...<ik≤nf(xi1+xi2+...+xik/k), x∈[a,b]n.  相似文献   

量子力学中电磁场矢势(-A)的再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过引用英国钱伯斯(Chambers R.G.)所做的实验探讨了电磁AB效应,并根据量子论的基本概念,计算两种情况的干涉条纹的移动值,其计算结果与实验数据完全一致,从而论证了矢势A在量子理论中具有基本的物理意义和确定的物理效应.由此,带电粒子在外磁场中的动力学行为会受到矢势A的直接影响.为了更好地认识矢势A是一个基本的物理实体,类比于电场强度E、磁感应强度B的定义,在此定义了一个新的物理量磁场矢势A.  相似文献   

高温超导体的临界电流值是超导材料基本的参数之一。研制了利用LM12运算放大器和3DD12B-T型三极管联合放大电流、通过计算机采用VB语言编程控制电流输出的高温超导临界电流测试系统的电流源。经过对Bi系超导带材的临界电流测试实验表明,所设计开发的高温超导电流源具有较大输出、可控和稳定性好的特点。  相似文献   

关于属性G-(g-)量子文法与属性量子自动机   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
为了提高量子文法的描述能力,较好地克服上下文有关文法的难点,引入了属性G-(g-)量子文法、(广义)属性量子自动化等概念,进而研究了它们之间的关系,即:对每一给定的属性G-(g-)量子文法, 都可以构造出一个广义属性量子自动机Q,使得它们所接受的语言集相等,反之亦然。从而达到了自动识别属性G-(g-)量子语言的目的。  相似文献   

研究了正规化解析函数H的子类B(λ,α,A,B,σ)的Fekete-Szeg(o)不等式,对于任意的f(z)=z+a2,+a3z3+…∈B(λ,α,A,B,σ)及任意的复参数u,应用解析函数的基本不等式和分析技巧,得到了M1(α,λ,A,B)的精确上界.  相似文献   

定义了适用于单光子两偏振态的升降算符,并利用Fock空间算符的线性变换理论,研究了BS,PBS,半波片,四分之一波片以及 H 变换等,得出了它们的算符表示,找到了新的实验表述方式,从新的角度讨论了量子信息实验,如Teleportation,分析了光子输出的各态的几率.由此总结出了一种研究和设计量子信息实验的有效方法.   相似文献   

分析了量子海森堡自旋玻璃稳态Replica对称解的稳定性,获得了著名的Almeida-Thouless(AT)和Gabay-Toulouse(GT)相变条件,通过数值计算得到了不同自旋值的AT临界相图,并讨论了与其它理论的关联.  相似文献   

Gweon GH  Sasagawa T  Zhou SY  Graf J  Takagi H  Lee DH  Lanzara A 《Nature》2004,430(6996):187-190
In conventional superconductors, the electron pairing that allows superconductivity is caused by exchange of virtual phonons, which are quanta of lattice vibration. For high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) superconductors, it is far from clear that phonons are involved in the pairing at all. For example, the negligible change in T(c) of optimally doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta (Bi2212; ref. 1) upon oxygen isotope substitution (16O --> 18O leads to T(c) decreasing from 92 to 91 K) has often been taken to mean that phonons play an insignificant role in this material. Here we provide a detailed comparison of the electron dynamics of Bi2212 samples containing different oxygen isotopes, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our data show definite and strong isotope effects. Surprisingly, the effects mainly appear in broad high-energy humps, commonly referred to as 'incoherent peaks'. As a function of temperature and electron momentum, the magnitude of the isotope effect closely correlates with the superconducting gap--that is, the pair binding energy. We suggest that these results can be explained in a dynamic spin-Peierls picture, where the singlet pairing of electrons and the electron-lattice coupling mutually enhance each other.  相似文献   

利用柯西不等式给出了球面中超曲面内蕴量Ricci曲率和数量曲率之间的一个不等式,从而得到球面中超曲面的一个pinching定理.  相似文献   

:给出了Sasaki空间形式M2n+1(c)中极小子流形的截面曲率的一个Pinching定理  相似文献   

量子点量子阱中的极化子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先研究了量子点量子阱中的电子态,对阱外及阱内的两种束缚态都进行了考虑,然后采用微扰方法,对量子点量子阱系统中的极化子效应进行了研究。最后采用CdS/HgS为材料的量子点量子阱 进行了数值计算,结果显示极化子效应对电子能级的修正明显并且不能被忽略。  相似文献   

All conventional metals are known to possess a three-dimensional Fermi surface, which is the locus in reciprocal space of the long-lived electronic excitations that govern their electronic properties at low temperatures. These excitations should have well-defined momenta with components in all three dimensions. The high-transition-temperature (high-T(c)) copper oxide superconductors have unusual, highly two-dimensional properties above the superconducting transition. This, coupled with a lack of unambiguous evidence for a three-dimensional Fermi surface, has led to many new and exotic models for the underlying electronic ground state. Here we report the observation of polar angular magnetoresistance oscillations in the overdoped superconductor Tl2Ba2CuO6+delta in high magnetic fields, which firmly establishes the existence of a coherent three-dimensional Fermi surface. Analysis of the oscillations reveals that at certain symmetry points, however, this surface is strictly two-dimensional. This striking form of the Fermi surface topography, long-predicted by electronic band structure calculations, provides a natural explanation for a wide range of anisotropic properties both in the normal and superconducting states. Our data reveal that, despite their extreme electrical anisotropy, the high-T(c) materials at high doping levels can be understood within a framework of conventional three-dimensional metal physics.  相似文献   

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