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Riassunto L'insaponificabile del muscolo diSpirographis spallanzani contiene accanto a steroli e tocoferolo, un composto di natura chinonica avente molte proprietà in comune con gli ubichinoni. Anche il tocoferilchinone è stato identificato negli estratti. Si ritiene però che esso si formi dal tocoferolo durante il procedimento di estrazione.

This work has been partially supported by a U.S. Public Health Service Grant (R.G. 4845). The authors gratefully acknowledge suggestions and criticisms from Dr.Hemming and Dr.Pennock, Biochemistry Department, Liverpool.  相似文献   

Resumen El analisis de la primera división meiótica des roeder fosorial,Thomomys bottae, muestra una uniformidad notable en la colocación de quiasmas en los bivalentes, a pesar de las diferencias existentes en los cariotipos somáticos. La frecuencia promedio de quiasmas por bivalente es muy baja (1.03), y la mayoria de los bivalentes demuestran que sus quiasmas se localizan en o cerca de un estremo del par.

Acknowledgment is given to Dr.W. B. Heed and Dr.C. J. Cole for enlightening discussions and to my wife,Carol Patton, for aid in the field. Financial assistance was provided by an institutional biomedical sciences support grant from the National Institutes of Health and from the Committee on Research, University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

Riassunto Per azione della luce ultravioletta la bilirubina disciolta in CHCl3-CH3OH somma una molecola di metanolo fornendo un prodotto per il quale si dimostra la struttura III. Tale reazione, osservata anche con altri alcooli, suggerisce la possibilità che parte della bilirubina del siero dei neonati itterici sottoposti a fototerapia venga eliminata sotto forma di prodotti di fotoaddizione con sostanze nucleofile presenti nell'organismo.

Eventually, the above mechanism is supported by the observed pH dependence of photoadduct formation (faster at lower pH) under irradiation; pH of the medium was varied by adding acetic acid or triethylamine.

The author wishes to thank Prof.L. Canonica for helpful discussions, Dr.G. Severini Ricca for running the NMR-spectra and Dr.T. Salvatori for the mass-spectra.  相似文献   

Riassunto Una frazione subcellulare preparata dalla corteccia cerebrale del vitello è capace di catalizzare l'incorporazione di uridilato nell'acido ribonucleico (RNA) quando UTP è usato come precursore. L'acido ribonucleico sintetizzato risulta costituito per il 75% di residui uridilici di cui soltanto il 29% risulta terminale.

The author is indebted to Dr. R. B.Hurlbert for advice and guidance in preparing the32P labelled uridine triphosphate and to Mrs. JoAnnSacks for excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Wasserlösliche, proteolipide Proteine wurden von der weissen Hirnsubstanz durch Isolierungsmethoden vonTenenbaum undFolch 2 gewonnen. Ohne Lyophilisation ergab die Disk-Elektrophorese bei pH 8.3 zwei Banden.

The authors express their appreciation to Dr.K. Ueki, Dr.Y. Takahashi, Dr.Y. Takemoto and Dr.T. Kotoku.  相似文献   

Resumen Se han estudiado los depósitos de catecol- e indolaminas en la tiroides de la oveja mediante una técnica citoquímica que permite la diferenciación entre ambos compuestos a nivel ultraestructural. Los abundantes mastocitos hallados en la glándula presentan granulaciones que contienen una catecolamina, que en base a estudios anteriores se identificó como dopamina. Las células parafoliculares en cambio, contienen serotonina en los gránulos citoplasmáticos. Dichos gránulos, cuya presencia ha sido vinculada con la de la tirocalcitonina, son por lo tanto capaces de almacenar la hormona y la 5-hidroxitriptamina. Los resultados citoquímicos se analizan conjuntamente con los obtenidos mediante la determinación química del contenido en aminas de la glándula.

The kind cooperation of Dr.F. Iturriza and Dr.J. López Aranguren and the technical assistance of Mrs.Cristina Llorente andR. Castelli are gratefully acknowledged. Supported by grants from the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina and U.S. Air Force (AF-AFOSR 963-67).  相似文献   

Summary Antiserum to bovine pancreatic polypeptide (BPP) has been used for immunofluorescent staining in the light microscope. With this technique it is possible to detect the presence of specific cells in monolayer culture from neonatal rat pancreas which contain BPP or a closely related peptide.This work was supported by a grant (No. 3.553.75) from the Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique. We are very grateful to Dr.R. E. Chance, Eli Lilly, for his generous gift of BPP and anti-BPP serum. We are also very obliged to Dr.R. H. Unger for providing glucagon, to Dr.J. Rivier and Dr.R. Guillemin for somatostatin, to Dr.N. Yanaihara for secretin, to Dr.W. Gepts for gastrin and to Dr.A. J. Moody for GLI.  相似文献   

Antiviral substances in starfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zusammenfassung Eine Gruppe von teilweise chemisch charakterisierten Verbindungen, welche die Vermehrung des Influenza-Virus in Huhnembryo-Test verhindern, wurde aus den SeesternenAsterias forbesi, Asterias pectinifera undAcanthaster planci isoliert.

This research was supported by the N.S.F. Sea-Grant Program. The author thanks Dr.H. W. Younken Jr. and Dr.L. R. Worthen for their encouragement and suggestions throughout this work. Thanks are also due to Dr.Hashimoto, Tokyo University, and Dr.Yasumoto, Tohoku University, for the specimen ofAsterina pectinifera, and Dr.B. M. Branham, University of Hawaii, forAcanthaster planci sample. The antiviral test was carried out by Dr.O. Liu, Northeast Shellfish Sanitation Research Center, D. H. E. W., Narragansett, Rhode Island, to whome the author expresses his sincere gratitude.  相似文献   

Riassunto La iniezione endocisternale nel cane di dosi fino a 0.75 mg/kg del sale acetico dell'esapeptide H. Glu (NH2)-Ist-Fen-Arg-Tript-Gli.OH, svolgente un'attività melanoforo-stimolante della intensità di 2 × 105 U/g, induce delle tipiche crisi di stiramento, del tutto simili a quelle che si ottengono iniettando per la stessa via dell'ACTH o dell'MSH. Dosi di 1.5 mg/kg invece non inducono più crisi di stiramento ma deprimono notevolmente gli animali e determinano una intensa scialorrea. Sembra di poter ammettere che la struttura chimica responsabile dell'effetto sui melanociti sia anche responsabile dell'induzione delle crisi di stiramento.

We are indebted to Dr.R. Schwyzer, CIBA Ltd., Basle (Switzerland), for the synthetic melanocyte-stimulating hexapeptide.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans 18 cas de neuroblastome humain la noradrénaline (NA) et la dopamine--hydroxylase présentent des profils de distribution intracellulaire identiques, suggérant un stockage dans la même particule. Le contenu en NA de ces particules n'est pas inférieur à celui des particules du nerf splénique; on peut en conclure qu'un stockage défectueux de NA dans les cas de neuroblastome est peu probable.

The authors are grateful to Prof.F. Derom (Surgical Clinic, University of Ghent Medical School), Prof.R. Eeckels and Prof.E. Eggermont (Paediatric Clinic, University of Leuven Medical School), Prof.A. Lacquet and Prof.J. Gruwez (Surgical Clinic, University of Leuven Medical School), Dr.G. Delalieux, Dr.F. Delange, Dr.P. De Mol, Dr.R. Denis, Dr.R. Maurus and Dr.J. Otten (Paediatric Clinic, University of Brussels Medical School) and Dr.W. Mattheiem (Surgical Clinic, Jules Bordet Institute, Brussels) for making the tumors available to them.  相似文献   

Riassunto Il riconoscimento e la localizzazione di cellule del reticolo-endotelio, che fagocitano particelle di carbone, può talora essere difficile impiegando la convenzionale microscopia a luce trasmessa su sezioni istologiche colorante o in presenza di pigmento. D'altro canto, le particelle carboniose sono facilmente distinguibili impiegando la luce incidente, che e'riflessa de queste, ma non dalle cellule o da granuli di pigmento.

This work was carried out during tenure of a Science Research Council studentship at the Zoology Department, University of Hull, England. The author is indebted to Dr.M. J. Manning for her helpful advice and criticism.  相似文献   

Summary Seeds ofZornia diphylla possess a complex type of dormancy which is of great survival value for the species. Seeds show polymorphism. The optimum temperature for germination explains the cause of its distribution in the tropics. The grazing and scraping promotes the vegetative growth.The author is grateful to Dr.R. Sahai and Dr.R. S. Tripathi, Gorakhpur University, for guidance and to Dr.Y. B. Singh, Principal, and Dr.G. C. Srivastava, Head Dept. Botany, for encouragement and facilities. Thanks are due to my colleagues late SriP. N. Gupta, SriJ. Abraham, SriF. Abbasi, and Dr.A. B. Sinha for their cooperation.  相似文献   

Summary The spike discharges in the EEG of the El mouse, a seizure-susceptible strain, were recorded during convulsive seizures. This fact provides evidence that those seizures are really epileptic convulsions.I thank Dr.K. Imaizumi and Dr.K. Nakano of National Institute of Health for their sharing the strain of El mouse to us and MissY. Nakamoto and Mr.N. Ozawa for their technical assistance and Mr.K. Moriyama for his care for the mice, and also thank Dr. H.Narabayashi for his criticism on this paper.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Männchen vonMusca domestica werden von Kohlenwasserstoffextrakten aus der Cuticula weiblicherMusca domestica, M. autumnalis undHaematobia irritan angelockt (gleiche oder ähnliche Pheromone), nicht aber von entsprechenden Extrakten ausStomoxys calitrans, Glossina morsitans, G. austeni, Fannia canicularis undCochliomyia hominivorax.

The authors thankDr. P. A. Langley, University of Bristol, for his geneous aid in providing cuticular washes and feces of tsetse flies;Dr. C. M. Jones, USDA, for face fly samples;Dr. R. L. Harris, USDA, for horn fly samples;Dr. B. G. Hightower and R. R. Grabbe, USDA, for screwworm samples andDr. W. M. Rogoff, USDA, for little house fly samples.  相似文献   

Résumé Les avantages de la méthode d'électrophorèse en gradient de densité pour des travaux en virologie sont analysés.

The authors express their gratitude to ProfessorS. Gard (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm), Dr.A. Polson (Medical School, Cape Town), and Dr.W. Bernhard (Institut du Cancer Gustave Roussy, Villejuif) for helpful criticism.We are indebted to Dr.P. Vigier (Laboratoire Pasteur de l'Institut du Radium) for Rous immune serum and to Dr.H. L. Febvre (Institut Gustave Roussy) for Rous tissue culture supernatant.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Prof. Dr. h. c. Dr. J. E. Hofmann zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet Vorgelegt von A. Youschkevitch  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Behandlung der Samen vonDatura innoxia Mill. mitn-Butylalkohol und Temperaturschock ergibt in der nächsten Generation Pflanzen, deren Samen einen höheren Alkaloidgehalt aufweisen. Das Hauptalkaloid ist Scopolamin (Hyoscin) mit einem Anteil von 50–70% am Gesamtalkaloidgehalt.

The author is grateful to Dr. K.Ganapathi, Director, and Dr. C. K.Atal, Scientist of this Laboratory, for their interest in the work.Shri Het Singh, Dr. K. L.Dhar and MissSubash Kumari helped by analyzing the seeds which is duly acknowledged.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Häufigkeit der Protoplastfusion auxotropher Mutanten vonAspergillus nidulans wurde durch Zugabe von 0.6M KCl oder NaCl gesteigert.

The authors thank Dr.R. F. Rosenberger for the strainAspergillus nidulans pabal,y, ts6; ProfessorJ. G. H. Wessels and Dr.O. M. H. de Vries for discussions, and Dr.I. Rojik for help in electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Nachweis, dass corticale Läsionen eine Akkumulation von Noradrenalin an der Läsionsstelle hervorrufen.

I wish to express my thanks to Dr.Catherine Mytilineou, Dr.Lucien Côté and Mrs.Irene Tar for their assistance in this study.  相似文献   

Riassunto Si descrive una modificazione del metodo diDische eBorenfreund per la determinazione dei pentosi, che raddoppia all'incirca la sensibilità. La modifica più importante consiste nel trattamento iniziale della soluzione zuccherina con HCl concentrato e nella riduzione a soli 5 min del tempo di immersione in bagno maria bollente dopo l'aggiunta del reattivo al floroglucinolo.  相似文献   

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