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U S Srivastava  P Varma 《Experientia》1979,35(11):1457-1458
Among the haemocytes of Sarcophaga ruficornis, only the prohaemocytes divide. Injection of phytohaemagglutinin-P induces 100% prohaemocytes to undergo mitosis but does not induce mitosis in other cells. Mitotic stages other than the prophase are apparently very short lived.  相似文献   

Summary Proteins immunologically related toRhynchosciara americana larval protein 10 occur in the hemolymph and ovaries of five different fly species of the genusRhynchosciara. Electrophoretic analyses showed these proteins to have a mol.wt similar to that of theR. americana protein 10 (43,000), e.g. theR. hollanderi protein 44,300, theR. milleri protein 45,500.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the number of chromosomes was found in sheep headflies, ranging from 12 to 15 chromosomes. Of these, five pairs were common among all individuals. Among 9 larvae no males were identified.  相似文献   

Summary Larval brain mitotic karyotype ofAn. indefinitus from Kanchanaburi exhibits a supernumerary (B) chromosome which is apparently common in that population. 1 or 2 B-chromosomes have been observed in the samples from 5 isofemale lines examined.Acknowledgments. We thank K. Mongkolpanya and P. Kittayarak for species identification. Part of this work was supported by Mahidol University Research Fund and AFRIMS.  相似文献   

Summary Lamellar structures in oogonial and spermatogonial cells of gall midges were found to form a complicated system of intranuclear compartments inside which all heteropycnotic chromosomes present in the germ-line cells of these insects are located. In this way, the heteropycnotic S-chromosomes are separated by the nuclear lamellae from the remaining, decondensed chromosomes (E-chromosomes) of the interphase germ-line nucleus.This investigation was supported in part under Contract DPKBN/52/76-II.1.3.10. with the Polish Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Summary Aggregated oviposition byChymomyza amoena in Virginia and Michigan has been shown to be due to egg clustering, females attracted to fruits on whichC. amoena females have already oviposited, and to variation in fruit attractiveness. Negative binomialk values support behavioral similarities among females of this rarely seen species in both states. Discovery ofC. amoena in Europe may indicate that this larval overwintering drosophilid has a Holarctic distribution.The research in Virginia during summer 1986, conducted at Mt. Lake Biological Station, was supported by a fellowship from the University of Virginia. Thanks are gratefully extended to all property owners in Virginia and Michigan for allowing me to collect fruits and to Blaine Cole, Director and J.J. Murray, Chairman of the Biology Dept., University of Virginia for research space in 1986 and 1987. R. N. Band constructed the figures. Comments from reviewers have been helpful.  相似文献   

Summary 15 couples ofPseudohypocera kerteszi were introduced into individual tubes containing culture medium, maintained at 22–28°C and 45–55% relative humidity. The courtship and the behaviour of males and females before and after the copula are described for the first time; the number of eggs laid by each female during the oviposition period and the sexual rate in offspring were registered in each tube. The relative viability from egg to imago was determined in 8 of the 15 tubes.This study was made possible by a grant of the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).  相似文献   

Summary Tsetse flies are attracted to radiant heat, but do not use mammalian skin energy flux differentials to find sites from which blood is obtainable. Tsetse flies only feed where the pelt is less than 5 mm thick.Acknowledgments. Our gratitude is due to Dr A. Jordan of the Tsetse Fly Laboratories of the University of Bristol for supplying us with tsetse fly pupae, Mr J.A. Mynett of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of this University for his invaluable assistance in measuring energy flux and Dr W.R. Woof who has read and criticized the text.  相似文献   

Summary The pH and temperature for the optimum activity of trypsin from the midgut ofSarcophaga ruficornis andMusca domestica was 7.5 and 8.0 respectively and 50°C. The enzymic activity increased with the increase in incubation period and enzyme concentration.Thanks are due to Prof.R. Rakshpal for guidance.  相似文献   

Summary 2 pancreatic polypeptide (PP) immunoreactive cells were observed in each half of the protocerebrum of the last (5th), larval instar of the hoverfly,Eristalis aenus. No PP immunoreactive nerve fibers could be detected in the brain.Support by a grant from the Swedish Medical Research Council (project No. 12X-102) and by a Swedish Institute scholarship.  相似文献   

Summary The 2 n=10 complement ofPasseromyia heterochaeta Villeneuve consists of 4 pairs of metacentric chromosomes and 1 pair of dots. The evolutionary implications of 2 n=10 in the tribe Phaoniini (Fam. Muscidae) are discussed.Acknowledgments. Thank are due to Dr Adrian C. Pont of British Museum (Natural Histoty), London for identifying our speciens through the courtesy of Dr Rokuro Kano, Dean Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo, Japan. We also thank Dr U.S. Srivastava, Professor and Head, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Allahabad for providing the necessary laboratory faclities.  相似文献   

Summary Multiple phosphoglucomutase (E.C. alleles are found in the mosquitoToxorhynchites splendens. The sample studied reveals 3Pgm alleles whose frequencies are in good accord with Hardy-Weinberg expectations. The most frequent allele is that controlling a phenotype with an intermediate electrophoretic mobility. EachPgm allele determines a two-band electrophoretic pattern.This work is supported in part by a University of Malaya research grant to the senior author.  相似文献   

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