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简要介绍了3种不同的低维磁性耦合材料体系(即磁体/半导体、石墨烯、拓扑绝缘体形成的异质结构体系)的研究进展,重点讨论了其新物性、电/光场调控以及存在的若干问题,并提出了一些可能的解决方法.  相似文献   

从自旋非简并 Anderson 模型出发, 研究局域电子自旋能级分裂对系统电导的影响。由于局域电子自旋极化会破坏近藤类型的电子强关联, 在非关联近似下, 通过求解量子点的 Green函数并以自旋能级劈裂为小参数将Green 函数展开, 利用Landauer公式推导出电导变化与局域自旋能级劈裂的关系。  相似文献   

本文阐述了杂质自旋与量子点净自旋间RKKY相互作用和近藤效应间的竞争对输运的影响,并进一步探讨给系统外加一磁场,在杂质和量子点的耦合为铁磁和反铁磁两种情况下,磁场对系统输运的影响以及磁场诱导的近藤和反铁磁间的相变。  相似文献   

模拟了两条平行碳原子链通过硫原子连接在一对半无限大的金电极(111)面之间组成的双分子器件的电子输运特性。计算结果表明,当原子链间距比较小时,原子链之间的距离是决定双分子器件电子输运性质的关键因素。随着原子链的间距增大到一定数值时,硫原子在金电极上的洞位占据类型在整个双分子结系统的电子输运过程中起决定作用。  相似文献   

利用非平衡格林函数方法,导出了单分子中的电流公式,接着从电流公式出发,从数值上研究了TMR随系统参数的变化,发现:外加磁通、门电压、自旋-轨道相互作用系数等对单分子的TMR都有影响,并且对称性造成的内禀的自旋-轨道耦合起着重要作用,甚至能产生负TMR值,这样可以更好利用磁性隧道结,这在当前的纳米技术水平下是可以实现的.  相似文献   

采用第一性原理方法对不同连接构型的铬卟啉分子电子自旋输运性质进行计算分析.结果表明,对角连接构型的铬卟啉分子在0~0.2 V偏压区间范围内的自旋极化率高达95%以上,水平连接构型的导电性能比对角连接高约1个数量级.说明改变铬卟啉分子连接构型,可以改变电子自旋前线分子轨道分布和输运路径,从而实现其自旋过滤效应,对基于不同连接构型的铬卟啉分子器件的电子自旋输运性质进行有效调控.  相似文献   

研究了与铁磁电极耦合的串连双量子点中的平衡和非平衡近藤效应,同时考虑了两侧电极中自旋极化的态密度为平行和反平行的情况。结果表明,每个量子点的平衡态密度在平行情况下只有一个尖峰,当有外加偏压的时候,这个尖峰将分裂为两个;在反平行情况下,每个量子点的平衡态密度有两个尖峰,分别对应与电子的两种不同自旋取向,自旋向下和向上的态密度双峰之间的距离将在外加偏压的影响下分别增大和减少。在反平行情况下,每一种自旋成份的微分电导只有一个尖峰,并且分别在费米面之上和之下;而在平行情况下,每种自旋成份的微分电导都有两个尖峰,其中自旋朝下的微分电导尖峰较高。  相似文献   

为了研究CO(A′П,v=3)和He碰撞体系由于П态∧分裂引起的量子干涉现象的微分干涉角和相对速度的关系,考虑一级波恩近似,各向异性相作用势和直线轨迹近似,对微分干涉角进行了推导,利用得出的公式,研究了微分干涉角和相对速度的关系.  相似文献   

单分子磁体与分子自旋电子材料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从单分子磁体合成、结构和性质及其在分子自旋晶体管、分子自旋电子管中的应用等方面,结合最新研究成果对这一有着应用前景的领域作了简要概述.单分子磁体是由内部的磁核和外围的有机分子壳层组成,可以通过修饰有机配体的基团和交换内部磁性离子等方法改善其物理和化学性能:带有烷基间隔基的[Co(Tpy-(CH2)5-SH)2]单核磁分子是一个弱偶合体系,而无烷基间隔基的[Co(TerPy)2]是强偶合,且Kondo温度异常地高(约25 K);将含两个磁中心的二核钒分子([(N,N',N"-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)2 V2(CN)4(μ-C4N4)])嫁接到电极表面出现有趣物理效应.上述就是在分子水平上研究电子自旋和电荷的分子自旋电子装置.  相似文献   

为了研究CO(A′∏,v=3)和He碰撞体系由于∏态Λ分裂引起的量子干涉现象的微分干涉角和相对速度的关系,考虑一级波恩近似,各向异性相作用势和直线轨迹近似,对微分干涉角进行了推导,利用得出的公式,研究了微分干涉角和相对速度的关系.  相似文献   

本文利用最近所发展的产生函数(Generating Function)理论方法,研究了泵浦和探测场共同驱动下单分子二能级体系发射荧光光子的统计性质.给出了泵浦探测场对体系发射光子线型、MandelQ参数以及光子发射几率等统计量的影响.理论计算的单分子发射平均光子数与已有实验结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

Diseases often come from a cell or even a molecule misperforms its function.Obtaining fluctuation of nucleic acids,proteins,gly-cans and other biomolecules is h...  相似文献   

在介导HIV-1进入正常细胞的协同受体中,趋化因子受体CCR5具有重要的药理学意义,因此开发具有药代动力学性质良好、高选择性及高活性的小分子拮抗剂已成为研究的热点,活性的苯甲酰胺类非肽类小分子备受关注.以4-六氢吡啶酮盐酸盐合成了N-乙基-N-(4-六氢吡啶)-4-氯苯甲酰胺(中间体4),以2-羟基-5-溴苯甲醛为原料,通过还原、消去及取代反应合成了4-氯苯甲氧基-4-溴-2-溴甲基苯(中间体7),通过中间体制备了一种新的抗HIV-1候选化合物N-乙基-N-(N-(2-对氯苯甲氧基-5-溴苯甲基)-4-六氢吡啶)-4-氯苯甲酰胺(8),目标产物的结构经13 C NMR、1 H NMR、MS及IR确征,生物活性经Calcium Flux Assay,PBMC及SPA GTPγS Assay检测,表明该产物具有较高的生物活性.  相似文献   

The resolution of conventional light microscopy is insufficient for subcelluar studies. The invention of various super-resolution imaging techniques breaks the diffraction barrier and pushes the resolution limit towards the nanometer scale. Here, we focus on a category of super-resolution microscopy that relies on the stochastic activation and precise localization of single molecules. A diversity of fluorescent probes with different characteristics has been developed to achieve super-resolution imaging. In addition, with the implementation of robust localization algorithms, this family of approaches has been expanded to multi-color, three-dimensional and live cell imaging, which provides a promising prospect in biological research.  相似文献   

A set of molecule parameters, namely, N, N′, p, q, n, were used to express the structures of alkanes. A correlative model was established between certain physical-chemical properties and molecular parameters of alkanes by regression method. Eight physical-chemical properties, such as evaporation heat (△vHm^20), density(D^20 ), capacity (C^20), surface tension (δ^20), boiling point (Tb), critical temperature(Tc), critical pressure(Pc) and critical volume(Vc), of fifty-six C3-C16 alkanes were calculated directly from the model in this paper. The calculated values are in good accordance with the literature ones reported for alkanes, and the correlation coefficients (R) equal or exceed 0.99 . The research results indicate that the principle of the method is simple and clear, the method is practical, the correlativity is excellent, and the predicted data are credible.  相似文献   

近场光学和单分子操纵(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了近场光学显微镜(SNOM),原子力显微镜(AFM),扫描隧道显微镜(STM)和光镊(OPTICAL TWEEZERS)等相关技术的原理。这些技术突破了传统显微镜的衍射极限对分辨率的限制,可以对单个分子进行探测和操纵,因此在物理、化学、生物、医学、材料学以及微电子学等方面都有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

Cang H  Labno A  Lu C  Yin X  Liu M  Gladden C  Liu Y  Zhang X 《Nature》2011,469(7330):385-388
When light illuminates a rough metallic surface, hotspots can appear, where the light is concentrated on the nanometre scale, producing an intense electromagnetic field. This phenomenon, called the surface enhancement effect, has a broad range of potential applications, such as the detection of weak chemical signals. Hotspots are believed to be associated with localized electromagnetic modes, caused by the randomness of the surface texture. Probing the electromagnetic field of the hotspots would offer much insight towards uncovering the mechanism generating the enhancement; however, it requires a spatial resolution of 1-2?nm, which has been a long-standing challenge in optics. The resolution of an optical microscope is limited to about half the wavelength of the incident light, approximately 200-300?nm. Although current state-of-the-art techniques, including near-field scanning optical microscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, cathode luminescence imaging and two-photon photoemission imaging have subwavelength resolution, they either introduce a non-negligible amount of perturbation, complicating interpretation of the data, or operate only in a vacuum. As a result, after more than 30 years since the discovery of the surface enhancement effect, how the local field is distributed remains unknown. Here we present a technique that uses Brownian motion of single molecules to probe the local field. It enables two-dimensional imaging of the fluorescence enhancement profile of single hotspots on the surfaces of aluminium thin films and silver nanoparticle clusters, with accuracy down to 1.2?nm. Strong fluorescence enhancements, up to 54 and 136 times respectively, are observed in those two systems. This strong enhancement indicates that the local field, which decays exponentially from the peak of a hotspot, dominates the fluorescence enhancement profile.  相似文献   

采用Davidson修正的内收缩多参考组态相互作用方法(icRCI+Q),考虑了核价相关修正和标量相对论效应,计算了CaH分子10个低激发态的势能曲线(PECs);还考虑了B''态与D态以及其它低激发态之间的避免交叉以解释长期存在于实验与理论分析之间的不一致;利用LEVEL8.0程序拟合-S束缚态的势能曲线,得到了相应的光谱常数和分子常数,结果与实验值符合较好. 本文计算的结果对CaH分子的进一步实验和理论研究具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

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