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采用Ⅱ型参量下转换(SPDC)和后选择技术,实验上制备了保真度达0.831的高纯四光子Greenberger—Home—Zeilinger(GHZ)态.通过理论分析和实验优化,提出一种有效提高四光子对比度的实验方法.同时利用制备的纠缠态,研究了四光子GHZ态的非定域性,得到了对四光子Bell不等式28标准差的偏离,证明制备的态为真正四体纠缠态.本文的研究对实验上获得高对比度的多光子纠缠态及非定域性研究具有非常好的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

广义GHZ态的制备和非定域性的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们用参量下转换的方法,合理设计实验方案,制备了广义GHZ(Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger)三体偏振纠缠态,测量了所制备状态的密度矩阵,并通过密度矩阵计算出了状态相对于目标态的保真度.实验制备出了保真度达0.85左右的高保真三体纠缠态.测量了GGHZ(generalized GHZ)纠缠态的Bell-Mermin算符期望值,得到了和理论计算一致的测量结果.结果表明,量子态非定域特性与体系的纠缠程度密切相关,这说明制备GGHZ纠缠态的方案和非定域特性的测量方法是可行的.  相似文献   

优化量子测量中的定域测量参数在多体量子系统非定域性的研究中非常重要。采用Q#量子编程与C#经典控制程序相结合的方式,构建经典—量子混合编程模式、开发量子程序研究四量子比特系统Bell不等式的实验测试。研究结果表明,通过选择优化的量子测量参数Bell不等式的量子违背可以达到理论上的最大值。理论与实验结合,应用量子编程技术揭示多体量子系统量子非定域性,为探索量子测量中测量参数的优化选择问题提供可行的研究方法和实验手段。  相似文献   

量子纠缠的新理论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用独立态矢特性,首次提出了一个纠缠态的定义及构造纠缠的理论,并进一步给出了多粒子系统的纠缠方式,进而给出基本纠缠方式的纠缠度的定义式,并推导出其公式,得出了三粒子系统的非纠缠判据.  相似文献   

Quantum entanglement distribution is an essential part of quantum communication and computation protocols. Here, linear optic elements are employed for the distribution of quantum entanglement over a long distance. Polarization beam splitters and wave plates are used to realize an error-free protocol for broadcasting quantum entanglement in optical quantum communication. This protocol can determine the maximum distance of quantum communication without decoherence. Error detection and error correc-tion are performed in the proposed scheme. In other words, if there is a bit flip along the quantum channel, the end stations (Alice and Bob) can detect this state change and obtain the correct state (entangled photon) at another port. Existing general error detec-tion protocols are based on the quantum controlled-NOT (CNOT) or similar quantum logic operations, which are very difficult to implement experimentally. Here we present a feasible scheme for the implementation of entanglement distribution based on a linear optics element that does not need a quantum CNOT gate.  相似文献   

讨论了光场初态和热库性质对原子场耦合系统中量子非局域性的作用.结果显示,如果腔损耗很弱,热库的平均光子数很小.系统会周期性地展现出量子非局域性.非局域性的消失速度依赖于初始压缩真空态的振幅、热库的平均光子数和腔的衰退系数.场越强、平均光子数和衰退系数越大,非局域性减小得越快。  相似文献   

在由N+1个相互作用的反铁磁分子环构成的量子自旋系统中,可以调控1种多体纠缠态。N个周边分子环的电子自旋和1个中心分子环的电子存在相互交换,从而在分子间形成可调的相互作用。通过整个系统的有效自旋哈密顿量解析得出系统的量子动力学行为。研究发现在量子涨落的条件下,1种高精度的形纠缠态可以被制备出来。通过控制分子间的相互作用,这种多体纠缠态也可以从一些分子环传输到其他分子环上。  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics allows for many-particle wavefunctions that cannot be factorized into a product of single-particle wavefunctions, even when the constituent particles are entirely distinct. Such 'entangled' states explicitly demonstrate the non-local character of quantum theory, having potential applications in high-precision spectroscopy, quantum communication, cryptography and computation. In general, the more particles that can be entangled, the more clearly nonclassical effects are exhibited--and the more useful the states are for quantum applications. Here we implement a recently proposed entanglement technique to generate entangled states of two and four trapped ions. Coupling between the ions is provided through their collective motional degrees of freedom, but actual motional excitation is minimized. Entanglement is achieved using a single laser pulse, and the method can in principle be applied to any number of ions.  相似文献   

Entanglement is a necessary resource for quantum applications--entanglement established between quantum systems at different locations enables private communication and quantum teleportation, and facilitates quantum information processing. Distributed entanglement is established by preparing an entangled pair of quantum particles in one location, and transporting one member of the pair to another location. However, decoherence during transport reduces the quality (fidelity) of the entanglement. A protocol to achieve entanglement 'purification' has been proposed to improve the fidelity after transport. This protocol uses separate quantum operations at each location and classical communication to distil high-fidelity entangled pairs from lower-fidelity pairs. Proof-of-principle experiments distilling entangled photon pairs have been carried out. However, these experiments obtained distilled pairs with a low probability of success and required destruction of the entangled pairs, rendering them unavailable for further processing. Here we report efficient and non-destructive entanglement purification with atomic quantum bits. Two noisy entangled pairs were created and distilled into one higher-fidelity pair available for further use. Success probabilities were above 35 per cent. The many applications of entanglement purification make it one of the most important techniques in quantum information processing.  相似文献   

研究了受激辐射相互作用下两原子体系的量子纠缠特性.运用量子绝热近似方法,获得了体系的有效哈密顿量,讨论了在该哈密顿量下两原子量子纠缠的动力学演化.研究结果说明,在大失谐条件下,受激辐射相互作用可以将两原子制备到最大纠缠的Bell态,在退相干时间内,原子的自发辐射及热环境对量子纠缠的影响不大.  相似文献   

The role the quantum entanglement plays in quantum computation speedup has been widely disputed. Some believe that quantum computation's speedup over classical computation is impossible if entan-glement is absent,while others claim that the presence of entanglement is not a necessary condition for some quantum algorithms. This paper discusses this problem systematically. Simulating quantum computation with classical resources is analyzed and entanglement in known algorithms is reviewed. It is concluded that the presence of entanglement is a necessary but not sufficient condition in the pure state or pseudo-pure state quantum computation speedup. The case with the mixed state remains open. Further work on quantum computation will benefit from the presented results.  相似文献   

报道了一个基于自发参量下转换(SPDC)的偏振纠缠实验.采用两块BBO晶体粘合的方法,利用SPDC过程制备810和1 550 nm的偏振纠缠光子对源.用单模光纤耦合来收集参量光子对,在产生的纠缠态中,两光子符合计数为200 cps(每秒钟计数).为了验证产生的纠缠态,利用两个偏振分析器系统测量纠缠相关度,其中,干涉可见度约为90%.  相似文献   

In(Phys Lett A,2002,297:4-8) an entanglement criterion for finite-dimensional bipartite systems is proposed:If ρ AB is a separable state,then Tr(ρA2) Tr(ρ2) and Tr(ρB2) Tr(ρ2).In the present paper this criterion is extended to infinite-dimensional bipartite and multipartite systems.The reduction criterion presented in(Phys Rev A,1999,59:4206-4216) is also generalized to infinitedimensional case.Then it is shown that the former criterion is weaker than the later one.  相似文献   

Osterloh A  Amico L  Falci G  Fazio R 《Nature》2002,416(6881):608-610
Classical phase transitions occur when a physical system reaches a state below a critical temperature characterized by macroscopic order. Quantum phase transitions occur at absolute zero; they are induced by the change of an external parameter or coupling constant, and are driven by quantum fluctuations. Examples include transitions in quantum Hall systems, localization in Si-MOSFETs (metal oxide silicon field-effect transistors; ref. 4) and the superconductor-insulator transition in two-dimensional systems. Both classical and quantum critical points are governed by a diverging correlation length, although quantum systems possess additional correlations that do not have a classical counterpart. This phenomenon, known as entanglement, is the resource that enables quantum computation and communication. The role of entanglement at a phase transition is not captured by statistical mechanics-a complete classification of the critical many-body state requires the introduction of concepts from quantum information theory. Here we connect the theory of critical phenomena with quantum information by exploring the entangling resources of a system close to its quantum critical point. We demonstrate, for a class of one-dimensional magnetic systems, that entanglement shows scaling behaviour in the vicinity of the transition point.  相似文献   

Kwiat PG  Barraza-Lopez S  Stefanov A  Gisin N 《Nature》2001,409(6823):1014-1017
Entangled states are central to quantum information processing, including quantum teleportation, efficient quantum computation and quantum cryptography. In general, these applications work best with pure, maximally entangled quantum states. However, owing to dissipation and decoherence, practically available states are likely to be non-maximally entangled, partially mixed (that is, not pure), or both. To counter this problem, various schemes of entanglement distillation, state purification and concentration have been proposed. Here we demonstrate experimentally the distillation of maximally entangled states from non-maximally entangled inputs. Using partial polarizers, we perform a filtering process to maximize the entanglement of pure polarization-entangled photon pairs generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion. We have also applied our methods to initial states that are partially mixed. After filtering, the distilled states demonstrate certain non-local correlations, as evidenced by their violation of a form of Bell's inequality. Because the initial states do not have this property, they can be said to possess 'hidden' non-locality.  相似文献   

Experimental entanglement purification of arbitrary unknown states   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Pan JW  Gasparoni S  Ursin R  Weihs G  Zeilinger A 《Nature》2003,423(6938):417-422
Distribution of entangled states between distant locations is essential for quantum communication over large distances. But owing to unavoidable decoherence in the quantum communication channel, the quality of entangled states generally decreases exponentially with the channel length. Entanglement purification--a way to extract a subset of states of high entanglement and high purity from a large set of less entangled states--is thus needed to overcome decoherence. Besides its important application in quantum communication, entanglement purification also plays a crucial role in error correction for quantum computation, because it can significantly increase the quality of logic operations between different qubits. Here we demonstrate entanglement purification for general mixed states of polarization-entangled photons using only linear optics. Typically, one photon pair of fidelity 92% could be obtained from two pairs, each of fidelity 75%. In our experiments, decoherence is overcome to the extent that the technique would achieve tolerable error rates for quantum repeaters in long-distance quantum communication. Our results also imply that the requirement of high-accuracy logic operations in fault-tolerant quantum computation can be considerably relaxed.  相似文献   

Experimental long-lived entanglement of two macroscopic objects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Julsgaard B  Kozhekin A  Polzik ES 《Nature》2001,413(6854):400-403
Entanglement is considered to be one of the most profound features of quantum mechanics. An entangled state of a system consisting of two subsystems cannot be described as a product of the quantum states of the two subsystems. In this sense, the entangled system is considered inseparable and non-local. It is generally believed that entanglement is usually manifest in systems consisting of a small number of microscopic particles. Here we demonstrate experimentally the entanglement of two macroscopic objects, each consisting of a caesium gas sample containing about 1012 atoms. Entanglement is generated via interaction of the samples with a pulse of light, which performs a non-local Bell measurement on the collective spins of the samples. The entangled spin-state can be maintained for 0.5 milliseconds. Besides being of fundamental interest, we expect the robust and long-lived entanglement of material objects demonstrated here to be useful in quantum information processing, including teleportation of quantum states of matter and quantum memory.  相似文献   

量子通信是经典通信和量子力学相结合的一门新兴交叉学科.在介绍量子纠缠特性的基础上,对量子隐形传态进行了探讨,提出了超光速量子通信的途径.  相似文献   

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