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The linear multiregression dynamic model (LMDM) is a Bayesian dynamic model which preserves any conditional independence and causal structure across a multivariate time series. The conditional independence structure is used to model the multivariate series by separate (conditional) univariate dynamic linear models, where each series has contemporaneous variables as regressors in its model. Calculating the forecast covariance matrix (which is required for calculating forecast variances in the LMDM) is not always straightforward in its current formulation. In this paper we introduce a simple algebraic form for calculating LMDM forecast covariances. Calculation of the covariance between model regression components can also be useful and we shall present a simple algebraic method for calculating these component covariances. In the LMDM formulation, certain pairs of series are constrained to have zero forecast covariance. We shall also introduce a possible method to relax this restriction. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Observing that a sequence of negative logarithms of 1‐year survival probabilities displays a linear relationship with the sequence of corresponding terms with a time lag of a certain number of years, we propose a simple linear regression to model and forecast mortality rates. Our model assuming the linearity between two mortality sequences with a time lag each other does not need to formulate the time trends of mortality rates across ages for mortality prediction. Moreover, the parameters of our model for a given age depend on the mortality rates for that age only. Therefore, whether the span of the study ages with the age included is widened or shortened will not affect the results of mortality fitting and forecasting for that age. In the empirical testing, the regression results using the mortality data for the UK, USA and Japan show a satisfactory goodness of fit, which convinces us of the appropriateness of the linear assumption. Empirical illustrations further show that our model's performances of fitting and forecasting mortality rates are quite satisfactory compared with the existing well‐known mortality models. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One important aspect concerning the analysis and forecasting of time series that is sometimes neglected is the relationship between a model and the sampling interval, in particular, when the observation is cumulative over the sampling period. This paper intends to study the temporal aggregation in Bayesian dynamic linear models (DLM). Suppose that a time series Yt is observed at time units t and the observations of the process are aggregated over r units of time, defining a new time series Zkri=1Yrk+i. The relevant factors explaining the variation of Zk can, and in general will, be different, depending on how the sampling interval r is chosen. It is shown that if Yt follows certain dynamic linear models, then the aggregated series can also be described by possibly different DLM. In the examples, the industrial production of Brazil is analysed under various aggregation periods and the results are compared. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An underlying assumption in Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA) is that the time series are governed by a linear recurrent continuation. However, in the presence of a structural break, multiple series can be transferred from one homogeneous state to another over a comparatively short time breaking this assumption. As a consequence, forecasting performance can degrade significantly. In this paper, we propose a state-dependent model to incorporate the movement of states in the linear recurrent formula called a State-Dependent Multivariate SSA (SD-MSSA) model. The proposed model is examined for its reliability in the presence of a structural break by conducting an empirical analysis covering both synthetic and real data. Comparison with standard MSSA, BVAR, VAR and VECM models shows the proposed model outperforms all three models significantly.  相似文献   

In multivariate time series, estimation of the covariance matrix of observation innovations plays an important role in forecasting as it enables computation of standardized forecast error vectors as well as the computation of confidence bounds of forecasts. We develop an online, non‐iterative Bayesian algorithm for estimation and forecasting. It is empirically found that, for a range of simulated time series, the proposed covariance estimator has good performance converging to the true values of the unknown observation covariance matrix. Over a simulated time series, the new method approximates the correct estimates, produced by a non‐sequential Monte Carlo simulation procedure, which is used here as the gold standard. The special, but important, vector autoregressive (VAR) and time‐varying VAR models are illustrated by considering London metal exchange data consisting of spot prices of aluminium, copper, lead and zinc. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal adjustment is performed in some data-producing agencies according to the ARIMA-model-based signal extraction theory. A stochastic linear process parametrized in terms of an ARIMA model is first fitted to the series, and from this model the models for the trend, cycle, seasonal, and irregular component can be derived. A spectrum is associated to every component model and is used to compute the optimal Wiener–Kolmogorov filter. Since the modelling is linear, prior linearization of the series with intervention techniques is performed. This paper discusses the performance of linear signal extraction with intervention techniques in non-linear processes. In particular, the following issues are discussed: (1) the ability of intervention techniques to linearize time series which present non-linearities; (2) the stability of the linear projection giving the components estimators under non-linear misspecifications; (3) the capacity of the WK filter to preserve the linearity in some components and the non-linearities in others. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Testing the existence of unit root and/or level change is necessary in order to understand the underlying processes of time series. In many studies carried out so far, the focus was only on a single aspect of unit root and level change, therefore limiting a full assessment of the given problems. Our study aims to find a solution to the given problems by testing the two hypotheses simultaneously. We derive the likelihood ratio test statistic based on the state space model, and their distributions are created by the simulation method. The performance of the proposed method is validated by simulated time series and also applied to two Korean macroeconomic time series to confirm its practical application. This analysis can provide a solution to determine the underlying structure of arguable time series. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Asymmetry has been well documented in the business cycle literature. The asymmetric business cycle suggests that major macroeconomic series, such as a country's unemployment rate, are non‐linear and, therefore, the use of linear models to explain their behaviour and forecast their future values may not be appropriate. Many researchers have focused on providing evidence for the non‐linearity in the unemployment series. Only recently have there been some developments in applying non‐linear models to estimate and forecast unemployment rates. A major concern of non‐linear modelling is the model specification problem; it is very hard to test all possible non‐linear specifications, and to select the most appropriate specification for a particular model. Artificial neural network (ANN) models provide a solution to the difficulty of forecasting unemployment over the asymmetric business cycle. ANN models are non‐linear, do not rely upon the classical regression assumptions, are capable of learning the structure of all kinds of patterns in a data set with a specified degree of accuracy, and can then use this structure to forecast future values of the data. In this paper, we apply two ANN models, a back‐propagation model and a generalized regression neural network model to estimate and forecast post‐war aggregate unemployment rates in the USA, Canada, UK, France and Japan. We compare the out‐of‐sample forecast results obtained by the ANN models with those obtained by several linear and non‐linear times series models currently used in the literature. It is shown that the artificial neural network models are able to forecast the unemployment series as well as, and in some cases better than, the other univariate econometrics time series models in our test. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that composite forecasting produces superior forecasts when compared to individual forecasts. This paper extends the existing literature by employing linear constraints and robust regression techniques in composite model building. Security analysts forecasts may be improved when combined with time series forecasts for a diversified sample of 261 firms with a 1980-1982 post-sample estimation period. The mean square error of analyst forecasts may be reduced by combining analyst and univariate time series model forecasts in constrained and unconstrained ordinary least squares regression models. These reductions are very interesting when one finds that the univariate time series model forecasts do not substantially deviate from those produced by ARIMA (0,1,1) processes. Moreover, security analysts' forecast errors may be significantly reduced when constrained and unconstrained robust regression analyses are employed.  相似文献   

We propose a model for time series with a general marginal distribution given by the Johnson family of distributions. We investigate for which Johnson distributions forecasting using the model is likely to be most effective compared to using a linear model. Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess the reliability of methods for determining which of the three Johnson forms is most appropriate for a given series. Finally, we give model fitting and forecasting results using the modeling procedure on a selection of simulated and real time series.  相似文献   

This article addresses the problem of forecasting time series that are subject to level shifts. Processes with level shifts possess a nonlinear dependence structure. Using the stochastic permanent breaks (STOPBREAK) model, I model this nonlinearity in a direct and flexible way that avoids imposing a discrete regime structure. I apply this model to the rate of price inflation in the United States, which I show is subject to level shifts. These shifts significantly affect the accuracy of out‐of‐sample forecasts, causing models that assume covariance stationarity to be substantially biased. Models that do not assume covariance stationarity, such as the random walk, are unbiased but lack precision in periods without shifts. I show that the STOPBREAK model outperforms several alternative models in an out‐of‐sample inflation forecasting experiment. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the idea of adjusting forecasts from a linear time series model where the adjustment relies on the assumption that this linear model is an approximation of a nonlinear time series model. This way of creating forecasts could be convenient when inference for a nonlinear model is impossible, complicated or unreliable in small samples. The size of the forecast adjustment can be based on the estimation results for the linear model and on other data properties such as the first few moments or autocorrelations. An illustration is given for a first‐order diagonal bilinear time series model, which in certain properties can be approximated by a linear ARMA(1, 1) model. For this case, the forecast adjustment is easy to derive, which is convenient as the particular bilinear model is indeed cumbersome to analyze in practice. An application to a range of inflation series for low‐income countries shows that such adjustment can lead to some improved forecasts, although the gain is small for this particular bilinear time series model.  相似文献   

A non‐linear dynamic model is introduced for multiplicative seasonal time series that follows and extends the X‐11 paradigm where the observed time series is a product of trend, seasonal and irregular factors. A selection of standard seasonal and trend component models used in additive dynamic time series models are adapted for the multiplicative framework and a non‐linear filtering procedure is proposed. The results are illustrated and compared to X‐11 and log‐additive models using real data. In particular it is shown that the new procedures do not suffer from the trend bias present in log‐additive models. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approach is proposed for obtaining estimates of the basic (disaggregated) series, xi, when only an aggregate series, yt, of k period non-overlapping sums of xi's is available. The approach is based on casting the problem in a dynamic linear model form. Then estimates of xi can be obtained by application of the Kalman filtering techniques. An ad hoc procedure is introduced for deriving a model form for the unobserved basic series from the observed model of the aggregates. An application of this approach to a set of real data is given.  相似文献   

Stochastic covariance models have been explored in recent research to model the interdependence of assets in financial time series. The approach uses a single stochastic model to capture such interdependence. However, it may be inappropriate to assume a single coherence structure at all time t. In this paper, we propose the use of a mixture of stochastic covariance models to generalize the approach and offer greater flexibility in real data applications. Parameter estimation is performed by Bayesian analysis with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes. We conduct a simulation study on three different model setups and evaluate the performance of estimation and model selection. We also apply our modeling methods to high‐frequency stock data from Hong Kong. Model selection favors a mixture rather than non‐mixture model. In a real data study, we demonstrate that the mixture model is able to identify structural changes in market risk, as evidenced by a drastic change in mixture proportions over time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the general problem of forecasting the maximum value of a time series which by the nature of the data must approach an asymptotic value. Examples of such series include the growth of organisms, the concentration of a chemical reagent during a reaction occurring over time or the amount of a fossil fuel resource which has been discovered or produced as a function of time. The approach taken below differs from the usual models for this type of data in that it assumes that an unobserved time series is actually driving the process, and that the observed data series is a function of the unobserved process. In the case of fossil fuels the unobserved series might be a measure of the exploratory drilling, the number of production days in a given time period or even the amount of fiscal resources devoted to exploratory activities. A maximum likelihood method is developed for estimating the parameters of the process, especially the maximum S, and the covariance structure of the estimators is developed. The methodology is illustrated on an example of oil production. Finally, methods are developed for forecasting the data into the near future.  相似文献   

Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) is a powerful nonparametric method in the area of time series analysis that has shown its capability in different applications areas. SSA depends on two main choices: the window length L and the number of eigentriples used for grouping r. One of the most important issues when analyzing time series is the forecast of new observations. When using SSA for time series forecasting there are several alternative algorithms, the most widely used being the recurrent forecasting model, which assumes that a given observation can be written as a linear combination of the L?1 previous observations. However, when the window length L is large, the forecasting model is unlikely to be parsimonious. In this paper we propose a new parsimonious recurrent forecasting model that uses an optimal m(<L?1) coefficients in the linear combination of the recurrent SSA. Our results support the idea of using this new parsimonious recurrent forecasting model instead of the standard recurrent SSA forecasting model.  相似文献   

In their seminal book Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Box and Jenkins (1976) introduce the Airline model, which is still routinely used for the modelling of economic seasonal time series. The Airline model is for a differenced time series (in levels and seasons) and constitutes a linear moving average of lagged Gaussian disturbances which depends on two coefficients and a fixed variance. In this paper a novel approach to seasonal adjustment is developed that is based on the Airline model and that accounts for outliers and breaks in time series. For this purpose we consider the canonical representation of the Airline model. It takes the model as a sum of trend, seasonal and irregular (unobserved) components which are uniquely identified as a result of the canonical decomposition. The resulting unobserved components time series model is extended by components that allow for outliers and breaks. When all components depend on Gaussian disturbances, the model can be cast in state space form and the Kalman filter can compute the exact log‐likelihood function. Related filtering and smoothing algorithms can be used to compute minimum mean squared error estimates of the unobserved components. However, the outlier and break components typically rely on heavy‐tailed densities such as the t or the mixture of normals. For this class of non‐Gaussian models, Monte Carlo simulation techniques will be used for estimation, signal extraction and seasonal adjustment. This robust approach to seasonal adjustment allows outliers to be accounted for, while keeping the underlying structures that are currently used to aid reporting of economic time series data. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis of linear and mixed models for short‐term forecasting of a real data series with a high percentage of missing data. Data are the series of significant wave heights registered at regular periods of three hours by a buoy placed in the Bay of Biscay. The series is interpolated with a linear predictor which minimizes the forecast mean square error. The linear models are seasonal ARIMA models and the mixed models have a linear component and a non‐linear seasonal component. The non‐linear component is estimated by a non‐parametric regression of data versus time. Short‐term forecasts, no more than two days ahead, are of interest because they can be used by the port authorities to notify the fleet. Several models are fitted and compared by their forecasting behaviour. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multivariate time series model for over‐dispersed discrete data to explore the market structure based on sales count dynamics. We first discuss the microstructure to show that over‐dispersion is inherent in the modeling of market structure based on sales count data. The model is built on the likelihood function induced by decomposing sales count response variables according to products' competitiveness and conditioning on their sum of variables, and it augments them to higher levels by using the Poisson–multinomial relationship in a hierarchical way, represented as a tree structure for the market definition. State space priors are applied to the structured likelihood to develop dynamic generalized linear models for discrete outcomes. For the over‐dispersion problem, gamma compound Poisson variables for product sales counts and Dirichlet compound multinomial variables for their shares are connected in a hierarchical fashion. Instead of the density function of compound distributions, we propose a data augmentation approach for more efficient posterior computations in terms of the generated augmented variables, particularly for generating forecasts and predictive density. We present the empirical application using weekly product sales time series in a store to compare the proposed models accommodating over‐dispersion with alternative no over‐dispersed models by several model selection criteria, including in‐sample fit, out‐of‐sample forecasting errors and information criterion. The empirical results show that the proposed modeling works well for the over‐dispersed models based on compound Poisson variables and they provide improved results compared with models with no consideration of over‐dispersion. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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