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The main component of the sex pheromone secretion of femaleDiprion pini L. (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) from insects collected both in Finland and in France has been identified as athreo-3,7-dimethyl-2-tridecanol (8 ng per female) stereoisomer by GC-MS and synthesis. The secretion also contains lower and higher homologues in small amounts (1–4% of the main component). Combined gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection showed activity in both natural and esterified extracts (acetates and propionates); the esters of the main component gave the largest responses. The acetates and propionates of the eight stereoisomers of 3,7-dimethyl-2-tridecanol were synthesized from enantiomerically highly enriched (>99% ee) building blocks. The stereochemistry of the main component was established to be (2S,3R,7R)-3,7-dimethyl-2-tridecanol by GC analysis of the natural material. It was purified by liquid chromatography prior to the GC analysis of both its pentafluorobenzoates and its isopropylcarbamates on a non-chiral polar column (ECD) and a chiral column (NPD), respectively. Field tests demonstrated that both the acetate and propionate of the main component (100 g of each applied on cotton roll dispensers) were active in attracting males, with or without the presence of several of the minor compounds. Experiments with smaller amounts of the acetate and the propionate (1 g in France and 50 g in Finland) demonstrated that the propionate was more active than the acetate, and that it also caught more males than a blend of the two compounds.  相似文献   

Résumé Un homogénat brut deTribolium confusum Duval peut hydrolyser les molécules d'ATP, d'ADP, d'AMP et d'-glycérophosphate. L'activité de l'ATPase dépend des ions Mg++ et Ca++. La courbe illustrant les variations de l'activité de cette ATPase en fonction du pH, montre deux pH optima, l'un à 7.5 et l'autre à 8.5. L'activité de l'ATPase est élevée durant la période larvaire, alors que la croissance est active et elle est faible durant la période pupale. La concentration de l'ATP est toujours inversement proportionnelle à l'activité de l'ATPase et cela à tous les stades du cycle vital de l'insecte.

This work was supported by a grant (A-1388) received from the National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B, C and D virus (HBV, HCV and HDV) infections are a major cause of liver disease and cancer worldwide. Despite employing distinct replication strategies, the three viruses are exclusively hepatotropic, and therefore depend on hepatocyte-specific host factors. The sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP), a transmembrane protein highly expressed in human hepatocytes that mediates the transport of bile acids, plays a key role in HBV and HDV entry into hepatocytes. Recently, NTCP has been shown to modulate HCV infection of hepatocytes by regulating innate antiviral immune responses in the liver. Here, we review the current knowledge of the functional role and the molecular and cellular biology of NTCP in the life cycle of the three major hepatotropic viruses, highlight the impact of NTCP as an antiviral target and discuss future avenues of research.  相似文献   

Summary Titers of ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone III were measured in whole body extracts or hemolymph of embryos, first, penultimate and last stadium nymphs, and adult females ofNaupoheta cinerea. We used a gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry method for quantifying juvenile hormone and a radio-immunoassay for ecdysteroid determination. Juvenile hormone III is particularly abundant in the embryonic stage (up to 960 ng/g), at a low level in first and penultimate stadium nymphs (2–10 ng/ml) and almost absent in the last nymphal stadium; in the adult female the juvenile hormone titer rises to 180 ng/ml in hemolymph during rapid oocyte growth. The titers of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone undergo similar fluctuations in the embryonic and nymphal stages, being highest at the time of cuticle formation in the embryo and a few days before the nymphal and adult molts (around 100–200 ng/ml for exdysone and 2–4 g/ml for 20-hydroxyecdysone).Acknowledgments. We thank Mrs A. Tschan for rearing the cockroaches, Mr M. Kaltenrieder for drawing the graphs, Mr G.C. Jamieson and Mrs C. Reuter for GC/MS analyses. We are also grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 3.291-0.82 to B. Lanzrein) and the United States National Science Foundation (grant no. PCM 82-08665 to D.A. Schooley) for their financial support.  相似文献   

Among two-chain ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs), volkensin is the most toxic to cells and animals, and is retrogradely axonally transported in the rat central nervous system, being an effective suicide transport agent. Here we studied the binding, endocytosis, intracellular routeing, degradation and exocytosis of this RIP. The interaction of volkensin with HeLa cells was compared to that of nigrin b, as an example of a type 2 RIP with low toxicity, and of ricin, as a reference toxin. Nigrin b and volkensin bound to cells with comparable affinity (approx. 10-10 M) and had a similar number of binding sites (2 × 105/cell), two-log lower than that reported for ricin. The cellular uptake of volkensin was lower than that reported for nigrin b and ricin. Confocal microscopy showed the rapid localization of volkensin in the Golgi stacks with a perinuclear localization similar to that of ricin, while nigrin b was distributed between cytoplasmic dots and the Golgi compartment. Consistently, brefeldin A, which disrupts the Golgi apparatus, protected cells from the inhibition of protein synthesis by volkensin or ricin, whereas it was ineffective in the case of nigrin b. Of the cell-released RIPs, 57% of volkensin and only 5% of ricin were active, whilst exocytosed nigrin b was totally inactive. Despite the low binding to, and uptake by, cells, the high cytotoxicity of volkensin may depend on (i) routeing to the Golgi apparatus, (ii) the low level of degradation, (iii) rapid recycling and (iv) the high percentage of active toxin remaining after exocytosis.Received 21 April 2004; received after revision 26 May 2004; accepted 9 June 2004  相似文献   

Kant believed that the ultimate processes that regulate the behavior of material bodies can be characterized exclusively in terms of mechanics. In 1790, turning his attention to the life sciences, he raised a potential problem for his mechanically-based account, namely that many of the operations described in the life sciences seemed to operate teleologically. He argued that the life sciences do indeed require us to think in teleological terms, but that this is a fact about us, not about the processes themselves. Nevertheless, even were we to concede his account of the life sciences, this would not secure the credentials of mechanics as a general theory of matter. Hardly any material properties studied in the second half of the eighteenth century were, or could have been, conceived in mechanical terms. Kant's concern with teleology is tangential to the problems facing a general matter theory grounded in mechanics, for the most pressing issues have nothing to do with teleology. They derive rather from a lack of any connection between mechanical forces and material properties. This is evident in chemistry, which Kant dismisses as being unscientific on the grounds that it cannot be formulated in mechanical terms.  相似文献   

Reggies (flotillins) are detergent-resistant microdomains involved in the scaffolding of large heteromeric complexes that signal across the plasma membrane. Based on the presence of an evolutionarily widespread motif, reggies/flotillins have been included within the SPFH (stomatin-prohibitin-flotillin-HflC/K) protein superfamily. To better understand the origin and evolution of reggie/flotillin structure and function, we searched databases for reggie/flotillin and SPFH-like proteins in organisms at the base and beyond the animal kingdom, and used the resulting dataset to compare their structural and functional domains. Our analysis shows that the SPFH grouping has little phylogenetic support, probably due to convergent evolution of its members. We also find that reggie/flotillin homologues are highly conserved among metazoans but are absent in plants, fungi and bacteria, where only proteins with ‘reggie-like’ domains can be found. However, despite their low sequence similarities, reggie/flotillin and ‘reggie-like’ domains appear to subserve related functions, suggesting that their basic biological role was acquired independently during evolution. Received 21 September 2005; received after revision 14 November 2005; accepted 21 November 2005  相似文献   

A survey of the major fossiliferous amber deposits is provided, including ages and various categories of life forms reported from each. The frequence of occurrence of the major groups of plants and animals in these amber deposits is also given. Thus far, DNA from four insect and one plant species has been extracted from amber fossils. In the case of the stingless bee in Dominican amber, evidence of reproducibility is provided, since two independent laboratories isolated DNA from six or more different specimens of the same insect.Amber sources for DNA studies are listed together with their advantages and disadvantages. The important points are the availability of desired pieces, the proper identification of the fossil, verification of the amber deposit, the cost involved, and the feasibility of causing damage to the specimen. The availability of several types of amber (Mexican, Dominican, Baltic, Chinese, Canadian, Siberian and Lebanese) at four major sources (academic collections, commercial dealers, private collections and amber mines) is discussed. The scientific implications of obtaining DNA from amber inclusions are presented.  相似文献   

Summary A material that elicits alarm and attack behavior byVespula squamosa (Drury) workers was isolated from venom extracts and identified by spectroscopic methods as N-3-methylbutylacetamide. This compound elicited attack responses from worker wasps identical to those responses observed when venom was applied at the same dosage. This is the first behavioral role reported for this compound.The authors thank E. Adamak, R. Murphy and F. Takken for technical assistance. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or the recommendation for its use by USDA.  相似文献   

Human ASIP (hASIP) is expressed as numerous alternative splicing isoforms and there is an atypical protein kinease C (aPKC) phosphorylation site in exon 17b of the encoded sequence. We have identified an important role for exon 17b in cancer cells. Our results showed that hASIP-sa and sb had different effects on cell growth and Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis in BEL-7404 human hepatoma cells. Human ASIP-sa modified the S phase of the cell cycle and might stimulate cell proliferation. Growth inhibition by hASIP-a antisense oligonucleotide-confirmed the positive action of hASIP-sa. Compared with hASIP-sa, hASIP-sb accelerated Fas/FasL-induced apoptosis, examined by sub-G1 accumulation, chromatin condensation, nuclear fragmentation, PARP cleavage, caspase-8 degradation and mitochondria- regulated cell death. Treatment with aPKC inhibitor could enhance Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis in hASIP-sa-overexpressing cells, suggesting that hASIP-sa and its interaction with aPKC might contribute to the malignant growth and the blocking of Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis, while hASIP-sb might function as an antagonist of hASIP-sa.Received 24 March 2005; received after revision 31 May 2005; accepted 21 June 2005  相似文献   

The main topics of this second part of a two-part essay are some consequences of the phenomenon of vacuum polarization as the most important physical manifestation of modular localization. Besides philosophically unexpected consequences, it has led to a new constructive “outside-inwards approach” in which the pointlike fields and the compactly localized operator algebras which they generate only appear from intersecting much simpler algebras localized in noncompact wedge regions whose generators have extremely mild almost free field behavior.Another consequence of vacuum polarization presented in this essay is the localization entropy near a causal horizon which follows a logarithmically modified area law in which a dimensionless area (the area divided by the square of dR where dR is the thickness of a light-sheet) appears. There are arguments that this logarithmically modified area law corresponds to the volume law of the standard heat bath thermal behavior. We also explain the symmetry enhancing effect of holographic projections onto the causal horizon of a region and show that the resulting infinite dimensional symmetry groups contain the Bondi–Metzner–Sachs group. This essay is the second part of a partitioned longer paper.  相似文献   

The analytical notions of ‘thought style’, ‘paradigm’, ‘episteme’ and ‘style of reasoning’ are some of the most popular frameworks in the history and philosophy of science. Although their proponents, Ludwik Fleck, Thomas Kuhn, Michel Foucault, and Ian Hacking, are all part of the same philosophical tradition that closely connects history and philosophy, the extent to which they share similar assumptions and objectives is still under debate. In the first part of the paper, I shall argue that, despite the fact that these four thinkers disagree on certain assumptions, their frameworks have the same explanatory goal – to understand how objectivity is possible. I shall present this goal as a necessary element of a common project -- that of historicising Kant's a priori. In the second part of the paper, I shall make an instrumental use of the insights of these four thinkers to form a new model for studying objectivity. I shall also propose a layered diagram that allows the differences between the frameworks to be mapped, while acknowledging their similarities. This diagram will show that the frameworks of style of reasoning and episteme illuminate conditions of possibility that lie at a deeper level than those considered by thought styles and paradigms.  相似文献   

在过去的一段时间里,许多技术在各自的领域范围内得到了迅猛的发展。本文中我们致力于讨论这些技术的一体化。我们的目的在于展示一种行之有效的一体化方法,用此法处理环境问题时,综合利用所有工具和技术将比彼此分离的使用它们更有效。本文主要基于近期在遥感国际期刊(International Journal of Remote Sensing)(Xue et a1.2002)发表的一篇论文,以及一些在该论文发表后的由中国科学院遥感应用研究所的薛勇博士领导的研究小组在研究这一课题产生的其他想法。  相似文献   

About a century ago, Ernst Mach argued that Archimedes’s deduction of the principle of the lever is invalid, since its premises contain the conclusion to be demonstrated. Subsequently, many scholars defended Archimedes, mostly on historical grounds, by raising objections to Mach’s reconstruction of Archimedes’s deduction. In the debate, the Italian philosopher and historian of science Giovanni Vailati stood out. Vailati responded to Mach with an analysis of Archimedes’s deduction which was later quoted and praised by Mach himself. In this paper, my objective is to show that the debate can be further advanced, as Mach indicated, by reframing it in terms of the empirical vs. the logical dimensions of mechanics. In this way, I will suggest, the debate about Archimedes’s deduction can be resolved in Mach’s favour.  相似文献   

Though Robert Boyle called final causes one of the most important subjects for a natural philosopher to study, his own treatise on the subject, the Disquisition about Final Causes, has received comparatively little scholarly attention. In this paper, I explicate Boyle's complex argument against the use of teleological explanations for inanimate bodies, such as metals. The central object of this argument is a mysterious allusion to a silver plant. I claim that the silver plant is best understood as a reference to alchemical product: the Arbor Dianae, an offshoot of George Starkey's recipe for the Philosophers' Stone. Then, I show how the context of alchemy not only clarifies Boyle's argument but also places it within a wider dialectic about matter and teleology. I then contrast the parallel arguments of Boyle and John Ray on the question of whether metals have divine purposes and show that the difference is explained by Boyle's belief in the transmutation of metals.  相似文献   

Over the last few decades, the meaning of the scientific theory of epigenesis and its significance for Kant's critical philosophy have become increasingly central questions. Most recently, scholars have argued that epigenesis is a key factor in the development of Kant's understanding of reason as self-grounding and self-generating. Building on this work, our claim is that Kant appealed to not just any epigenetic theory, but specifically Johann Friedrich Blumenbach's account of generation, and that this appeal must be understood not only in terms of self-organization, but also in terms of the demarcation of a specific domain of inquiry: for Blumenbach, the study of life; for Kant, the study of reason. We argue that Kant adopted this specific epigenetic model as a result of his dispute with Herder regarding the independence of reason from nature. Blumenbach's conception of epigenesis and his separation of a domain of the living from the non-living lent Kant the tools to demarcate metaphysics, and to guard reason against Herder's attempts to naturalize it.  相似文献   

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