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The study of mercury composition of red Algae Ceranium ciliatum var. robustum, comparatively with other marine organisms and considering its growth and the extent of pollution at various harvesting points: reveals that this seaweed constitutes a conspicuous biological indicator for the littoral mercury pollution.  相似文献   

We have shown that Scorpion venom restores the neuro-muscular transmission inhibited by Botulinum toxin in the Frog. The effectiveness of Scorpion venom was antagonized by excess magnesium.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beim HechtEsox lucius L. liess sich ein Lymphosarkom durch zellfreie Filtrate übertragen und damit die Virus-Aetiologie nachweisen.  相似文献   

The genetic study of 11 lymphocyte factors previously described in sheep was continued. 9 factors are the products of alleles at two closely linked loci OLA-A and B. The last two factors are the products of two genes at two distinct loci OL-X and OL-Z. Recombinations between the two closely linked loci are very rare (0.6%); but they are frequent between these two loci and OL-X (26%). The OL-Z locus seems to be independent of the two linked loci OLA-A and B. The allele frequencies at the four loci are given.  相似文献   

ABH and Lewis antigens are secreted in distal convoluted and collector tubes of the kidney. The renal ABH secretion is genetically controlled by the Se-se system, while the Lewis specificities are controlled by the Le-le system. The secretory status of the recipient does not modify the probability of graft survival, while the Lewis phenotype seems to play a major role in rejection. The probability of graft survival at 2 years in le-le homozygous recipients (29%) is much lower than that of Le recipients (58%) p less than 0.01.  相似文献   

Microspectrofluorometric methods have been used to study the kinetics of the increase of fluorescence due to the intake of Benzo(k)Fluoranthène and Benzo(a)Pyrène in single living L cells. A computer program based on the methods of the least square fit has allowed the determination of the kinetic parameters. The results show that pinocytosis cannot be the unique mechanism of intake.  相似文献   

Precipitating tests carried out on cellulose acetate membrane were revealed by treating the immune complexes with enzyme linked anti-immunoglobulin antibodies. We insist on the importance of ELIEDA (enzyme-linked-immuno-electro-diffusion-assay) and ELIDEPA (enzyme-linked-immuno-double-electro-phoresis-assay) for the study of antibody classes involved in the immune response.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Prothoraxdrüsen vonCerura vinula L. werden von Nerven innerviert, deren Axone neurosekretorische Grana enthalten und ausserdem in synaptischer Verbindung mit den Drüsenzellen stehen. Diese beiden Tatsachen sprechen für einedirekte Aktivierung der Prothoraxdrüsen durch Neurohormone.

This investigation was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

To the 60th birthday of Prof. Dr. G.Birukow.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Körperfarbe des männlichen d-rR Medaka ist wegen des in Xanthophor enthaltenen Carotinoid-Pigments orange, die der weiblichen wegen seiner Abwesenheit uni. Die Färbung erfolgt im allgemeinen nach der Ausbrütung. Wird das rote Carotinoid des Paprikas unmittelbar nach der Befruchtung injiziert, so wird die dorsale Körperoberfläche des männlichen Embryos durch das Pigment gefärbt, was die Feststellung des erblichen Geschlechts schon vor der Ausbrütung erlaubt. Beurteilungsfehler konnten bis auf weniger als 10% herabgedrückt werden.  相似文献   

The observation of two lines of pigs selected differently for four generations confirms a recent theoretical work (Thomson, 1977) showing that a possible source of linkage disequilibrium may be the hitch-hiking effect of a selected locus (Hal) on another closely linked neutral locus (PHI).  相似文献   

Absence of GFA in established cell lines from glioblastomas promped us to look for this protein from the first replication of malignant cells in vitro and in following subcultrues. Our results show that GFA disappeared during the first twelve replications, often before the fifth replication. No correlation was observed with a morphological transformation of the cells.  相似文献   

Hymenoptera are haplodiploid and usually display very low genetic variation. Most data concern social or parasiticApocrita, while the little information available for the primitive phytophagous species of the suborder Symphyta is contradictory. The present study is related to seven species of the genusCephalcia, living in coniferous forests of Northern Eurasia and sharing spruce (Picea sp. pl.) as host plant. Individuals from 22 populations belonging toCephalcia abietis, C. alashanica, C. arvensis, C. erythrogaster, C. fallenii, C. fulva, C. klugii from Europe and China were surveyed for genetic variation at 28 loci using enzyme electrophoresis. Pairs of sibling species were recognized withinC. arvensis andC. fallenii, corresponding to different phenological and morphological forms. In the latter case, reproductive isolation in sympatry occurs despite low genetic distance (D=0.059). Large genetic distances and fixed alternate alleles were observed between Chinese and European populations ofC. abietis andC. arvensis. Expected heterozygosity ofCephalcia populations (0.197, SD 0.064) is significantly higher than that of other Symphyta (Tenthredinoidea) (averageH exp 0.059, SD 0.032) (two-tailed Mann-Whitney test, Z=4.39, p<0.01). These data suggest that haplodiploidy per se does not reduce the genetic variation in mostCephalcia populations. Most of the factors that can lower the potential for genetic diversity in a haplodiploid genetic system are not so effective inCephalcia populations, which seem to be comparable to diplodiploid insect populations in diversity. In a few isolated populations the large number of fixed loci and the large genetic distances may support the predicted faster rate of fixation, as a consequence of haplodiploidy.  相似文献   

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