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Ore-forming age is one of the most important data in studying the genesis of mineral deposits. Dating of sedi-ment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposits, which areone of the most important types of gold deposits in theworld, is always a difficult task for ore geologists. Themajor reason is that most of the ores in this type deposit are of various siliceous and are composed of extremely fine-grained minerals, thus it will be very difficult to de-termine their ages by using conventional isotopi…  相似文献   

Hydrothermal clay minerals that formed in the main metallogenic stage of the Changkeng disseminated-type gold deposit in central Guangdong were analyzed by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe. The results give Ar-Ar isochron ages of 109.9 1.4 to 110.1 1.3 Ma, which are 30 to 50 Ma older than the age of silver ore bodies in the deposit. Both gold and silver mineralizations were not related to hidden granite batholith in the mining district, but probably related to evo-lution of sedimentary basins. This study shows that the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe is a sound dating tool applicable to sediment-hosted disseminated-type gold deposit.  相似文献   

The photophysical properties of ortho-CI,meta-CI and para-CI substituted tetraphenylporphy-rin-histidine and their zinc (II) complexes have been studied by means of steady-state absorption and fluo-rescence spectroscopies, as well as time-resolved fluo-rescence spectroscopy. For the cases of both free-base and zinc complexes, it was found that the ortho-chlorine substitution onto the phenyl rings significantly altered the fluorescence quantum yield, thefluorescence lifetime and the ratio between radiative and nonradiative deactivation rates of the porphyrin chromophore, i.e. the photophysical parameters were quite different from those of meta- and para-substituted compounds. On the other hand, however, the introduction of covalently-linked histidine did not exert much effects on the photophysical behavior of the porphyrin chromophore. The results are interpreted interms of the steric effect and the heavy-atom effect from the chlorine atoms substituted onto the phenyl rings.  相似文献   

Role of ran GTPase in cell cycle regulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

It is known that some types of ceramics, like Al2O3 and ZrO2, undergo stress corrosion cracking (SCC) or static fatigue fracture under static loading, ever in a rela-tively mild environment, such as moist atmosphere or water at room temperature, which leads to a time-dependent fracture[1—4]. For a transmission electron microscopy specimen of YBa2Cu3O7-x ceramics superconductor, SCC induced by residual stress can occur in an atmosphere with low moisture content[5]. For a lead zirconate ti…  相似文献   

The interactions of amino-terminated, and ethylenediamine core poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers and their derivatives with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were investigated by fluorescence spectroscopy. Experimental results showed that the fluorescence intensity of BSA decreased after the addition of different modified dendrimers, and the extent of the fluorescence quenching caused by various modified dendrimers strongly depends upon the different functional groups on their surfaces. We also investigated the influence of pH and ionic strength on the interaction between various modified dendrimers and BSA. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic measurements showed that the content of α-helix structure of BSA decreased after the addition of different modified dendrimers, which indicated that dendrimers induced changes in the secondary structure of BSA.  相似文献   

This is a report of multi-parameter mineral magnetic results of the Sanmenxia loess-pa-leosol couplets in the SE extremity of the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) over the interval of L1- L13 spanning the last 1 Ma. These results show that mass-specific magnetic susceptibility (X), XARM and SIRM and their ratios exhibit parallel stratigraphic variations. Since superparamagnetic (SP) particles have significant contribution to X but no contribution to remanence, e.g., ARM and SIRM, the strong linear correlations between X and remanence (e.g., ARM and SIRM) suggest that the pedogenesis-produced magnetic grains are predominantly in small single domain range. Consequently, the significant contribution of SP particles to the bulk X as supposed in previous studies has been obviously overestimated. XARM/X data in Sanmenxia and median grain size records of typical loess sections from the hinterland of the CLP display a strong resemblance, implying that XARM/X may be regarded as a reliable indicator for monitoring the variations of ferrimagnetic grain sizes. The results of S-ratio and HIRM ((SIRM IRM-0.3T)/2) measurements indicate that there is significant enhancement of both soft magnetite/maghemite and hard hematite/goethite in paleosols associated with pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Strontium (Sr) is a divalent alkaline earth element. Its ionic radius (0.113 nm) is slightly larger than that of calcium (0.099 nm), and Sr thus substitutes isomor- phously for Ca in many minerals. Neodymium (Nd) is a rare earth element. Its chemical prop…  相似文献   

DNA is a kind of promising molecule as nano-lead to build or connect nano-devices due to its stable linear structure and certain conductivity. Many methods have been applied to constructing nano-patterns by using DNA molecule. In this report it is presented that λ-DNA was aligned on Si substrate by using the free-flowing method and then imaged by an atomic force microscope (AFM). After the second liquid flow, a catenary-like pattern and a crossed network of λ-DNA were formed. In addition, the aligned λ-DNA was successfully cut off by tips of AFM.  相似文献   

In No. 3 coalseam of Chengzhuang Coalmine of Jincheng City, there exists the visible fracture system consisting of joints, gas-expanding fractures and cleats. The gas-expanding fractures develop mainly in the bright coal sub-layer and cleats, in the vitrain and bright coal. The joints fall into two types, one developing in the coalseam and the other cutting through the whole coalseam and entering into the top and bottom rock layer. The development direction of joints is basically similar to that of gas-expanding fractures: NNE and NNW. The formation of the visible fracture system is classified as the stage of the development of cleat fissures in the coalification period, the stage of the full development of cleats and the formation of gas-expanding fractures in the second coalification period and the stage of the formation of joints by structural function. There is the spatial unhomoge-neity in three dimensions for the visible fracture system of the coal seam in Chengzhuang Coalmine: the regular distribution of the visible fractures as groups in the plane and the coal sub-layer with high permeability rate in profile. The research findings of the visible fracture system of coal seam can be applied to the drilling of the coalbed methane and to heightening the let-off efficiency of coalseam gas.  相似文献   

Interglacial or postglacial climates are all of charac-teristic of warmer conditions. However, if condition asso-ciated with the warm feature is wetter or drier than today,it would produce different impacts on natural environ-ments and human society. Quaternary studies found thatclimate with warm-dry or warm-wet conditions had oc-curred in China during the last 40—30 ka BP[1]. For ex-ample, it was warmer than the present during themid-Holocene (3—8 ka BP) and the late phases of MarineIsot…  相似文献   

基于铁 ( )和锰 ( )对高碘酸钾氧化罗丹明 B褪色的催化作用及在不同反应条件下二者催化作用的差异 ,以反应条件作为化学计量学中的量测通道 ,应用岭回归法对铁 ( )和锰 ( )同时测定进行了研究 ,建立了流动注射催化光度法同时测定铁和锰的方法。在铁 ( )和锰 ( )浓度比为 1 :4—— 2 :1的范围内 ,应用该法对其混合物进行测定 ,回收率分别为 1 0 1 .2 %和 1 0 1 .1 %。  相似文献   

Gangue existing states largely affect the high-temperature characteristics of iron ores. Using a micro-sintering method and scanning electron microscopy, the effects of gangue content, gangue type, and gangue size on the assimilation characteristics and fluidity of liquid phase of five different iron ores were analyzed in this study. Next, the mechanism based on the reaction between gangues and sintering materials was unraveled. The results show that, as the SiO2 levels increase in the iron ores, the lowest assimilation temperature (LAT) decreases, whereas the index of fluidity of liquid phase (IFL) increases. Below 1.5wt%, Al2O3 benefits the assimilation reaction, but higher concentrations proved detrimental. Larger quartz particles increase the SiO2 levels at the local reaction interface between the iron ore and CaO, thereby reducing the LAT. Quartz-gibbsite is more conductive to assimilation than kaolin. Quartz-gibbsite and kaolin gangues encourage the formation of liquid-phase low-Al2O3-SFCA with high IFL and high-Al2O3-SFCA with low IFL, respectively.  相似文献   

利用河北省怀来县1954—2012年月气象数据,采用线性倾向率法,距平法和Mann-Kendall趋势检验方法揭示了当地的气候变化特征;并分析了气候变化对水库来水量和粮食单产的关系.结果表明:1)近60年来,怀来县气候倾向率为0.36℃·(10a)-1,高于全国平均水平,年降水量呈下降趋势;从季节来看,四季气温均呈上升趋势,降水变化趋势存在差异,四季中以夏季暖干化趋势最明显.2)研究区年和四季年代均温都在1980—1989年开始变暖;年降水自1980—1989年开始减少,四季降水量的年代变化差异较大.3)研究区小区域尺度上的气候变化趋势与北方较大区域和全国尺度上的结果较为一致,并且暖干化趋势更加明显.4)气候要素与水库来水量和粮食单产显著相关,气候暖干化将加剧研究区水库来水锐减和粮食单产较低的问题.  相似文献   

为了更好地控制和治理湖泊富营养化,探究沉积物-水界面中磷和铁的相关性特征。通过室内培养原位沉积柱,利用微界面分析技术和高分辨率平衡式间隙水采集技术(HR-Peeper),分3时段(加入摇蚊幼虫后的第7天、第21天和第35天),探究好氧环境中摇蚊幼虫扰动与铁的氧化耦合作用下沉积物-水界面体系中磷形态的迁移转化规律。研究结果表明:摇蚊幼虫扰动增加了沉积物中氧气的渗透深度和氧化还原电位E_h值,在第21天扰动最激烈;扰动降低了3个时段沉积物间隙水中的溶解态磷SRP(最大58%)、溶解态铁Soluble Fe(Ⅱ)(最大44%)的浓度;SRP与Soluble Fe(Ⅱ)在第7天和第21天也高度相关。可见,摇蚊幼虫的扰动作用所引起的沉积物中磷的变化受到了铁的氧化吸附控制。  相似文献   

O, S, Se, Te and Po are the elements of the VIB.210Po (T1/2=138.4 d, Ea=5.3044 MeV) has strong affinities to particles, especially particulate organic matter (POM), thus 210Po in seawater can be transported into the sediment by scavenging and removal, and the disequilibria between 210Po and 210Pb become a methodological base for the study of the particle dynamic processes in marine envi-ronments with the time scale of years to a centenary. The concentration, inventory and geochemical be…  相似文献   

海河流域50年来参考腾发量的时空变化规律及其影响原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据海河流域34个站点1957—2007年逐日实测气象资料,结合旋转正交函数(REOF)、参数t检验法和Mann-Kendall检验方法对海河流域参考腾发量(RET)及其相关的4个气象变量(平均气温、风速、相对湿度和日照时数)的时空演变特征进行了分析,在此基础上,分析了RET对气象变量的敏感性,定量评估了气象变量对RET变化的贡献程度,探讨了影响RET变化的可能原因.结果表明,过去50年,海河流域59%的站点RET呈现显著下降趋势,主要分布在东部平原区,呈现显著上升趋势的站点主要分布在西部山地区.依据REOF分析结果,海河流域可以划分为3个区域:西部区、北部区和东部区;北部区和东部区的RET都呈现出显著的减少趋势,而西部区则呈现出显著的增加趋势;相对湿度是对RET最敏感的气象变量,风速和日照时数次之,平均气温对RET的敏感性最小;海河流域西部区RET的增加主要是由该区域显著减少的相对湿度所引起的,而北部区和东部区显著下降的风速和日照时数是导致这两个区域RET减少的主要原因.  相似文献   

The speciation of the elements on the surface of the particles collected during dust storm and non-dust storm in Beijing and Inner Mongolia was studied by XPS. The major species of iron on the surface were oxides, sulfate, silicate,FeOOH and minor part sorbed on SiO2/Al2O3. Sulfate is the dominant species of sulfur on the surface. SiO2 and Al2O3 are the main components of Si and Al on the surface respectively.One of the most important findings was that the Fe(Ⅱ) (FeS and FeSO4) produced could account for up to 44.3% and 45.6% of the total Fe on the surface in the aerosol sample collected at that night and next day of the “peak” time of the dust storm occurring on March 20, 2002, while Fe2(SO4)3,one of the Fe(Ⅲ) species on the surface decreased from 67.1% to 49.5% and 48.0% respectively. Both S and Fe enriched on the surface of aerosol particles. Fe(Ⅱ) accounted for 1.3%-5.3% of total Fe in bulk aerosol samples during dust storm. These results provided strong evidence to support the hypothesis of the coupling between iron and sulfur in aerosols during the long-range transport, which would have important impact on the global biogeochemical cycle.  相似文献   

An Agilent 6890N GC equipped with both FID and Agilent 5975 MSD analyzer has been employed to analyze C5-C13 hydrocarbon fractions of crude oils. A technical combination of program temperature volatilizer injection, backflush and micro-flow controller afforded a fine separation of C5-C13 compounds on a PONA column with the heavy part of crude oils being cut off before entering the analytical column. Both GC-FID chromatogram and GC-MS mass chromatograrns (MID and full scan) could be obtained at the same time. The retension time differences of nC6-nC13 alkanes between GC and TIC were in the range of 0.02-0. 58 minutes. Totally 286 peaks have been assigned group compositions. Results on 8 typical oil samples from CNPC Key Laboratory Crude Oil Library showed that the characteristics of C6-C13 hydrocarbon group composition could be used in oil-oil correlation studies.  相似文献   

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