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The isothermal oxidizing kinetics of Co-40Cr alloy and its yttrium ion?implanted samples were studied at 1000 ℃ in air by thermal?gravity analysis (TGA). Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the Cr2O3 oxide film's morphology after oxidation. Secondary ion mass spectrum (SIMS) method was used to examine the binding energy change of chromium caused by Y?doping and its influence on formation of Cr2O3 film. Acoustic emission (AE) method was used in situ to monitor the cracking and spalling of oxide films formed on both samples during oxidizing and subsequent air?cooling stages. Theoretical model simulating the film fracture process was proposed to analyze the acoustic emission spectrum both on time domain and on AE?event number domain. It is found that yttrium ion?implantation can remarkably reduce the isothermal oxidizing rate of Co-40Cr and improve the anti?cracking and anti?spalling properties of Cr2O3 oxide film. Reasons for the improvement are mainly that the implanted yttrium can reduce the grain size of Cr2O3 oxide, increase the high temperature plasticity of oxide film, and remarkably reduce the number and size of Cr2O3/Co-40Cr interfacial defects.  相似文献   

The isothermal oxidizing kinetics of Co-40Cr alloy and its yttrium ion?implanted samples were studied at 1000 ℃ in air by thermal?gravity analysis (TGA). Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the Cr2O3 oxide film's morphology after oxidation. Secondary ion mass spectrum (SIMS) method was used to examine the binding energy change of chromium caused by Y?doping and its influence on formation of Cr2O3 film. Acoustic emission (AE) method was used in situ to monitor the cracking and spalling of oxide films formed on both samples during oxidizing and subsequent air?cooling stages. Theoretical model simulating the film fracture process was proposed to analyze the acoustic emission spectrum both on time domain and on AE?event number domain. It is found that yttrium ion?implantation can remarkably reduce the isothermal oxidizing rate of Co-40Cr and improve the anti?cracking and anti?spalling properties of Cr2O3 oxide film. Reasons for the improvement are mainly that the implanted yttrium can reduce the grain size of Cr2O3 oxide, increase the high temperature plasticity of oxide film, and remarkably reduce the number and size of Cr2O3/Co-40Cr interfacial defects.  相似文献   

Isothermal and cyclic oxidation behaviors of pure and yttrium-implanted nickel were studied at 1000 ℃ in air.SEM and TEM were used to examine the oxide scales formed on nickel substrate.It was found that Y-implantation greatly improved the anti-oxidation ability of nickel both in isothermal and cyclic oxidizing experiments.Acoustic emission(AE)technique was used to study the size and number distribution of defects at the oxide/metal interface.Laser Raman microscopy was also used to study the stress status of oxide scales formed on nickel with and without yttrium.The main reason for the improvement in anti-oxidation and adhesion of oxide scale was that Yimplantation greatly reduced the grain size of NiO and lowered the compressive stress within the scale.In the meantime,Y-implantation inhibited ion diffusion rate in the oxide scale and reduced the size and number of interfacial defects,hence remarkably enhanced the adhesion of protective NiO oxide scale formed on nickel substrate.  相似文献   

综合应用 SEM, WDS, SAM及 XPS等技术逐一分析了不同润滑状态下Mo/Cr2O3摩擦日表面膜的结构:观测到润滑状态转化和试件表面反应膜化学结构之间的对应联系;揭示了边界润滑状态下试件表面上形成了含有石墨和 MoS2的混合团体润滑膜,这是Mo/Cr2O3体系高温下具有良好摩擦特性的关键。  相似文献   

通过溶胶凝胶法制备氧化钇、活性盐和钨均匀混合的前驱粉末,结合氢气高温烧结制备得到稀土氧化物Y2O3掺杂压制钡钨新型阴极材料,并分别测试其热电子发射性能和二次电子发射性能。试验结果表明,采用溶胶凝胶法制备的阴极粉末颗粒分布均匀且细小,在高温烧结过程中有利于活性盐与基体钨之间反应充分,从而形成有利于提高发射的活性物质。发射性能测试结果显示:激活良好的阴极在测试温度1 050℃时的零场电流密度J0为4.18A/cm2;二次电子发射系数随Y2O3含量增加而增大,最大二次电子发射系数δm可以达到2.92。对阴极进行表面分析,激活过程中活性元素Ba、Y和O等从阴极内部向表面扩散,在表面形成均匀分布的发射活性层,促进了阴极的发射。  相似文献   

研究了粒径为0.048~0.050mmFe3O4与Cr2O3在过氧化氢-柠檬酸水溶液中的溶解特性.单一组分的H2O2和柠檬酸分别对Cr2O3和Fe3O4有较高的溶解量,而混合体系则大大降低了Cr2O3和Fe3O4的溶解量;Fe3O4在混合体系中的溶解量随pH的升高而降低,随温度的升高而升高,在用振荡溶液保持固体颗粒悬浮状态的情况下,在60分钟内能达到络合溶解平衡;Cr2O3在混合体系中的溶解量,在改变pH、温度和振荡时间的情况下均变化不大.  相似文献   

在K2ZrF6-Y(NO3)3-NaAlO2电解液中采用微弧氧化技术在AZ91D镁合金表面制备了Y2O3-ZrO2-MgO复合膜层(Al-Zr-Y膜).运用电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱分析仪(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)和电化学分析与高温氧化等方法研究了Al-Zr-Y膜的组成与结构、耐腐蚀性及热稳定性.结果表明:Al-Zr-Y膜主要由Y2O3,ZrO2,MgO和Al2O3等物相组成,与Na2SiO3-(NaPO3)6电解液中的膜层(Si-P膜)相比,Al-Zr-Y膜的厚度较小,但膜层的致密性较好、表面粗糙度小;腐蚀电流密度较小、开路电位较正、极化阻抗较高;在5%NaCl溶液中的腐蚀速率低于Si-P膜,约为AZ91D镁合金的1%.Al-Zr-Y膜层比普通Si-P膜层具有更好的抗高温氧化性能和耐热冲击性能.  相似文献   

利用密度泛函理论(DFT)方法,在B3LYP/Lan12dz水平下,对设计出的十几种可能存在的构型分别在二、四重态下进行了全参数优化计算和频率验证,最终获得了6种稳定构型,其中二重态2种,四重态4种。对这些稳定构型的能量、组成和电子性质进行分析,结果表明:团簇Co_3B_2能够稳定存在的几何构型有平面形、三角双锥、单"帽"三角锥和变形四方锥;其中具有单"帽"三角锥结构的构型1~(2)最为稳定;团簇构型随能量的逐渐升高,所占比例逐渐下降,其中构型1~(2)所占比例最大,为27.11%;Co和B原子的电子得失与团簇Co_3B_2构型和重态密切相关;Co原子的3d,4s轨道对原子间成键有较大贡献。  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备聚酰亚胺/二氧化硅-氧化铝(PI/SiO_2-Al_2O_3)杂化薄膜.运用红外光谱仪、示差扫描量热仪和紫外-可见分光光度计分别测试了亚胺化过程中各阶段杂化膜的特征基团吸收峰的变化,反应热以及紫外-可见光透过率.使用原子力显微镜分析了无机相在亚胺化各阶段的形貌变化.通过这些分析推测了杂化薄膜的分子结构.  相似文献   

LaCeCuMn/γ-Al2O3纳米稀土催化剂的制备及性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以纳米纤维状γ-Al2O3为载体,采用工艺路线简单的浸渍法制备了LaxCe1-xCuMn纳米稀土催化剂,并应用微反活性评价装置测试了对CO和C3H8的氧化活性。利用XRD,TEM,BET等手段,分析了产品的结构和粒子形貌。实验结果表明,催化剂活性组分在载体上分散比较均匀,平均粒径在15~20nm之间,为纳米级催化剂。La物质的量为0.4mol、活性组分质量分数为15.04%时,制得了较为纯净的钙钛矿催化剂,CO和 C3H8氧化反应中起燃温度分别可以达到161,186℃,且二者的最终转化率均在99%以上。  相似文献   

采用溶胶—凝胶技术 ,聚乙烯醇 ( PVA)为络合剂 ,合成出尖晶石型大比表面纳米粒子Mg Al2 O4 ,用硝酸盐浸渍分解法制备出负载型 La0 .8Sr0 .2 Co O3/ Mg Al2 O4 催化剂 ,以 XRD、BET、TPR、二甲苯完全氧化等手段 ,研究了合成条件对形成的 Mg Al2 O4 性质的影响及催化剂的性能 ,并与负载型 L a0 .8Sr0 .2 Co O3/堇青石、La0 .8Sr0 .2 Co O3/ γ-Al2 O3催化剂进行了对比 .结果表明 ,活性组分在 Mg Al2 O4 载体上是高度分散的 ,负载型 La0 .8Sr0 .2 Co O3/ Mg Al2 O4 催化剂具有优良的催化活性和抗高温烧结能力  相似文献   

在不同Na2SiO3含量的电解液体系下对Ti6Al4V合金进行微弧氧化.采用SEM和AFM分析氧化膜表面形貌及粗糙度,研究电解液中Na2SiO3含量对氧化膜厚度及表面形貌的影响.结果表明:随着电解液中Na2SiO3质量浓度从12 g.L-1增加到28 g.L-1,临界正向起弧电压逐渐降低,微弧氧化膜的厚度由31μm增加至88μm;氧化膜表面均匀分布着尺寸不等的微孔,并且随着Na2SiO3质量浓度的增加,微孔的数目增多,粗糙度增加.XRD分析显示氧化膜的相组成为锐钛矿以及金红石.  相似文献   

以六元CaO-SiO2-FeO-P2 O5-Fe2 O3-Al2 O3炼钢渣系为研究对象,结合热力学计算和实验检测,分析( Al2 O3)和二元碱度B综合变化对该六元渣系中磷酸盐富集行为的影响.结果表明:炼钢炉渣中生成游离C2 S含量对磷酸盐富集相nC2 S-C3 P内的( P2 O5)至关重要.该渣系中增加SiO2会降低总的C2 S生成量,增加Al2 O3可促进钙铝黄长石C2 AS相生成,降低游离C2 S ( f-C2 S)的量,进而影响磷酸盐的富集.六元CaO-SiO2-FeO-P2 O5-Fe2 O3-Al2 O3炼钢炉渣获得较好磷酸盐富集程度,渣中二元碱度B和Al2O3含量需满足的耦合关系为:(%Al2O3)=-27.70+21.62B,(Al2O3)<20.0%,B>1.3.  相似文献   

Cuprous and molybdic oxides exhibit extremely effectiveness in smoke suppression for PVC. However, few are the data reported concerning flame retardance and smoke emission of PVC taken from Cone calorimetry relative to the conventional thermal analysis technique. Abundant data from Cone calorimetry have been acquired. Data analysis was achieved through the study of MLR, HRR, SEA tested at irradiance of 25 kWm 2. The understandable flame retardance of PvC/Cu2O and pVC/MoO3 relative to pure PVC has been rationalized by their lowered heat release rates and enhanced char residues. The difference in smoke reduction between these two oxides consists in the time scale. As clearly seen under air atmosphere both oxides exert themselves to the afterglow which has been recognized as a dangerous source, in particular in the full-scale fire situation.  相似文献   

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