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故意伤害罪之伤害故意特指对造成轻伤、重伤后果所持有的态度,而不是泛指对任何损害他人健康结果所持的态度;故意轻伤未遂不成立犯罪、故意重伤未遂适用伤害致人轻伤的法定刑;不能确定何人的行为造成伤害的后果时,对于同时犯,应适用伤害未遂理论;多次伤害的,应认定为同种数罪,再根据适用刑罚的实际效果为标准确定是数罪并罚还是一罪从重处理。  相似文献   

清道光年间,唐鉴编撰《清学案小识》,总结了自清初至道光中期200余年的学术盛衰。是书旨在排斥非理学学派,巩固程朱理学正学地位,因而它自刊行以至于今,饱受世人的争议。《学案》一书固有诸多“不可”,深陷门户,但是它也自有价值所在。它不仅为后人研究清代理学留下了大量的资料,同时,它确立起清代理学的道统,直接推动了晚清理学的“复兴”。  相似文献   

公证法律责任体系中应增加对公证辅助人员进行规范的内容。公证民事赔偿的归责原则应以过错责任为基础,以严格责任为补充,且实务中不应适用过错推定原则。公证刑事责任中应注意,公证员行使公证职务时的身份并非刑法规定的国家工作人员,但在行政或事业性质公证机构中的公证员在行使公证行为以外的职务行为时可以依据该公证机构之性质来认定其具备国家工作人员身份。  相似文献   

Examples of protein sequences that can adopt multiple native states are recently accumulated. Characterization of the protein multiple conformations will have important implications for our understanding of the relationship between structure and function, and their folding kinetics. In present review, the experimental evidence for the existence of multiple conformations in the native state of proteins, the molecular basis and the biological significance of multiple conformations of proteins are focused.  相似文献   

探究快速地获得丙氨酸三肽的稳定构象。利用Gaussian09程序包中的 H F/6-31G (d ,p )方法得到丙氨酸三肽势能面。固定二面角φ2、ψ2的度数,改变二面角φ1、ψ1,计算了丙氨酸三肽不同结构的相对能量,这些结构的相对能量的图像趋势大致相同,可知两组二面角之间影响不大。使用丙氨酸二肽稳定构象所对应的骨架二面角的组合,获得丙氨酸三肽的初始构型,使用B3LYP/6-31G(d ,p)方法优化获得其稳定构象。这种方法可为多肽分子寻找稳定构象提供1种简单而快速的方法。  相似文献   

Allowed conformations of alanyl preceding prolyl residues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Damiani  P De Santis  A Pizzi 《Nature》1970,226(5245):542-543

对于含有一个gauche构象的正壬烷,包括全反式构象在内主要有四种稳定构象。为了得到各种构象与特征频率之间的对应关系,运用从头计算方法分别计算出了这四种构象的红外振动频率以及相应强度。根据其振动强度以及振动特征,特别是振动发生在gauche位置的振动模式,得到了各种构象在整个范围内的红外光谱特征峰以及相同振动模式随构象变化的规律。这不但弥补了正壬烷链构象实验研究的不足,而且还起到一定的理论指导作用。  相似文献   

蛋白质构象与折叠行为的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蛋白质结构预测与蛋白质折叠是生命科学研究的核心问题之一,也是后基因时代推动生物学朝着定量化发展的重要方向之一,它是分子生物学中心法则还没有解决的一个重大生物学问题.简单介绍了蛋白质分子的结构特点,讨论了蛋白质分子构象研究的重点,即蛋白质结构预测与蛋白质折叠.重点介绍了拥挤环境对蛋白质构象的影响和蛋白质分子的力学性质,这是蛋白质分子构象研究的深入.这些介绍可以帮助我们更清楚地认识蛋白质分子.  相似文献   

国内关于大学英语课程目标定位的三次争论:即普通英语与科技英语之争、阅读与听说领先之争和学术英语与通用英语之争,梳理有关各方在学术英语课程建设方面所采取的建设性措施,大学英语课程目标定位的发展方向应包括官方性质文件的确定、界内学者立场的转变、专门机构的成立、专业学术期刊的创办和研讨会及培训会的举办等。  相似文献   

我国未来民法典中应保留宣告死亡制度.死亡宣告申请权应有适当的顺序之分。对被宣告死亡人的民事能力的确定,既要坚持民事能力制度的一般性,同时也要照顾宣告死亡制度的特点。关于死亡宣告对于婚姻关系的存废,在符合婚姻法的前提下应尽量考虑当事人的选择权和意思自治权。法律上不能硬性规定其效力。  相似文献   

以N’-(4,6-二甲氧基嘧啶-2-基)-N-甲氧羰基硫脲和N’-3-吡啶基-N-乙氧羰基硫脲的晶体结构为模板分子,运用密度泛函理论(DFT)方法,对设计的N’-芳基-N-烷氧羰基硫脲类化合物可能构象进行了系统地研究.通过对分子内氢键的形成方式和分子总能量的比较分析,得到了优势构象,并根据分子的电荷分布、前线分子轨道等信息,进一步对其活性差异给予了的评价.  相似文献   

W Sperling  C N Rafferty 《Nature》1969,224(5219):590-594

A A Kossiakoff  S Shteyn 《Nature》1984,311(5986):582-583
Protein molecules undergo a series of conformational fluctuations ranging in degree from atomic vibrations to transient denaturation, even in physiological conditions. The rotational motions of amino acid side chains form an important subset of the types of fluctuation a protein can undergo. NMR and molecular dynamics have shown that methyl groups in proteins are not held in fixed positions, but spin rapidly around their rotor axes. The question then arises as to whether methyl groups in proteins predominantly adopt the 'staggered' conformation, favoured by the intrinsic barrier to rotation of these groups, or whether cooperative packing effects in the folded protein perturb the average configurations to higher torsional energy. We report here an investigation of the rotational conformations of the methyl groups of aliphatic side chains in the protein crambin by neutron diffraction. We find that in the time-averaged structure of this protein, the majority of methyl rotors adopt the staggered conformation. This is consistent with rotation being a quantized event consisting of rapid reorientations of approximately 120 degrees steps to positions of highest stability. The fact that the local environment does not dictate the low energy state of methyl groups suggests that within the seemingly close-packed interior structure of a protein, mutual packing accommodation occurs as a consequence of the inherent flexibility and small packing defects in protein structures.  相似文献   

A mutant T4 lysozyme displays five different crystal conformations   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
H R Faber  B W Matthews 《Nature》1990,348(6298):263-266
Phage T4 lysozyme consists of two domains between which is formed the active-site cleft of the enzyme. The crystallographically determined thermal displacement parameters for the protein suggested that the amino terminal of the two domains undergoes 'hinge-bending' motion about an axis passing through the waist of the molecule. Such conformational mobility may be important in allowing access of substrates to the active site of the enzyme. We report here a crystallographic study of a mutant T4 lysozyme which demonstrates further the conformational flexibility of the protein. A mutant form of the enzyme with a methionine residue (Met 6) replaced by isoleucine crystallizes with four independent molecules in the crystal lattice. These four molecules have distinctly different conformations. The mutant protein can also crystallize in standard form with a structure very similar to the wild-type protein. Thus the mutant protein can adopt five different crystal conformations. The isoleucine for methionine substitution at the intersection of the two domains of T4 lysozyme apparently enhances the hinge-bending motion presumed to occur in the wild-type protein, without significantly affecting the catalytic activity or thermal stability of the protein.  相似文献   

定义了1/4对称度量循环联络,研究了1/4对称度量循环联络的共形变换和射影变换,得到了一些有意义的结论,1)D的共形变换D的(1)型张量,1-形式与D的(1)型张量,1-形式之间关系;2)两个1/4对称度量循环联络满足一定条件,可以互为射影变换。  相似文献   

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