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Twenty-first century is the age of knowledge economy,with the increase of the cooperation with a lot of countries where English is the native language,there are more and more joint corporation and foreign invested companies.So it is important for our students to have a mouth of fluent oral English,but now there is a problem in our college that students can not grasp the chances provided by the college to practice their oral English,and at this time with the effort of all oral English teachers,an activity of PBGS(Project Based Group Study) has produced and in this paper I mainly talk about how to carry it out effectively and let students get benefit from it.  相似文献   

English classes should be learner—centered ,with meaning,functional activities,often,classes begin by finding out what the students don't know.Classroom teaching is the main way for students to learn English.But now,lots of probelms still exalt in the English teaching especially in the teaching of reading and writing.In this pa- per,the importance and methods of reading and writing will be further discussed.  相似文献   

Insufficient vocabulary has become a barrier to reading comprehension and translation in the process of ME (medical English) study to the third-year students at medical universities or colleges. The current study was designed to investigate corpus- based teaching approach to enlarging students'vocabulary in the course of higher learning of ML (medical literature). The study was carried out from 2006.9 to 2008.9 among third -year medical students in our college. Students were encouraged to augment their vocabulary by active practice, intensive learning, and comprehensive learning respectively through discovering study by using self-made ME corpuses (90,000 words). In doing so, their vocabulary was enlarged by actively using the essential vocabulary, attaching more attention to the difficult technical vocabulary, and getting familiar with medical terms, which eliminated their language barrier, improved their integrated language proficiency, and developed their sense of achievement.  相似文献   

Two developments in the methodology of English teaching have been seen. One is the transition from ELT(English Language Teaching) to ESP(English for Special Purposes)teaching. The other is the transition from linguistic forms and syntactic structures to communicative activities. This essay discusses the classification of ESP/EST, argues for the purpose of ESP/EST teaching and GPE(General Purpose English)teaching. It is then suggested that the characteristics of objectives between ESP/EST and GPE should be differentiated. In the second part, the essay takes as its starting point two kinds of EST courses offered in institutions of higher learning in China. One has the nature of in-service language teaching. The other deals with the EST-majoring programme. The essay seeks to identify what are the main features of the EST-majoring programme, and stresses its practical nature of training and the concern with the learners' communicative competence.  相似文献   

孔令会 《科技信息》2011,(4):176+178
As one of the four important communication skills,speaking has long been neglected in the language teaching,while oral English teaching has always been the weak points in college English education.Since China began to reform and open the door to the outside world,oral English becomes more and more important.However,the traditional oral English education failed to meet the demand of social development,for many graduates couldn’t communicate in English smoothly.This is due to the inappropriateness of traditional oral English education.The thesis is to discuss the present condition of Chinese students in oral classroom and sets up a new teaching model.In this part the new model is discussed in detail from the perspective of students,teaching materials,teacher,and teaching method.  相似文献   

杨建国 《科技信息》2009,(22):I0097-I0100
"Vocabulary is of enormous importance in communication", however, in the context of college English teaching in China, although a lot of time and energy is spent on leaming and teaching vocabulary, the situation is far from being satisfactory. A scientific and effective way of vocabulary teaching and learning is strongly desired. This paper explores a comparatively new approach Task Based Approach (TBA) and its application to teaching English vocabularies in colleges. The emphasis of TBA is on learning by doing, which gets learners to do thing or complete tasks by using English.The apphcation of TBA to college English vocabulary teaching (CEVT) in this paper is an attempt that hopes to provide some practical reference value for the reform of college English Teaching (CET).  相似文献   

钱源源 《科技信息》2010,(2):200-202
The New Standards of English Curriculum emphasizes the development of the cultivation of students'enterprising spirit.At the same time,it creates a new teaching method and brings about the changes in the style of learning.Therefore,it becomes a major task in the middle schools to teach English in context.But,there are still some weaknesses of the current English teaching in China:problems with textbooks,teachers themselves,and English speaking environment.Hence there appears a new topic on how to teach English in context.This paper discusses the current situations and some major problems in teaching English in context;moreover,it proposes some measures to develop the students'multipurpose language use ability.  相似文献   

李娜 《科技信息》2012,(20):198-200,202
Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest in the role of grammar in English language teaching. Grammar teaching has become a preoccupation among more and more language researchers and teachers. This paper sets out to compare the views of grammar teaching in the Grammar-Translation, Audio-Lingual and Communicative Approaches from the following five points, the status of grammar teaching, the different methods in the instruction of grammar, the teacher’s role in grammar teaching, the characteristics of typical teaching activities in the three approaches with detailed examples and the effect of the three approaches to grammar teaching.It is concluded that grammar teaching should subscribe to an eclectic approach, that is, to take advantage of the strong points of each approach and avoid their weak points. Moreover, grammar teaching should be conducted according to the variables of learners and teaching circumstances.  相似文献   

Language is a means of communication.No doubt that foreign language teaching is to cultivate students' communicative competence of using a foreign language.As the country with the largest population learning English in the world,China is deeply involved in communicative language teaching.Communicative approach in English language teaching is frequently discussed and debated.It is believed by many linguists and teachers to be an effective method to solve some of the teaching and learning problems.But as far as the effective ways of teaching and learning a foreign language is concerned,people have some controversial ideas.The teaching method which have been used in China's English teaching were: grammar-translation method,listening and speaking method and situation method.  相似文献   

The "Article" originates from Latin "Articulus".Things are rathercomplicated with its use in practice.Especially,since there is not sucha part of speech in Chinese,the learners of English in our country willfind it difficult to have a mastery of the uses of the article.The meaningof the following sentences is different with the different uses of thearticle.A careful study of them and finding out the difference in meaningbetween them will show us what an important role the articl plays in  相似文献   

随着大学公共英语教学改革的兴起,人们对教师在教学活动中应扮演怎样的角色提出了疑问和要求。通过对相关教学大纲的反思,在借鉴国内外外语教学模式及方法的同时联系教学实际寻求该问题的答案。  相似文献   

孙曼 《科技咨询导报》2012,(33):173-174
"听"和"说"一直是英语学习的重点。随着世界各国间医学交流的增加,越来越多的医学生有机会出国学习、进修、访问,在医学院校中,英语的听说能力显得尤为重要。但是,目前我国的医学院校中英语的听说教学也存在一定得弊端。  相似文献   

文章就目前中国大学英语教学的现状,结合语言学的一些理论,总结了教学实践中的一些教学创新尝试,主要有分组教学,任务教学及文化教学.同时,就教学过程中一些问题提出思考.  相似文献   

大学英语教育改革虽然已经历了多年,而高校英语课堂真正达到令人满意的程度并不多。本文通过对高校英语教学现状与英语学习主体作用的浅析,呼吁高校英语教学应重视加强学生自主学习能力的培养。大学英语多维一体主题教学自主学习模式(简称ITILA模式)将有意义的课堂教学与学生自主学习融为一体,笔者以为,是高校值得借鉴和推广的教学模式之一。  相似文献   

论英语教学中的教师角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统教学中教师的主要职责是“传道、授业、解惑”,而在当代英语教学中教师的角色是讲授者、激励者、控制者、评估者、参与者、指导者和组织者、研究者、促进者、教学资源开发者等,研究并扮演好这些多重角色是英语教师的主要课题。  相似文献   

教师不仅要传授学生知识,而且要解决学生学习中的疑惑.中学阶段是每个人成长的关键时期.文章着重研究了动机、自信心、态度、性格、焦虑五种情感因素对中学生英语学习的影响,并提出了相应的教学策略.  相似文献   

医学英语在词汇来源、构词法、被动语态的频繁使用等方面,具有不同于普通英语的词法和句法特征。文章利用实践教学中的经验,归纳和分析了医学英语的词法和句法特征,有利于医学英语的教与学水平的进一步提高。  相似文献   

刘誉 《科技信息》2009,(31):300-301
英语是一种交流的工具,英语教学的目的就是培养和发展学生使用这种交际工具的能力。英语学习者的交际需要这一主题已逐渐为我国的英语教育者所熟悉和接受。交际英语教学法也受到越来越广泛的青睐和关注。语用学作为一门年轻而充满生机的新兴学科,发展可谓一日千里。语用学中的诸多理论,比如关联理论对英语教学的指导也吸引了人们的视线。本文结合作者自身的教学实践经验,以语用学中的关联理论为理论指导和支撑,初步探讨了全新环境和要求下的大学英语听说教学课堂中的一点教学方法和问题。  相似文献   

多媒体环境下对医学生的英语文化教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章作者从文化教学出发,结合医学生的特点,探讨多媒体环境下对医学生进行文化教学,创造轻松愉快的英语学习情景,形成和谐的课堂气氛,激发医学生英语学习的兴趣,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

高职院校非专业英语教学不同于本科英语教学更不同于英语专业教学,高职院校英语教学不但要有自己的课程特色,同时也要有自己的测试手段。“高等学校英语应用能力考试”正是现行的较有效的测试手段之一。通过对2004—2006年河南省英语应用能力考试成绩分析,我们可以看到,高职学生的英语水平正在不断的提高,学生水平提高的同时也证明了教学质量的提高和以《基泰要求》为指导的高职院校非专业英语教学改革的基本成功。我们应再接再厉,创出特色,巩固并提高学生的英语成绩,为市场经济发展培养出更多应用型、复合型人才。  相似文献   

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