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刺激呈现率影响小鼠下丘神经元声反应特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自由声场条件下,以强度为特征频率阈上5dBSPL、时程为40ms的短纯音为声刺激,记录了小鼠下丘神经元对不同呈现率(0.5~20Hz)的声刺激反应.结果显示,随呈现率的增高,绝大多数神经元(87.3%,103/118)的冲动发放数单调下降,少数(12.7%,15/118)神经元的冲动发放数呈非单调变化,冲动发放数与刺激呈现率之间有显著相关性.即使在低范围内改变呈现率也能显著影响多数神经元的声反应特性,其临界呈现率及最大呈现率低于3.3Hz的神经元分别超过70%(75.4%,89/118)和40%(44.9%,53/118).此外,提高刺激呈现率,部分神经元(17.8%,21/118)的发放模式发生改变,主要是由紧张型或相位爆发型向相位型转变.可见,下丘神经元声反应特性与声刺激呈现率密切相关.  相似文献   

自由声场条件下,以强度为神经元最佳频率阈上5dB,时程分别为40、60、80和100ms的纯音作为前掩蔽声,观察和记录了不同时程掩蔽声对小鼠(MusmusculusKm)下丘神经元发放和声强处理的影响.结果发现:随掩蔽声时程的增加,神经元发放抑制率逐渐增大(P<0.0001,n=41),反应潜伏期延长(P<0.01,n=41);其中受掩蔽声抑制的41个神经元中,绝大部分的(90.2%,37/41)反应动力学范围随掩蔽声时程的增加而逐渐变窄(P<0.0001),另有4个神经元的反应动力学范围则出现增加(9.8%,4/41).推测前掩蔽声的时程效应与掩蔽声激活的抑制性输入强度以及持续时间相关.  相似文献   

在自由声场刺激条件下 ,从 2 0只昆明小鼠 (Kunming Mus Musculus)下丘 (Inferior Col-liculus,IC)记录到 1 93个神经元 .将这些神经元按其最佳频率 (best frequency,BF) (k Hz)分为(5 ,1 0 ],(1 0 ,1 5 ],(1 5 ,2 0 ]和 (2 0 ,3 1 ]4个频率段 ,观察和分析它们的声反应特性 ,并用最小阈值(minimum threshold,MT)和放电率 (firing rate)标准对这些神经元前听空间俯仰方位(Elevation) 0平面的 7个水平方位 (Azimuth)角 (同侧 90°、60°、3 0°,0°,对侧 3 0°、60°、90°)的敏感性进行了研究 .结果表明 :1、IC神经元的放电率和潜伏期基本随刺激强度的增加而增加和缩短 ,其函数表现为三种基本不同的形式 :单调型、非单调型以及放电率函数的不规则型和潜伏期函数的饱和单调型 .非单调函数神经元数目高于单调函数神经元 .三种函数形式的神经元数目分布与 BF之间无明显相关 ;2、BF较高的 IC神经元的潜伏期与 BF较低的神经元的潜伏期之间未发现显著性差异 ;3、用低 MT和最大放电率指标检测 IC神经元的方位特性发现 ,在神经元的最敏感角度展现出低 MT和高放电率 ,虽然最佳敏感角度的分布随频率段而不同 ,但绝大部分神经元的最敏感角度位于对侧 ,其中以对侧 60°所占比例最大 .用低 MT指标所确定的最佳敏感角度  相似文献   

在自由声场刺激条件下,固定调频(frequency-modulated,FM)声的幅度和时程,改变调制范围(modulation range,MR)和扫频方向,记录和测定了小鼠下丘神经元对FM声上、下扫频方向的选择性,探讨了MR对神经元扫频方向选择性的影响.实验共记录到102个神经元,其中45个(44.1%)神经元表现...  相似文献   

鼠耳蝠下丘听神经元对超声刺激的反应特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实验在5只鼠耳蜗上进行,共观察了227个对超声刺激发生反应的下丘听神经元。这些神经元听反应的最佳频率在14.3-76.2kHz之间;潜伏期在3.0-12.0毫秒之间,多数神经元(79.3%)为5.0-7.0毫秒;最低阈值位于-20.0-70.0dB SPL之间;多数神经元(82.05%)的调谐曲线为宽阔型,少数(17.95%)为狭窄型;反应最佳频率沿下丘背腹轴呈明显有序地排列。  相似文献   

幼年菊头蝠下丘神经元的听反应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用微电极记录方法,考察了幼年(4周龄)和成年鲁氏菊头幅(Rhinolophusrouxi)下丘神经元的听反应特性。共观察了301个神经元,其中幼年蝙蝠148个,成年蝙蝠153个。结果表明,4周龄的幼年蝙蝠,其下丘神经元的听反应型式可分为三类,主要表现为时相性反应(占97.68%)。神经元的最佳频率分布范围为100~81.2kHz,多数集中在30~40kHz。所反应的潜伏期在7~20ms之间,平均为12.31±3.13ms。听反应的最低阈值为-39.0~77.4dB,平均为41.41±25.69dB。神经元的调谐曲线既有宽阔型,也有狭窄型,还有部分神经元的调谐曲线具有多个敏感峰。幼年蝙蝠下丘听神经元的这些特性均与成年蝙蝠形成显著差异。结果提示,鲁氏菊头蝠中枢神经系统听觉功能出生后有一个发育过程。  相似文献   

Topography of acoustic response characteristics of the midbrain inferior colliculus(IC)of the Kunming mouse was studied by using extracellular recording techniques.The characteristic frequency(CF)range represented in the different divisions of the IC differed markedly:4-15 kHz in the dorsal cortex(DC),10-70 kHz in the central nucleus(CN),and 4-35kHz in the external cortex(EC).The CF in the CN increased from dorsal and lateral to ventral and medial,higher CFs represented at its ventromedial part and lower CFs at its dorsal part.The isofrequency contours of CFs were incurvate.Minimum thresholds(MT)of the auditory neurons in DC and the central part of CN were lower(about 10dB SPL),but considerably higher in the dorsal and ventral region of EC.Results suggest that each of the divisions in the mouse IC may have different auditory functions.  相似文献   

By means of a particular two-tone stimulationparadigm in combination of using a pair of electrodes forsimultaneously recording from two inferior colliculus (IC)neurons, the current in vivo study is undertaken to explorethe role of frequency band integration (FBI) in sharpening offrequency tuning in the big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus.Three major results are found: (1) The paired neurons cor-related to FBI are located not only within the same frequencyfilter bandwidth (FFB), but also across different FFBs. Therelations of their frequency tuning curves (FTCs) are mainlyof two types: the flank-overlapped and overlaid patterns. (2)Although the sharpness of FTCs between paired neurons ismutual, the sharpening efficiency of neurons located withinthe same FFB is higher than that of neurons across FFBs,and the FTCs of neurons with the best frequencies (BF) of 20--30 kHz are most strongly sharpened. (3) The strength ofFBI is weak near the BF but gradually increased with fre-quencies away from the BF of sound stimuli. This suggeststhat the dynamical FBI of the IC neurons located within and across the FFBs might be involved in the formation of func-tional FFB structures.  相似文献   

The present study explores the forward masking of the two-tone stimuli in sequence that evoked responses in the inferior colliculns (IC) of the echolocating bats. The results indicate that forward masking is obvious in the acoustic responses of the IC neurons to the two-tone stimuli.Meanwhile the intensity sensitivity of the neurons responding to the probe increases with the inter-tone interval decreasing. The effects of forward masking are correlated with the relative intensity and the interval between the masker and probe. That is, the effects of forward masking are reduced with the masker intensity decreasing and enhanced with the probe intensity decreasing and the inter-tone interval shortened. The present study suggests that there is a correlation between the characteristics of the response to the probe and the dynamic conditions of the postsynaptic currents in the IC neurons.  相似文献   

要为明确高密度互通立交行驶环境下,主线车流量对出入口区段驾驶人精神负荷间的影响,在重庆市内环快速路高密度互通立交群进行自然驾驶实车试验,使用Physiolab生理检测仪连续采集驾驶人在行驶过程中的心电数据,用于统计各驾驶人的心率指标变化情况。本次试验基于主成分分析法选择心率变异率指标RMSSD(root mean square of successive differences)、LFnorm(low frequency norm)、HFnorm(high frequency norm)、LF(low frequency)/HF (high frequency)以及心率突变率指标HRMR(heat ratemutation rate)作为驾驶人精神负荷的评价指标,记为主成分F1和主成分F2,并建立评价模型。结果表明:驾驶人在小净距立交出入口区段行驶时,立交主线车流量的大小会影响驾驶人的精神负荷;当驾驶人驶入立交主线时,三次模型对入口段车流量与主成分F2的拟合效果最好,呈开口向上的三次曲线,曲线谷值点出现在2级流量水平处,...  相似文献   

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