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Lei Hu  Yi Li 《科学通报(英文版)》2011,56(24):2644-2648
Co-SnO2 composite nanofibers were synthesized by an electrospinning method and characterized by X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Gas sensors were fabricated by spinning these nanofibers onto flat ceramic substrates, which had signal electrodes and heaters on their top and bottom surfaces, respectively. Compared with sensors loaded with pure SnO2 nanofibers, the Co-SnO2 nanofiber sensors exhibited improved acetone sensing properties with high selectivity and rapid response and recovery times. The response was 33 when the sensors were exposed to 100 μL/L acetone at 330°C, and the corresponding response with 100 μL/L of ethanol was only 6. The response and recovery times to acetone were about 5 and 8 s, respectively. These results indicate Co-SnO2 composite nanofibers are good candidates for fabrication of high performance acetone sensors for practical application.  相似文献   

Multiwalled carbon nanotubes(MWNTs)were synthesized through CVD method,and the gas sensitive materials MWNTs/ZnO were obtained by mixing MWNTs and ZnO.The gas sensing properties of the as-prepared materials were investigated.The results show that the gas sensing properties of ZnO sensor are significantly improved by doping MWNTs.The sensitivity,response time and recovery time to 50 ppm ethanol at 260°C are 46,4 and 20 s,respectively.We also examined the selectivity of 0.1 wt%MWNTs-doped ZnO sensors to different gases.The results show that the sensor possesses an excellent selectivity to ethanol.  相似文献   

SnO2/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) have been studied as gas sensing materials. Compared with pure SnO2, SnO2/MWNTs exhibit improved ethanol sensing properties such as higher sensitivity and quicker response/recovery at 300°C. The sensitivity is 35, 65, 166 and 243 to 500, 1000, 2000 and 3000 ppm ethanol, respectively. The response time is about 1 s, and the recovery time is about 5 s. The sensing improvement is explained in terms of the appropriate basal resistance and enhanced signal transfer brought by MWNTs.  相似文献   

采用水热法制作了纳米氧化锌气敏材料,分析了双溶剂洗涤和水洗涤下的成品形貌,并采用传统的静态测试方法测试了灵敏度、稳定性及响应/恢复时间等特性参数.针对金属氧化物气体传感器的选择性和稳定性问题,基于静态测试,提出了一种新颖的动态温度调制测试方法.系统研究了不同波形(三角波、矩形波及梯形波)下传感器的响应,并分析了三角波下...  相似文献   

运用共沉淀法制备出纳米ZnSnO3粉末,X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析为纯的ZnSnO3相,透射电镜(TEM)分析表明粒度达到纳米级.利用传统的旁热厚膜制备工艺制备了纯ZnSnO3及其掺杂贵金属的气敏传感器,测试了气敏性能.通过对气体吸附机理和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对敏感层的分析解释气敏性能提高的原因.结果表明: Ag+、Pd2+的掺杂可提高器件对C2H5OH的灵敏度,对H2敏感度的提高达到15倍以上.掺杂阻碍了基体晶粒的长大,使其表面不规则且有较多气孔,这是气敏性能提高的主要原因.  相似文献   

论述了一种高精度的原子力显微镜AFM.IPC-208B型机在分子形态学方面的应用.以磁控溅射获得的TiN薄膜和普通的聚酰亚胺纤维为例,从原子力显微镜测得的三维图上探析该TiN薄膜的优先生长面及其在优先生长面上的原子排布和聚酰亚胺的表面形态.这种实验不仅鉴定了测试材料的微观形态,也充分肯定了该原子力显微镜原子量级的精度及其在微观结构领域的潜在发展,为该机应用于微加工领域奠定了基础.  相似文献   

为解决在多传感器信息融合技术中出现的测量维数和置信度较低、系统的探测能力和生存能力较差以及空间和时间的范围较窄等问题,提出了一种改进的PSO算法.该算法主要包括对传感器自身特点的分析,以及建立一个综合传感器信息增量和处理时间的目标函数的过程.从实验仿真结果可以看出,该算法可以有效地剔除性能不符合系统标准的传感器,从而更...  相似文献   

利用简单的化学溶液生长法合成了棒状Zn O纳米材料,采用原位生长法和粉体涂敷法将其包覆在氧化铝陶瓷管上,构成Zn O基气体传感器,并用静态配气法测试其酒敏性能.两种方法制备的传感器最佳工作温度均为300℃,且响应和恢复时间均小于10 s.灵敏度随着酒精浓度的升高都近似线性增大.对于不同浓度的酒精,采用粉体涂敷法制备的传感器灵敏度约为原位生长所制备传感器的两倍.结果表明不同的涂敷方法将形成不同的敏感层结构,最终导致其气敏性能明显不同.  相似文献   

在分析了Z元件力敏效应的L型伏安特性的基础上,提出了一种利用Z元件构建的,可直接输出数字信号的力数字传感器的设计方案.选择了简支梁弯曲受力方式为Z元件的力载荷承受方式,解决了Z元件由于体积小、厚度薄、脆性大而带来的无法直接施加作用力的问题,实现了力敏现象向力敏效应的转化.首次提出了Z元件的晶格扭应变与等效电阻的微观机理的观点,并在此基础上论述了基于Z元件的力传感器的温漂补偿的必要性和补偿原则及方法.  相似文献   

针对传统的电阻接触式位置传感器存在有触点、可靠性差、寿命短的缺点,提出了一种基于可编程三轴霍尔元件的EPS位置传感器设计方案。对机械结构和电路结构分别进行了研究。机械结构中设计出磁体和转子一体化的转子架,磁体采用径向一对极充磁的方案,使霍尔元件表面磁感应强度变化均匀,提高了传感器的定位精度,并减化了结构,使可靠性提高。电路结构设计中采用了独特的抗干扰电路,保证传感器能够抵抗来自外部的干扰而正常工作。该方案利用霍尔元件,实现了对扭矩的非接触测量,使用该方案设计的传感器可替换电阻接触式位置传感器。  相似文献   

Both one-dimensional nanostructures and porous nanostructures are benefit to the sensing enhancement of semiconducting functional materials.The present paper shows an effective route to combining the advantages of these two nanostructures for a novel type of ZnO nanomaterials.Basically,a pore-forming material is employed in an electrospinning method,and the products are characterized by X-ray powder diffraction(XRD),energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy(EDX),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The obtained materials are loose ZnO nanofibers,which own both porous and one-dimensional nanostructures.Micro-sensors are fabricated by sputtering and etching techniques,and the as-prepared nanofibers are used as the functional materials in them.The sensors show improved sensing properties both in sensitivity and response-speeds.The sensitivity is enhanced from 4 to 8 and the response time is shortened from 14 to 10 s when the sensors are exposed to 100 μL/L ethanol at 260℃.Similar results are also observed in acetone and H2 sensing tests.These enhancements are based on the one-dimensional and porous nanostructures of the nanofibers.  相似文献   

To enhance the CO-tolerance performance of anode catalysts for direct ethanol fuel cells,carbon nanotubes were modified by titanium dioxide (donated as CNTs@TiO2) and subsequently served as the support for the preparation of Pt/CNTs@TiO2 and Pt-Mo/CNTs@TiO2 electrocatalysts via a UV-photoreduction method.The physicochemical characterizations of the catalysts were carried out by using X-ray diffraction (XRD),transmission electron microscopy (TEM),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),and infrared spectroscopy of adsorbed probe ammonia molecules.The electrocatalytic properties of the catalysts for methanol oxidation were investigated by the cyclic voltammetry technique.The results show that Pt-Mo/CNTs@TiO2 electrode exhibits the highest performance in all the electrodes.It is explained that,the structure,the oxidation states,and the acid-base properties of the catalysts are influenced due to the strong interaction between Ti and Mo species by adding TiO2 and MoOx to the Pt-based catalysts.  相似文献   

采用硬质酸盐方法制备出纳米BaTiO3粉末,利用半导体陶瓷技术掺杂CeO-AgNO3制造出对CO2气体敏感的功能材料.基于CaCO3和RuO2制作电极,NiCr丝加热.CO2气体传感器当加热到400~450℃时,CO2体积分数为100×10-6~2 000×10-6,传感器的特征阻值由600 kΩ变化到150 kΩ,函数关系呈良好的全对数线性,同时测定了元件的温度特性和湿度特性,提出了此种传感器工作时,为提高传感器测试准确性,应考虑环境温湿度补偿技术.  相似文献   

基于超声的非完整移动机器人避障控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了路径规划的发展状况,并对非完整移动机器人的模型进行了讨论.为实现非完整移动机器人的自主避障,给出了移动机器人的超声定位结构,并提出一种基于超声避障的控制策略,对不同方向上的障碍作不同的考虑,突出正前方的障碍.将避障策略应用于实验平台,结果表明,移动机器人能在布满障碍的环境中有效实现避碰.  相似文献   

采用湿法化学刻蚀方法制备硅纳米线(SiNWs),对其进行快速热退火处理,利用水浴法在SiNWs表面生长氧化锌(ZnO)纳米线,制备了ZnO/SiNWs异质结湿度传感器.采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)分析了ZnO/SiNWs异质结的表面形貌和结构.测试了ZnO/SiNWs异质结湿度传感器不同湿度环境的电容响应,分析了它的工作机制.测试结果表明:传感器具有相对较大的灵敏度,较短的响应时间,较好的重复性、湿滞特性和稳定性,从而说明ZnO/SiNWs异质结在湿敏领域有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

光纤液滴分析技术是通过反映被测液体的液滴生长过程的光纤液滴指纹图,测量被测液体的物理、化学特性.互相关原理被用来对不同液体的光纤液滴指纹图进行对比分析,分析液体性质或判决2种液体的异同,DSP技术的使用提高了互相关运算的速度.基于DSP技术和互相关原理制作了实验室样机,并进行了样品测试.分别利用互相关函数和互相关系数测试了不同浓度的酒精溶液,测试结果显示,互相关函数峰值可以作为一种测量液体浓度的方法,酒精溶液的测量精度达到3.4%,而互相关系数法可以甄别不同浓度的酒精溶液,最小系数在60%以下.  相似文献   

基于可靠性的框架结构作动器/传感器最优配置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立在模态可控度及最小费用函数的基础上,针对目前因使用组合优化来布置作动器计算量大的缺点,采用遗传算法来确定振动主动控制中作动器的最优配置.为适于框架结构的具体计算,对常规遗传算法约束条件的处理进行了改进.考虑到主动控制系统的可靠性,为了进一步确定作动器/传感器的最优配置,本文定义了一个可靠性指标,采用常规的Monte-Carlo法计算各种配置的可靠性,在可靠性基础上最终确定最优配置方案.本文最后给出了计算实例。  相似文献   

There is currently intense interest in the use of nanoparticles for a wide range of biomedical and technological applications. In this paper, the hierarchical Co doped ZnO nanoflowers were synthesized by a facile wet chemical method and explored as biosensing material. The as-modified novel hydrogen peroxide sensor exhibited a wide linear range(0.25–20 mM), highly reproducible response(R.S.D. of 2.7%) and long-term stability. The doping Co~(2+)ions carried out the oxidations rapidly and efficiently for the catalysis of hydrogen peroxide(H_2O_2). A high activity toward H_2O_2 in the presence of ascorbic acid(AA) and NaNO_2, which are only common for natural enzymes, has also been demonstrated. The good analytical performance, low cost and straightforward preparation method makes this doped semiconductor promising for a wide range of potential applications in medicine, biotechnology and environmental chemistry.  相似文献   

采用金属有机化合物气相沉积(MOCVD)两步生长法在自持化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石厚膜的成核面上制备ZnO薄膜, 并研究了薄膜的生长特性和电学特性. 结果表明, 在基片温度为600 ℃时沉积得到的ZnO薄膜表面均匀, 取向较一致, 为c轴取向生长. 其载流子迁移率为3.79 cm2/(V·s).   相似文献   

在简要阐述虚拟仪器技术Labview和热敏电阻测温原理的基础上,介绍一种基于虚拟仪器技术的温度传感系统。重点说明如何利用虚拟仪器工作平台来实现数据的采集、处理、显示和保存等功能。通过对温度传感系统进行标定,进而得到准确的被测对象温度曲线。该系统具有界面形象、操作方便、可靠性高等优点。  相似文献   

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