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The differences of thermal conduction and its temperature-varying track of the heat source body at various structural environments have been studied. Hypothetically , geologic heat source body is cut successively into several segregative bodies with a fixed cubage . With the segmented number increasing , the conductive surface area of heat source body begins to get larger, which separately is similar to the heat geologic body in different tectonic zones that has a various enclosed coefficient . Finite-element simulation result shows that the thermal conduction speed of spreading from the heat source body to its wall rock is slow→higher→ highest, when heat source bodies are situated respectively at compressive, shear and tensile deformation zones, corresponding rates of their temperature drop are low→ higher→ highest . Research indicates that the temperature ' s dropping rate of heat source body has an inverse relationship with enclosed coefficient η for different structural zones . This result can explain the tectono-physicochemical reason of magmatite evolution and its. difference .  相似文献   

为了研究边界变温时功能梯度板的二维稳态热传导及梯度参数 γ的影响,基于该板的二维稳态热传导基本方程,假设热导率沿板高呈指数函数形式分布,用分离变量法和三角函数正交性,导出三边界恒温与上边界变温时该板的二维稳态温度场的解析解,与有限元解对比可知,2种方法结果一致。结果显示:上边界线性热载时,板内温度场分布无对称性;上边界正弦热载时,板内温度场分布对称于过形心的y轴;随着γ的增大,板内高温区不断向两侧和下侧扩展。因此,可选择适合的梯度参数和边界不同变温来满足设计、应用和热应力分析的需要,所获得的解析解可作为检验其他近似方法的参考标准。  相似文献   

The heating process for CuAlNi nanoclusters with cuboctahedral structure was studied by molecular dynamics simulation with the embedded atom method. A diffusionless martensitic transformation from the cuboctahedral (CO) to the icosahedral (ICO) structure before the melting point was found in some CuAlNi nanoclusters. The effects of element composition and cluster size on the thermodynamic stability and structural transformation of trimetallic nanoclusters were investigated. The results show that the CO–ICO transformation temperature was size-dependent and occurred only for small clusters. It was also observed that the CO–ICO transformation temperature firstly dropped and then raised as Al concentration increased, which may be strongly related to the release of excess energy. Furthermore, the surface segregation phenomenon was also observed that the lower surface energy components, such as Al and Cu atoms, segregated to the surface of CuAlNi nanoclusters. The changes in the melting points of CuAlNi nanoclusters with different alloy compositions and cluster sizes were also studied. And furthermore, the physical basis of structural transition of CuAlNi nanoclusters was discussed.  相似文献   

纳米材料的规定热力学函数和表面热力学函数是物质的本征函数,与材料的催化、吸附性质等具有紧密联系。因此采用科学的技术方法准确获取真实体系的表面热力学函数具有重要的意义,溶解热力学法因具有操作简单、灵敏度高及无假设条件等独特优势,相比其它方法更加科学。本文通过测定溴化银纳米颗粒在水溶液中的电导率,结合溶解热力学理论计算纳米材料的溶解平衡常数。以块体材料为比较标准,获取了纳米AgBr的溶解热力学函数、表面热力学函数、偏摩尔表面热力学和规定热力学函数。本工作为纳米AgBr在感光、催化、吸附等领域的应用提供了物理化学参数,对预测难溶盐类纳米材料溶解、催化、吸附等性质有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The grain boundary plays an important role in the electrical behaviors of solid oxide electrolytes for solid state fuel cells. To reveal the relationship between the structure and the ionic conductivity of grain boundary,the conductive properties of {1 1 1} and {1 1 0} twist grain boundaries in 8 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia have been examined. These boundaries have a series of Σ values defined by the coincident site lattice model. It has been found that the activation energy of {1 1 1} twist grain boundary increases and then decreases with the Σ value,while that of the {1 1 0} boundary shows an opposite trend. It is suggested that the properties can reflect the balance of the effects of lattice mismatch on the diffusion ability of oxygen vacancies and the segregation of oxygen vacancies and Y3 tions. Therefore,the properties in polycrystalline electrolyte can be adjusted by controlling the grain boundary structures.  相似文献   

端部效应是影响柱式弹性体桥路输出的重要因素之一。本文以长径比为1.0的柱式弹性体为研究对象并基于弹性力学理论研究其受载条件和尺寸效应对端部效应的影响规律。首先,根据端面受载条件和尺寸效应两种力学模型建立位移函数表示的平衡微分方程;其次,以受载条件的力学模型为例,引入两个位移函数对平衡方程进行解耦,推导出对应的力学模型解析解,并根据边界条件确定解析解的待定系数;最后,依据胡克定律和柱式弹性体桥路输出公式计算端面受载条件和尺寸效应对端部效应的影响。计算结果表明:弹性体非均匀载荷分布的一端,端部效应变化更剧烈;而均匀载荷分布的一端,随着弹性体长径比的增大,端部效应受到端面载荷分布的影响越小。此外,端部效应对小尺寸弹性体十分敏感,但当弹性体尺寸增大超过3.5倍时,通过增大尺寸来抑制端部效应的效果迅速消失。研究结果为柱式负荷传感器的设计提供理论指导依据。  相似文献   

Lithium-ion batteries, with high energy density(up to 705 Wh/L) and power density(up to 10,000 W/L), exhibit high capacity and great working performance. As rechargeable batteries, lithium-ion batteries serve as power sources in various application systems. Temperature, as a critical factor, significantly impacts on the performance of lithium-ion batteries and also limits the application of lithium-ion batteries. Moreover, different temperature conditions result in different adverse effects. Accurate measurement of temperature inside lithiumion batteries and understanding the temperature effects are important for the proper battery management. In this review, we discuss the effects of temperature to lithium-ion batteries at both low and high temperature ranges.The current approaches in monitoring the internal temperature of lithium-ion batteries via both contact and contactless processes are also discussed in the review.  相似文献   

为了研究燃烧室热边界对微型内燃机微燃烧特性的影响,以指导燃烧室设计,采用层流有限速率模型对微燃烧过程进行了仿真。首先对仿真结果开展了有效性分析,探讨了网格尺寸、时间步长、步长内最大计算步数3个建模因素对仿真结果的影响,结果表明仿真与实验比较吻合。在此基础上探索了散热系数、壁面厚度和材料3个参数对燃烧特性的影响。结果表明,散热系数对燃烧特性有较明显的影响,散热系数从0增加到55 W/(m2·K )时,压力升高率减小,着火点延后,最高压力值下降了2个大气压。壁面厚度和材料对燃烧特性影响不大,分析表明这是由于在热量从缸内传到外界环境的热流路径中主要传热热阻是外壁面与环境之间的对流换热热阻所致。  相似文献   

采用有限元方法,从理论上推导了焊接热效应对船体结构动力学性能影响的有限元分析表达式,并通过典型算例的数值模拟论证了表达式的正确性,进而验证了焊接热效应对船体结构动力学性能的影响.从焊缝区域具有初始应力与应变的本构方程出发,应用虚功原理,推导出包含焊接热效应的有限元模态分析方程.以686TEU集装箱船为例,通过在大合拢缝横剖面上施加不同水平的名义焊接残余应力,运行船体结构模态分析并提取模态数据.与无焊接热效应时模态对比,船台大合拢缝的焊接热效应改变了同节点数的1阶固有频率.理论推导和数值模拟结果对船体振动控制具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics study on thermal conductivity of nanoscale thin films   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A simple and effective model of heat conduction across thin films is set up and molecular dynamics simulations are implemented to explore the thermal conductivity of nanoscale thin dielectric films in the direction perpendicular to the film plane. Solid argon is selected as the model system due to its reliable experimental data and potential function. Size effects of the thermal conductivity across thin films are found by computer simulations: in a film thickness range of 2–10 nm, the conductivity values are remarkably lower than the corresponding bulk experimental data and increase as the thickness increases. The consistency between the approximate solution of the phonon Boltzmann transport equation and the simulation results ascribes the thermal conductivity size effect to the phonon scattering at film boundaries.  相似文献   

粉煤灰泡沫塑料复合保温材料传热过程的数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用有限元软件ANSYS研究了粉煤灰泡沫塑料复合保温材料(FP材料)的传热机理.材料导热系数数值模拟结果与实测结果具有很好的一致性,说明采用有限元方法可以实现对材料传热过程的数值模拟.根据分析结果,提出了对保温材料设计和制备时的一些建议.  相似文献   

研究了满足螺旋边界条件的额外维存在时的平行板标量场Casimir效应.利用Zeta函数正则化方法,得到T用第二类变形Bessel函数表示的Casimir力.发现Casimir力总是吸引力,但是对于相同尺度的螺旋结构参数和平板间的距离,与不存在额外维的情形相比,平板间Casimir力的大小降低了一个数量级.螺旋结构参数越小,Casimir力的大小降低越多.  相似文献   

研究了温度及均质压力对光学散透比法快速测量牛乳蛋白质质量含量的影响。实验结果表明,温度和均质压力对测量准确度有显著影响。通过对比实验确定了最佳的测试温度和压力。  相似文献   

金属镁还原炉中烟气流动对传热过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用CFX软件对皮江法镁还原炉内的烟气流动进行数学建模和仿真计算,研究镁还原炉内的烟气流动对炉子传热过程的影响情况.依据流动分析,给出了一些提高镁还原炉热效率的措施.结果表明:改善炉内流场是提高金属镁还原炉热效率的主要方向.  相似文献   

The analytical solutions of unsteady heat conduction with variable thermal properties(thermal conductivity,density and specific heat are functions of temperature or coordinates)are meaningful in theory.In addition,they are very useful to the computational heat conduction to check the numerical solutions and to develop numerical schemes,grid generation methods and so forth.Such solutions in rectangular coordinates have been derived by the authors.Some other solutions for 1-D and 2-D axisymmetrical heat conduction in cylin drical coordinates are given in this paper to promote the heat conduction theory and to develop the relative computational heat conduction.  相似文献   

金属屋面系统常用于各种重要的地标建筑中,经常受到周期性的太阳辐射、温度变化和其他环境影响。针对直立锁边445J2铁素体不锈钢屋面系统开展温度效应研究。考虑不同约束条件和温度等因素,分析屋面系统的力学性能。试验结果表明,温度作用下,直立锁边不锈钢屋面系统存在应力集中和热膨胀位移现象。屋面系统应力和位移随着温度增加而变大,温度每增加1℃,应力和位移最大增加1.9 MPa。屋面板的水平位移要明显大于竖向位移,且在一端固定约束条件下水平位移最大约9.19 mm。板面应力随约束条件增强增加幅度最大分别为41.7%、30.6%。  相似文献   

采用光线踪迹 /节点分析法研究了在漫反射、表面不透明、分界面半透明的两层平板状吸收、各向同性散射性非灰介质内的辐射与导热瞬态耦合换热。两层介质具有不同的辐射特性 ,折射率均大于等于 1。在考虑表面多次反射和介质多次散射的情况下 ,推导了复合层辐射传递系数 ,由辐射传递系数计算辐射热源项。在对流、辐射换热边界条件下 ,采用控制容积法求解瞬态能量方程 ,获得了复合层内的稳态、瞬态温度场和热流密度 ,与 Galerkin法的计算结果比较 ,表明该文的计算方法正确 ,精度高  相似文献   

冻结壁温度场模型试验及其导热系数反分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
冻土导热系数是计算冻结壁温度场的重要参数,本文根据冻结壁温度场物理模型试验的结果,建立非线性多维导热系数反分析的数学模型,采用选择法和有限元法,反分析冻结壁整体导热系数,为冻结壁温度场数值分析和冻结壁厚度的设计计算提供参考。  相似文献   

多尺度椭圆形集料尺寸分布对混凝土边界效应的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨集料对混凝土边界效应的影响机理,利用计算机模拟技术,分析了在等体积分数分布下多尺度椭圆形集料的最大粒径和面积分数对混凝土边界效应的影响.基于体视学理论,在构造的多尺度椭圆形集料随机堆积模型中,采用线采样的方法获取模型化混凝土结构的固相体积分数.模拟结果显示,混凝土结构中固相体积分数曲线形状和界面过渡区厚度随集料...  相似文献   

应用热力学方法,讨论了非晶晶化法制取纳米晶体时所得最小晶粒与晶化温度的关系.发现当退火温度为物体熔点的1/2时,可制得最小晶粒,而在此温度下,过冷液体与晶体之间的Gibbs自由能之差达到最大值.考虑到样品较薄时较为明显的表面效应,计算了金属样品厚度对晶粒最小尺寸的影响.结果表明,晶粒的最小限度不仅受晶化过程中自由能差的影响,还与晶体厚度有关.样品厚度越小,对生成的最小晶粒尺寸影响越大.  相似文献   

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