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This paper presents an overview of recent studies dealing with different ages of mantle peridotitic xenoliths and xenocrysts from the North China Craton, with aim to provide new ideas for further study on the destruction of the North China Craton. Re-Os isotopic studies suggest that the lithospheric mantle of the North China Craton is of Archean age prior to its thinning. The key reason why such a low density and highly refractory Archean lithospheric mantle would be thinned is changes in composition, thermal regime, and physical properties of the lithospheric mantle due to interaction of peridotites with melts of different origins. Inward subduction of circum craton plates and collision with the North China Craton provided not only the driving force for the destruction of the craton, but also continuous melts derived from partial melting of subducted continental or oceanic crustal materials that resulted in the compositional change of the lithospheric mantle. Regional thermal anomaly at ca. 120 Ma led to the melting of highly modified lithospheric mantle. At the same time or subsequently lithospheric extension and asthenospheric upwelling further reinforced the melting and thinning of the lithospheric mantle. Therefore, the destruction and thinning of the North China Craton is a combined result of per- idotite-melt interaction (addition of volatile), enhanced regional thermal anomaly (temperature increase) and lithospheric extension (decompression). Such a complex geological process finally produced a "mixed" lithospheric mantle of highly chemical heterogeneity during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. It also resulted in significant difference in the composition of mantle peridotitic xenoliths between different regions and times.  相似文献   

Yang  DeBin  Xu  WenLiang  Gao  Shan  Xu  YiGang  Pei  FuPing 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(6):651-659
Four dunite xenoliths from the Tietonggou intrusion of western Shandong,China,were subjected to SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating to constrain timing of the North China Craton(NCC) destruction,a topic of much controversy.Cathodoluminescence images revealed that 15 of the 18 zircon grains from the xenoliths display striped absorption.The rest showed oscillatory growth zoniation.All the zircons had variable contents of Th(49-3569 ppm;average,885 ppm) and U(184-5398 ppm;average,1277 ppm),and variable Th/U ratios(0.15-2.04).These zircon characteristics indicate a magmatic origin.The zircon age data can be divided into five groups:131-145,151-164,261-280,434-452,and 500-516 Ma.Group I(131-145 Ma) is consistent with timing of formation of the Tietonggou high-Mg diorites.Group II(151-164 Ma) is similar in age to Middle-Late Jurassic magmatism in the eastern NCC,which included both mantle-derived and intensive crust-derived magmatism.Group III(261-280 Ma) is similar in age to the Emeishan large igneous province,and Group IV(434-452 Ma) is similar in age to Paleozoic high-silica magmatism in the eastern NCC.Group V(500-516 Ma) may correspond to the global Pan-African event.Results indicate repeated modification of lithospheric mantle in the eastern NCC,and suggest that the most intensive modification occurred in the late Mesozoic(131-164 Ma).  相似文献   

The exsolution lamellae of quartz and clinoen-statite are idenfied in diopside of garnet-pyroxenolite from the North Dabie Mountain by transmission electron microscopy, which is interpreted that the lamellae are originally exsolved from a former ultra-high-pressure clinopyroxene due to decreasing of pressure. Study of petrography shows that there is compositional zoning hi the diopside itself. It is implied that the garnet-pyroxenolite had undergone intensive high-temperature granulite fades and high-amphibolitic fades retrogressive metamorphism, while the peridotite (the garnet-pyroxenolite's host rock) emplaced the crust  相似文献   

Tropospheric column amounts of NO 2 from OMI/Aura products were applied to investigate the seasonal variation of NO x on the east side of the Taihang Mountains (ESTM) in China. The NO 2 concentration varied seasonally, with winter maxima and summer minima. To explore the causes of the heavy NO 2 pollution in this region, wind field simulations were conducted by using the Fifth-Generation NCAR/Penn State Mesoscale Model (MM5). MM5 simulations showed that wind directions in the ESTM region were dominated by northeasterly and northwesterly winds throughout the year and to a lesser degree by southwesterlies. Elevated NO 2 concentrations (higher than 50×10 15 molec/cm 2 ) occurred in three meteorological situations: convergent wind fields (5 days), northeasterly winds (2 days), and calm days (1 day) in January. Although the local anthropogenic NO x emission strength was not so high as that in other developed areas, the calms and frequent occurrence of convergent wind fields, as well as unfavorable terrains for diffusion, resulted in the accumulation of atmospheric pollutants and hence heavy NO x pollution. Furthermore, long-distance NO x transportation from the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region to the ESTM area could be seen when the wind was from a northeasterly direction, especially under high wind speeds.  相似文献   

In situ Re-Os isotopes of sulfides in peridotitic xenoliths from Cenozoic Hannuoba basalts were analyzed by LAM-MC-ICPMS. The suifides developed two types of occurrences including silicate-enclosed and interstitial. In the enclosed sulfides, 187Os/188Os vary from 0.1124 to 0.1362 and 187Re/188Os from 0.0026 to 1.8027. In the interstitial ones, 187Os/188Os have a range from 0.1174 to 0.1354 and 187Re/188Os from 0.0365 to 1.4469. The oldest age, calculated by TRD for the enclosed sulfides, is 2.1 Ga. An isochron age of 2.3±1.2 Ga is obtained by five grains of enclosed sulfides and primitive mantle. The sulfides used have lower Re-Os isotopic ratio than primitive mantle. Meanwhile, an isochron age of 645±225 Ma is given by all in- terstitial sulfides and the enclosed sulfides with higher Re-Os isotopic ratio due to Re addition after man- tle formation. In addition, the model age of 1.3 Ga recorded by one interstitial sulfide, having similar TDM and TRD, should be meaningful to deep thermal event. The coexistence of different ages, revealed by in situ Re-Os isotope, indicates frequently-occurring mantle events beneath Hannuoba area.  相似文献   

民国时期《水浒传》续书的创作者从不同层面对原著进行了加工和再创造,他们采用基本相同的水浒人物和水浒题材,创作了多部不同风格不同特色的《水浒传》续书。这些续书主题呈现多元化倾向,究其原因,其一是有争议的《水浒传》主题思想,其二是深刻的时代烙印,其三是鲜明的主体精神。  相似文献   

Mesozoic (125 Ma) Fangcheng basalts fromShandong Province contain clearly zoned olivines that arerare in terrestrial samples and provide first evidence for thereplacement of lithospheric mantle from high-Mg peridotitesto Iow-Mg peridotites through peridotite-melt reaction.Zoned olivines have compositions in the core (Mg# = 87.2--90.7) similar to those olivines from the mantle peridotiticxenoliths entrained in Cenozoic basalts from the NorthChina craton and in the rim (Mg# = 76.8--83.9) close to oli-vine phenocrysts of the host basalts (75.7--79.0). Thesecompositional features as well as rounded crystal shapes andsmaller grain sizes (300—800 μm) demonstrate that thesezoned olivines are mantle xenocrysts, i.e. disaggregates ofmantle peridotites. Their core compositions can representthose of olivines of mantle peridotites. The zoned texture ofolivines was formed through rapid reaction between the oli-vine xenocryst and the host basalt. This olivine-basaltic meltreaction could have been ubiquitous in the Mesozoic litho-spheric mantle beneath the North China craton, i.e. an im-portant type of the replacement of lithospheric mantle. Thereaction resulted in the transformation of the Paleozoic re-fractory (high-Mg) peridotites to the late Mesozoic fertile(Iow-Mg) and radiogenic isotope-enriched peridotites, lead-ing to the loss of old lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

Zircom U-Pb age and Hf isotope analyses were made on gneissic granite and garnet-mica two-feldspar gneiss from the Helanshan Group in the Bayan Ul-Helan Mountains area, the western block of the North China Craton (NCC). Zircons from the gneissic granite commonly show core-mantle-rim structures, with magmatic core, metamorphic mantle and rim having ages of 2323±20 Ma, 1923±28 Ma and 1856±12 Ma, respectively. The core, mantle and rim show similar Hf isotope compositions, with single-stage depleted mantle model ages (TDM1) of 2455 to 2655 Ma (19 analyses). Most of the detrital zircons from the garnet-mica two-feldspar paragneiss have a concentrated U-Pb age distribution, with a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 1978±17 Ma. A few detrital zircons are older (2871 to 2469 Ma). The age for metamorphic overgrown rim was not determined because of strong Pb loss due to their high U content. The zircons show large variation in Hf isotope composition, with TDM1 ages of 1999 to 3047 Ma. In com- bination with previous studies, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) protolith of the khondalite se- ries in the Helanshan Group formed during Palaeoproterozoic rather than the Archaean as previously considered; (2) The results lend support to the contention that there is a huge Palaeoproterozoic Khondalite (metasedimentary) Belt between the Yinshan Mountains Block and the Ordos Block in the Western Block of NCC; (3) The widely-distributed bodies of early Palaeoproterozoic orthogneisses in the Khondalite Belt might be one of the important sources for detritus material in the khondalite series; (4) Collision between the Yinshan Block, the Ordos Block and the Eastern Block occurred in the same tectonothermal event of late Palaeoproterozoic, resulting in the final assembly of the NCC.  相似文献   

Zircon U-Pb dating indicates that the fuchsite quartzite in eastern Hebei Province was derived from weathering and erosion of the 3.6-3.8 Ga granitic rocks. In-situ zircon Hf analyses show that the Lu-Hf isotopic system remained closed during later thermal disturbances. Zircons with concordant ages have Hf isotopic model ages of about 3.8 Ga, suggesting a recycling of this ancient crust. The -3.8 Ga zircons have similar Hf isotopic compositions to those of chondrite, indicating that their source rocks (granitic rocks) were derived from partial melting of the juvenile crust which originated from a mantle without significant crust-mantle differentiation. Therefore, it is proposed that there was no large-scale crustal growth before -3.8 Ga in eastern Hebei Province. Considering zircon Hf isotopic data from other areas, it is concluded that the most ancient crust in the North China Craton probably formed at about 4.0 Ga, and the possibility to find crust older than 4.0 Ga is very limited.  相似文献   

Occurrence of Cretaceous basalts in Fuxin County, Liaoning Province provides us an opportunity to understand Mesozoic mantle processes beneath the northern margin of the North China Craton (NNCC). Fuxin Jianguo basalts occur as volcanic channel phases with well-developed columnar jointings and contain few spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite xenoliths. They are poor in silica and rich in alkalis, Ti and Al, belonging to alkaline basalts. In trace element compositions, Jianguo basalts are moderately enriched in LREE and LILE, but not depleted in HFSE. They have low Sr and high Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. These geochemical characteristics suggest that Jianguo basalts originated from the depleted asthenosphere, representing an undifferentiated and uncontaminated primitive magma. Presence of these basalts indicates that the lithosphere beneath the region had thickness less than 65 km at the time of basalt eruption and was mainly composed of fertile pargasite-bearing spinel Iherzolite and plagioclase pyroxenite. The voluminous basaltic-andesitic magmatism during the early Jurassic-late Cretaceous time indicates that the commencement and accomplishment of lithosphere thinning in the NNCC was much earlier than that in the southern margin, since the mafic-intermediate volcanism only occurred at the Cretaceous time in the southern margin and the basalts with an asthenosphere isotopic signature at the Tertiary. This shows that highly spatial and temporal heterogeneity existed in the Mesozoic lithosphere evolution.  相似文献   

A trondhjemitic body occurs in the Aoyougou area,the western part of the North Qilian orogen.It is geochemically characterized by high SiO 2,Na 2 O (high Na/K),elevated Sr/Y and (La/Yb) N,positive Sr anomaly,relatively enriched large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) and light rare earth elements (LREEs),and depleted Nb,Ta,Ti,resembling the high-silica adakite.Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating yields a weighted mean age of 438±3 Ma.This age is significantly younger than eclogitization ages of 460-490 Ma in the North Qilian orogen,suggesting that formation of the adakite postdates the subduction of oceanic crust in association with closure of the ancient Qilian Ocean.Whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopic analyses give initial ratios of I Sr =0.7044 0.7047 and Nd (t)=3.0 4.1,indicating that they are derived from partial melting of the juvenile oceanic crust.In view of the tectonic evolution of the North Qilian orogen,the high-silica adakite was probably derived from decompression melting of the exhumed eclogite at the depth of ~60 km.  相似文献   

Eclogite pebbles are first discovered in late Jurassic conglomerates of the Fenghuangtai Formation from the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains, eastern China. The eclogite shows relatively strong retrograde metamor- phism. The major remnant minerals are garnet, phengite, quartz, rutile, clinozoisite, fingerprint(or worm)-form sym- plectite and pseudomorphic enclosure of coesite in garnet. End-member components of the garnet mainly made up of grossular (27.7%-37.8%), almandinc (45.5%-49.0%) and pyrope (12.3%-25.7%). End-member components of the pyrope is less than 30%, i.e. equivalent to C type eclogite. Si-cations of the phengite are 3.44-3.54 p.f.u. (taking O=11 as standard). It is estimated that the pressures are 2.5-3.2 GPa, the temperatures are 600-900℃. Discovery of the eclogite pebbles in the late Jurassic conglomerates from the northern foot of the Dabie Mountains suggests that the HP-UHP metamorphic rocks of the Dabie Mountains, which were formed in Triassic, had been exposed to the surface in the late Jurassic or before it by exhumation.  相似文献   

We report new 40Ar/39Ar dating results obtained from total fusion and incremental-heating analyses of sanidine and biotite from three tuffs found interbedded within the fossil-bearing deposits of Liaoning, northeast China. The first is a new sample of the Bed 6 Sihetun tuff from the Yixian Formation, previously dated by our team as middle Early Cretaceous, and recently considered by Lo et al., partially reset due to metamorphism from a nearby basaltic sill. The second is the Yixian Bed 9 tuff from Hengdaozi considered by Lo et al. to be unaffected by metamorphism and whose age, based on total fusion 40Ar/39Ar dating of biotite, argues for a Jurassic age for the Yixian Formation. The third tuff is a previously undated tuff from the upper part of the underlying Tuchengzi Formation. Single crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Sihetun sanidine showed homogeneous radiogenic Ar, Ca/K ratios, excellent reproducibility and gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.18 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma. Single sanidine crystal total fusion 40Ar/39Ar analyses of the Hengdaozi tuff gave a mean age of 125.0 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.04 (SE) Ma, which is indistinguishable from the Sihetun tuff. The Tuchengzi Formation tuff gave a mean age of 139.4 ± 0.19 (1SD) ± 0.05 (SE) Ma. Detailed laser incremental-heating analyses of biotite from Sihetun, Hengdaozi, and Tuchengzi tuffs show disturbed Ar release patterns and evidence of trapped argon components. We conclude from these analyses that the total fusion dates on biotite by Lo et al. are erroneously old and isotopic dating of both biotite and sanidine from tuffs of the Yixian Formation point to a middle Early Cretaceous age. The upper part of the Tuchengzi Formation can be referred to the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   

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