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The space environments--or magnetospheres--of magnetized planets emit copious quantities of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs) at energies between tens of electron volts to hundreds of kiloelectron volts (keV). These energetic atoms result from charge exchange between magnetically trapped energetic ions and cold neutral atoms, and they carry significant amounts of energy and mass from the magnetospheres. Imaging their distribution allows us to investigate the structure of planetary magnetospheres. Here we report the analysis of 50-80 keV ENA images of Jupiter's magnetosphere, where two distinct emission regions dominate: the upper atmosphere of Jupiter itself, and a torus of emission residing just outside the orbit of Jupiter's satellite Europa. The trans-Europa component shows that, unexpectedly, Europa generates a gas cloud comparable in gas content to that associated with the volcanic moon Io. The quantity of gas found indicates that Europa has a much greater impact than hitherto believed on the structure of, and the energy flow within, Jupiter's magnetosphere. 相似文献
Ultracold atoms trapped by light offer robust quantum coherence and controllability, providing an attractive system for quantum information processing and for the simulation of complex problems in condensed matter physics. Many quantum information processing schemes require the manipulation and deterministic entanglement of individual qubits; this would typically be accomplished using controlled, state-dependent, coherent interactions among qubits. Recent experiments have made progress towards this goal by demonstrating entanglement among an ensemble of atoms confined in an optical lattice. Until now, however, there has been no demonstration of a key operation: controlled entanglement between atoms in isolated pairs. Here we use an optical lattice of double-well potentials to isolate and manipulate arrays of paired (87)Rb atoms, inducing controlled entangling interactions within each pair. Our experiment realizes proposals to use controlled exchange coupling in a system of neutral atoms. Although 87Rb atoms have nearly state-independent interactions, when we force two atoms into the same physical location, the wavefunction exchange symmetry of these identical bosons leads to state-dependent dynamics. We observe repeated interchange of spin between atoms occupying different vibrational levels, with a coherence time of more than ten milliseconds. This observation demonstrates the essential component of a neutral atom quantum SWAP gate (which interchanges the state of two qubits). Its 'half-implementation', the root SWAP gate, is entangling, and together with single-qubit rotations it forms a set of universal gates for quantum computation. 相似文献
Although mutation testing is one of the practical ways of enhancing test effectiveness in software testing, it could be sometimes infeasible in practical work for a large scale software so that the mutation testing becomes time-consuming and even in prohibited time. Therefore, the number of faults assumed to exist in the software under test should be reduced so as to be able to confine the time complexity of test within a reasonable period of time. This paper utilizes the concept of fault dominance and equivalence, which has long been employed in hardware testing, for revealing a novel way of reducing the number of faults assumed to hide in software systems. Once the number of faults assumed in software is decreased sharply, the effectiveness of mutation testing will be greatly enhanced and become a feasible way of software testing. Examples and experimental results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and the helpfulness of the technology proposed in the paper. 相似文献
In this paper,through applying the result of backward stochastic differential equations,it investigates a domination for pricing of the contingent claims by the use of nonlinear infinitesimal generator of process X. This domination provides a guide for valuing the price of the position on the financial market. 相似文献
根据铜坑矿矿坑水的水质特征,选取了复合混凝法对其进行处理,通过单因素及正交试验,研究了混凝剂和助凝剂配比、溶液pH值、搅拌速度和搅拌时间等因素对矿坑水中Zn2+去除效果的影响,确定了各因素的较佳水平.当聚合氯化铝(PAC)/聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为2∶1,协同效应达到最好;pH值为9,搅拌速度为80 r.min-1,搅拌时间为10 min时,处理效果最佳.经实际水样处理试验结果表明:Zn2+去除率达93.9%,出水中Zn2+质量浓度满足国家排放标准要求. 相似文献
《我主沉浮》成功刻画了改革先锋赵安邦、腐败精英钱惠人、资本大鳄白原葳等人物形象。通过对作品的人物描写的具体分析,可以发现《我主沉浮》深刻的现实意义与较高的艺术价值。 相似文献
大截面棒材矫直过程中性层偏移明显,对二辊矫直辊辊型及棒材直线度的影响较大. 依据三点弯曲理论建立了棒材矫直过程中基于压力弹塑性变形的中性层偏移量理论计算模型,结合室温拉伸和弯曲试验,研究了棒材矫直过程中性层偏移规律. 结果表明:反弯半径和棒材力学性能对中性层偏移值的影响显著,反弯半径越小,则中性层偏移量越大;强度较低、塑性较强的材料,中性层偏移量较大. 通过弯曲试验,验证了该模型的可靠性及其适用范围. 相似文献
在稳态膜渗透的基础上提出了一种新的非稳态渗透流程.该流程是一种循环操作过程,每一周期包含加压、抽真空以及排空三个阶段. 实验研究了加压时间、抽真空时间和排空时间对空气分离制氮的产品平均纯度、产率和回收率的影响,并与稳态渗透实验结果进行了比较. 结果表明,随着加压时间的延长,富氮气体的平均纯度、产率以及氮气回收率均会上升;延长抽真空时间可以提高富氮气体平均纯度,但会降低富氮产率和氮气回收率;适当延长排空时间可以提高富氮气体平均纯度、产率和氮气回收率,但排空时间过长将会导致富氮产率和氮气回收率下降. 本文提出的变压渗透过程能够得到比稳态渗透更高的富氮纯度,但富氮产率和回收率要低. 相似文献
Following the realization of Bose-Einstein condensates in atomic gases, an experimental challenge is the production of molecular gases in the quantum regime. A promising approach is to create the molecular gas directly from an ultracold atomic gas; for example, bosonic atoms in a Bose-Einstein condensate have been coupled to electronic ground-state molecules through photoassociation or a magnetic field Feshbach resonance. The availability of atomic Fermi gases offers the prospect of coupling fermionic atoms to bosonic molecules, thus altering the quantum statistics of the system. Such a coupling would be closely related to the pairing mechanism in a fermionic superfluid, predicted to occur near a Feshbach resonance. Here we report the creation and quantitative characterization of ultracold 40K2 molecules. Starting with a quantum degenerate Fermi gas of atoms at a temperature of less than 150 nK, we scan the system over a Feshbach resonance to create adiabatically more than 250,000 trapped molecules; these can be converted back to atoms by reversing the scan. The small binding energy of the molecules is controlled by detuning the magnetic field away from the Feshbach resonance, and can be varied over a wide range. We directly detect these weakly bound molecules through their radio-frequency photodissociation spectra; these probe the molecular wavefunction, and yield binding energies that are consistent with theory. 相似文献
长脉冲高参数稳态运行是EAST的主要科学目标,因此大功率的辅助加热手段是必需的。文章基于EAST实验等离子体放电数据,针对EAST不同的中性束物理实验的需要,在不同的背景等离子体和中性束参数下模拟研究中性束注入的加热和电流驱动效果,包括不同的中性束注入功率和束能量等,模拟预测结果对开展EAST中性束注入实验研究具有参考意义。 相似文献
研究了氧化石墨烯(GO)对水溶液中染料中性红的吸附性能.考察了GO浓度、吸附时间等因素对吸附效果的影响,探究了动力学及热力学吸附规律.结果表明,GO对中性红具有显著、快速的去除能力,最大饱和吸附量可达到约900 mg/g,该吸附过程可用准二级吸附速率方程进行描述.不同温度下的热力学参数研究表明GO对中性红的吸附过程符合Langmuir等温吸附方程式,是一个自发、放热、熵增的过程. 相似文献
Hardness of materials: studies at levels from atoms to crystals 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Based on the electron-holding energy per unit volume, we extend the concept of hardness to atomic stiffness, ionic stiffness
and bond hardness, investigating the nature of material hardness at these three levels. We find that the stiffness of isolated
atoms or ions has no direct connection with the hardness of materials, whereas material hardness is directly related to bond
hardness, which is essentially determined by the electron-holding energy of its constituent chemical bonds per unit volume.
We establish a model for identifying the hardness of materials on the basis of bond hardness. This work offers a deeper understanding
of the nature of material hardness at the atomic level, and provides a practical guide in the search for new superhard materials.
Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 20471012), Program for New Century Excellent Talents
in University (Grant No. NCET-05-0278) and Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China
(Grant No. 200322) 相似文献
研究了用正己烷-环己醇、异辛烷-正己醇作萃取溶剂,铬天青S作萃取剂,加入N-氯代十六烷基吡啶、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵等阳离子表面活性剂,在HNO3和HCl介质中Fe(Ⅱ),La(Ⅱ),Cu(Ⅱ)和Pd(Ⅱ)等金属离子的反相微胶团萃取行为。讨论了不同浓度的电解质溶液和酸溶液对有机相中金属离子进行反萃取的影响,实现了Fe(Ⅲ)-Cu(Ⅱ),La(Ⅲ)-Cu(Ⅱ)等金属离子间的定量萃取分离。 相似文献
Scanning probe microscopy is a versatile and powerful method that uses sharp tips to image, measure and manipulate matter at surfaces with atomic resolution. At cryogenic temperatures, scanning probe microscopy can even provide electron tunnelling spectra that serve as fingerprints of the vibrational properties of adsorbed molecules and of the electronic properties of magnetic impurity atoms, thereby allowing chemical identification. But in many instances, and particularly for insulating systems, determining the exact chemical composition of surfaces or nanostructures remains a considerable challenge. In principle, dynamic force microscopy should make it possible to overcome this problem: it can image insulator, semiconductor and metal surfaces with true atomic resolution, by detecting and precisely measuring the short-range forces that arise with the onset of chemical bonding between the tip and surface atoms and that depend sensitively on the chemical identity of the atoms involved. Here we report precise measurements of such short-range chemical forces, and show that their dependence on the force microscope tip used can be overcome through a normalization procedure. This allows us to use the chemical force measurements as the basis for atomic recognition, even at room temperature. We illustrate the performance of this approach by imaging the surface of a particularly challenging alloy system and successfully identifying the three constituent atomic species silicon, tin and lead, even though these exhibit very similar chemical properties and identical surface position preferences that render any discrimination attempt based on topographic measurements impossible. 相似文献
The correlations of ions density with geomagnetic activity and solar dynamic pressure in cusp region
Guo Jianguang 《科学通报(英文版)》2007,52(7):967-971
A statistical study of the properties of ions (O , He and H ) measured by the Cluster-II in cusp region as a function of the solar wind dynamic pressure and geomagnetic index Kp respectively was made dur-ing the summer and fall of 2001-2003. The main results are that: (1) O ion density responds in a sig-nificant way to geomagnetic index Kp, and He ion density is not correlated with geomagnetic index Kp, both of them have a significant positive correlation with solar wind dynamic pressure; (2) H ion density is also observed to increase with solar wind dynamic pressure, and not correlated with geomagnetic index Kp. 相似文献
Zou Yu-hua Xu Ji-sheng School of Electronic Information Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei China 《武汉大学学报:自然科学英文版》2003,8(4):1116-1120
~~Inversion of Ionospheric Electron Density from GPS Beacon Observations~~SupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(499840 0 1 ) 相似文献
酶法水解棉籽蛋白的制备与应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以脱酚后的棉籽粉为原料 ,研究了酶解法制备可溶性棉籽水解蛋白的生产工艺。对其影响因素和产品的实际应用作了探讨。结果表明 ,利用中性蛋白酶AS1.398水解棉籽粉 ,产品得率可达 28.8%,蛋白质量分数为63.28%。棉籽水解蛋白可作为菌体发酵氮源。 相似文献