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Tsinghua Vice President Xie Weihe visited Ecole Polytechnique recently and signed a Memorandum of Under-standing between the two institutions. Ecole Polytechnique, established in 1794, plays an important role in France and enjoys world-wide prestige. Its…  相似文献   

A Memorandum of Understanding was recently signed between Tsinghua and Imperial College London, during the visit of Imperial College London Deputy Rector Sir Leszek Borysiewicz.  相似文献   

Tsinghua University and the University of Waterloo signed their first Memorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation on June 17, 2005. As one of Canada’s leading research universities, the University of Waterloo was ranked most innovative among 47 universities in Canada in 2004, according to the national magazine Maclean’s. Its School of Computer Science has been ranked first across Canada and is famous in the world. This MOU will provide a platform for the ex…  相似文献   

Tsinghua University and Chung-Ang University renewed their Agreement of Cooperation and signed a Memorandum of Agreement for student exchange on November 23,2008 when Chung-Ang University's President Park Bum Hoon and Vice President Hong Won Pyo visited the Tsinghua campus.  相似文献   

The 2001 Science and Technology Rewarded Meeting was held in the Main Building recently. In the meeting, Gong Ke,the vice president of Tsinghua,reviewed the scientific research in 2001.Wen Shizhu, academician of the PrecisionInstruments Department,Wu Zongxin,professor of the Nuclear Energy Research Institute, Liu Guanzhong, professor of  相似文献   

The Laboratory of Bioinformatics,which is the newest key lab of the Ministry of Education(MOE) thatoperates out of Tsinghua University,was formally opened at the Life Science Building in June 2 7.  Attending the opening ceremony were heads of the MOE,the Ministry of Science and Technology,andthe National Natural Science Foundation,Gong Ke,vice presidentof Tsinghua University,Chi Huisheng,vice president of Peking University,and academicians and experts of many related fields.Teache…  相似文献   

简要介绍清华大学天文学科发展的历史以及清华大学天体物理中心目前的研究方向及主要的成绩.这些研究主要包括:卫星载带硬X射线调制望远镜的研究,高能天体物理的研究,光学波段的天文观测与研究,宇宙学的研究,引力波观测数据的分析与处理以及理论天体物理的研究.  相似文献   

The 2007 AACSB International World Class Practices in Management Education Conference was held in Tsinghua University from May 20-22, 2007. A total of 150 professionals in management education around the world attended  相似文献   

技术史作为科学技术史的主要分支学科,像数学史、天文学史和医学史等学科一样,有着自身的发展与建制化的历程。在欧洲,19世纪就出现了一些技术史的专著,特别是机械技术史的著作较多,技术史逐渐成为专门的学问。到了20世纪初期,技术史发展成为一门独立的学科。1909年《技术史》期刊在德国创刊,1920年英国的“纽可门工程与技术史学会”创办了它的技术史杂志。技术史的现代研究在中国起步稍晚,20世纪初期开始有中国学者涉足这一领域,二三十年代中国学者开始分门别类地整理、发掘中国古代技术的资料,逐渐形成了某些技术史的专门研究领域。在我国…  相似文献   

本文首先回顾了清华大学物理系的凝聚态物理学科的发展历程,然后简短介绍了目前学科点的主要研究方向.最后,着重讨论了最近十年中凝聚态物理学科老师在纳米物理、表面物理、超导材料及应用、理论和计算凝聚态物理等几个方面取得的研究进展.  相似文献   

Dr. Craig Mello, the Nobel Prize Winner of 2006 in Physiology or Medicine, delivered a speech entitled "Return to The RNA World:Rethinking Gene Expression, Evolution  相似文献   

介绍清华物理系粒子物理研究与教学的历史、主要的研究成果及目前和未来的研究发展方向.科研成果包括5个方面:非阿贝尔规范理论中的螺旋振幅方法;重夸克偶素;超出标准模型的新物理;中微子和低能强子有效理论.  相似文献   

The President of the California Institute of Technology Professor Jean-Lou Chameau and the Chancellor of the University of  相似文献   

清华大学信息系统实现方案研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前中国大学校园网的发展不平衡 ,存在 3种信息系统的模式。清华大学校园网建成以后 ,要在校园网上建设一个全校范围的、开放的、分布的、多媒体的信息系统。论文介绍了在清华大学信息系统规划设计中采用的几种技术方案 ,用互联网技术 ( WWW)解决校内外用户的信息查询 ,用Notes技术为办公人员提供办公环境 ,用数据库技术开发行政管理信息系统。在体系结构方面 ,采取了 Browser/ Web-Server,Browser/ Web Server/ RDBMS和 Client/ Server三种体系结构。利用这些技术开发了几个重要的应用系统 ,并在校园网上运行成功。  相似文献   

Tsinghua University was chosen as the 53rd member of PIM (Partnership in International Management) at the 32nd Annual Conference of PIM, held in Prague on Nov. 12, 2005. Professor Zhao Chunjun, former Dean of the School of Economics and Management, Dr. Qi…  相似文献   

从清华大学档案馆相关历史卷中,查到了中国航天之父--钱学森从1934年被清华大学选派为留美学生前后,与清华大学校方联系的若干亲笔信件,以及回国后在清华大学创办工程力学研究班和自动化进修班,为新中国培养了第一批工程力学和自动化专业人才,为尔后的航天事业的发展准备了师资力量等诸多历史史实,说明钱学森与清华大学之情缘.  相似文献   

A Symposium on Cell Signaling in Cancer, Development and Stem Cells was held at Tsinghua on June 13-16, 2007. The symposium was co-organized by China’s State Key Lab of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology, the  相似文献   

1932年,清华大学增设电机、机械两系,加上原有的土木系,一并组成工学院。一批海外留学归来的工科博士、硕士组成了最初的教授阵容,他们把致力于学术的理念融入到工学院初创时期的学科建设、研究活动以及学术共同体的组建等各方面。通过对清华大学工学院初创时期各方面史料的考察,可以看到:与以往那些依附于行业发展的工科教育相比,清华大学工学院进行的工科教育在继续技术的实用性价值的同时,带有了学术化的特征,由此近代工程技术向中国的移植和发展进入了一个新的阶段。  相似文献   

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