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Fibronectins (FNs) are major extracellular proteins in blood plasma and many tissues of vertebrates, and play important roles in adhesion, migration and differentiation of cells. We have identified a novel variant (FN3) of fibronectin in zebrafish. FN3 mRNA is abundant, as detected by whole-mount in situ hybridization, in the presomitic mesoderm and the newly formed somites, but less abundant in mature somites. Ectopic expression of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) results in a decrease of FN3 expression, whereas the expression level of FN3 increases in the flh mutants that lack the notochord. Our results suggest that FN3 may be involved in the formation of somites, but during somite differentiation its expression needs to be downregulated by signals derived from the axial tissues.  相似文献   

Oleylethanolamide (OEA) is a natural analogue of the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide. Like anandamide, OEA is produced in cells in a stimulus-dependent manner and is rapidly eliminated by enzymatic hydrolysis, suggesting a function in cellular signalling. However, OEA does not activate cannabinoid receptors and its biological functions are still unknown. Here we show that, in rats, food deprivation markedly reduces OEA biosynthesis in the small intestine. Administration of OEA causes a potent and persistent decrease in food intake and gain in body mass. This anorexic effect is behaviourally selective and is associated with the discrete activation of brain regions (the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and the nucleus of the solitary tract) involved in the control of satiety. OEA does not affect food intake when injected into the brain ventricles, and its anorexic actions are prevented when peripheral sensory fibres are removed by treatment with capsaicin. These results indicate that OEA is a lipid mediator involved in the peripheral regulation of feeding.  相似文献   

Stem cell division is regulated by the microRNA pathway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the key characteristics of stem cells is their capacity to divide for long periods of time in an environment where most of the cells are quiescent. Therefore, a critical question in stem cell biology is how stem cells escape cell division stop signals. Here, we report the necessity of the microRNA (miRNA) pathway for proper control of germline stem cell (GSC) division in Drosophila melanogaster. Analysis of GSCs mutant for dicer-1 (dcr-1), the double-stranded RNaseIII essential for miRNA biogenesis, revealed a marked reduction in the rate of germline cyst production. These dcr-1 mutant GSCs exhibit normal identity but are defective in cell cycle control. On the basis of cell cycle markers and genetic interactions, we conclude that dcr-1 mutant GSCs are delayed in the G1 to S transition, which is dependent on the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor Dacapo, suggesting that miRNAs are required for stem cells to bypass the normal G1/S checkpoint. Hence, the miRNA pathway might be part of a mechanism that makes stem cells insensitive to environmental signals that normally stop the cell cycle at the G1/S transition.  相似文献   

Joiner WJ  Crocker A  White BH  Sehgal A 《Nature》2006,441(7094):757-760
Sleep is one of the few major whole-organ phenomena for which no function and no underlying mechanism have been conclusively demonstrated. Sleep could result from global changes in the brain during wakefulness or it could be regulated by specific loci that recruit the rest of the brain into the electrical and metabolic states characteristic of sleep. Here we address this issue by exploiting the genetic tractability of the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster, which exhibits the hallmarks of vertebrate sleep. We show that large changes in sleep are achieved by spatial and temporal enhancement of cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity specifically in the adult mushroom bodies of Drosophila. Other manipulations of the mushroom bodies, such as electrical silencing, increasing excitation or ablation, also alter sleep. These results link sleep regulation to an anatomical locus known to be involved in learning and memory.  相似文献   

p53 is regulated by the lysine demethylase LSD1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The spindle checkpoint prevents chromosome mis-segregation by delaying sister chromatid separation until all chromosomes have achieved bipolar attachment to the mitotic spindle. Its operation is essential for accurate chromosome segregation, whereas its dysregulation can contribute to birth defects and tumorigenesis. The target of the spindle checkpoint is the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), a ubiquitin ligase that promotes sister chromatid separation and progression to anaphase. Using a short hairpin RNA screen targeting components of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in human cells, we identified the deubiquitinating enzyme USP44 (ubiquitin-specific protease 44) as a critical regulator of the spindle checkpoint. USP44 is not required for the initial recognition of unattached kinetochores and the subsequent recruitment of checkpoint components. Instead, it prevents the premature activation of the APC by stabilizing the APC-inhibitory Mad2-Cdc20 complex. USP44 deubiquitinates the APC coactivator Cdc20 both in vitro and in vivo, and thereby directly counteracts the APC-driven disassembly of Mad2-Cdc20 complexes (discussed in an accompanying paper). Our findings suggest that a dynamic balance of ubiquitination by the APC and deubiquitination by USP44 contributes to the generation of the switch-like transition controlling anaphase entry, analogous to the way that phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of Cdk1 by Wee1 and Cdc25 controls entry into mitosis.  相似文献   

Chan RC  Chan A  Jeon M  Wu TF  Pasqualone D  Rougvie AE  Meyer BJ 《Nature》2003,423(6943):1002-1009
Faithful transmission of the genome requires that a protein complex called cohesin establishes and maintains the regulated linkage between replicated chromosomes before their segregation. Here we report the unforeseen participation of Caenorhabditis elegans TIM-1, a paralogue of the Drosophila clock protein TIMELESS, in the regulation of chromosome cohesion. Our biochemical experiments defined the C. elegans cohesin complex and revealed its physical association with TIM-1. Functional relevance of the interaction was demonstrated by aberrant mitotic chromosome behaviour, embryonic lethality and defective meiotic chromosome cohesion caused by the disruption of either TIM-1 or cohesin. TIM-1 depletion prevented the assembly of non-SMC (structural maintenance of chromosome) cohesin subunits onto meiotic chromosomes; however, unexpectedly, a partial cohesin complex composed of SMC components still loaded. Further disruption of cohesin activity in meiosis by the simultaneous depletion of TIM-1 and an SMC subunit decreased homologous chromosome pairing before synapsis, revealing a new role for cohesin in metazoans. On the basis of comparisons between TIMELESS homologues in worms, flies and mice, we propose that chromosome cohesion, rather than circadian clock regulation, is the ancient and conserved function for TIMELESS-like proteins.  相似文献   

Basu U  Chaudhuri J  Alpert C  Dutt S  Ranganath S  Li G  Schrum JP  Manis JP  Alt FW 《Nature》2005,438(7067):508-511
Antibodies, which are produced by B-lineage cells, consist of immunoglobulin heavy (IgH) and light (IgL) chains that have amino-terminal variable regions and carboxy-terminal constant regions. In response to antigens, B cells undergo two types of genomic alterations to increase antibody diversity. Affinity for antigen can be increased by introduction of point mutations into IgH and IgL variable regions by somatic hypermutation. In addition, antibody effector functions can be altered by changing the expressed IgH constant region exons through IgH class switch recombination (CSR). Somatic hypermutation and CSR both require the B-cell-specific activation-induced cytidine deaminase protein (AID), which initiates these reactions through its single-stranded (ss)DNA-specific cytidine deaminase activity. In biochemical assays, replication protein A (RPA), a ssDNA-binding protein, associates with phosphorylated AID from activated B cells and enhances AID activity on transcribed double-stranded (ds)DNA containing somatic hypermutation or CSR target sequences. This AID-RPA association, which requires phosphorylation, may provide a mechanism for allowing AID to access dsDNA targets in activated B cells. Here we show that AID from B cells is phosphorylated on a consensus protein kinase A (PKA) site and that PKA is the physiological AID kinase. Thus, AID from non-lymphoid cells can be functionally phosphorylated by recombinant PKA to allow interaction with RPA and promote deamination of transcribed dsDNA substrates. Moreover, mutation of the major PKA phosphorylation site of AID preserves ssDNA deamination activity, but markedly reduces RPA-dependent dsDNA deamination activity and severely impairs the ability of AID to effect CSR in vivo. We conclude that PKA has a critical role in post-translational regulation of AID activity in B cells.  相似文献   

Microtubules have pivotal roles in fundamental cellular processes and are targets of antitubulin chemotherapeutics. Microtubule-targeted agents such as Taxol and vincristine are prescribed widely for various malignancies, including ovarian and breast adenocarcinomas, non-small-cell lung cancer, leukaemias and lymphomas. These agents arrest cells in mitosis and subsequently induce cell death through poorly defined mechanisms. The strategies that resistant tumour cells use to evade death induced by antitubulin agents are also unclear. Here we show that the pro-survival protein MCL1 (ref. 3) is a crucial regulator of apoptosis triggered by antitubulin chemotherapeutics. During mitotic arrest, MCL1 protein levels decline markedly, through a post-translational mechanism, potentiating cell death. Phosphorylation of MCL1 directs its interaction with the tumour-suppressor protein FBW7, which is the substrate-binding component of a ubiquitin ligase complex. The polyubiquitylation of MCL1 then targets it for proteasomal degradation. The degradation of MCL1 was blocked in patient-derived tumour cells that lacked FBW7 or had loss-of-function mutations in FBW7, conferring resistance to antitubulin agents and promoting chemotherapeutic-induced polyploidy. Additionally, primary tumour samples were enriched for FBW7 inactivation and elevated MCL1 levels, underscoring the prominent roles of these proteins in oncogenesis. Our findings suggest that profiling the FBW7 and MCL1 status of tumours, in terms of protein levels, messenger RNA levels and genetic status, could be useful to predict the response of patients to antitubulin chemotherapeutics.  相似文献   

Shin JS  Ebersold M  Pypaert M  Delamarre L  Hartley A  Mellman I 《Nature》2006,444(7115):115-118
Dendritic cells have a unique function in the immune response owing to their ability to stimulate immunologically naive T lymphocytes. In response to microbial and inflammatory stimuli, dendritic cells enhance their capacity for antigen presentation by a process of terminal differentiation, termed maturation. The conversion of immature to mature dendritic cells is accompanied by a marked cellular reorganization, including the redistribution of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHC II) from late endosomal and lysosomal compartments to the plasma membrane and the downregulation of some forms of endocytosis, which has been thought to slow the clearance of MHC II from the surface. The relative extent to which these or other mechanisms contribute to the regulation of surface MHC II remains unclear, however. Here we find that the MHC II beta-chain cytoplasmic tail is ubiquitinated in mouse immature dendritic cells. Although only partly required for the sequestration of MHC II in multivesicular bodies, this modification is essential for endocytosis. Notably, ubiquitination of MHC II ceased upon maturation, resulting in the accumulation of MHC II at the cell surface. Dendritic cells thus exhibit a unique ability to regulate MHC II surface expression by selectively controlling MHC II ubiquitination.  相似文献   

R Finkelstein  N Perrimon 《Nature》1990,346(6283):485-488
In the Drosophila embryo, cell fate along the anterior-posterior axis is determined by maternally expressed genes. The activity of the bicoid (bcd) gene is required for the development of larval head and thoracic structures, and that of maternal torso (tor) for the development of the unsegmented region of the head (acron). In contrast to the case of thoracic and abdominal segmentation, the hierarchy of zygotically expressed genes controlling head development has not been clearly defined. The bcd protein, which is expressed in a gradient, activates zygotic expression of the gap gene hunchback (hb), but hb alone is not sufficient to specify head development. Driever et al. proposed that at least one other bcd-activated gene controls the development of head regions anterior to the hb domain. We report here that the homeobox gene orthodenticle (otd), which is involved in head development, could be such a gene. We also show that otd expression responds to the activity of the maternal tor gene at the anterior pole of the embryo.  相似文献   

Rajagopal A  Rao AU  Amigo J  Tian M  Upadhyay SK  Hall C  Uhm S  Mathew MK  Fleming MD  Paw BH  Krause M  Hamza I 《Nature》2008,453(7198):1127-1131
Haems are metalloporphyrins that serve as prosthetic groups for various biological processes including respiration, gas sensing, xenobiotic detoxification, cell differentiation, circadian clock control, metabolic reprogramming and microRNA processing. With a few exceptions, haem is synthesized by a multistep biosynthetic pathway comprising defined intermediates that are highly conserved throughout evolution. Despite our extensive knowledge of haem biosynthesis and degradation, the cellular pathways and molecules that mediate intracellular haem trafficking are unknown. The experimental setback in identifying haem trafficking pathways has been the inability to dissociate the highly regulated cellular synthesis and degradation of haem from intracellular trafficking events. Caenorhabditis elegans and related helminths are natural haem auxotrophs that acquire environmental haem for incorporation into haemoproteins, which have vertebrate orthologues. Here we show, by exploiting this auxotrophy to identify HRG-1 proteins in C. elegans, that these proteins are essential for haem homeostasis and normal development in worms and vertebrates. Depletion of hrg-1, or its paralogue hrg-4, in worms results in the disruption of organismal haem sensing and an abnormal response to haem analogues. HRG-1 and HRG-4 are previously unknown transmembrane proteins, which reside in distinct intracellular compartments. Transient knockdown of hrg-1 in zebrafish leads to hydrocephalus, yolk tube malformations and, most strikingly, profound defects in erythropoiesis-phenotypes that are fully rescued by worm HRG-1. Human and worm proteins localize together, and bind and transport haem, thus establishing an evolutionarily conserved function for HRG-1. These findings reveal conserved pathways for cellular haem trafficking in animals that define the model for eukaryotic haem transport. Thus, uncovering the mechanisms of haem transport in C. elegans may provide insights into human disorders of haem metabolism and reveal new drug targets for developing anthelminthics to combat worm infestations.  相似文献   

J H Hartwig  M Thelen  A Rosen  P A Janmey  A C Nairn  A Aderem 《Nature》1992,356(6370):618-622
AGONISTS that stimulate protein kinase C (PKC) induce profound changes in cell morphology correlating with the reorganization of submembranous actin, but no direct connection between PKC and actin assembly has been identified. The myristoylated, alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) binds calmodulin and is a predominant, specific substrate of PKC which is phosphorylated during macrophage and neutrophil activation , growth factor-dependent mitogenesis and neurosecretion; it is redistributed from plasma membrane to cytoplasm when phosphorylated and is involved in leukocyte motility. Here we report that MARCKS is a filamentous (F) actin crosslinking protein, with activity that is inhibited by PKC-mediated phosphorylation and by binding to calcium-calmodulin. MARCKS may be a regulated crossbridge between actin and the plasma membrane, and modulation of the actin crosslinking activity of the MARCKS protein by calmodulin and phosphorylation represents a potential convergence of the calcium-calmodulin and PKC signal transduction pathways in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Z M Yuan  H Shioya  T Ishiko  X Sun  J Gu  Y Y Huang  H Lu  S Kharbanda  R Weichselbaum  D Kufe 《Nature》1999,399(6738):814-817
The protein p73 is a structural and functional homologue of the p53 tumour-suppressor protein but, unlike p53, it is not induced in response to DNA damage. The tyrosine kinase c-Abl is activated by certain DNA-damaging agents and contributes to the induction of programmed cell death (apoptosis) by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. Here we show that c-Abl binds to p73 in cells, interacting through its SH3 domain with the carboxy-terminal homo-oligomerization domain of p73. c-Abl phosphorylates p73 on a tyrosine residue at position 99 both in vitro and in cells that have been exposed to ionizing radiation. Our results show that c-Abl stimulates p73-mediated transactivation and apoptosis. This regulation of p73 by c-Abl in response to DNA damage is also demonstrated by a failure of ionizing-radiation-induced apoptosis after disruption of the c-Abl-p73 interaction. These findings show that p73 is regulated by a c-Abl-dependent mechanism and that p73 participates in the apoptotic response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Reciprocal regulation of CD4/CD8 expression by SWI/SNF-like BAF complexes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Chi TH  Wan M  Zhao K  Taniuchi I  Chen L  Littman DR  Crabtree GR 《Nature》2002,418(6894):195-199
Thymic development produces two sub-lineages of T cells expressing either CD4 or CD8 co-receptors that assist antibody production and mediate cell killing, respectively. The mechanisms for mutually exclusive co-receptor expression remain poorly defined. We find that mutations in the high mobility group (HMG) domain of BAF57--a DNA-binding subunit of the mammalian SWI/SNF-like chromatin-remodelling BAF complexes--or in the BAF complex ATPase subunit Brg, impair both CD4 silencing and CD8 activation. Brg is haploinsufficient for CD8 activation, but not for CD4 silencing, whereas BAF57 mutations preferentially impair CD4 silencing, pointing to target- and subunit-specific mechanisms of chromatin remodelling. BAF complexes directly bind the CD4 silencer, but the BAF57 HMG domain is dispensable for tethering BAF complexes to the CD4 silencer or other chromatin loci in vivo, or for remodelling reconstituted templates in vitro, suggesting that chromatin remodelling in vivo requires HMG-dependent DNA bending. These results indicate that BAF complexes contribute to lineage bifurcation by reciprocally regulating lineage-specific genes, reminiscent of the role of the yeast SWI/SNF complex in mediating mating-type switching.  相似文献   

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