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Two different illites in Luochuan loess,Northern Shaanxi Province   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Illite is the dominant clay mineral in loess and pa-leosol of China accounting for over 50% in content. Ac-cording to the latest mica group nomenclature issued bythe International Mineral Association (IMA), illite is de-fined as a dioctohedron-textured mi…  相似文献   

This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loess section since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of 10 cm in the S0-L3 portion, were analyzed for fossil mollusks. Generally, 150–600 individuals were counted in each sample. According to the distribution of mollusk fossil assemblages in the loess section, 11 mollusk fossil zones have been recognized, representing different climatic and ecological conditions. Three main ecological groups were identified according to the temperature and moisture requirements of each taxon. The cold-aridiphilous group shows maxima at about 240–220, 190–182, 150–140 and 74–66 ka BP. The thermo-humidiphilous set has high abundances for at least 6 times in the section at about 246–240, 220–216, 170–158, 92–86, 60–44 and 10 kaBP. Our results show that variations in mollusk ecological groups are related with changes in the Earth orbital parameters at the 41 and 20 ka frequencies. Maxima in thermo-humidiphilous taxa are in phase with accretion intervals of obliquity (41 ka period), reflecting the East Asian summer monsoon with 41 ka period in controlling variations in terrestrial mollusk ecological groups. In addition, maxima in thermohumidiphilous taxa appearing at about 246–240, 220–216, 60 and 10 kaBP, are consistent with procession (20 ka period) maxima, indicating that the procession period also plays an important role in adjusting the ecological pattern of mollusk groups.  相似文献   

Morphology and composition of illite from the Luochuan loess section were investigated by TEM. The results show that most of the illite grains are characterized by rounded shapes and chemical compositions are closely similar to those of anchizonal illites. The enrichment of illites in paleosol over loess was mainly caused by the weak winter monsoon during the interglacial periods, and was not related to the in situ pedogenesis. Illite can serve as an indicator for tracing eolian dust from Loess Plateau in pelagic and lacustrine sediments.  相似文献   

Magnetic polarity stratigraphy of loess in West Qinling (Mts.) demonstrates that loess began to deposit in West Qinling at ca. 800 kaBP. Its material may come from the nearby Tibetan Plateau to the west. This suggests that a sharp change in air circulation and surface environment on and around the Tibetan Plateau occurred at that time.  相似文献   

核素在核废物处置场天然屏障介质中的吸附行为对核废物安全处置至关重要。本文以黏土岩中的常见矿物伊利石为研究对象,通过静态吸附实验探究伊利石对Sr的吸附行为,结合吸附动力学模型和多种表征分析方法探究伊利石对Sr的吸附反应机理。结果表明:伊利石对Sr的吸附行为分为快速吸附(t≤60 min)和缓慢吸附至平衡(60 min ≤ t ≤240 min)两个阶段,符合准一级和准二级动力学模型;在快速吸吸附阶段以物理吸附为主,主要为液膜扩散作用,在缓慢吸附阶段以化学吸附为主,Ca、Mg等离子与Sr的阳离子交换反应和[CO3]2-、-OH等官能团与Sr的络合反应是其主要的吸附反应机制。  相似文献   

Detailed magnetostratigraphic and rock magnetic investigations on L8-S12 of the Songjiadian loess section in the Sanmenxia area,southernmost margin of the Chinese Loess Plateau were conducted in this study.Matuyama/Brunhes (M/B) boundary occurred at the bottom of the loess unit L8.The top and bottom boundaries of the Jaramillo polarity subchron are found in the middle of L10 and the bottom of L12,respectively.Magnetic fabric of the loess layers maintains the original depositional features and the recorded r...  相似文献   

做好黄土路堑高边坡排水系统的设计是保证边坡安全稳定的前提。综合考虑设计降雨重现期、汇流历时、汇水面积等水文参数,根据黄土路堑高边坡的地质、土质及产流特点,应用坡面流理论,推导出流量计算公式。应用该理论公式,讨论了坡度、坡长对设计径流的影响规律。结合水文、水力计算,对黄土路堑高边坡坡体排水设施断面进行优化。该优化法在计算时考虑了当地的地形条件,弥补了公路排水规范法的不足,使结果更准确。本文的研究对完善现有规范,以便适应我国黄土地区飞速发展的公路建设事业具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

目的 辨识洛川区域发展的优势与限制因素,提出生态经济建设的内容和模式,为区域可持续发展提供科学依据。方法 根据实地考察,结合相关资料分析,应用生态规划的方法,分析和评价洛川黄土塬区自然条件和社会经济发展现状,并进行了生态经济建设分区。结果 提出了区域生态经济建设中应遵循的5项基本原则,将洛川县划分为东北部土石丘陵水源涵养生态保护区、中部黄土塬果业经济区、县城及郊区综合生态经济区、交口镇石油化工污染防治生态区、南部破碎塬果、粮、经综合生态经济区等5个生态经济区,明确了各生态经济区发展的方向。结论 洛川县生态经济建设应按照区域分异特点,突出生态农业、生态城镇、生态产业等重点领域的建设,以促进区域社会、经济与环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

黄土的湿陷性问题是黄土地区工程建设中的热点问题,一直困扰着研究及设计人员。不同区域、不同工况下黄土的结构差异较大,湿陷程度区别大,且受水的影响最敏感。为了进一步研究黄土湿陷的结构水敏性,设计并进行了一系列室内试验,实验结果表明:①黄土的结构强度随其含水率增加而有规律的降低,初始结构强度呈线性变化,后期加固结构强度呈非线性变化,含水率在6%~12%区间内对黄土的后期加固结构强度的影响较为强烈;②在低载荷条件下,原状黄土存在"含水率在天然含水率附近时,土样的湿陷性最大"这一现象,重塑黄土和高荷载下的原状黄土的湿陷性皆随着含水率的增加而降低;③原状与重塑黄土的湿陷系数差值的变化趋势与土样后期加固结构强度对含水率变化的敏感程度呈正相关关系。研究结果对于黄土湿陷的结构水敏性的试验研究和工程建设具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

We studied the records of elemental carbon (EC) of the last 21 ka in the Weinan loess section, Shanxi Province. The variations of EC abundance and δ13CEC value along with depth (or age) were presented. There are four large peaks of EC abundance around the following years: 20.16 ka, 17.76 ka, 11.97 ka and 4.49 ka. Climatic situation was changed rapidly during these periods. The peaks around 11.97 ka and 20.16 ka are particularly sharp, occurring over intervals of tens to hundreds of years, which could represent short-duration intense events. δ13CEC values in the upper 4 m of the Weinan loess section vary between −11.71‰ and −21.34‰, which suggests that the vegetation pattern of the last 21 ka on the Loess Plateau is C4-dominated grasses.  相似文献   

A weakly developed paleosol was identified at S1-L1 transition of the loess section of Zhaitang, Beijing. This paleosol may represent a climatic reversal which is associated with the strengthening in summer monsoon and correlated well with the climatic regression event documented in the paleoclimate records from Greenland ice, marine sediments and European pollen at the last interglacial-last glacial transition.  相似文献   

Detailed rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic investigations have been carried out in a loess-paleosol sequence from the lower part of unit S9 to the bottom of L11 at Jingbian (37.4° N, 108.8°E), which demonstrates that the Upper Jaramillo polarity reversal and a short geomagnetic event bounded within the Jaramillo normal subchron have been revealed. The duration of this short event was about 8.5 ka. The statistical analysis showed that the virtual geomagnetic poles (VGP) paths of the short geomagnetic event are predominantly situated in the longitudinal sector over the America continent and its antipodal longitudes. While the VGP paths of the Upper Jaramillo recorded in the same loess-paleosol sequence exhibit a tight cluster located at western Australia.  相似文献   

结合大同—西安客运专线,对晋南地区大厚度湿陷性黄土进行了现场浸水试验研究;并在典型地区(山西省运城市闻喜县)采集大量原状土样,进行室内试验,获得了一系列黄土力学参数。试验结果表明:该地区黄土属Ⅱ级自重湿陷性黄土;不同深度土层均会出现多次湿陷,湿陷次数随土层深度的增加而减少;在距离试坑边缘不同位置处含水量不同,同时,在深度方向上,10 m以内水分入渗较为容易,10 m以下入渗较为困难;现场实测场地黄土的自重湿陷下限为10 m,和计算得到的场地黄土自重湿陷下限基本吻合;水分扩展形态呈喇叭形,扩散角大致在41°~45°变化;裂缝呈连续环形分布,宽度深度都较小;埋设的张力计和压力计验证了场地黄土湿陷性等级的正确性。该研究对大西客运专线建设具有现实指导意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

基于TSZ-3型应变控制式三轴剪切仪,在不同固结围压条件下对不同压实度粉煤灰-石灰改良黄土和压实黄土进行了常规三轴加载试验,研究了竖向加载条件下改良黄土和压实黄土的应力-应变演化关系、强度特性及其破坏方式的差异.研究结果表明:改良黄土的应力-应变曲线以软化型为主,屈服即意味着破坏;压实黄土全部为应变硬化型,可用双曲线描述,属于渐进屈服破坏.固结围压和压实度均会对压实和改良黄土的强度产生较大影响,两者之间的耦合关系共同决定黄土的强度.改良黄土的黏聚力值均远大于压实黄土,内摩擦角略微大于压实黄土;改良黄土在剪切前期强度增长较大,压实黄土的强度随着剪切变形的发展逐步发挥.三轴竖向加载条件下,改良黄土呈脆性滑移破坏形式,压实黄土呈剪缩侧胀破坏.  相似文献   

The sedimentary characteristics, grain-size distribution, geochemical composition and surface characteristics of quartz grains, together with palaeoenvironmental reconnaissance, all point to an aeolian origin for the intercalated siltstone beds in the Plio-Pleistocene Artux and Xiyu Formations along the southern margins of the Tarim Basin, indicating that loess deposition in the region started, at least, in the Early Pliocene. Loess deposition in the southern Tarim Basin was a response to the global deterioration, which might be attributed to the uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

渭北旱塬黄土记录的晚冰期以来短尺度气候变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对长武下孟村黄土剖面的野外考察和磁化率,粒度,吸湿水含量分析,探讨了该地区晚冰期以来气候变化规律,研究结果表明,该剖面较好地记录了新仙女木期(YD)和博令-阿勒罗德事件(BL+AL)短尺度较小幅度气候变化事件,对应全新世气候最适宜期(8500-3100a.BP),该地为黑垆土成壤期,从3100a.BP开始,季风气候格局快速转变,气候干旱化,土壤和土地资源退化,所以3100年来该地区形成了弱成壤的土壤层和黄土层。  相似文献   

重塑黄土成样均匀性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了改善重塑黄土成样的均匀性,提高成样效率和试验结果的可靠性,以宁夏同心下马关黄土为研究对象,成样方法、成样分层数和土样密度为因素,试验与统计分析相结合,研究了重塑黄土成样的均匀性。研究结果表明:成样均匀性随着成样分层数的增加而增加;同一成样分层,土样密度自上而下逐渐减小,在成样分层数较少时,顶部和底部的密度差异较大;成样均匀性与土样的密度有关,但密度的影响程度随成样分层数增大而减小;在成样分层数相同时,压样法较击样法的成样均匀性好,效率高;在成样分层数为5时,压样法可以获得很好的成样均匀性。  相似文献   

黄土边坡剥落病害的类型及其发育特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
黄土地区公路边坡剥落病害问题十分严重。总结描述黄土边坡剥落的基本特征,考虑工程实用性,根据黄土边坡剥落的发育特征、规模、断面形态学参数对黄土边坡剥落进行分类:按剥落形态划分将黄土边坡剥落分为片状剥落、层状剥落、碎块状剥落、鱼鳞状剥落和混合状剥落;按剥落层厚度可分为表层结皮剥落、中层层状剥落和厚层滑塌状剥落;按剥落成因可分为重力型剥落、冲刷型剥落、冻融型剥落、扰动型剥落、坡脚应力集中型剥落、构造型剥落、风化型剥落和生物型剥落。最后,从黄土地层岩性、地形地貌、地质构造及坡型坡度等方面探讨了黄土边坡剥落病害的发育特征。  相似文献   

民法法源中的非制定法法源是指虽未经国家有关机关制定,但经国家认可和保障的调整人与人之间关系的行为准则,如习惯、判例、学说等。对民法的形式渊源中的几类非制定法法源进行了详细的论述.通过结合司法实践论证其法源性地位,旨在促进我国民法法源的开放化、多元化,为司法审判提供更充分的依据,最终更好地解决民事纠纷,维护社会秩序的稳定。  相似文献   

黄土滑坡的形成机理   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
黄土地区滑坡规模大、密度高、类型全。采用现场调查和系统分析相结合的方法,深入探讨了陕西铜川地区黄土滑坡在特定地质环境下主要的地质因素及非地质因素、形成机理及及其发育过程,并从预防灾管理和工程措施两方面提出了具有一定可操作性的防治对策,对黄土滑坡的预报治理工作具有积极的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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