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报道湖南西部王村剖面中寒武世灰岩中产出的海绵骨针化石组合。这些海绵骨针化石以二轴四射针、T型针、三轴五射针和五轴五射针为主。骨针形态完整,保存了轴管构造。描述了罕见的,形态变异性极大的(highlymodified)一个新属眩目海绵属Speciosuspongia,两个新种湖南眩目海绵Speciosuspongia hunanensis和王村眩目海绵Speciosuspongia wangcunensis。眩目海绵的主要特点为:两侧对称,硅质,五轴五射,中轴与一条针射重合,另外4条针射分为两对,与中轴重合的针射比其他4条针射粗大。其中,湖南眩目海绵Speciosuspongia hunanensis前射基部或整体膨大成骨板,这一变异体现了海绵骨针的典型变异形态自早寒武世向晚寒武世的过渡,具有重要的演化意义。  相似文献   

记述了湖南花垣县排碧剖面寒武系花桥组上部灰岩中的开腔骨类化石。40余块形态多样的化石标本,包括具6-7+1型的Chancelloria altaica;4+0型Archiasterella sp.;和3+0型Allonnia sp.;以及形态奇特的开腔骨针Chancelloria sp.,与三叶虫、牙形石、腕足动物、软舌螺类等共生,时代属中寒武世晚期。与其他研究比较证明,这是迄今我国中寒武世晚期开腔骨类最高产出层位,也是世界上少数几个开腔骨类较高的产出层位之一。通过对开腔骨类骨片构造、保存环境及其地史地理分布的分析,认为开腔骨类是一类与海绵类有密切关系、已绝灭的后生动物,是一类生活于浅海环境的底栖固着型生物。  相似文献   

以漳浦海区常见的海绵为实验材料,介绍一种简易的海绵骨针制作方法.该方法应用铬酸溶液在塑料离心管中直接消化海绵,具有反应条件温和。操作简单,骨针完整、清晰等优点.  相似文献   

以漳浦海区常见的海绵为实验材料,介绍一种简易的海绵骨针制作方法.该方法应用铬酸溶液在塑料离心管中直接消化海绵,具有反应条件温和,操作简单,骨针完整、清晰等优点.  相似文献   

通过对湘西中寒武世具表面装饰的管状疑难化石(Ornamented tubes)的保存、形态结构及壳体成分的综合分析,发现此类细长型管状化石表面具有瘤状、刺状装饰;部分化石管体向外弯曲的一侧具有一列锯齿状排列的脊刺.壳壁具有双层至多层微细构造.所获得材料中发现管状壳刺与高肌虫类双瓣壳壳体相连的化石标本.电子探针能谱分析揭示管状化石壳体成分以钙、磷元素为主,矿物成分主要为氟磷灰石.研究表明,此类管状化石可能属于具双瓣壳节肢动物高肌虫类外骨骼,是一种具有保护性功能的外部硬体构造.  相似文献   

贵州遵义下寒武统牛蹄塘组生物群中的海绵化石   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
遵义松林中南村下寒武统牛蹄塘组中下部,特别是下部黑色泥岩中产有大量的海绵骨针,形态多样,初步研究有多达10属以上的海绵动物,与澄江生物群的海绵相比,牛蹄塘组的海绵动物化石其组合特征以六射海绵动物为主,它的发现增添了寒武纪生物组成的信息,为海绵动物从晚新元古代的发生以至穿越寒武纪的演化过程及寒武纪生物大爆发的定性,量度提供了重要信息及资料,描述了4属2个种。1个相似种和1个未定种。Hyalosinica sp.;Saetaspongia densa Mehl et Reitner,1993;Leptomitus teretiusculus CHen,Hou et Lu.1989;Crumillospongia cf.biporosa Righy,1986,它们分属于海绵动物的六射海绵纲和普通海绵纲。  相似文献   

贵州织金早寒武世戈仲伍组磷块岩中海绵骨针   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过岩石薄片和能谱分析,在织金实兴戈仲伍组磷块岩中首次发现大量的硅质海绵骨针化石,骨针类型可分为三射二轴针、四射二轴针,五射五轴和六射六轴海绵骨针,其在磷块岩中含量达30%,构成最古老的由海绵生物碎屑组成的海绵生物碎屑磷块岩,这表明海绵动物的辐射分异在早寒武世最早期就已经开始.同时探讨了海绵骨针的埋藏环境.  相似文献   

对采自湘西花垣县排碧剖面中寒武统花桥组灰岩中具表面装饰的磷灰石质管状化石(Ornamented tubes)进行了研究,依据化石的壳面装饰特征,建立了3形态类型:Ornamented Tube Form Ⅰ,Ornamented Tube Form Ⅱ 和 Ornamented Tube Form Ⅲ。其中Ⅰ型壳体表面装饰有尖细的小刺,多数标本壳刺成行排列,行间存在宽约0.01~0.05 mm的间隔;Ⅱ 型管体表面具有零散稀疏而不规则分布的斑疹状壳饰,壳体微微向外弯曲的一侧具有一列粗壮的呈锯齿状排列的脊刺;Ⅲ型整个壳体表面布满圆形、卵圆形瘤状壳饰,壳饰中空,与壳体内腔相通,壳体微微向外弯曲的一侧具有一列粗壮的呈羽状排列的脊刺。从壳体形态、表面装饰特征分析,这类管状化石可能是节肢动物(如高肌虫类)生物体壳瓣上的前刺或背部的刺等管状硬体构造。  相似文献   

Marrella(马尔三叶形虫)在中国台江的发现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近期凯里生物群的研究取得重要进展,一些澄江生物群及布尔吉斯页岩生物群的重要分子陆续被发现.其中外形奇特的Marrella就是一个原先仅产于加拿大哥伦比亚省中寒武世早中期布尔吉斯页岩生物群的一个重要的节肢动物化石.它的发现使Marrella的产地扩展至劳亚大陆之外,地层时代下延到中寒武世早早期,对于早期后生生物的演化、古地理环境的恢复研究有重要意义.随着凯里生物群中包括Marrella在内的布尔吉斯页岩生物群分子的增多,凯里生物群的意义更显重要并将取代布尔吉斯页岩生物群的一些演化作用.文中描述了Marrella---未定种.  相似文献   

广大地质工作者对黔中地区的古地理、古构造等问题存在着不同的看法。本文就下列问题发表个人浅见。1 早、中寒武世黔中无隆起用等时面所作早、中寒武世各期(时)等厚图和相图来看,牛蹄塘期(相等于梅树村、筇竹寺期)贵州位于上扬子海的陆棚区,水体向东变深,黔中一带厚达400多 m,较周围同期地层厚。明心寺及金顶山期(相当沧浪舖期)黔中台地特征明显,厚度较均  相似文献   

Problematic phosphatic tubular microfossils with ornamented sculptures are documented to exist in limestones of the upper Middle Cambrian Huaqiao Formation at the Paibi section and the Wangcun section in West Hunan, China. Two morphological patterns, including Ornamented Tube Form I and Ornamented Tube Form II are described. Based on the analysis of the preservation, wall structure and composition of the fossils, it is deduced that these ornamented tubes may represent carapace spines of some Cambrian arthropods with phosphatic carapaces, such as bradoriid crustaceans. Analysis of functional morphology indicates that the sclerites may rather be considered of a defensive than grasping function on the original organism body.  相似文献   

Samples of black rock series collected from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, northwestern Hunan Province, China, were analyzed for trace elements.The trace element geochemical characteristics of the ore layer (high enrichments of Ni, Mo, V, U, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Tl and Ba; high U/Th ratios and LREE-enriched patterns with positive Eu and Y anomalies) support the assumption that the Ni-Mo polymetallic layer is of submarine hydrothermal origin.High field strength elements (HFSE) and lithophile elements such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Li, Be, Rb, Cs, Th and Sc are remarkably higher in the upper unit than those in the lower unit of the Niutitang Formation.These features may reflect that hydrothermal contributions were diminished, and terrigenous constituents were increased in the sediments of the upper unit of the Niutitang Formation.  相似文献   

Abundant and well-preserved macroalgae fossils have been discovered in silty mudstones and shales from the Middle Cambrian of Taijiang County, Guizhou Province, China. CorallinaParaamphiroa siniansis gen. et sp. nov. in the Kaili Fm., is the earliest Corallina fossil, which usually coexists with other carbonaceous macroalgae fossils on the bedding planes of mudstone and shale and is different from the calcareous and phosphatized Precambrian-Cambrian thallus discovered in the Lower Cambrian of Siberia and the Doushantou phosphate rocks of Weng’an County, Guizhou Province, China. The discovery of calcified thallus in the Kaili Fm. bears great importance on the study of phylogeny and evolution of early calcareous macroalgae.  相似文献   

我国湘西大马-亥冲口-峨梨塘地区有大量三叶虫化石产出,它是我国南方已知含丰富化石产地之一.此地同样也是我国寒武系地层出露最完整的地区之一.特别是黔东和湘西交界处,寒武系岩石出露相当好,未变形,易辩认.部分产自亥冲口剖面的多节类三叶虫由现作者近年出版在别处,本文重点介绍几个近年新发现产自大马剖面的三叶虫.  相似文献   

Phosphorites occurring at the bottom of the Cambrian system contain abundant small shelly fossils, which are the product of the first episode of life explosion in the Cambrian. It was previously reported that the small shelly fossils are dominated by hyolithids, olivooids, zhijinitids, conodontomorphs, yubelichitids, camenitids and algae, with minor amounts of sponge fossils. Large amounts of sponge spicules, diverse in form, have been found for the first time in the Gezhongwu Formation phosphorites at Shixing, Zhijin County, Guizhou Province, of which such spicules as diaxon-triactins, diaxon-tetractins, pentaxon-pentactins and hexon-hexactins account for 30%. These spicules constitute the sponge clastic phosphorites made up of sponge clastics. Meanwhile, it is also expected that the radiation and diversity of sponge animals started as early as in the earliest Early Cambrian. Habit and burying environment of sponge animal are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Abundant well-preserved large articulated sponge fossils and isolated spicules have been reported from the Early Cambrian Hetang Formation, southern Anhui Province. This unique epifaunal fossil assemblage dominated by articulated sponge fossils is called the Xidi Sponge Fauna. The sponge fauna lived in a quiet oxygenic environment below the storm wave base. Bloom of phytoplankton and rapid sedimentation rate resulted in the deposition of the black shales. Sufficient food supply, lack of other competitors, abundant ecological niches, and demand for oxygen during early Cambrian were in favor of the diversification and evolution of large sponges in the Early Cambrian.  相似文献   

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