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Zusammenfassung Langfristig wiederholte Lindan-Applikation ruft bei der Abinoratte histopathologische hautveränderungen hervor: Hyperkeratinisation, intraepidermale und dermale Abszesse, Infiltration polymorphkerniger Zellen sowie Vakuolisation und Vielkernigkeit in der Malpighi-Schicht.

Pury -isomer of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Psoralenfütterung von Ratten bewirkt eine Vermehrung des Kupfergehaltes in der Milz und eine Verminderung in der Leber. In der Haut sind die Werte nicht einheitlich.  相似文献   

Summary A reduction in volume and free and total acidity of gastric content was noted along with reduction in ulcer index, with a shift of the site of ulceration from fundus to the glandular part of stomach, following vagotomy in pylorus-ligated rats. Low volume and acidity explains the absence of ulcers in the fundus, but the increased involvement of glandular part in ulceration is possibly due to weakening of the mucosal barrier following vagotomy.  相似文献   

A reduction in volume and free and total acidity of gastric content was noted along with reduction in ulcer index, with a shift of the site of ulceration from fundus to the glandular part of the stomach, following vagotomy in pylorus-ligated rats. Low volume and acidity explains the absence of ulcers in the fundus, but the increased involvement of glandular part in ulceration is possibly due to weakening of the mucosal barrier following vagotomy.  相似文献   

Summary 2 different time schedules were applied in order to stimulate vagus nerves around the oesophagus at the region of the cardio-oesophageal junction. The result shows a significant reduction in gastric tissue histamine concentration following vagal stimulation, the reduction being more when the duration of stimulation was longer.The authors are grateful to Dr V. Srinivasan, Director, Sarabhai Research Centre, Baroda, India, for donating the animals required for carrying out this work.  相似文献   

2 different time schedules were applied in order to stimulate vagus nerves around the oesophagus at the region of the cardio-oesophageal junction. The result shows a significant reduction in gastric tissue histamine concentration following vagal stimulation, the reduction being more when the duration of stimulation was longer.  相似文献   

Summary Gastric tissue histamine concentration was determined in albino rats following daily parenteral injection of betamethasone over a period of 12 days. The result shows a highly significant fall in gastric tissue histamine concentration in comparison with that in saline-treated albino rats over a similar period.This investigation was carried out as a part of a project supported by a research grant from Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital Trust, Bombay, India.  相似文献   

Gastric tissue histamine concentration was determined in albino rats following daily parenteral injection of betamethasone over a period of 12 days. The result shows a highly significant fall in gastric tissue histamine concentration in comparison with that in saline-treated albino rats over a similar period.  相似文献   

Riassunto Nella tonaca muscolare interna dell'intestino tenue di ratto si osservano numerosi fasci di fibre nervose; una distinzione tra fibre intramuscolari vere e proprie e fibre perivascolari non è possibile in quanto ogni ordine di fasci ha rapporti intimi con cellule muscolari lisce proprie della tonaca muscolare. L'osservazione di tre tipi di espansioni a vescicole distinte, senza forme di passaggio, fa ritenere verosimile l'esistenza di tre tipi differenti di fibre nervose.  相似文献   

Summary The histamine-laden mast cells gastric mucosa in albino rats are shown to degranulate on administration of Betamethasone, but they increase in number in adrenalectomized rats. It is concluded that Betamethasone, and also adrenal glucocorticoids incrase gastric secretion by liberating histamine from mast cells and histamine in turn acts on the gastric glands.  相似文献   

Summary Pylorus ligation in normal albino rats acts like a stressor leading to degranulation of mast cells in gastric mucosa, thereby decreasing their number. This decrease is less pronounced when pylorus ligation is done in adrenalectomized rats. This implies that action of a stressor on gastric function involves the adrenal steroids which liberate the powerful gastric stimulant histamine from gastric mucosal mast cells.  相似文献   

Resumen Una depleción inmediata de la adrenalina retiniana ocurre cuando sapos adaptados a la oscuridad son expuestos a una luz relativamente fuerte, alcanzándose un máximo en aproximadamente 5 min. La repleción de la adrenalina es más rápida cuando los animales, después de ser expuestos por 5 min a la luz, son devueltos a la oscuridad. En un período de 24 h la adrenalina alcanzó aproximadamente 85% de su valor original. Por otra parte, cuando los animales se mantienen expuestos a la luz, la repleción es más lenta y la adrenalina retiniana alcanza un máximo de sólamente 65% de su valor original en adaptación a la oscuridad.  相似文献   

Summary In the subretinal space of albino mice, macrophages appear from the time of eye opening and increase in number for 6 months; thereafter they decline with age. Dark rearing retards the accumulation of these cells, and exposure to constant light results in a rapid increase. Observations suggest that macrophages appear as a response to visual cell decay in albino mice and supplement the phagocytic activity of the pigment epithelium.We thank R.K. Hawkins for efficient management of the animal colony, H.G. Jansen for cooperation in the use of electron microscope and Ms Paula van Alphen for help in preparation of the illustrations.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Männliche, geschlechtsreife Wistar-Ratten wurden 44 Wochen lang mit isokalorischen Diäten gefüttert, die entweder einen erhöhten Fett- oder Kohlehydrat- bzw. Eiweissanteil enthielten. Zwischen den eine fettreiche und eine kohlehydratreiche Diät erhaltenden Tieren zeigten sich keine statistisch bedeutsamen Unterschiede in bezug auf ihre Gewichtszunahme und den Gesamtanteil des Körperfettes. Diejenigen Tiere, die eine Diät mit erhöhtem Kaseingehalt erhielten, nahmen in Übereinstimmung mit den Literaturangaben weniger an Gewicht zu und lagerten auch weniger Körperfett ab. Wie aus unseren Ergebnissen hervorgeht, muss ein hoher Fettanteil in der Diät von sich aus noch nicht zur Fettsucht bei Ratten führen.  相似文献   

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