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Given two binary trees, a largest subtree contained in both of the original trees that has been obtained by pruning vertices is called an agreement subtree. An exact algorithm for finding an agreement subtree is presented.Research of F.R.M. supported by grant number N00014-89-J-1643 from the Office of Naval Research. The authors would like to thank the referees, the Editor, and William H. E. Day for many valuable suggestions.  相似文献   

Comparing partitions   总被引:80,自引:13,他引:67  
The problem of comparing two different partitions of a finite set of objects reappears continually in the clustering literature. We begin by reviewing a well-known measure of partition correspondence often attributed to Rand (1971), discuss the issue of correcting this index for chance, and note that a recent normalization strategy developed by Morey and Agresti (1984) and adopted by others (e.g., Miligan and Cooper 1985) is based on an incorrect assumption. Then, the general problem of comparing partitions is approached indirectly by assessing the congruence of two proximity matrices using a simple cross-product measure. They are generated from corresponding partitions using various scoring rules. Special cases derivable include traditionally familiar statistics and/or ones tailored to weight certain object pairs differentially. Finally, we propose a measure based on the comparison of object triples having the advantage of a probabilistic interpretation in addition to being corrected for chance (i.e., assuming a constant value under a reasonable null hypothesis) and bounded between ±1.William H.E. Day was Acting Editor for the reviewing of this paper. We are grateful to him, Ove Frank, Charles Lewis, Glenn W. Milligan, Ivo Molenaar, Stanley S. Wasserman, and anonymous referees for helpful suggestions. Lynn Bilger and Tom Sharpe provided competent technical assistance. Partial support of Phipps Arabie's participation in this research was provided by NSF Grant SES 8310866 and ONR Contract N00014-83-K-0733.  相似文献   

A classification of presence/absence based dissimilarity coefficients   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Several desirable order properties for dissimilarity coefficients based on presence/absence of attributes are given and several popular dissimilarity coefficients are examined with respect to these properties. A characterization for rational functions with linear numerator and linear denominator satisfying all of the desirable properties is given.  相似文献   

We examine the problem of aggregating several partitions of a finite set into a single consensus partition We note that the dual concepts of clustering and isolation are especially significant in this connection. The hypothesis that a consensus partition should respect unanimity with respect to either concept leads us to stress a consensus interval rather than a single partition. The extremes of this interval are characterized axiomatically. If a sufficient totality of traits has been measured, and if measurement errors are independent, then a true classifying partition can be expected to lie in the consensus interval. The structure of the partitions in the interval lends itself to partial solutions of the consensus problem Conditional entropy may be used to quantify the uncertainty inherent in the interval as a whole  相似文献   

I argue that, contrary to thestandard view, the Newtonian universe containsno contingency. I do this by arguing (i) thatno contingency is introduced into the Newtonianuniverse by the initial conditions of physicalsystems in the universe, and (ii) that theclaim that the Newtonian universe as a wholehas contingent properties leads to incoherence.This result suggests that Newtonian physics iseither inconsistent or incomplete, since thelaws of Newtonian physics are too weak todetermine all the properties of the Newtonianuniverse uniquely.  相似文献   

A Binary Integer Program to Maximize the Agreement Between Partitions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research note focuses on a problem where the cluster sizes for two partitions of the same object set are assumed known; however, the actual assignments of objects to clusters are unknown for one or both partitions. The objective is to find a contingency table that produces maximum possible agreement between the two partitions, subject to constraints that the row and column marginal frequencies for the table correspond exactly to the cluster sizes for the partitions. This problem was described by H. Messatfa (Journal of Classification, 1992, pp. 5–15), who provided a heuristic procedure based on the linear transportation problem. We present an exact solution procedure using binary integer programming. We demonstrate that our proposed method efficiently obtains optimal solutions for problems of practical size. We would like to thank the Editor, Willem Heiser, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments that resulted in improvements of this article.  相似文献   

《现代术语学引论》是中国第一部术语学理论专著,对普通术语学的基本理论和原理进行了全面的梳理和介绍,提出了术语形成的经济律和潜在歧义论,对术语词典学的发展具有启示意义。文章介绍了该书的主要内容、写作特点、学术贡献及不足之处。  相似文献   

"实质蕴涵怪论"问题是困扰经典逻辑的语义问题,在解决它的过程中产生了严格蕴涵和相干蕴涵,出现了模态逻辑和相干逻辑。模态逻辑中仍然有"严格蕴涵怪论"。相干逻辑避免了"蕴涵怪论",但把一些有效的推理形式排除在外,还具有不可判定性。"蕴涵怪论"是由于对推理关系进行形式化(数学化)引起的,因此,我们可以抛开形式系统来寻找一种方法避免"怪论"。本文将给出一个消除"蕴涵怪论"的可行方法———欧拉图解方法。  相似文献   

吴琳 《自然辩证法研究》2007,23(2):23-26,58
“语言作为符号系统”和“语言作为存在的家”,二者都以语言为出发点和研究对象,但究其实质还是有所不同。语言作为符号系统,是解决认识支点问题的必然选择,这是寻求认识客观性的必然结果。然而,这种符号系统的精致分析,无疑容易踏上语言的迷途,而惟有将语言作为存在的家,对之进行形而上的审视,才能使语言还乡。  相似文献   

酒-水悖论在诸多无差别悖论中具有典型性,不少学者曾为消除这些悖论付出巨大的努力。本文对酒-水悖论提出一种新的解决方案,其核心是对古典无差别原则加以试验机制的限制和提出从参数θ到f(θ)的线性无差别条件。此外,本文还对酒-水悖论给出一种语言分析,从另一角度表明对无差别原则加以试验机制的限制是必要的。  相似文献   

全球气候博弈的实质是各国在承认地球资源和承载能力有限的前提下力图在未来世界能源、资源分配和温室气体排放空间的分配中获得尽可能大的份额。美国与中国的个案分析表明:气候公地的悲剧源于博弈主体对于自身短期利益的追求及对人类根本利益的忽视。具体说来,发达国家受制于自由民主制度放纵的内部博弈,而发展中国家则更多的受制于国际体系的无政府状态与不平等现状下外部博弈引发的安全需求。气候危机将人类带入困境的同时也加速了人类从工业文明迈向生态文明的进程。公地悲剧的出路在于强化国家在应对气候方面的作用;加强转型时期政策的系统性;以政治上的预防原则对应吉登斯悖论;国际社会对于责任认定的公平化。  相似文献   

人地关系协调系统的建立--对生态伦理学的一个重要补充   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态伦理学(生态哲学)从生态道德关系的角度,承担协调人与自然关系的任务;强调人类与自然和谐共进的伦理思想。生态伦理学只建立了生态伦理(人类与自然的协调)的思维模式,而没有从理论上建立人地关系协调系统的行为模式。本文从人地关系角度,以行为地理学与复杂性科学的基本理论建立了人地关系协调系统的基本概念与基本理论。这是对生态伦理学理论建设的一个重要补充。  相似文献   

学术界对知识产权法和反垄断法交叉领域的一些基本问题还存在较大分歧。知识产权专有性不等于垄断。知识产权滥用也不同于知识产权垄断。规制知识产权滥用的法律依据主要有知识产权法和反垄断法两个层次。知识产权与反垄断法的冲突是可以协调的。由于法律文化和经济发展水平的不同,协调知识产权与反垄断关系的最佳模式将因国而异。  相似文献   

本文从组织社会学的新制度理论出发,应用案例数据、理论阐述和研究模型相互印证的探索式案例研究方法,通过5家企业的资料编码和分析归纳,讨论了企业外部制度环境、企业社会战略反应和企业社会绩效之间的内在驱动机制。研究发现,制度环境中的规制、规范和认知压力对企业社会战略反应和企业社会绩效存在正向影响;企业整合社会计划、激励员工参与和评估社会责任的战略反应亦对社会绩效有正向促进作用。本文弥补了"经济理性"视角在企业社会责任驱动机制研究中解释力不足的缺陷,也为政府和企业制定社会责任推动政策提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

王哲  刘兵 《自然辩证法研究》2007,23(6):92-95,104
1985年,《利维坦与空气泵》(Leviathan and the Air-Pump)一书出版以来,国内外学者对此书都给予了高度的重视,但大多集中在对社会因素的关注上,而本文作者则着重分析了此书的科学编史学意义,并对书中涉及的相关主题进行编史学意义上的梳理。  相似文献   

纳米伦理是基于纳米技术和伦理责任的双重意义产生的,从语境角度来看,纳米伦理包含三方面内容:纳米伦理的自然语境分析、纳米伦理的社会语境分析和纳米伦理的各人语境分析。基于对纳米伦理内涵的阐释,我们会发现,纳米伦理具有预测性、永恒性、公平性、前进性、革命性和多元性这六个特征。一些科学技术、伦理道德的归宿点都在应用上,纳米伦理也不例外,它的应用是理论应用和实践应用结合的双重语境应用。  相似文献   

明末清初,人们对害虫习性的认识有了显著提高,害虫观念与防治技术也发生很大变化。本文尝试利用拉图尔等人的"行动者网络理论"(Actor-Network-Theory,简称ANT)分析变化的原因。据ANT观点,害虫并不是被动地作为人类认识与防治的对象孤立存在,它也是网络中的行动者。它的存在促使自然、社会各因素组成一个庞大的网络,并引起网络中的各种关系不断发生变化。运用ANT理论剖析传统文化中的科技因素,由此为研究古代传统科技、文化提供一个崭新的研究视角。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了可持续发展的涵义,接着分析了我国现行的土地征用制度对可持续发展所构成的威胁,最后提出了改革征地制度以保障可持续发展的一些构想。  相似文献   

科技成果管理与知识产权制度的比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
正确认识和评价科技成果管理与知识产权制度的作用,有利于搞好科技成果管理和加强知识产权保护本文对科技成果管理与知识产权制度的特征、相同点和不同点进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

本文综述和评论了近40年来国际上众多科学家研究生物能量沿蛋白质分子传递的机理、理论及其实验验证情况。生物能量传递理论是迅速发展的非线性科学和生命科学的交叉和结晶,是生命科学中第一个从微观原子分子水平上建立起来的一个系统理论,也是分子生物学和复杂生命现象作定量描述的第一次试验,从而引起了国际科学界极大和广泛的关注。可以说,生物能量传递理论是生物学向理论生物学迈进的重要一步,它将推动生命科学从实验生物学向理论生物学发展,不但可推动包括生物学、分子生物学、生物物理学、生物信息学、生物电磁学和电磁医学等在内的生命科学的发展,而且能加快高分子物理、波谱学和现代物理仪器的发展步伐,其科学意义和应用价值很大。  相似文献   

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