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考虑一类有正、负顾客, 带启动期和有备用服务员的M/M/1休假排队系统. 负顾客一对一抵消队尾的正顾客(若有), 若系统中无正顾客, 到达的负顾客自动消失, 负顾客不接受服务.系统中两个服务员, 其中一个在岗工作时另外一个备用.上岗服务员若因为某种原因休假, 备用服务员立即替换上岗.当系统变空时, 系统关闭.用拟生灭过程和矩阵几何解方法, 得到了稳态队长的分布, 此外, 证明了稳态条件下队长的条件随机分解并得到了附加队长的分布. 最后, 通过两个数值例子说明该模型可以较好的模拟一些实际问题.  相似文献   

研究了带有止步和中途退出的M/M/C/N部分服务员同步多重休假排队系统的等待时间.当一个顾客离去时,系统中有d(1≤d<C)个服务员空闲,则这d个服务员立即进行同步多重休假.分别在d个服务员没有休假和正在休假的情况下,给出了当在岗的服务员全忙时进入系统并最终接受服务的顾客的条件等待时间分布.在此基础上,得到了当在岗的服务员全忙时进入系统并最终接受服务的顾客的条件等待时间分布.  相似文献   

本文研究部分服务员同步多重休假的M/M/c排队系统中顾客的止步行为及系统定价策略.基于几乎不可视与完全不可视两个信息水平,首先建立成本-收益模型,得到顾客的均衡止步策略与最优止步策略,然后设置最优服务价格以保证社会福利最大化.最后,对顾客的均衡止步策略与最优止步策略进行数值比较,观察不同信息水平和部分休假服务员个数对顾客止步行为、最优社会福利及系统定价策略的影响.  相似文献   

考虑N-策略M/M/1排队,休假期间服务员并未停止工作而是以较低的速率为顾客服务.系统的决策主体是顾客,基于"收益-成本"结构,利用马尔可夫过程理论,采取均值分析的方法,以顾客追求利益最大化为出发点,分析了全可见和几乎可见两种情况下的顾客行为.通过求解平衡方程,得到几乎可见情况下系统的稳态概率,进而求得几乎可见状态下顾客的期望逗留时间.构建均衡社会收益函数,并通过数值模拟,分析系统的各个参数对社会均衡收益的影响.  相似文献   

研究了一种需求服从泊松分布的多座席呼叫中心服务系统的两个问题, 其中考虑了顾客的不耐烦行为. 第一个问题中只有单一排队队列, 顾客进入系统后由于不能立即接受服务或等待时间超过其期望等待时间会选择放弃排队. 第二个问题中有两个排队队列, 主排队队列是顾客呼入队列, 次排队队列是座席提供回拨服务的队列, 且这个队列的顾客来源于由于等待时间超过其期望等待时间放弃排队的主排队队列的顾客. 本文利用水平穿越法得到了稳态时第一个问题的顾客平均等待时间及顾客总的放弃概率及第二个问题中座席繁忙的概率. 该方法不仅具有直观清晰的物理意义, 而且能避免排队系统中冗长的推导过程, 有利于快速简单解决问题. 数值分析表明第一个问题中顾客平均等待时间是座席数的凸函数, 并且顾客的不耐烦程度越高则他们的平均等待时间越短. 同时坐席数的增加在初期能够显著提高接通率, 达到一定数量后效用开始递减. 而且在系统其它参数确定且系统需求流较大情况下, 顾客的放弃率大小对顾客总的放弃概率大小的影响几乎可以忽略.  相似文献   

研究Bernoulli到达且无等待空间的单服务员离散时间可修Erlang消失排队系统.系统中服务员可向顾客提供两种不同类型的服务,即常规服务和可选二次服务.在系统运行过程中服务设备的故障可以引起系统中顾客的清空.采用一种新型的离散补充变量技术, 给出了系统稳态可用度,稳态失效频度, 首次故障前平均时间, 服务员空闲概率, 故障概率,工作概率以及系统稳态损失概率等一系列性能指标.最后通过数值实例和计算机仿真验证了理论分析技术的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

研究Bernoulli到达且无等待空间的单服务员离散时间可修Erlang消失排队系统.系统中服务员可向顾客提供两种不同类型的服务,即常规服务和可选二次服务.在系统运行过程中服务设备的故障可以引起系统中顾客的清空.采用一种新型的离散补充变量技术,给出了系统稳态可用度,稳态失效频度,首次故障前平均时间,服务员空闲概率,故障概率,工作概率以及系统稳态损失概率等一系列性能指标.最后通过数值实例和计算机仿真验证了理论分析技术的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

具有强占优先权的不耐烦顾客的M/M/m/k排队模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先研究只有一类不耐烦顾客的M/M/m排队模型,其中顾客到达服从相互独立的泊松分布,服务时间服从相互独立的指数分布,到达率与服务率随着系统中的顾客数而发生变化。顾客的耐心等待时间(截止到服务开始前)服从指数分布。在此基础上进一步研究两类顾客到达的M/M/m/k排队系统。其中第一类顾客对于第二类顾客有强占优先权,两类顾客的到达率与服务率随着系统中顾客人数而发生变化。采用矩阵分析的方法得到了两类顾客各自的稳态分布,并有相应的性能分析,为系统的优化设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

研究一类批到达排队系统,单服务台提供两个不同阶段的服务,并且考虑空竭服务单重休假和有负顾客到达的情形.正顾客接受第一个阶段服务后立即接受第二个阶段服务,在正顾客接受两个阶段服务的过程中均可能有负顾客到达,负顾客不接受服务,只抵消正在接受服务的正顾客.运用补充变量法列出稳态下系统的状态偏微积分方程组,从而求得了系统主要排队指标及稳态队长的概率母函数的随机分解结果.  相似文献   

研究了带有止步和中途退出的同步N策略多重休假的M/M/R/K排队系统.在服务员全忙或者正在休假时,到达的顾客或者决定进入系统等待服务,或者不进入系统;而进入系统的顾客因为等待的不耐烦在没有接受服务的情况下也可能离开系统.当系统变空时,所有服务员立即进行N策略多重休假.首先,利用马尔科夫过程理论建立了系统稳态概率满足的方程组.其次,利用分块矩阵的解法求出了系统稳态概率的矩阵解,并得到了系统的平均队长、平均等待队长及顾客的平均损失率等性能指标.最后,求出了在服务员全忙时进入系统并最终接受服务的顾客的条件等待时间分布及条件平均等待时间.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the stability of multiclass queueing networks of 2 stations and4 buffers under the longest queue first served discipline(LQFS).For this network,the service priority of a customer is determined by the length of the queue that customer resides in at that time.The main result includes two parts.Firstly,the corresponding fluid model is established,and then it is shown that the queueing networks under LQFS are stable whenever the traffic intensity is strictly less than one for each station.  相似文献   

考虑单重休假、Bernoulli反馈和可变输入率的离散时间Geo~X/G/1可修排队.顾客的批到达速率与服务器的休假有关.刚服务完的顾客以概率1-θ进入队列寻求下次服务.服务器在服务过程中可能故障需修复后再继续工作.借助更新过程理论、z变换和一种分解法,研究了时刻n+位于服务器忙期的条件概率、服务器的瞬态和稳态不可用度以及(0~+,n~+]时间内服务器的平均故障次数和稳态故障频度,揭示了这类离散时间可修排队中服务器可靠性指标的结构,得到了一些特殊可修排队的可靠性结果.最后通过数值实例分析了系统参数对服务器可靠性指标的影响.  相似文献   

This paper considers a discrete-time Geo/G/1 retrial queue where the retrial time has a general distribution and the server is subject to Bernoulli vacation policy.It is assumed that the server, after each service completion,begins a process of search in order to find the following customer to be served with a certain probability,or begins a single vacation process with complementary probability. This paper analyzes the Markov chain underlying the queueing system and obtain its ergodicity condition.The generating functions of the number of customers in the orbit and in the system are also obtained along with the marginal distributions of the orbit size when the server is idle,busy or on vacation.Finally,the author gives two stochastic decomposition laws,and as an application the author gives bounds for the proximity between the system size distributions of the model and the corresponding model without retrials.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the analysis of a feedback M[X]/G/1 retrial queue with starting failures and general retrial times. In a batch, each individual customer is subject to a control admission policy upon arrival. If the server is idle, one of the customers admitted to the system may start its service and the rest joins the retrial group, whereas all the admitted customers go to the retrial group when the server is unavailable upon arrival. An arriving customer (primary or retrial) must turn-on the server, which takes negligible time. If the server is started successfully (with a certain probability), the customer gets service immediately. Otherwise, the repair for the server commences immediately and the customer must leave for the orbit and make a retrial at a later time. It is assumed that the customers who find the server unavailable are queued in the orbit in accordance with an FCFS discipline and only the customer at the head of the queue is allowed for access to the server. The Markov chain underlying the considered queueing system is studied and the necessary and sufficient condition for the system to be stable is presented. Explicit formulae for the stationary distribution and some performance measures of the system in steady-state are obtained. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the influence of the parameters on several performance characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper studies the operating characteristics of an M/G/1 queuing system with a randomized control policy and at most J vacations.After all the customers are served in the queue exhaustively, the server immediately takes at most J vacations repeatedly until at least N customers are waiting for service in the queue upon returning from a vacation.If the number of arrivals does not reach N by the end of the J~(th) vacation,the server remains idle in the system until the number of arrivals in the queue re...  相似文献   

Service providers often adopt the mechanism of customer classification due to the heterogeneity of customer waiting cost. However, the classification service may cause unfairness feeling of regular customers, then affect the revenue and social welfare. This paper provides the first exact analysis about the situation that service providers offer two classes of non-preemptive priority service when customer fairness perception is explicitly modeled. We model customer fairness perception as a negative utility on regular customers that's proportional to the waiting time difference between the two queues. By analyzing a stylized M/M/1 queue in monopoly service system, we can derive important results some of which reaffirm existed research results. First, from the perspective of revenue maximization, service providers should adopt the mechanism of customer classification and set up the two kinds of customers where they can see each other. Next, considering customer utility maximization,service providers should cancel the mechanism of customer classification, and keep one queue(regular customers) only. Then, from the perspective of social welfare maximization, service providers shouldalso adopt the mechanism of customer classification but set up the two kinds of customers where they cannot feel each other. Finally, this paper concludes the optimal pricing based on customer classification in the above three different perspectives. This research shows important reference value and practical significance for service providers who adopt the mechanism of classification service.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a continuous review (s,S) inventory system with a service facility consisting of finite buffer (capacity N ) and a single server. The customers arrive according to a Poisson process. The individual customer's unit demand is satisfied after a random time of service, which is assumed to be exponential. When the inventory level drops to s'an order for Q(= S-s) items is placed. The lead time of reorder is assumed to be exponential distribution. An arriving customer, who finds the buffer is full, enters into the pool of infinite size or leaves the system according to a Bernolli trial. At the time of service completion, if the buffer size drops to a preassigned level L (1 〈 L 〈 N) or below and the inventory level is above s, we select the customers from the pool according to two different policy : in first policy, with probability p (0 〈 p 〈 1) we select the customer from the head of the pool and we place the customer at the end of the buffer; in the second policy, with p (0 〈 p 〈 1) the customer from the pool is transferred to the buffer for immediate service and after completion of his service we provide service to the customer who is in the buffer with probability one. If at a service completion epoch the buffer turns out to be empty, there is at least one customer in the pool and the inventory level is positive, then the one ahead of all waiting in the pool gets transferred to the buffer, and his service starts immediately. The joint probability distribution of the number of customers in the pool, number of customers in the buffer and the inventory level is obtained in the steady-state case. Various stationary system performance measures are computed and total expected cost rate is calculated. A comparative result of two models is illustrate numerically.  相似文献   

An M / G / 1 retrial queue with a first-come-first-served (FCFS) orbit, general retrial time, two-phase service and server breakdown is investigated in this paper. Customers are allowed to balk and renege at particular times. Assume that the customers who find the server busy are queued in the orbit in accordance with an FCFS discipline. All customers demand the first “essential” service, whereas only some of them demand the second “optional” service, and the second service is multioptional. During the service, the server is subject to breakdown and repair. Assume that the retrial time, the service time, and the repair time of the server are all arbitrarily distributed. By using the supplementary variables method, the authors obtain the steady-state solutions for both queueing and reliability measures of interest. This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10871020.  相似文献   

This paper examines an M[x]G/1 queueing system with an unreliable server and a delayed repair,in which the server operates a randomized vacation policy with multiple vacations.Whenever the system is empty,the server immediately takes a vacation.If there is at least one customer found waiting in the queue upon returning from a vacation,the server will be immediately activated for service.Otherwise,if no customers are waiting for service at the end of a vacation,the server either remains idle with probability p or leaves for another vacation with probability 1-p.Whenever one or more customers arrive when the server is idle,the server immediately starts providing service for the arrivals.The server may also meet an unpredictable breakdown and the repair may be delayed.For such a system the authors derive the distributions of some important system characteristics,such as the system size distribution at a random epoch and at a departure epoch,the system size distribution at the busy period initiation epoch,and the distribution of the idle period and the busy period.The authors perform a numerical analysis for changes in the system characteristics,along with changes in specific values of the system parameters.A cost effectiveness maximization model is constructed to explain the benefits of such a queueing system.  相似文献   

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