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塔里木盆地库车坳陷依南2气藏类型的判别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据塔里木盆地库车坳陷依南2气藏的碳同位素、烃源岩热解、储层分析化验、气藏压力、流体包裹体等资料的正、反演综合分析,对该气藏的成因类型进行判别。结果表明:依南2气藏侏罗系阿合组砂岩储层致密化发生在距今约11 Ma,而其烃源岩排烃高峰为距今5 Ma,储层致密化时间早于烃源岩大量排烃时间,为先致密后成藏的深盆气藏;依南2气藏具有气水倒置、相对负压的地质特征,成藏动力机制为气体分子膨胀力作用下的活塞式气驱水充注成藏机制;依南2气藏为早期大规模深盆气藏,晚期遭受调整改造,含气范围受南北断裂带控制。  相似文献   

The Cratonic Area of the Tarim Basin is lo-cated in the central part of the basin, developing primarilywith Cambrian marine source rocks and secondly Middle toUpper Ordovician marine and Carboniferous-Permiantransitional facies source rocks. The source rocks werematured in the changeable period and space, formingmultiple hydrocarbon generating centers during the periods.The Cratonic Area experienced multiple tectonic orogenies,forming several palaeouplifts. The matching conditionbetween effective hydrocarbon generating centers and thepalaeouplifts in various periods is the main control factor forthe formation and distribution of hydrocarbon reservoirs.The palaeouplifts have experienced multiple hydrocar-bon-filling phases, several periods of modifications and evenbreakdown. The palaeouplifts and the adjacent slopesaround the effective hydrocarbon generating center composethe most favorable places for hydrocarbon accumulation.The hydrocarbon phase is related with the evolution of thehydrocarbon generating center. In the Tarim Basin'sCratonic Area, reservoirs were mostly formed during lateHercynian. The originally formed hydrocarbon reservoirswhich are adjacent to source kitchens and in the goodpreservation condition are the most favorable prospectingtargets. Hydrocarbon is richly accumulated under theregional caprock, surrounding the faulted trends, and overand below the unconformity surfaces. Reservoirs in theCarboniferous sandstone, Ordovician karstic weatheredcrust and carbonate rock inside the buried hill compose themain intervals for hydrocarbon accumulation. Carboni-ferous and Silurian sandstone pinchout reservoirs andcarbonate lithologic reservoirs with rich fractures and poresare the main targets for further prospecting.  相似文献   

东濮凹陷西南部有石炭系-二叠系和沙三段两套主力烃源岩,其生烃能力及对油气成藏的贡献影响着该区勘探层系和目标的评价,尤其是沙三段能否生气、气藏是否混源等存在不同的观点。应用碳同位素、稀有气体同位素、天然气组分、色谱-质谱等多种地球化学方法,进行了油、气源对比及烃源岩地球化学特征研究。研究认为,沙三段烃源岩有机质以Ⅱ2型~Ⅲ型干酪根为主,丰度较高,为差-中等烃源岩;石炭系-二叠系烃源岩有机质以Ⅲ型干酪根为主、丰度高,为好-优质烃源岩。工区原油来自沙三段;沙三段烃源岩具有先生原油,再进入高成熟阶段生成具有重碳同位素特征的煤型气的特点,石炭系-二叠系烃源岩主要生成煤成气,两种气混合成为工区重要的天然气来源;两套烃源岩共同供烃的区带是该区最有利的勘探方向。  相似文献   

二连盆地白音查干凹陷古地温与油气生成的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白音查干凹陷的热史研究还处于初级阶段,对补测数据进行了古地温恢复、剥蚀厚度等方面的详细研究,得到以下结论:①现今凹陷地温梯度为3.06℃/100 m,低于二连盆地平均水平3.50℃/100 m,且地温梯度随构造部位的不同而各异。②洼陷镜质体反射率最大,热演化程度最高,具备了大规模生烃的条件,其中阿二段是凹陷生烃的主力层位。③古地温恢复的结果是凹陷的古地温梯度为5.21℃/100 m,明显高于现今地温梯度。④赛汉塔拉组沉积以后,凹陷遭受不同程度的剥蚀,剥蚀厚度从850 m到3 970 m不等,生油门限变浅。新生代以来地温梯度减小,生油过程中断。⑤凹陷地质背景决定了白音查干凹陷生油层大部分处于低成熟阶段,断裂带处于凹陷油气运移的指向处,大套地层遭受剥蚀,盖层及油气封堵条件遭受破坏,使低成熟—高成熟原油遭受降解氧化,形成次生降解稠油。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地草湖凹陷-库尔勒鼻凸烃源岩演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据塔里木盆地北部草湖凹陷-库尔勒鼻凸库南1井和满1井的实测烃源岩镜煤反射率R。数据,结合其他钻井资料,采用R。梯度与沉积速率相互验证反演沉积埋藏史及生烃史的方法,确定主要烃源岩的“生烃”窗口,并对研究区的地层剥蚀厚度进行恢复.通过3口井的沉积埋藏史,总结出研究区不同构造位置的烃源岩生烃演化的3种模式,即烃源岩的成熟生烃型、被剥蚀破坏型、过成熟型;得出草湖凹陷中下古生界烃源岩演化适中、具有良好的生排烃能力、分布范围附近的圈闭应该成为有效的圈闭的结论.而位于库尔勒鼻凸的下古生界烃源岩,由于海西期的强烈剥蚀,地层缺失严重,所受破坏巨大,已经不能供烃;位于草湖南部满加尔坳陷的满1井下古生界烃源岩演化程度太深,已经失去生烃能力.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地草湖地区油气成藏特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对草湖地区构造、地层及成藏条件的研究认为,保存条件、圈源匹配关系、继承性的古隆起和古斜坡是该区油气成藏的三大主控因素.草湖地区油藏形成于海西期,天然气气藏形成于燕山末—喜山期,以垂向断裂和裂缝,以及横向不整合面和疏导砂体为运移通道.区内西斜坡储层直接与烃源岩接触,断层不发育,油气通过横向储层及少量垂向断层为运移通道向高部位地层、岩性圈闭中聚集,中下奥陶统、东河砂岩和三叠系均有油气成藏过程.凹陷的中心区域存在奥陶系上统泥岩和石炭系泥岩隔层,缺少风化壳型储层,但具备形成裂缝-孔隙性储层的条件.草湖地区东部中下奥陶统长期抬升,发育通天断层,生油高峰期仍处于暴露状态,无法成藏,生气高峰时缺乏有效的封盖层,难以形成规模性油气的聚集.  相似文献   

在野外遥感石油地质调查的基础上 ,首次对羌南坳陷查郎拉地区烃源岩的分布 ,有机质丰度、类型及热演化特征等进行了系统的研究 .区内上三叠统肖查卡组及中侏罗统布曲组发育有良好的烃源岩 ,其厚度大、丰度高 ,为油气的生成奠定了基础 .多处油气苗的发现 ,表明盆地内有过完整的油气生成与运移过程 .盆地虽经历了后期强烈的构造活动 ,但在相对变形较弱的地区仍存在有广阔的勘探前景 .  相似文献   

沉积盆地是一个巨大的低温热化学反应发生器,以辽河盆地大民屯凹陷曹台基岩潜山油藏为例,以其烃源岩在埋藏、压实、热力等因素作用下,达到成熟、生烃的动力学思路和方法为指导,探讨了曹台潜山原油的成因、来源及烃源岩的生烃过程。回剥反演了烃源岩的沉积埋藏史,磷灰石裂变径迹恢复了古地温,得出该油藏的原油是未发生降解的成熟型原油,潜山烃来源于西侧深凹陷的沙四段暗色泥岩。目前烃源岩还处于生烃高峰期,油藏尚处于油气充  相似文献   

塔里木盆地库车坳陷中、新生代沉降特征探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用回剥分析方法(Backstripping analalysis)选取有代表性的四条剖面地层,计算了库车盆地中、新生代地层的沉降速率和沉积速率,其中构造沉降在早三叠世、早白垩世、上新世分别达到32.45 m/Ma、37.35 m/Ma和59.82 m/Ma的高峰,沉积速率曲线也清楚的揭示了库车盆地在演化过程中沉降速率起伏变化的特点.结合地震剖面上的构造证据以及岩相古地理、古生物化石证据,分析了库车盆地在中生代以来的构造演化过程,认为库车盆地自中生代以来的构造活动经历了挤压,应力松弛,构造伸展,挤压,应力松弛,再挤压等六个构造活动阶段,说明了盆地演化过程中构造活动的阶段性.由盆地的沉降特点、构造的活动性质,分析认为库车盆地是由三叠纪早期的前陆盆地经历了中生代应力松弛、盆地伸展以及晚白垩世的挤压隆升和剥蚀,经过早第三世的海侵,在新生代再次复活,是再生的前陆盆地.  相似文献   

水表面温度、古水深作为模拟参数,对四川盆地重点研究区20 多口井进行了模拟。研究表明:四川盆地陆相系烃源岩
具有3 个生烃高峰期和两个排烃高峰期,成熟及生烃史总体表现为“分区演化、差异成熟、西早东晚”。层位上须三、
区和川北-川东北地区油气勘探的主要目标。  相似文献   

在岩心精确描述基础上,根据电测曲线和地震属性资料,分析研究区内的岩石类型、沉积结构与构造、沉积序列等相标志,结合区域沉降背景,得出研究区为泛滥平原上发育的曲流河沉积体系;并识别出河床、堤岸、河漫和牛轭湖4个亚相。在相认识的前提下,对南北-东西两个方向的沉积相连井剖面和工区沉积相平面加以研究,认为库车组自下而上沉积演化的规律是由平水期以河床为主的组合亚相,到高水位时期的以堤岸为主的组合亚相,最后再到洪泛期的河漫亚相,整体体现出了一个湖进上升半旋回的特征。  相似文献   

Taking marine source rocks of lower Paleozoic in the Tarim Basin and Paleozoic ones in the Sichuan Basin as examples, their sedimentation process could be classified into four styles: continuous subsidence with deep sedimentation in early stage, continuous subsidence with deep sedimentation in later stage, that deeply buried-uplift-shallowly buried, and that shallowly buried-uplift-deeply buried. Unlike that in East China, the marine source rocks evolvement patterns did not accord with sedimentation styles one by one in superimposed basins in west China. Taking local geothermal field into account, four types of source rock evolvement patterns were built: that evolved fast in early stage, evolved fast in middle stage, evolved continuously and evolved in multistage. Among them, the 1st pattern contributed little to the present industrial oil pools directly, but paleo-oil reservoirs and gases cracked from crude oils were main exploration targets. Although some gases were found in the 2nd pattern, the scale was not big enough. For the 3rd and 4th patterns, the hydrocarbon potential depended on organic matters maturity in early stage. For relatively low mature rocks, it was possible to generate some oils in later stage; otherwise the main products were gases. Paleo-oil reservoirs remained fairly well in the Sichuan Basin, and most source rocks underwent kerogen-oil-gas processes, which was useful reference to gas exploration in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

Taking marine source rocks of lower Paleozoic in the Tarim Basin and Paleozoic ones in the Sichuan Basin as examples, their sedimentation process could be classified into four styles continuous subsldence with deep sedimentation in early stage, continuous subsidence with deep sedimentation in later stage, that deeply buried-uplift-shallowly buried, and that shallowly buried-uplift-deeply buried.Unlike that in East China, the marine source rocks evolvement patterns did not accord with sedimentation styles one by one in superimposed basins in west China. Taking local geothermal field into account, four types of source rock evolvement patterns were built that evolved fast in early stage,evolved fast in middle stage, evolved continuously and evolved in multistage. Among them, the 1st pattern contributed little to the present industrial oil pools directly, but paleo-oil reservoirs and gases cracked from crude oils were main exploration targets. Although some gases were found in the 2nd pattern, the scale was not big enough. For the 3rd and 4th patterns, the hydrocarbon potential depended on organic matters maturity in early stage. For relatively low mature rocks, it was possible to generate some oils in later stage; otherwise the main products were gases. Paleo-oil reservoirs remained fairly well in the Sichuan Basin, and most source rocks underwent kerogen-oil-gas processes,which was useful reference to gas exploration in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

Taking marine source rocks of lower Paleozoic in the Tarim Basin and Paleozoic ones in the Sichuan Basin as examples, their sedimentation process could be classified into four styles: continuous subsidence with deep sedimentation in early stage, continuous subsidence with deep sedimentation in later stage, that deeply buried-uplift-shallowly buried, and that shallowly buried-uplift-deeply buried. Unlike that in East China, the marine source rocks evolvement patterns did not accord with sedimentation styles one by one in superimposed basins in west China. Taking local geothermal field into account, four types of source rock evolvement patterns were built: that evolved fast in early stage, evolved fast in middle stage, evolved continuously and evolved in multistage. Among them, the 1st pattern contributed little to the present industrial oil pools directly, but paleo-oil reservoirs and gases cracked from crude oils were main exploration targets. Although some gases were found in the 2nd pattern, the scale was not big enough. For the 3rd and 4th patterns, the hydrocarbon potential depended on organic matters maturity in early stage. For relatively low mature rocks, it was possible to generate some oils in later stage; otherwise the main products were gases. Paleo-oil reservoirs remained fairly well in the Sichuan Basin, and most source rocks underwent kerogen-oil-gas processes, which was useful reference to gas exploration in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

 板桥凹陷在中国东部中新生代湖相盆地独具特色,现今油气藏气油比(GOR)变化范围为300~3000m3/t,大部分属于天然气饱和-超饱和油气藏。 本文首先基于大量岩石热解数据和测井、录井等资料,精细刻划了板桥凹陷烃源灶特征,有效源岩主要位于沙一段和沙三段,主体为II2-III型,有机质丰度为1%~2%的源岩对应的氢指数(HI,干酪根热解烃与总有机碳的比值)在100~300mg/g之间,源岩成熟深度范围约为3600~3800m。在此基础上,计算了沙一段和沙三段源岩的生排烃特征和组分,结果表明,板桥凹陷湖相源岩只有在生烃转化率达到30%左右、镜质体反射率(Ro)达0.8%以上才能实现排烃,沙三段排出烃类GOR超过600m3/t,沙一段排出烃类GOR相对较低,大约为222m3/t,与现今油气藏性质较为一致。中国东部更多的实例剖析表明,源岩的HI0和初始有机质丰度是控制油气藏GOR的关键性因素,板桥凹陷天然气大量聚集成藏归因于腐殖型源岩的存在。  相似文献   

辽河东部凹陷茨榆坨低位潜山油气成藏研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据潜山区域构造、断层活动期、油气生成期、成藏期的配置关系及断层封闭性特点 ,对辽河东部凹陷茨榆坨低位潜山进行了研究。研究结果表明 ,茨榆坨潜山为一典型的低位潜山构造带 ,其构造形态是一平行型背向传递带 ;储集层为太古界花岗岩 ,储集空间主要为构造裂缝及溶蚀孔隙 ,其发育程度受断层控制。采用原油族组成、类异戊二烯烃和萜烷等地化参数 ,对牛居长滩洼陷和茨榆坨地区的油气进行了油源对比 ,并利用生物标志化合物w(甾烷C2 9ααα2 0S) /w(2 0S +2 0R)和w(C2 9ββ) /w(ββ +αα)、正构烷烃主峰碳数、原油物性等指标 ,对油气运移过程中的运移效应进行了分析 ,确定潜山的油气来自牛居长滩洼陷。对油气运移通道条件与运移过程分析认为 ,茨东、茨西断层控制了油气在潜山内的运移和聚集 ,断层和不整合面是油气运移的良好通道 ,油气向茨榆坨潜山的运聚具有氧化型成藏模式。  相似文献   

塔东北孔雀河地区油气成藏过程重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
塔里木盆地东北的孔雀河地区在区域构造上横跨满加尔坳陷和孔雀河斜坡两个二级构造单元,地质条件比较复杂,长期的构造演化、多期的构造运动及生排烃史造成油气勘探难度较大,油气分布规律很不清晰.作者从孔雀1井、英南2井、龙口1井、满东1井等含油气构造的构造演化出发,分析了成藏演化过程,总结了孔雀河地区油气成藏演化模式,认为主要成藏期为喜马拉雅期.寒武系-下奥陶统烃源岩处于过成熟阶段;侏罗系烃源岩成熟度低,分布局限,贡献不大.孔雀河地区油气源主要为早期古油藏裂解气.  相似文献   

海外M盆地主要发育三叠系和二叠系两套烃源岩,但认识不清,影响了勘探方向的选择。本文通过对该盆地烃源岩常规指标和有机地区化学特征进行综合分析,认识如下:该盆地烃源岩类型以腐泥一腐殖为主的Ⅱ2和Ⅲ型,有机碳为多低于0.3%,其R0多大于1.5,处于成熟一过成熟,产油潜率相对较低,三叠系烃源岩产油潜率小于0.05mg/g,二叠系产油潜率多小于0.5mg/g,表明该区烃源岩以生气为主,生油能力较低,且容易发生裂解。因此该盆地的油气勘探应以浅层天然气勘探为主。  相似文献   

运用流体势理论分析了塔里木盆地满加尔凹陷及周围地区主要储层中的油气运聚条件,指出封闭或半封闭的低势区因具多方汇油条件最有利于油气聚集;做出了奥陶系、石炭系及三叠系储集层在不同地质历史时期油势的低势区分布图。据此,结合油源、储层分布等特点,分析了油气运移和聚集条件,并指出了有利聚集区。  相似文献   

The issue of source of oil/gas in the platform basin area in Tarim Basin has been debated for a long time, and the debate is focused on whether the marine oil/gas resources that have been discovered in the basin were originated from hydrocarbon source rocks in the Cambrian-Lower Ordovician or in the Mid-Upper Ordovician. In this paper a summary was made in regard to the major points and supporting data by the predecessors, and a discussion was conducted toward the core issues related to the study on the oil source in the Tarim Basin area, such as choice of correlation parameters, influence of maturation and physical differentiation on oil source correlation parameters, and geological and geochemical significance of these relevant correlation indices. It is quite probable that different interpretation results could arise from the oil source correlation due to choice of parameters severely affected by the thermal maturation and physical differentiation effect, and insisted that only those parameters that come with clearly defined geochemical significance and are less affected by thermal maturation and variations occurring during secondary evolution process are valid ones. The marine crude in Tarim Basin covers contributions that were originated from two sets of hydrocarbon source rocks as mentioned above but dominated by the one from the Mid-Upper Ordovician hydrocarbon source rocks. Here oil of mixed sources occurs extensively, and crude from Cambrian sources was also discovered. It is suggested that for further study on the origin of marine crudes in Tarim Basin, the parameters used for correlation of oil sources shall be optimized, and a comprehensive set of geological and geochemical methods shall be adopted for this purpose.  相似文献   

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