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针对部分预混层流火焰,在分析了常见火焰面方程不足的基础上,使用了一套详细考虑了组分不同输运系数的火焰面方程对其进行数值模拟.模拟结果与物理空间求解结果间的比较表明,此套方程能够在保证相容性的同时获得相当好的模拟精确度.此外,在火焰面方程中采用不同的标量耗散率模型对部分预混火焰进行了数值计算,结果显示标量耗散率模型的精确程度对于模拟结果有着重要影响.进一步利用火焰面方程数值研究了部分预混层流火焰结构对于标量耗散率变化的响应,捕捉到其在低标量耗散率下区别于非预混火焰的双火焰结构的存在,并讨论了此现象产生的原因.  相似文献   

通过数值方法研究了窄通道中近可燃极限预混火焰的结构和稳定性. 窄通道由上、下两个圆形平行平板构成, 燃气和氧气组成的混合气体充满窄通道内部, 点燃后形成的预混火焰在一定条件下有可能稳定在窄通道内. 采用基于Arrhenius单步反应的反应-扩散火焰模型, 考察了平板间距、平板材料和平板半径对火焰的影响. 结果表明, 一定的平板间距下主要有两个火焰的稳态解: 一个对应较大的火焰半径, 另一个对应较小的火焰半径. 通过线性稳定性分析发现, 窄通道中存在一维稳定的火焰, 但不存在二维稳定的火焰. 对一维稳定但二维不稳定的火焰的失稳进行数值模拟可以发现, 失稳主要表现为火焰整体向边界漂移, 或者一个火焰分裂成两个新的火焰后分别沿相反方向向边界漂移.  相似文献   

Low-pressure premixed laminar n-heptane+propane/oxygen/nitrogen flames were investigated with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry. Three flames with different mass percentage of propane in the fuel blends of 0%, 10%, and 20% were studied. The combustion intermediates were identified by comparing the measured IEs with those values in literatures. Mole fraction profiles of the main species were compared among the three flames. The experime...  相似文献   

Laminar premixed stoichiometric methane/hydrogen/oxygen/argon flames were investigated with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionizaUon and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry techniques. The methane/hydrogen fuel blends with hydrogen volumetric fraction of 0, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% were studied. All observed flame species, including stable intermediates and radicals in the flames, were detected by measuring photoionization mass spectra and photoionization efficiency (PIE) spectra. Mole fraction profiles of major species and intermediates were derived by scanning burner at some selected photon energies near ionization thresholds. The influence of hydrogen addition on mole fraction of major species and intermediates was analyzed. The results show that the major species mole fraction of CO, CO2 and CH4 decreases with the increase of hydrogen fraction. The mole fraction of intermediates measured in this experiment decreases remarkably with the increase of hydrogen fraction. This would be due to the increase of H and OH radicals by hydrogen addition and the high diffusivity and activity of H radical promoting the chemical reaction. In addition, the increase of H/C ratio with the increase of hydrogen fraction also leads to the decrease of the mole fraction of carbon-related intermediates and contributes to the decrease of unburned and incomplete combustion products.  相似文献   

Low-pressure premixed laminar n-heptane+propane/oxygen/nitrogen flames were investigated with tunable synchrotron vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization and molecular-beam sampling mass spectrometry. Three flames with different mass percentage of propane in the fuel blends of 0%, 10%, and 20% were studied. The combustion intermediates were identified by comparing the measured IEs with those values in literatures. Mole fraction profiles of the main species were compared among the three flames. The experimental results provide detailed data in understanding the combustion of n-heptane and n-heptane/propane blends in engine. They are also helpful in establishing and verifying the kinetic models. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50636040 and 50521604)  相似文献   

This paper presents measurements of combustion species of low pressure laminar premixed flat methane-oxygen flames inhibited by triflnoromethane (CF3H) using synchrotron radiation-molecular beam mass spectrometry (SR-MBMS). Fire suppression chemistry of CF3H is investigated by selective detection of combustion radicals and intermediates. Results show that SR-MBMS offers a powerful tool for studying fire suppression chemistry of halon replacements, which may extensively detect combustion species in the inhibited flames, especially radicals and intermediates. The suppressant CF3H is completely consumed in the preheat zone of premixed flames and produces fluorinated radicals such as CF3 and CF2. CF3 is the main radical participating in flame inhibition cycles in the reactive zone.Unlike HBr, HF produced by CF3H is very stable and will not act as a radical scavenger because the bond energy of H-F is much higher than that of H-Br, which is responsible for less effectiveness than conventional bromine-based suppressants.  相似文献   

In order to explore the flame structure and propagation behavior of premixed propane/air in the transi-tion from laminar to turbulent combustion, the high speed camera and Schlieren images methods were used to record the photograph of flame propagation process in a semi-vented pipe. Meanwhile, the super-thin thermocouple and ionization current probe methods were applied to detect the temperature distribution and reaction intensity of combustion reaction. The characteristics of propane/air flame propagation and microstructure were analyzed in detail by the experimental results coupled with chemical reaction thermodynamics. In the test, the particular tulip flame behavior and the formation process in the laminar-turbulent transition were disclosed clearly. From the Schlieren images and iron current results, one conclusion can be drawn that the small-scale turbulent combustion also appeared in laminar flame, which made little influence on the flame shape, but increased the flame thickness obviously.  相似文献   

利用同步辐射(SR)和分子束质谱(MBMS)研究了两种含氮燃料(吡咯和吡啶)分别在贫燃和富燃条件下的4个低压预混火焰.通过测量光电离质谱和扫描光电离效率谱(PIE),鉴别了火焰中的燃烧中间体的化学结构.结果表明在富燃火焰中容易产生乙炔(C2H2),而在贫燃火焰中则更容易形成一氧化氮(NO)/甲醛(HCHO).在4个火焰中同时观察到了HCN、C2H4、C3H4、C2H2O、HNCO、C3HN、C3H3N、C3H5N、C4H3N和C6H6等稳定中间体以及CH3、C3H3和C2H2N等自由基.  相似文献   

废旧轮胎冲击粉碎及动力学模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常温下用自行开发的冲击式粉碎机对废旧轮胎进行了粉碎实验 ,并建立了相应的粉碎动力学模型 ,结果表明 :本装置常温下粉碎废旧轮胎确实可行 ,胶粉粒度分布范围广 ,产量高 ,该数学模型精度高 ,适用性强。  相似文献   

To account for the effects of both chemistry and flow turbulence, the present study proposes an integrated NO sub-model that combines the extended Zel’dovich mechanism and engine CFD computations to simulate the NO histories in a diesel engine. NOx sub-model parameters and pollutant formation mechanisms can be more easily investigated by solving the NOx sub-model. The new NO formation model incorporating the effects of both chemical kinetics and turbulent mixing was applied to simulate a diesel engine with a quiescent combustion chamber, and one with a re-entrant combustion chamber; the premise of the model being the reaction rate is mainly determined by a kinetic timescale and a turbulent timescale. The results indicate that the predicted NO formulation from the new model agrees well with the measured data. As the utilization of fossil fuels continues to increase, the control of NOx emissions is a worldwide concern; and it is imperative to understand fully the NOx reaction processes in combustion systems. This technology has the potential to enhance the application of various combustion techniques used to reduce NOx emissions from practical combustion systems.  相似文献   

To account for the effects of both chemistry and flow turbulence, the present study proposes an integrated NO sub-model that combines the extended Zel'dovich mechanism and engine CFD computations to simulate the NO histories in a diesel engine. NOx sub-model parameters and pollutant formation mechanisms can be more easily investigated by solving the NOx sub-model. The new NO formation model incorporating the effects of both chemical kinetics and turbulent mixing was applied to simulate a diesel engine with a quiescent combustion chamber, and one with a re-entrant combustion chamber; the premise of the model being the reaction rate is mainly determined by a kinetic timescale and a turbulent timescale. The results indicate that the predicted NO formulation from the new model agrees well with the measured data. As the utilization of fossil fuels continues to increase, the control of NOx emissions is a worldwide concern; and it is imperative to understand fully the NOx reaction processes in combustion systems. This technology has the potential to enhance the application of various combustion techniques used to reduce NOx emissions from practical combustion systems.  相似文献   

Direct numerical simulation is employed to investigate the premixed jet flame of methane in lean, combined with a detailed chemical kinetics including 17 species and 58 elemental steps and distinct Lewis numbers. Cold methane-air mixture at 0.55 equivalence ratio is injected into the coflow area with 9500 Reynolds number. The coflow ambient gas is set to be the burnt gas of the methane-air mixture in main jet and temperature is assigned to be the corresponding adiabatic flame temperature 1515 K. The whole s...  相似文献   

低压CH4/O2/N2预混火焰结构的数值预测   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用简化的 79机理和BM机理[1] 模拟了等当量比下低压 (0 .0 395atm)CH4/O2 /N2 预混火焰中反应物、主产物和自由基浓度随火焰高度的变化关系 ,还预测了三种当量比 (Φ=0 .8、Φ=1 .0、Φ=1 .2 )下CH和NO的变化关系 ,对计算结果和实验结果进行了比较 .结果表明 ,两种机理能很好反映稳定物质和自由基H、O、OH的变化曲线 ,在CH和NO的预测中 ,79机理比BM机理要好 ,这说明利用简化机理预测具有较好效果 ,同时适于工程需要 ,具有较大潜力  相似文献   

基于矩方法建立了电化学调控下的原子转移自由基聚合(electrochemically mediated Atom transfer radical polymerization,eATRP)的动力学模型。利用上述模型,分析了eATRP与普通ATRP之间区别,并预测了过电位、催化剂浓度和引发剂浓度对聚合反应的影响。模拟结果表明,过电位的增大对聚合反应速率促进明显,但聚合物分散指数不变;增大催化剂浓度可以提高聚合反应速率,同时降低PDI。当催化剂浓度低至30ppm时,聚合物分散指数(polydispersity index, PDI)在反应时间内不能达到稳定且高达1.2以上;引发剂的影响主要体现在反应的诱导期长短上,当引发剂与单体浓度比下降至0.5:300时,诱导期从200s迅速增大到400s左右。  相似文献   

为了更好地理解低温燃烧环境下初始NOx对汽油自燃特性的影响,构建了一个异辛烷、正庚烷、甲苯低温氧化阶段与NOx相关联的反应模型.以甲烷、丁烷、乙烯等燃料与NOx的关联反应为基础,甄选并补充了汽油大分子替代燃料对应初始烃类物质与含氮组分反应以及低温阶段氮氧化物的生成与转化反应.与三种不同成分及配比结构的燃料实验数据对比,验证了此反应模型能用于预测NOx对相应燃料着火延迟及放热规律的影响,并对燃料在不同掺混比例时初始NOx的添加情况进行了分析,获得了初始NOx对不同燃料成分的主要作用途径.结果表明:系统燃烧相位会随初始NOx添加而提前,当燃料中以甲苯为主要成分时提前较多,而当主要成分为烷烃时,变动更为平缓.  相似文献   

提出了在利用UML语言进行系统建模时角色优先的概念,对该概念进行了原理性的讨论。认为角色优先原理指在系统建模时,首先考虑的对象是用户角色,从而使得应用系统的研究出发点从考虑系统功能转换为考虑用户角色需求。  相似文献   

开展了常温常压下二元燃料氢气/丙烷和空气预混气体在光滑方管道中火焰传播物理机理的实验研究。采用压力-时间记录法和纹影法两种测试方法,获得火焰传播速度和火焰阵面结构沿管道变化情况。结果表明:两种方法所测得的火焰传播速度在所测量范围内都先增加后减小。火焰加速传播机理主要是前方未燃气体受到前驱压缩波作用而被加热和压缩的正反馈微分加速机制,之后在管端反射的压缩波影响下,火焰传播速度略有降低。  相似文献   

通过实验研究了多孔介质内往复流动下超绝热燃烧温度分布特性.对各种工况参数下,正反向流动半周期内,超绝热燃烧系统燃烧室内多孔介质轴向温度分布进行了测量.结果表明,不同物理参数条件下,燃烧室内的温度分布在半周期内变化具有不同的特点;一定条件下,燃烧室内有可能产生二维胞室结构热点.  相似文献   

The effects of zonal perturbations of sea surface temperature (SST) on tropical equilibrium states are investigated based on a series of two-dimensional cloud-resolving simulations with imposed zero vertical velocity, constant zonal wind, and a zonal model domain of 768 km. Four experiments with zonal SST perturbations of wavenumbers 1 (C1), 2 (C2), 4 (C3), and 8 (C4) are compared to a control experiment with zonally uniform SST (C0). The 40-day integrations show that the temperatures reach quasi-equilibrium states with distinct differences. C1 and C2 produce warmer equilibrium states whereas C3 and C4 generate colder equilibrium states than C0 does. The heat budgets in the five experiments are analyzed. Compared to C0, less IR cooling over smaller clear-sky regions in C1 and more condensational heating in C2 are responsible for warmer equilibrium states. A reduced condensational heating leads to the cold equilibrium state in C3. The interaction between convective systems in C4 causes a decrease of condensational heating, which accounts for the cold equilibrium state.  相似文献   

面对对象开发技术中的视觉技术能非常有效地把软件开发过程视图化,并有助于实现软件的可再用性和封装性.UML建模本来是为面对对象理论而设计,但已经产生许多分枝并被广泛地应用于其他领域.包含12种模型图表的UML可以为各种应用结构建模,实时系统是其中之一.实时系统编程是很复杂的,许多实时应用系统是并行处理,要求多线程编程,本丈探讨了面向对象的视图技术.UML应用于实时系统的实用性及其怎样清晰地描述复杂的多线程进程.实时系统采用嵌入式Linux是因为它在工业当中的广泛应用,把嵌入式Linux的实时系统同UML建模结合起来是有价值的.  相似文献   

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