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为确定难处理金矿的加工方法,在对矿样的的化学成分、粒度分布、赋存状态分析的基础上,进行了相关的浮选条件实验,确定了矿样的最佳浮选工艺流程和参数,并进行了浮选开路实验。结果表明:浮选精矿中的金的回收率为50.97%,金品位为8.75 g/t,精矿中金的回收率和品位都较低,说明该矿样不宜用浮选方法获取精矿,可以考虑用其他方法提金。  相似文献   

为了对硫化矿石自燃灾害进行客观、有效地分析,找出引发矿石自燃的致灾因子及其相互影响关系,引入脆性理论研究硫化矿石自燃灾害.根据硫化矿石自燃分别与致灾系统和孕灾系统的脆性联系,建立矿石自燃灾害脆性关联分析模型,并依据自燃矿石的物理化学特性、矿井地下开采的特点,提出相应的脆性因子.最后以某高硫矿为例,计算硫化矿石自燃灾害与其致灾系统、孕灾系统间的脆性联系熵值和波动熵.研究结果表明:硫化矿石自燃灾害与其致灾系统、孕灾系统间的脆性联系熵分别为-0.220 7±0.0811和-0.1301±0.218 7;波动熵分别为0.151 9和0.319 8.研究结果表明:该矿井下孕灾环境是构成矿石自燃承灾系统脆性的根本原因;选用合理的采矿方法、降低矿石损失率、减少堆积时间及改善通风条件等是控制矿山自燃灾害事故发生的关键.  相似文献   

油气钻井技术展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对油气钻井的关键技术、理论基础及多学科的交叉特点进行了阐述 ,指明了旋转钻井的发展趋势与内在动力 ,并对 2 1世纪油气钻井技术进行了展望。分析表明 ,高压高温钻井、深井超深井钻井、特殊工艺钻井及三维可控与可视化钻井技术将是 2 1世纪最重要的和最具发展前景的钻井技术系列。  相似文献   

油气钻井技术展望   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
对油气钻井的关键技术、理论基础及多学科的交叉特点进行了阐述,指明了旋转钻井的发展趋势与内在动力,并对21世纪油气钻井技术进行了展望。分析表明,高压高温钻井、深井超深井钻井、特殊工艺钻井及三维可控与可视化钻井技术将是21世纪最重要的和最具发展前景的钻井技术系列。  相似文献   

Materials for fuel-cell technologies.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
B C Steele  A Heinzel 《Nature》2001,414(6861):345-352
Fuel cells convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy with high efficiency and low emission of pollutants. However, before fuel-cell technology can gain a significant share of the electrical power market, important issues have to be addressed. These issues include optimal choice of fuel, and the development of alternative materials in the fuel-cell stack. Present fuel-cell prototypes often use materials selected more than 25 years ago. Commercialization aspects, including cost and durability, have revealed inadequacies in some of these materials. Here we summarize recent progress in the search and development of innovative alternative materials.  相似文献   

表面活性剂强化铜矿石浸出   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决铜矿石浸出速度慢、浸出率低的问题,在浸出液中加入表面活性剂进行摇瓶试验.通过测量浸出前后溶液表面张力以及铜浸出率,考察了三种不同类型的表面活性剂对铜矿石浸出的影响.研究发现溶液表面张力对矿石浸出影响较大,阴离子表面活性剂的强化浸出作用最为明显,铜浸出率达62.5%.在柱浸试验中,添加阴离子表面活性剂使铜浸出率提高了近10%.利用物理化学和渗流力学对表面活性剂强化浸出机理的分析表明,溶液表面张力和表面活性剂在矿石表面的吸附对矿石表面润湿作用影响较大,表面活性剂在浸出液的持久性也是影响浸出的因素之一.  相似文献   

某硫化铅锌矿矿石浮选工艺流程的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改进了青山铅锌矿床硫化铅锌矿石锌精矿的浮选工艺流程,指出改变流程内部结构是提高锌精矿品位和回收率的有效途径并予实现。与原流程相比,锌的回收率由原来的68.71%提高到91.59%,锌精矿品位由50.72%提高到61.03%,铅回收率由73.29%提高到83.80%,药剂用量总体减少了21%。  相似文献   

The use of microwave energy in materials processing is a relatively new development presenting numerous advantages because of the rapid heating feature. Microwave technology has great potential to improve the extraction efficiency of metals in terms of both a reduction in required leaching time and an increase in the recovery of valuable metals. This method is especially pertinent in view of the increased demand for environment-friendly processes. In the present study, the influence of microwave heating on the direct leaching of chalcopyrite ores and concentrates were investigated. The results of microwave leaching experiments were compared with those obtained under conventional conditions. During these processes, parameters such as leaching media, temperature, and time have been worked to determine the optimum conditions for proper copper dissolution. Experimental results show that microwave leaching is more efficient than conventional leaching. The optimum leaching conditions for microwave leaching are the solid-to-liquid ratio of 1:100 g/mL, the temperature of 140℃, the solution of 0.5 M H2SO4 + 0.05 M Fe2(SO4)3, and the time of 1 h.  相似文献   

Column leaching experiments with ion adsorption-type rare earth ores for different lixiviant concentrations and different column heights were carried out. A mathematical model of column leaching was constructed based on the experimental data. Two parameters(a and b)in the model were determined according to the following methodology: the ore column was divided into several units; each unit was treated with multiple leaching steps. The leaching process was simulated as a series of batch leaching experiments. Parameter a of the model was determined based on the selectivity coefficient of the balanced batch leaching experiment. Further, the influences of ammonium sulfate concentration, rare earth grade, column height, permeability coefficient, and hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient on the extraction were analyzed. Relationships between parameter b, the ammonium sulfate concentration, and the physical and mechanical properties of the ore column, were examined using dimensional analysis. It was determined that the optimal ammonium sulfate concentration for different column heights(2.5, 5.0,7.5, and 10.0 cm) using the mathematical model were 5.9, 6.2, 7.3, and 7.7 g/L, respectively. The mathematical model can be used to estimate the breakthrough curve, leaching rate, and leaching period of rare earth ores, to achieve optimal extraction.  相似文献   

An ore-blending optimization model for the sintering process is an intelligent system that includes iron ore characteristics, expert knowledge and material balance. In the present work, 14 indices are proposed to represent chemical composition, granulating properties and high temperature properties of iron ores. After the relationships between iron ore characteristics and sintering performance are established, the "two-step" method and the simplex method are introduced to build the model by distinguishing the calculation of optimized blending proportion of iron ores from that of other sintering materials in order to improve calculation efficiency. The ore-blending optimization model, programmed by Access and Visual Basic, is applied to practical production in steel mills and the results prove that the present model can take advantage of the available iron ore resource with stable sinter yield and quality performance but at a lower cost.  相似文献   

The characteristics of aerosol flotation, which include the effect of the concentration and particle size of kerosene aerosol on the molybdenum (Mo) flotation index and the effect of kerosene aerosol dosing method on the kerosene dosage and flotation time, were studied in the flotation of low-grade refractory molybdenum ores using kerosene aerosol. The results revealed that the particle size and concentration of kerosene aerosol had little effect on the Mo grade but had significant effect on the Mo recovery. A smaller particle size and a lower concentration of kerosene aerosol were beneficial to the Mo aerosol flotation. For the received Mo ore samples, the optimized particle size of kerosene aerosol was 0.3-2 μm and the optimized aerosol concentration was 14 mg/L. The compressed air atomizer had a more uniform distribution of aerosol particles than the ultrasonic atomizer, and the aerosol concentration was controlled easily, so the compressed air atomizer was more suitable for the research of aerosol flotation. Compared with conventional flotation in which kerosene was directly added into the ore pulp, the flotation time was reduced by ~30%, and the dosage was decreased by ~20% in aerosol flotation, while the Mo flotation index was similar.  相似文献   

为了处理海量的异构信息,达到知识共享的目的,介绍和研究了半自动构建本体过程中涉及到的众多理论、技术和方法;介绍了构建本体的准则和方法;比较和分析了构建本体所需的几种常用的编辑工具;回顾了本体的半自动生成技术;介绍了本体的丰富技术,并对各种技术的不足之处做了分析.这些技术可以有效地帮助和指导用户半自动构建满足需求的领域本体.  相似文献   

ORACLE数据库的优化是通过合理分配计算机的资源(如内存、CPU、磁盘等)、调整系统运行参数来改进性能的过程.包括调整CPU参数、服务器内存分配、硬盘I/O、操作系统参数等几个部分。CPU使用率出现异常时要迅速找出原因,及时调整系统参数或优化SQL语句;内存参数的调整包括库缓冲区、数据字典缓冲区和缓冲区高速缓存的调整;影响磁盘I/O性能的主要原因有磁盘竞争、I/O次数过多和数据块空间的分配管理,使所有可用的磁盘均匀地平衡I/O,可以减少磁盘存取的时间;操作系统的调整要尽可能使ORACLE服务器使用资源最大化。在莱单位“三流合一”项目中应用这些原则使服务器性能满足了系统的性能要求。  相似文献   

非轴对称光学表面超精密加工若干关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于非轴对称光学表面形状复杂,精度要求高,采用前馈控制法对快速伺服刀架的位置进行了补偿;通过建立最小安装角数学模型,解决了单直线刃金刚石刀具切削非轴对称光学表面的干涉问题;提出了一种新的控制方法;查表-实时计算控制法,既节省了内存又缩短了计算时间。  相似文献   

探讨了几种地下水污染原位处理技术,简述了其优缺点,对各种原位修复技术在国内外的研究现状进行了简要的分析和对比,并探讨了集中地下水污染原位修复技术的国内外研究热点。  相似文献   

该文简述了在石油污染的综合治理过程中使用的微生物技术,其中主要论述了治理土壤污染采用的几项生物修复技术。  相似文献   

根据本课题组在国内多家钢厂高级别管线钢方面的系统取样研究和工艺调研,综合分析了管线钢中硫、磷、氮、氧、氢、夹杂物、窄成分冶炼以及铸坯质量控制的关键技术.管线钢生产中铁水预处理、转炉冶炼、精炼、连铸等炼钢过程的系统优化,以及结合高级别管线钢各元素控制的特点和要求的针对性技术系统集成是管线钢杂质元素和夹杂物控制的两个重要方面;采用新的夹杂物改性标准对高级别管线钢钙处理进行控制和加强非稳态浇铸期连铸工艺技术的改进是控制夹杂对管线钢性能危害的关键;连铸工序的工艺优化和完善的设备管理,以及精炼工艺的配合实现无缺陷铸坯生产是高级别管线钢质量稳定的重要保障.  相似文献   

ORACLE数据库的优化是通过合理分配计算机的资源(如内存、CPU、磁盘等)、调整系统运行参数来改进性能的过程,包括调整CPU参数、服务器内存分配、硬盘I/O、操作系统参数等几个部分.CPU使用率出现异常时要迅速找出原因,及时调整系统参数或优化SQL语句;内存参数的调整包括库缓冲区、数据字典缓冲区和缓冲区高速缓存的调整;影响磁盘I/O性能的主要原因有磁盘竞争、I/O次数过多和数据块空间的分配管理,使所有可用的磁盘均匀地平衡I/O,可以减少磁盘存取的时间;操作系统的调整要尽可能使ORA-CLE服务器使用资源最大化.在某单位"三流合一"项目中应用这些原则使服务器性能满足了系统的性能要求.  相似文献   

Microfluidic diagnostic technologies for global public health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yager P  Edwards T  Fu E  Helton K  Nelson K  Tam MR  Weigl BH 《Nature》2006,442(7101):412-418
The developing world does not have access to many of the best medical diagnostic technologies; they were designed for air-conditioned laboratories, refrigerated storage of chemicals, a constant supply of calibrators and reagents, stable electrical power, highly trained personnel and rapid transportation of samples. Microfluidic systems allow miniaturization and integration of complex functions, which could move sophisticated diagnostic tools out of the developed-world laboratory. These systems must be inexpensive, but also accurate, reliable, rugged and well suited to the medical and social contexts of the developing world.  相似文献   

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